I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1304: Guess where I am?

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Human world.

Near the Eastern Sea.


"Who is thinking about me again!"

Lei Yi rubbed his itchy nose with a helpless expression.

There are so many people who have offended him, and some people will miss him every time.

Lei Yi didn't bother to take care of it, anyway, the world of immortality was still in the human world, and there were too many people who wanted him to die.

At this moment, he was dangling in the eastern waters of the human world, flying aimlessly.

"Leaving for many years, I feel that the human world hasn't changed much, and even the density of Infinite Power is lower."

Lei Yi discovered that the infinite power of this eastern sea was even thinner than before.

He guessed that this was because before the last war, the human world and the cultivating world had figured out, causing the infinite power of the human world to flood into the cultivating world.

Or, it was the Emperor Infinity who built the kingdom of God.

Driving the kingdom of God requires a lot of infinite power, so the kingdom of God drained part of the energy of this world.

This is a good thing for Lei Yi, because the density of the infinite power becomes lower, which can reduce the probability of him being discovered.

But I just don't know whether he was noticed by the Infinite Emperor when he crossed the barrier between the two worlds.

Lei Yi flew cautiously, focusing on the surroundings, always on alert.

After all, he also has a mission now, and if he is discovered by Garuda and others without completing the mission, then he will be out of work.

Soon, Lei Yi flew across the eastern sea, and a vast continent appeared in front of him.

This is the eastern land of the human world, and it is still barren, and even Liao is uninhabited.

But in the future, a large number of people will gather here to build a powerful country.

Thinking of the future, Lei Yi had a strange feeling in his heart, and he wanted to go back.

But soon, he woke up and shook his head quickly to dispel the thought.

"It's dangerous, but the situation is unstable!" Lei Yi patted his cheek quickly, and said with emotion.

But the next moment, his brow suddenly frowned.

Because when he set foot on the land, he felt a murderous intent lingering around him.

Obviously, he was discovered.


At this moment, a sound of howling suddenly appeared on the side!

A burning light was twice as fast as this sound, and it pierced the heart of Lei Yi directly.

Lei Yi suddenly turned around, but there was no time to deal with it. He was directly pierced by the hitting light, and his figure was shocked by the impact!

"This attack... is the King of White!" He lowered his head and looked at the big hole in his chest with a look of surprise.

This shot was obviously Lysil.

In this way, his traces are obviously exposed, otherwise the ten generals would not be able to attack him here.

However, such an attack would naturally have no effect on him.

On Lei Yi's chest, a darkness wriggled up and quickly filled the hole.

In a moment, his injury has completely recovered.

The person who shot has also been revealed.

In an open space in front of Lei Yi, two shadows, one black and one white, fell from the sky, and after the escape light was condensed, two figures came out.

Cecil in the dark armor, Laceil in the silver armor, the two brothers came together.

"Is it only you?" Lei Yi asked quickly without any surprise.

"Of course not!" In the sky, there were a few sharp shouts again.

Seeing two huge dragon shadows galloping past, the huge figure like a mountain, covering the sky and the sun, even the sky was dimmed.

"Tyrannosaurus and Red Devil Dragon!" Lei Yi looked at these two shadows, and knew who came.

The appearance of the Tyrannosaurus King was not unexpected, but the Red Devil Dragon Valen, he personally killed the opponent.

Unexpectedly, only a few days later, the other party would "resurrect".

It is strange to say that he has seen many of his enemies come back to life, not only under the command of the Infinite Emperor, but even the people under the seat of Dream Magic Power have also been resurrected.

So when the dead were resurrected, Lei Yi was very calm.

On the horizon, figures appeared one after another.

"Jie Jie Jie, and us!"

A strange laughter sounded, and a poisonous mist rose behind.

Lei Yi just glanced at it and saw Docot's familiar and gloomy face.

His feet trembled, and the ground on the left and right sides bounced to pieces, huge arms broke out of the ground, and then a huge body that was more than a thousand meters tall...

Mephisto, the giant of the earth, and Frahm, the giant of the flow fire, appeared in front of Lei Yi with the momentum of shaking the sky and the earth respectively.

Then, a chill came, and Elsa of Frost appeared in the cold wind.

A violent wind swept across, and the figure of a galloping Atlans horse was looming from it.

In the sky, a slender black shadow with both arms like sharp blades fell, and the blade Gairo also arrived.

"Good guy, the ten generals are here!" Looking at the ten figures surrounding him, Lei Yi's expression was very wonderful.

"You won't be absolute, one or two can't beat me, so you plan to play ten together?"

"Hmm, you are too naive, kid!" But the next moment, a cold voice sounded in the sky.

After Lei Yi heard the voice, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Because the person here is not someone else, it is Garuda.

Hearing this voice, all the ten generals slowly backed away to make room for the incoming people.

The sky at this time was completely shrouded in darkness. A black giant bird descended from the darkness, and a person stood on top of the giant bird's head.

Garuda, bringing the Dark Sun God onto the stage!

Facing this big enemy, Lei Yi can be regarded as understanding, this time the other party is planning to get rid of it.

Not only did the ten generals be dispatched, but Garuda in the Saint Realm had all appeared, how did he fight?

Garuda controlled the dark sun **** to land, and then looked at Lei Yi condescendingly, and sneered: "Why, I can't speak anymore when I see me appear?"

"That's not the case, but I want to say, your welcome party is too grand!" Lei Yi joked, showing no tension at all.

"Boy, don't you know when you die?" Garuda sneered, then raised his hand and waved, giving orders to the ten generals around him.

In an instant, the ten generals made moves at the same time, and various magical powers attacked Lei Yi in the center.

Facing such an attack, Lei Yi had to act.

"Don't want to run away!" But Garuda moved faster.

His hands were sealed, and the power of the law of darkness filled the space around him, and covered the area where Lei Yi was in front.

In an instant, within a radius of more than 10,000 miles, everything was shrouded in darkness.

"The realm expands, the hunting ground in the dark prison!"

Garuda's slaying heart for Lei Yi made him directly open the domain.

The dark continent emerged, and huge black plants incarnate as Optimus Pillars, connecting this dark world.

"Good guy, in order to prevent me from playing tricks, just open the domain directly!"

Seeing this familiar scene, Lei Yi was completely speechless.

Subsequently, his figure was directly overwhelmed by the attack of the ten generals.

Under the interweaving of various lights, his figure gradually dissolved and finally disappeared.

"Huh?" At this moment, Garuda felt something wrong.

He always felt that Lei Yi in front of him was a little different.

But where the specifics are different, he couldn't tell.

Because the kid in front of him is still as disgusting as before, exactly the same as when he abducted his daughter.

"Wait, my daughter!" Garuda reacted quickly.

Lei Yi and Garuna shouldn't be separated.

But in the darkness inside Lei Yi's body, there was no trace of Garuna at this moment.

"Boy, where did you hide my daughter?" Garuda looked down and asked in a cold voice, "Don't you bring her to the human world, but stay in the immortal world?"

If that's the case, wouldn't he throw it out?

Because Garuna needs to absorb infinite power to move, and because of the emperor's retreat from the immortal world, all the infinite power has been taken away.

If Garuna stays in the immortal cultivation world for a long time, it may be dangerous.

It's not that Garuda is worried about his daughter, but if the other party is really dead, then his plan for hundreds of years will also fail.

"If you don't see it, you still worry about your daughter?"

In the ground below, a black shadow rose, and after twisting and changing, it returned to the appearance of Lei Yi again.

He looked around, his expression still calm.

"You..." Garuda saw this, frowning again.

He waved his hand, and the ten generals attacked again.

Lei Yi still did not make any resistance, allowing the attack to drown his body.

After a few breaths, the attack stopped, and there was no figure in the same place.

However, Garuda's face at the moment gradually became ugly.

"This is not your body, it is... the power of darkness, have you extracted all the power of darkness in your body?"

"Hahaha, you can see it!" Below, Lei Yi got out of the darkness again, and then laughed.

His body hasn't recovered yet, at this moment, it is like black mud, twisting and twisting on the spot.

When Lei Yi's body recovered again, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Just like you said, I pulled all the power of darkness out of my body, and created such a clone constructed purely by the power of darkness. As for my purpose of doing this, naturally, it is to attract you to come over. !"

Lei Yi was in a very good mood at the moment, because he knew that Garuda could sense the darkness in his body, so he would do it.

Garuda followed the power of darkness and found his incarnation, and sent out with ten generals, which can be said to be empty.

"Damn it!" This time, Garuda was completely angry.

He patted it with a palm, and the power of darkness condensed a **** hand in the air, and it slammed down towards Lei Yi's place.


With a loud noise, Lei Yi's body collapsed again, turning into a pool of black liquid.

"Boy, you used this avatar to attract my attention, then where is your body?" Garuda asked gloomily as Lei Yi's body gradually collapsed.

"Hahaha, guess, guess where I am?"

When Lei Yi was about to disappear, he still mocked the opponent.

Soon, his body finally couldn't hold back, he was completely integrated into the darkness, and he could no longer recover.

Lei Yi's breath disappeared, but it was only the breath of the incarnation of darkness, not the body.

And Garuda knew that he was tricked by Lei Yi.

"Damn... **** kid, dare to tease me and wait, I must smash the corpse into pieces..."

In the field, Garuda's gritted teeth roar echoed.

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