I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1301: Counterattack the human world?

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Infinite Emperor retreated.

Bringing the king of the sky, Garuda, and the ten generals under his hand, they returned to the human world.

For the Xiuxian Realm, they resisted the infinite emperor's attack.

But they also knew that in another adjacent realm, there was an enemy like Infinite Emperor.

The opponent coveted the resources of the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Although the opponent was beaten this time, it is hard to guarantee that the opponent will not come back for the second time.

Because of this, a few days after the battle, the cultivators of the saint realm once again gathered in the true spirit fairy cult.

True Spirit Immortal Sect, Zongshanmen.

In a magnificent palace, the six saint-level monks from the realm of cultivating immortals, including the dream supernatural power, have gathered together.

"My unintentional Shenzong disciple, as well as the attached magic way, will all return to the Western Regions in the near future, ready to rebuild the sect and other places!"

Yin Jitian was the first to speak, telling the plan of the next magic way.

Because the Western Regions had been eroded by infinite power before, the monks couldn't survive.

But now that the Infinite Emperor retreated, the Infinite Power also began to disappear, and the Western Regions had recovered again.

Although the reconstructed ground veins cannot be restored in a short time, the invasion time is not too long after all, and the impact on the overall environment of the Western Regions is not large.

The Brahma Venerable and Wu Wu Ei and others also expressed their intention to take people back to Nanban and Northern Xinjiang.

After all, the emperor's minions have been removed, and there is no point in joining forces with them.

"Then in a few days, I will also take the Dongzhou disciples back!" Lu Jianxin also said.

But then, as if thinking of something, he asked: "There is one more thing, I don't know if you can still remember the dream master?"

After hearing this, Meng Shentong frowned slightly, but still asked: "What's the matter?"

"Naturally it's that kid's business. You asked him to be this amazing soldier. Now that the mission is successfully completed, don't you have any indication?"

Having said that, Lu Jianxin was a little angry.

Everyone knows that the world of immortality has won a big battle, but no one knows whose key point is.

Even the True Spirit Immortal Sect even released a message saying that it was the wise decision-making of the leader of Dream Magical Power to join forces with the Western Regions Demon Dao, and the deputy leader Yun Guanhai entered the Western Regions to challenge Garuda, which allowed them to win the game. fighting.

But Lei Yi, the biggest hero who destroyed the core of the Kingdom of God, didn't mention a word.

In this way, it seems that the real spirit immortal teaches the price, at least in the eyes of Lu Jian, your ungrateful approach is too ignorant.

"Hmph, I'm getting angry when you mention that kid!" But Yun Guanhai was suddenly angry, "If it weren't for him, how can I lose the two peak masters, Wuyang Peak and Misty Peak!"

The death of Cen Changxiao and Ji Changming, the True Spirit Immortal Sect announced to the public that they both died in the fight against the emperor's minions.

But Meng Shentong knew that they were all killed by Lei Yi, but the circumstances at the time were special, no one knew about it.

But he couldn't click on it, otherwise Lei Yi might also reveal the fact that several people attacked him.

Without breaking the word, Cen Changxiao and others died for the sake of cultivating the immortal world, at least their reputation is still there.

If this is a sneak attack on teammates, the reputation of being inferior to people being killed, then it is completely stinking.

So to get back to the subject, how can the true spirit immortal sect preach the merits of an enemy.

"At the time, you taught the two peak masters to fall. It was because they were inferior to others and lost to the ten generals under the command of Infinite Emperor, but you want to blame their death on that kid?" Lu Jianxin was slightly weak. Smile, noncommittal.

After all, in such a large-scale battle, it is normal to die one or two cultivators. Under such circumstances, who can guarantee that he will not fall.

"This matter can be discussed from a long-term perspective..." After a long time, the dream supernatural power spoke slowly.

But the meaning in his words is also very obvious. It is impossible for me to rectify the boy's name now!

As for how long this long-term plan will take, I guess it will have to wait until the kid is dead.

Lu Jianxin also heard what he meant, and his expression was a little unhappy, but he couldn't help it.

"Okay, we need to discuss another important matter now!" Then, the dream supernatural power looked straight, and said in a rather serious tone: "The infinite emperor, it is absolutely impossible to retreat here, and my immortal world will definitely encounter another One attack!"

"Huh, about this, you don't need to say, we can all see it!" Yin Jitian sneered after hearing this, with a harsh expression on his face.

After all, this time, under the impact of the Infinite Emperor, their Western Regions suffered the most, and they even had to leave the Western Regions and seek refuge in Zhongzhou.

Being driven out of the sect by others, this is the first time he has practiced the Taoist Yin Tiantian for so many years.

Not only him, but even the look of Brahma Venerable and Void Venerable when they heard the three words "infinite emperor" were a little ugly.

For all the Saints realm monks present, this one is their number one enemy.

If the other party does come a second time, then the world of immortality will have to face a life-and-death crisis again.

"So, should I wait to solve this hidden danger like this?" Lu Jianxin asked immediately.

Brahma Venerable, Void Evil, and Yin Killing Tian, ​​all looked solemnly at the dream power.

They all know that no matter how hard they fight, it will not endanger the safety of the immortal world.

But this infinite emperor is different, the other party's purpose is to swallow the immortal world.

It has to be said that the existence of the Infinite Emperor has enabled all forces in the cultivating world to achieve unprecedented unity.

He even allowed Yin Jitian and Meng Shentong, who had previously been in the same situation as the fire and water, to sit together and talk peacefully.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Meng Shentong adjusted his sitting posture slightly, and said solemnly: "It is also very simple to solve this hidden danger. I have to counterattack the other side's realm!"

"Counter-attack the opponent's realm?"

"You mean, destroy the other side's nest?"

"Sent out to attack, this is very much to my appetite!"

"Since they are going to annex us, then we take the initiative to fight over, which is equivalent to using offense instead of defense!"

The rest of the saint realm were all a little surprised, but the main battle group headed by Yin Jitian agreed.

However, there is another question lingering in their minds, that is...

"But to enter the other side's realm, one must deal with a problem, and that is infinite power. This power can be very difficult!"

This point does not need to be reminded by his dream power, other people will also understand.

That infinite power can not only swallow vitality, but also infect the minds of monks and monsters.

If the cultivating realm wants to counterattack the human realm, it must deal with this problem, otherwise, no matter how many people enter the human realm, they will all die.

"Brother, that infinite power is definitely not an ordinary power, what should I do with it?" Yun Guanhai asked quickly.

"I don't have a very good opinion on this matter!" But Meng Shentong shook his head, saying that there was nothing he could do.

Under this situation, everyone else was speechless.

You said so solemnly, we thought you had a plan, but we didn't expect to fall directly to the first step.

"Actually, I have a guess..." But at this moment, Lu Jianxin spoke.

After looking at the others, he recalled: "I remember that kid mentioned one thing to me, that was when he escaped from the human world and ascended to heaven, he took advantage of the power of vitality to suppress the infinite force. This was a fluke. Escaped from Garuda and the others!"

"Then I can guess whether infinite power can't swallow vitality at the beginning, and even the two will repel!"

As soon as he said this, a strange light appeared in the eyes of Dream Supernatural Power.

"Are you saying that with another kind of energy, the power that the infinite power can't swallow can isolate this danger?"

"This is just my guess, and it needs to be verified one or two more specifically, and it is also difficult to find another energy to replace the vitality..."

Lu Jianxin just put forward a guess, but didn't have too many ideas.

But Meng Shentong didn't think so, even in his mind, he had already begun to conceive.

Under his sleeve robe, a nearly transparent white jade bottle flew out.

In the bottle, there was a flash of purple light, which was obviously a trace of infinite power.

"To find the energy to replace vital energy, I actually have a recommendation!" He said, looking at Yin Sutian.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, but then he immediately thought of something: "You mean, devilish energy!"

"Yes, devilish energy!" Meng Shentong nodded, affirming the answer.

"Then try it!"

Yin Yitian opened his mouth, and a cloud of black misty energy flew out of his mouth and wrapped it on the white jade bottle.

This mass of energy is the demon energy of the demon world, and many demon cultivators will refine the demon energy for their own use, and this power can even swallow the vitality.

Under the erosion of the devilish energy, the jade bottle quickly shattered, and the group of purple awns broke free from the shackles and started to act.

But at the moment Zimang acted, Devil Qi immediately blocked it, sealing all the space around it.

Then, under the gaze of the six saints, the purple light began to struggle and twist, but it couldn't break free from the shackles of the devilish energy.

"It's really possible!" Seeing this scene, Yin Xitian suddenly uttered in astonishment.

The others also showed a hint of surprise more or less.

"That said, devil qi can really isolate infinite power, just like the original vitality!" Lu Jianxin murmured, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com later thought of something and asked: "Then why, afterwards, infinite power can swallow vitality?"

"This point should have something to do with the Infinite Emperor!" Meng Shentong seemed to understand, and explained: "Presumably, it is because our world and the human world meet, which led to the infinite emperor's extraction of multiple qi, and then researched assimilation. The means of vitality!"

"But demon energy is obviously not in this list. This shows that the human world and the demon world do not meet. Demon energy is a means to isolate infinite power!"

"Then, my plan to wait is already clear. I will isolate the infinite power with the devil qi, and then use the cover of the devil qi to attack the human world, and go straight to Huanglong to destroy the infinite emperor. Then I will be truly peaceful in the immortal world!"

"The question is, how do you let the devilish energy enter the human world?"

"This is not difficult to do!" Yin Jitian thought for a while, said: "Just send someone to the human world to open a passage to the demon world, then the devilish energy will flood into the people. Realm, I can also use this channel to enter the human realm, killing two birds with one stone!"

"But this person..."

Meng Shentong said, thinking of a person again in his mind, and then looked at Lu Jianxin.

The latter seemed to be aware of something, and said a bad word in his heart.

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