I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1281: Floating Giant City "God Kingdom"

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Frontline station.

The appearance of the ten generals caught the Xiuxianjie by surprise.

They never expected that the Infinite Emperor would directly send these men to fight.

And the strength of the ten generals is somewhat different from what Lei Yi introduced.

However, the enemy is also human and will grow. The strength of the ten generals has improved compared to before. This is not unacceptable.

It was mainly the people from the world of cultivating immortals, and there was almost no strength to fight back in front of the ten generals, which was very embarrassing.

It is said that most of the action teams this time were destroyed by the Ten Generals.

If it wasn't for the end, if the ten generals left with the remaining fire due to Garudia's order, it might be that the past few waves had been sending food.

After all, the ten generals are ranked, and the higher the rank, the stronger the strength.

Lei Yi can easily clean up the Red Devil Dragon and Docot, and dealing with Elsa is not too laborious.

But if you have to face Cecil and others who have been strengthened by the Infinite Emperor, then it may take a lot of effort.

If he has to work hard, the ordinary monks are naturally less likely to be their opponents. In the past, no matter how many they were, they would give away food.

The immortal realm suffered heavy losses, which left several saint realm cultivators dull.

Who could have imagined that Emperor Infinity had only ten subordinates, yet he could make such a big movement.

But it's not over yet...


Just outside the resident, a monk galloped from a distance, his expression in a panic.

Holding a pass token in his hand, he flew straight to the stone temple in the center, and when he saw the patrolling monks along the way, they all avoided.

They naturally recognize the token, which is something that the scout team will only use when they discover important information, and they can directly report it to the cultivator of the Saint Realm.

When they saw this pass token, they knew something major must have happened, so naturally they didn't dare to stop it.

The monk sprinted all the way to the outside of the stone hall, and fell directly to the ground under an imbalance of his body, very embarrassed.

"So flustered, what kind of style!" In the stone hall, there was an angry rebuke, coming from Yunguanhai.

Because this person who ran over in a panic was the person who taught him the true spirit.

But this cultivator didn’t care about other things at this moment, and shouted directly: "Two masters, it’s not good, the enemy is making a big move..."

Soon, the enemy was dispatched again, and this time the menacing intelligence spread across the garrison.

Inside the stone hall.

"What, a huge city floating in the air!"

"Why haven't you heard of this information before?"

"That kid, it doesn't seem to have mentioned it, surely the scout read it right?"

The six powerful saints are discussing countermeasures at this moment.

According to the intelligence of the scouts, this time the Infinite Emperor sent out a huge floating city to slay the resident aggressively.

The city was as big as the land, but it could fly in the sky, and it was about to be killed almost soon.

For this, Lei Yi has not mentioned it before.

In other words, he knew that there was a "God Kingdom", but he was not sure whether Infinite Emperor had actually completed the construction, so he didn't mention it to Lu Jianxin and others.

Unexpectedly, not only did the Kingdom of God exist, but this time the Infinite Emperor directly let Garuda use this thing.

When the six saints were discussing the realm, the sky dimmed in an area less than ten thousand miles away from the resident.

The monks who were patrolling nearby all looked up at the sky, and saw a huge black shadow that covered the sky and the sun, flying past the top of their heads.

The black shadow is a huge city, the whole is square, like a cube, suspended in the air.

The city wall on its surface seemed boundless and boundless, with no end in sight. The purple light lingered in the city, and the density of infinite power far exceeded the surrounding area.

In the area where the city flew past, purple awns flowed in the air, and the density of infinite power was also rapidly increasing.

"What's wrong with my body, this is..."

Suddenly, a nearby monk looked at himself in surprise, and some purple spots appeared on his body surface for some reason.


After a while, he let out a scream, as if he had lost his mind, struggling violently.

His body suddenly fell, lying still on the ground for a while, then climbed up tremblingly.

But when he got up, there was a sly smile on his face, and he flew up, following the side of the huge city.

Throughout the giant city, all the monks along the way were infected and became the minions of the Infinite Emperor, the "fitters" mentioned by Lei Yi.

After Lei Yi returned to the station, he found a place to meditate and regain some energy.

After he digested the infinite power he had absorbed, he was still in a good mood.

But then, he noticed something strange.

"It's weird, how did the density of the infinite power suddenly increase so much?" While sitting still, Lei Yi found something wrong.

Originally, what he absorbed in his cultivation was the strength of the heavens and the earth and the law, but this time, the amount of infinite strength absorbed increased.

Although his vitality and infinite power can be absorbed, it will not affect his cultivation.

But the increase in the density of Infinite Power is not good news.

"No, this breath, is it..."

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction.

Lei Yi suddenly jumped out and flew into the sky.

In the same way, he was not the only one who noticed the abnormality at this time. Many people moved to the heights after hearing the wind.

Seeing the front of the resident, at the end of the earth, a huge black shadow slowly rose up and drove towards the resident.

"Look, that's a city!"

"How can there be such a huge city?"

"God, those are all monks of our sect, are they infected?"

"No, this city can be fascinating, so be careful not to get caught!"

"No, there are six saint-level masters around us, and there will be no accidents in the station!"

Where did the monks have seen such a huge thing, they were all amazed.

When they saw the monks around the giant city, they were shocked and terrified.

And Lei Yi in the team also saw the appearance of the giant city, and his face became extremely ugly.

"This is the Kingdom of God, how could it be possible that the Kingdom of God was built by Infinite Emperor!" He was very familiar with this huge city, and it was not even the first time he saw it.

But what he didn't expect was that in this era, the kingdom of God had already appeared, and it was still something of the Infinite Emperor.

Within the kingdom of God, he sensed the breath of Ten Generals and Garuda, as well as high-density infinite power.

It can be said that the appearance of this thing has brought a huge shock to everyone in the practice world, including Lei Yi.

"Hahaha, I, Garuda, will declare war on you and other monks today on behalf of Lord Infinite Emperor!"

In the kingdom of God, a voice sounded, spreading across the heavens.

Inside the stone hall, six powerful auras flew out and rose into the sky.

Six sage-level monks including Dream Supernatural Power and Lu Jianxin were all dispatched.

But even if the six of them stood together, they were not as shocked as the kingdom of God.

"On behalf of the declaration of war, the Infinite Emperor didn't come personally?" Lu Jianxin whispered while looking at the kingdom of God.

The dream magical power rose up into the sky and reached a height equal to that of the kingdom of God, and said loudly: "Your Excellency, do you want to challenge the six of us with one person?"

Although the saints are all powerful, with one opponent to six, all fools know that it is a matter of looking for death.

Garuda dared to appear, indicating that either he was confident, or he really wanted to send the first kill.

"Hahaha, naturally I can't fight one against six, but if the kingdom of God is added, it's a different matter!"

Garuda said, controlling the kingdom of God and launching an attack.

Around the huge city, countless purple light clusters condensed, and the fluctuation of infinite power also intensified.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Meng Shentong and others all changed their colors.

They disappeared in place at the same time, and then came around the city.

Six people attacked at the same time, and the earth-shaking offensive enveloped the huge city.

But around the kingdom of God, a purple barrier was formed, blocking all attacks.

"It's useless, the kingdom of God is made by Lord Infinite Emperor, who has combined his life's hard work. It is the highest masterpiece of infinite power, and it is absolutely indestructible by you!"

Garuda seemed to have known the result a long time ago, and his tone was full of mockery.

Not only that, the attack of the kingdom of God continued, and the light group of infinite power accumulated finally broke out.

Countless purple light beams swept towards the station below, and all the mountains and rivers that passed along the way burst and were swallowed by purple flames.

"Quickly get out of the way!" Seeing this scene, someone exclaimed.

All the monks knew that this attack was real, and they absolutely couldn't resist it.

Suddenly, all the monks in the resident flew up and fled in all directions.

But the attack of the Kingdom of God had already been reached, and the beam of light swept across the station, and a purple flame burst into the sky, melting all the buildings in an instant.

"Boy, protect my daughter!" Just when Lei Yi was about to act, Lu Jianxin's voice rang in his ear.

"Understood, leave it to me, Miss Lu!" He replied, his consciousness swept the audience, searching for Lu Linglong's trace.

Soon, he found it.

Lei Yi's figure disappeared in a flash, and suddenly rushed somewhere below, in a purple flame, rescuing Lu Linglong, who was about to be swallowed.

Then he hugged the woman and rushed to the horizon to avoid the next attack from the kingdom of God.

"Unexpectedly, your life is very hard!" Garuda saw the situation on the battlefield, and suddenly sneered again and again.

He once again controlled the kingdom of God, preparing for the second blow.

This time, above the kingdom of God, a huge purple magic circle took shape, occupying almost the entire sky.

In the void, the infinite power condenses into dots of light, converging towards the magic circle.

The power of this blow is not comparable to the light beams just now.

"Stop him!" Seeing this, Lu Jianxin's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to make a move.

"You can't stop it!" But at this moment, a sharp shout came from the sky.

A wind pressure directly ran over Lu Jianxin's body, making it unable to maintain his balance and almost falling to the ground.

"There are other saints present!" He looked to the sky in surprise, UU reading www. uukanshu.com found that the enemy was gone.

But this is no longer important, because the magic circle in the sky has already accumulated energy.

I saw a huge purple beam of light falling from the circle and blasting to the ground.

The beam of light covered the entire area, and after falling from the sky to the ground, it had been a long time before the energy burst out.


The earth was completely melted, thousands of miles of ground collapsed, and the entire station was wiped out in the shadow of a beam of light.

The power of this attack was hundreds or thousands of times that of the previous attack.

Under such an attack, the two coalition forces of Zheng and Mo were unable to become an army and could only flee in all directions.

The six saints' faces, after seeing this scene, all looked very ugly.

"Hahaha, today I just say hello to you, next time my kingdom of God passes, there will be no grass!"

It may be that this blow has consumed a huge amount of energy, or it may be that Garuda intends to take it when they meet.

After a blow, he controlled the kingdom of God and flew directly to the rear.

In the void, a huge passage was opened, and the Kingdom of God flew into it with a large group of people, and there was no trace.

And below, there is a sea of ​​fire, with infinite power boiling in it, like purgatory on earth.

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