I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1268: Breakthrough (×) Evolution (√)

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After Lei Yi tried for a long time, he finally returned with satisfaction.

When he returned to the cave, he found that Garuna was already waiting here.

"Infinite power is not enough!" Seeing Lei Yi appear, Garuna immediately stepped forward and said seriously.

"Understand!" Lei Yi naturally understood, raising his hand and making a cut in his arm.

Garuna immediately took a bite, and then began to suck, replenishing the infinite power in her body.

But this time, Lei Yi noticed something strange.

Because he felt that the amount of infinite power that Garuna had absorbed was more than the previous few times.

After thinking about it, Lei Yi decided to ask.

"Are you going to break through?"

Garuna stopped to absorb the infinite power, looked up at Lei Yi, and said in confusion: "I don't know, I just feel that I am very hungry today."

After speaking, she bowed her head again, absorbing infinite power.

Seeing this, Lei Yi let go of his consciousness, swept through Garuna's body, and then nodded and said, "That seems to be it!"

The infinite power in Garuna's body has reached a critical point, and it looks like it is about to break through.

In this case, Lei Yi must make some preparations for this woman.

After all, Garuna is his companion, and if the companion can reach the heaven and human realm, it can be regarded as an extra helper.

Moreover, Garuna not only possesses infinite power, but also cultivates the power of space at the same time, possesses the ability of space shuttle.

If you cooperate with your own time rules, you may be able to travel through time and space, which is a very powerful ability to listen to.

"I have to prepare for the future!" Lei Yi said so, he already had a plan.

After Garuna had absorbed enough infinite power, Lei Yi asked him to go back and try it first to see if he could break through.

Immediately afterwards, he himself began to try to use infinite power.

Infinite power is the third power in his body.

Different from the power of the law of time of the body and the power of the law of darkness entrusted by the shadow, this is the "reward" ability of the infinite emperor.

The power of the law of time is Lei Yi's major, and it is also the ability to greatly evolve after devouring the Yigo clan.

The power of the law of darkness, relying on the blood of the shadow demon clan, he can also use magical powers such as dark fluid and dark thunder, and even his own ability to devour demon energy and blood is due to this ability.

But infinite power, Lei Yike has never tried it.

Now that Garuna's breakthrough is imminent, if he doesn't increase the infinite power in his body, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he can't supply the opponent in the future.

Although Lei Yi had never used this ability once, he knew that this infinite power was not as simple as it seemed.

He is still vividly remembering the power of Infinite Emperor, and the other party is the master of Infinite Power.

And relying on infinite power, Garuda has become a powerful saint who controls darkness, which also shows that infinite power has greatly improved other people.

Lei Yi will now try to see what he can do with the infinite power in his body.

A few days later.

Garuna came to find Lei Yi again, and told him the possibility of breaking through.

Lei Yi naturally ended his attempt, with a weird look on his face.

He looked down at his palm, where there was a faint purple glow, revealing the strange fluctuations of infinite power.

"I made a mistake. I didn't expect the Infinite Emperor to hand over this power to me. It's not a coincidence. This power actually has such an effect!"

Although there are only a few days, Lei Yi tried it. The most fundamental ability of Infinite Power is-Swallow!

The infinite power has the meaning of infinite and infinite, once it is allowed to swallow the surrounding power, it will become more and more uncontrollable.

Because of this, this power is very dangerous, but once it is free to control, it is definitely his powerful help.

It's a pity that Garuna interrupted his research, otherwise Lei Yi would definitely learn more about the use of infinite power.

"Let's go, I'll help you protect the law!" Lei Yi pointed outside, and left the cave with Garuna.

Within days outside, the two found a huge star and began preparations.

Unlike her own breakthrough in the late stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, Garuna's breakthrough is no child's play.

After all, this woman is the carrier of infinite power, unable to absorb the vitality in the atmosphere to replenish herself, and can only rely on Lei Yi to replenish infinite power.

So he must wait on the side and be in position at any time.

After arranging many defenses for Garuna, Lei Yi quietly stepped aside and waited.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you!" While waiting, he cheered on Garuna.

But it's a pity that the latter didn't understand what these words meant, and only felt that Lei Yi cared about himself.

She nodded, then curled up and turned into a purple light cocoon, and began to try to break through.

Naturally, this is the first time Lei Yi has seen this breakthrough posture.

He always feels that Garuna's breakthrough is like the evolution of insects, and the monk's breakthrough is completely two concepts.

But for him, Garuna can become stronger, and it doesn't matter whether she looks like a human.

After all, since he swallowed the entire body of the Yigo tribe, he has become more and more out of the category of human beings.

"The important thing is not the outside, but the heart!" Lei Yi often comforted himself in private.

Just as he spoke, purple clouds formed in the void nearby, and their scope gradually expanded.

Lei Yi was immediately attracted by Ziyun and looked over.

"What kind of tribulation cloud is this?" He was a little curious, because the color of this tribulation cloud was not something that the world of cultivating immortals should have.

But Lei Yi could only take one step at a time now, after all, it was not him who broke through, but Garuna.

All breakthroughs in the great realm must rely on themselves, and other people must not intervene at will.

Of course, if Garuna is in danger, Lei Yi will naturally have to intervene, but this is a last resort.

Soon, the robbery cloud formed, and a purple falling thunder struck down, right in the center of the light cocoon of Garuna's incarnation.

But a strange scene happened. After the light cocoon was struck by the falling thunder, it seemed that there was no reaction at all, and the purple light on the surface was even more intense than before.

"This..." Lei Yi was speechless when he saw this scene.

Is this the gap?

Thinking that when he broke through the heaven and human realm, he almost died.

He still remembers that the Heavenly Tribulation was a scarlet thunder and lightning when he broke through.

Only later did he know that it was the legendary red sky divine thunder that extinguished demons and aliens. It was almost a deadly robbery thunder. Waiting for the monk to see this thunder robbery basically meant waiting for death.

As for Garuna, the thunder tribulation that broke through was not so much a thunder tribulation, but rather an aid to accelerate his evolution.

Didn't you see the purple light on the surface of the cocoon where the opponent was after the thunder fell?

"The gap, the gap..." Seeing this, Lei Yi shook his head and sighed, feeling a little unbalanced in his heart.

But seeing Garuna in no danger, he was mostly happy.

Next, the robbery cloud fell one by one, the energy in the falling thunder was absorbed by the light cocoon, and the energy in the light cocoon became more and more vigorous.

The infinite power in the light cocoon is also growing at the same time, and the fluctuations are more severe than before.

In the later stage, the tribulations fell almost one after another, and the size of the light cocoon became more and more huge with the energy of the tribulation cloud absorbed.

Finally, the robbery came to an end.

In the sky, a purple electricity with a thickness of more than ten meters fell, and the light cocoon was in the middle.

At this time, a crack appeared on the surface of the light cocoon.


There was a crisp sound, and the light cocoon began to shatter.

Lei Yi quickly looked forward and saw that amidst the dazzling purple light, a figure was breaking through the shackles, trying to break out of the cocoon.

Finally, the light cocoon finally shattered.

The first thing that catches the eye is the dazzling posture like a butterfly.

The purple crystals that Garuna originally grew on the back have turned into six slender wing veins. The lavender wing membrane thin as a cicada's wings covers the surroundings, forming six beautiful wings.

On the surface of her body, the purple skin gleamed with light, as if it was beating regularly with her breathing, reflecting each other.

This scene can hardly be described in words. Lei Yi seemed to see a butterfly fairy who broke out of a cocoon and turned into a butterfly.

"My God, it's such a beautiful posture, this is not a breakthrough anymore, this is evolution!" Seeing this, he also had to compliment.

Garuna seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the new posture, and the wings behind her slowly retracted, submerged on her back, and then merged with her skin.

The wing veins shrank and deformed again, and returned to the original six crystal shapes, but the light on the surface was brighter than before.

Moreover, Garuna's body surface skin was much more crystal clear than before, and with every breath, it was like a stream of electric current flowing all over the body.

Such a posture is full of strangeness and unusualness.

Lei Yi waved his hand subconsciously, and saw a figure suddenly walking out in front of him, it was Garuna.

"So fast space movement!" Seeing this, Lei Yi had to sigh with emotion.

Garuna's space shuttle ability, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, really got stronger with the evolution, and he didn't even react.

"Go, go back to consolidate your realm, and familiarize yourself with your abilities by the way!"

However, after evolution or breakthrough, one must be familiar with physical capabilities, which is absolutely necessary.

Garuna didn't think much, nodded in agreement, and returned to the cave with Lei Yi.

This time, Lei Yi directly opened the space of time difference, and dragged Garuna into it, and felt and explored together.

As the time of enlightenment increased, the two became more and more familiar with breakthroughs and new abilities after evolution.

Lei Yi's main research is the time difference space, the domain and the changes after he transformed into the Yigo clan, as well as the use of infinite power.

Garuna, on the other hand, mainly practiced to master the evolved abilities and the use of new postures.

In this way, before not knowing it, another few years passed.

Of course, for Lei and Yi who have a time difference, these few years are decades, or even a hundred years.

And when the two were in retreat, many major events happened in the world of immortality.

However, they are retreating in Tianwaitian, obviously not knowing the situation in the realm of Xiuxian.

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