I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1253: Everyone, I am back!

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Among the dead in the underworld, there are more than a few human-shaped corpses.

At least, Lei Yi has seen many powerful undead.

And now, these powerful undead appeared one by one from the gate of the underworld.

The huge portal gradually opened, and there was the neigh of horses and even the roar of dragons.

One by one, the undead creatures he saw in the future world appeared from within the huge portal.

"It really came out!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi suddenly felt bad.

Because the enemies at the beginning were just human-shaped corpses, the combat effectiveness of these dead was limited, and it was not a threat to him.

But over time, the new undead creatures are getting stronger and stronger.

If you let the number of these undead creatures reach a certain level and match their immortality characteristics, you may cause yourself a lot of trouble.

None of these dead can be beaten to death. In the long run, he may be consumed by these guys.

"You have to think of a way to close the door of the underworld!" Lei Yi looked at the huge portal with serious eyes.

Because Cecil has been hiding in the dead, he can't find the other party for the time being, so the only way to stop the gate of the underworld is to close it.

But closing such a huge door is not as simple as closing the door.

Lei Yi thought of this, and rushed towards the gate of the underworld.

In his mind, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

When the undead creatures are not strong enough now, he must fight quickly.

Among the huge portals, huge undead creatures have faintly appeared, but due to the extent of the tiger's opening, they could not completely enter the realm.

Lei Yi naturally took the opportunity to kill in front of the portal, grabbing the void with his right hand, and a golden rune was in his hand.

He grasped the rune and pressed a palm on the portal.

"Invert yin and yang!" Under this situation, he naturally displayed the magical power he relied on most.

He didn't know how strong this door was. Just in case, it was the most effective to directly use the magical power to crack the death.

Since this is Cecil's domain, including the gate of the underworld, it is composed of death.

And the most direct way to deal with death is to reverse it into vitality.

Lei Yi believes that even the gate of the underworld, once its material is transformed from dead energy to vitality, it will inevitably collapse.

Sure enough, under the reversal, the gate of the underworld finally collapsed.

Part of the area that was originally covered by dead air has already begun to turn white, and the dark gate collapsed from a small area and shattered layer by layer to cover the entire area.

"Don't think about it!" But at this moment, a slash shot out in the back of lifelessness.

After Lei Yi felt the sharpness behind him, he could only withdraw his arm and choose to dodge.

His figure quickly retreated to the rear, avoiding this attack.

And as his casting failed, that part of the vitality was again suppressed by the dead pressure, and the area where the door was broken gradually returned to its original shape.

"Your abilities are really tricky, but as long as you stop you from casting spells, there are many ways to defeat you in my domain!" Cecil walked out of his life, and the dark visor came out cold. Incomparable voice.

Because Lei Yi was prevented from destroying the gate of the underworld, the gate turned again, and the giants shot out from it and came into the realm.

At this moment, Lei Yi was about to face the siege of undead creatures and Cecil, and it was much more difficult to destroy the gate of the underworld.

Without destroying the gate of the underworld, he is bound to face a steady stream of undead creatures, and over time, the strength and number of these undead creatures are growing.

With a punch, he blasted a bounding bone monster, and several bone dragons hovered above his head. In the rear area, a team of undead knights were charging in a team.

"It's a bit difficult!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi finally felt tricky.

The most important thing is that Cecil, the spellcaster in the domain, hid in death again, without a trace, making him unable to start.

If he goes to destroy the gate of the underworld, he will become a living target for undead creatures and Cecil.

Therefore, now he is almost at a loss.

Under the siege of undead creatures, Lei Yi finally knew what difficulty was.

In the face of an enemy who has already died once and cannot be beaten now, he just can't use it this time.

You can blow the opposite side into dregs with one punch, but the next second it will stand up alive, and pounce at you again.

How to fight such an enemy?

Lei Yi wanted to ask himself how to solve this problem.

Unfortunately, he still has nothing to do.

"If this gate of the underworld can really be connected with the underworld, wouldn't it mean that there will be a steady stream of enemies appearing!"

Lei Yi's eyes scanned this area, and he saw that the space around him was almost submerged by undead creatures.

And the number of opponents is still increasing.

"Are there any restrictions on these corpses, or are they able to move around in this area at will?" Lei Yi frowned and began to think about a question.

"Wait, these are all creatures of the underworld. The gate of the underworld is connected to the dead aura here. This realm is even more similar to the underworld. What if there is a change in this place?"

Suddenly, Lei Yi seemed to have thought of something, and his brows finally stretched out.

As if thinking of a countermeasure, he finally got his energy again.

"In that case, try it. Although it will consume a lot of money, you can only fight to defeat Cecil!"

Lei Yi's figure was divided into ten in the sky, and then his whole body was enveloped by a huge dark force, and his body surface was covered with black liquid.

"Black Demon Killing Banquet!" He shouted, and the clone turned into several winged demons, and killed the undead creatures below.

Demon race into the enemy's formation, like a tiger into a flock, all the undead creatures are instantly killed, the corpses scattered on the ground, piled up into mountains.

This move cleared a large area and provided Lei Yi with enough space.

"Chance!" His body also started to move, rushing to the ground.

As he approached the ground, all his body turned into pitch black liquid, and then fell into the ground.

With the area where he landed as the center, the black liquid began to spread and spread.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Cecil was astonished in death.

He also did not expect that Lei Yi faced the siege of himself and the undead creatures, and the method he chose was to hide.

"Do you think there is nothing I can do to hide in this liquid?" Cecil walked out of life, and then came to the area near the liquid.

He was holding a cross sword, slashed out with a lifeless slash, slashing into the liquid.

A few drops of waves splashed on the water, but Lei Yi's figure did not move.

Some undead creatures nearby were killed, but they did not react to the liquid on the ground and could only hover around.

At this moment, it was Cecil's turn to make trouble. He could not control the undead creatures to attack the liquid, because this was beyond the undead creature's cognition range.

They are hostile to all living beings, but they do not have any rejection reactions to liquids.

"This is your way, hide it?" Cecil asked, standing next to the liquid.

"Who said that, do you think I am you?" But at this moment, there were some ripples in the liquid.

Lei Yi was taunting him for his previous act of hiding in death.

After Cecil heard this, he would naturally refute: "Since I don't plan to hide, come out and fight me!"

"Why should I come out?"

But Lei Yi didn't plan to come out.

"Besides, I have found a way to crack the domain, you can show me a good look!"

After speaking, the ripples on the water surface disappeared, and Lei Yi's breath was also completely condensed.

Just when Cecil was about to continue his action, he saw that the surface of the water fluctuated again, and the liquid actually began to spread around.

He flew up into the air, looking down.

I saw the pitch-black liquid, beginning to cover the nearby area, and even spread below the gate of the underworld.

At this moment, in the liquid, a burst of golden light emerged.

"This is..." After feeling this breath, Cecil was shocked.

In the law of darkness, the power of the law of time is actually mixed.

"Could it be..." Soon, he reacted, what Lei Yi planned to do.

When Cecil moved, he was about to fly to the gate of the underworld.

"It's useless, it's too late!" But Lei Yi's reaction was faster, and the golden light gradually intensified in the black liquid.

"This time, it's a large-scale reversal of Yin and Yang!" In the liquid below, there was a roar that exhausted all his energy.

The golden light suddenly bloomed, flooding the black liquid, together with the center area of ​​the covered domain, and the gate of the underworld.

In the golden light, all the dead auras were reversed and turned into incomparable vitality.

"Impossible, it takes a huge amount of time to reverse such a large range of death, you..." Seeing this scene, Cecil was almost crazy.

He still couldn't see it, Lei Yi was planning to reverse his domain, together with the gate of the underworld.

At this moment, the domain also produced a huge rejection reaction, and the dead-gas-filled space showed a lot of vitality, and the two attributes of mutual restraint naturally produced the imagination of rejection. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Under the impact of vitality, the domain finally began to collapse.


Starting from the center of the domain, a series of spatial cracks spread, spreading around, and the entire domain was trembling.

The gate of the underworld disappeared directly in the golden light, and countless undead creatures were turned into corpses, and under the impact of vitality, they could no longer be resurrected.

They have all severed their connection with the dead, and naturally they can't be resurrected.

In the golden light, a figure burst out from the ground and flew into the air.

He gasped for breath, the power of the law in his body was almost empty, but a smile appeared on his face.

Because this time, he struggled with such a huge loss, just to reverse the large-scale death.

And now, his plan has succeeded.

Once the realm collapses, Cecil will undoubtedly lose!

The Dark Hell Hunting Ground, the central area.

In the void, a faint roar sounded, and a huge crack opened from the void.

Lei Yi's figure shot out from it, and a loud collapse sounded from the cracks behind him.

"Everyone, I'm back!" He declared loudly, ignoring the movement behind him.

Relying on the last move, he defeated Cecil.

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