I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1249: The true spirit immortal sect also wins?

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The dark continent.

The monster races scattered all over the mainland started to move and flew towards the huge plant in the center.

They all responded to Lei Yi's call, united and planned to face Garuda together.

Because one-on-one singles is absolutely impossible to beat the opponent, there is only the only way to gather strength.

Although these monsters have no bottom in their hearts, someone has given them hope at this moment, and naturally they have to firmly grasp it.

And without Lei Yi, they might die at the hands of their companions, or even commit the evil deeds of slaughtering the same clan, Lei Yi also saved them.

Although some demon races still feel very uncomfortable in their hearts, especially the forces headed by the Qingluan tribe, they still have some criticisms about the identity of the Leiyi tribe.

But under the general trend, they can only follow the trend and act together.

But now, with the help of Garuna, Lei Yi moved to another battle group.

Here, he met the East Sea Monster Race and the North Sea Monster Race by coincidence.

"Master Lu, do you think I want to just use them?" Lei Yi asked the people around him as he looked at the two gangs of monster races fighting each other.

Before Ao Cang of the East Sea Monster Clan, under the interrogation of the North Frontier Monster Clan, he sold Lu Shaoyou the first time.

What the other party said, but Lei Yi was still thinking about it.

Facing this kind of inconsistent villain, Lei Yi is considering whether he really wants to rescue them.

"Although I disdain Ao Cang's character, they are not weak after all!" Lu Shaoyou sighed a little after hearing this, and said, "Besides, you saved even the Qingluan clan who had blood feuds. They and I have no deep hatred!"

Lei Yi nodded, indicating that he understood.

His figure suddenly jumped between the two groups of monster races, and then, like electricity, lingered on the heads of each monster race for an instant.

In such a moment, the dark runes in the sea of ​​knowledge were taken away by Lei Yi.

Being able to do such a fast processing, can be regarded as Lei Yi absorbed so many dark laws, practice makes perfect.

In a short while, the two groups of the East Sea Monster Clan and the North Sea Monster Clan all recovered their minds and were considered awake.

But when Ao Cang saw Lu Shaoyou, his expression was very embarrassing.

"Master Lu, why are you here!"

Qian Erliang happened to be in the team. This mouse was skinless and faceless, as if he had forgotten the betrayal of Lu Shaoyou before, and said hello with a smile.

But at this moment, Lu Shaoyou didn't even care about him, and after beckoning Lei Yi to come over, he began to talk about the situation at this moment.

When they heard that they were already in the realm of the eternal realm, even Ao Cang, the direct descendant of the East Sea Dragon Clan, changed his expression at this moment.

"So, we are going to join forces with the Northern Frontier Demon Race to deal with a Saint Realm?" Qian Erliang quickly reacted and asked with the merchant's instinct.

"Not bad!" Lu Shaoyou nodded, this can only be admitted, because this is a fact and cannot be changed.

After hearing the confirmed facts, Qian Erliang's face turned paler.

"It's over, this is my last business!" His face was panicked, his heart beating.

In fact, it's not just him, other people are more or less scared.

Seeing this group of people being so persuaded, Lei Yi suddenly hummed: "Are you afraid that these are useful? It is absolutely wishful thinking to break the Eternal Realm Realm by relying on our strength alone, so the only chance to survive is to defeat the Surgeon in the Realm! "

"Now, we have assembled most of the main forces of the Northern Frontier Demon Race, and they will join together in the central area. If you don't want to die, just go over!"

Lei Yi didn't care what these people thought, and after a cold snort, he took Garuna to continue preparing for departure.

"Brother Lu, I..." Ao Cang watched Lu Shaoyou, but stopped talking.

However, Lu Shaoyou didn't intend to talk to him, and led Lu Linglong to catch up with Lei Yi and prepare to leave.

"Prince Ao Cang, if there are too many, I won't say more. The conflicts between you and me can also be suppressed. This time we have a common enemy. If we leave this field, we will talk about anything!" But before leaving. Before, he still transmitted a word to Ao Cang.

His meaning is also very obvious, staying in the field will undoubtedly die, any grievances are useless.

Only after going out, can there be grievances and revenge, the others are all false.

After speaking, the group of them left directly, leaving Ao Cang and others in place.

Seeing Lu Shaoyou and Lei Yi leave, the remaining two groups of Monster Race men and horses all looked different.

But it is impossible to say that they are not guilty in their hearts.

After all, if you want to fight against a saint, everyone will be afraid.

At this moment, Qian Erliang and the others had their eyes twinkling, not knowing what they were thinking.

But in the end, they decided to go to the central area to meet the monster tribe's army.

After all, if there are more people, it is safer to move.

On the other side, Lei Yi still shuttled across the dark continent.

Now he is thinking about who else hasn't been attracted by him.

"Although there are a lot of people entering Falling Star Peak, most of the monster races have seen it, and the only ones who haven't seen are the four guards behind me at the time, right?"

He held his fingers and counted them one by one, only to find that there were only four people left.

The four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, but the strongest person under the command of Demon Emperor Void and Evil, with these four people working together, it is definitely a great power.

Therefore, for these four people, he must win.

But the question is, where are these four guards?

Lei Yi and Garuna have been traveling through the Dark Continent for a long time, but they couldn't find the location of the Feng Yu Lei Dian Four Guards.

They can be sure that they have been to all the places in the Dark Continent.

"It's strange, are these four monster races outside the domain?" Lei Yi suddenly couldn't figure it out.

They are no longer on land, and naturally they cannot be in the sky, and it is even more impossible for them to challenge Garuda on huge plants.

So where can the other party be?

"There!" But at this moment, Garuna suddenly pointed a certain direction.

This attracted Lei Yi's attention. He followed the reputation and saw a pitch-black sea.

It turned out that they had come to the sea unknowingly.

"Yes, this field has a vast territory, not only land and sky, but also the vast sea outside!"

Lei Yi suddenly realized that there must be someone hiding in the sea, and the four guards must be here.

"Garuna, what did you sense?" he asked quickly.

"That direction, there is a strong breath!"

The location Garuna pointed to was located in the pitch-black sea, and it should not be too close to them.

"You feel very strong, it should be the four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, let's go!"

Lei Yi didn't hesitate, let Garuna use her ability to open the way, and the group of people got into the cracks in the space and began to shuttle.

While on the way, Lei Yi looked at Garuna who was tearing the void easily, but felt a little helpless in his heart.

Because he asked Garuna to try before, although this woman can travel through space in the realm, she cannot break through the blockade of the realm and go to the outside world with her ability.

Otherwise, Lei Yi would have taken Garuna, Lu Linglong, and Lu Shaoyou on the road long ago, so he still needs to take care of the monster race here.

"Let me see, this four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, is it worth wooing?"

On the way, Lei Yi looked forward to it, thinking about how to communicate with Feng Yu Lei Dian four guards.

But when they came to the vicinity of Garuna's induction, they found that the gathering here was not the four guards of the Demon Race, but another group of people.

In the dark sea, there is a five-colored island floating on the sea.

The island is protected by a white transparent barrier, like a crystal ball floating in the Black Sea.

Lei Yi looked up and saw multiple figures sitting on the ground on the island, as if they were trimming and adjusting their breath.

But after seeing these people, Lei Yi's face became very speechless.

Because they are not others, they are the people of the true spirit immortal sect.

Before, he had already fought against the people of True Spirit Immortal Sect, and he was dealing with the five exercisers.

And now there are Moziling, Nangongzheng, Zhen Mingyue and others on the island, as well as the two envoys of the sun and the moon, Meng Zhao, and Yunguanhai wearing a five-element robes.

And when Lei Yi arrived, the incarnation of Yun Guanhai sitting on the ground on the island suddenly opened his eyes, two shining lights burst out of his eyes, and the incoming person was suddenly locked.

"It's you!" A roar sounded, and the power of the five elements all over his body was surging, and he was about to rush out of the barrier to protect him and kill Lei Yi.

"Wait!" But at this moment, Meng Zhao on the side shouted Yun Guanhai.

"You want to stop me?" Yun Guanhai asked coldly as if he didn't know the true identity of Meng Zhao.

"Teacher Yun, I am not trying to stop you, just ask you to act slowly!"

But Mengzhao didn't rush, and respectfully said: "Now I am waiting to rely on the protection of magical powers, and then I have a chance to breathe. If you take it rashly. If this barrier cannot be maintained, I will be darkened. The law is swallowed."

"Master Yun, you must have felt the weirdness of this place before. This dark law is not a joke. If anything is bad, I will fall into the darkness!"

"Hmph, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is that you are not capable!" Yun Guanhai scolded angrily, but did not act again.

"That kid killed my son, he actually dared to appear in front of me today, I will kill him!" But his eyes outside the barrier were still full of fierceness.

"Teacher Yun, aren't you curious, why can that person move freely here?" Meng Zhao saw the difference between Lei Yi and changed the subject.

"Catch this kid, and I will perform the soul search technique myself, so I don't know everything!" Yun Guanhai said, he couldn't help but do it.

In the same way, Lei Yi naturally heard the other party's words.

"Boy, the people of the True Spiritual Sect treat you this way, do you need to win them over?" Lu Shaoyou also felt a little inappropriate, so asked.

True Spirit Immortal Cult and Lei Yi are incompatible, and the other party will grab Lei Yi at every turn. He can't help but change it to him.

If you don't plan to win over the True Spirit Immortal Sect, just let them live and die here.

"No, even if it is the true spirit fairy cult, we have to win!" But Lei Yi shook his head and rejected Lu Shaoyou's proposal.

In his opinion, many people are powerful, even if they are enemies, they must be drawn in at this moment.

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