I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1242: Field: Dark Hell Hunting Ground

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Falling Star Peak, the periphery of the meteorite ring.

Garuda felt something, and looked up to the front.

He saw a dead force ignoring the power of the field of vision, ascended into the sky, and then exploded.

That was the signal he had agreed with Cecil, and when he found the location of the target, he would send the signal.

Now, the target was clearly found by Cecil, in the middle area.

"finally come!"

Garuda's face under the shaved black hair showed a cold smile.

At this moment, he waited for a long time and finally arrived.

"Just in that position, Lord Infinite Emperor's goal is something that I am determined to achieve. The power of the field here is so tricky that it will block the next action. If this is the case, there will be only one way! "

Garuda folded his hands together, and countless black runes appeared in the void.

These runes began to spread in the nearby void, spreading out to the surroundings, almost endlessly, extending thousands of miles away.

Where the dark rune passed, the sky was completely dimmed, and the earth seemed to be stained with a layer of black ink, and even the air became gloomy and cold.

"The domain expands..." Garuda, who was in the center of the darkness, slightly raised his head and smiled slyly.

The power of the law of darkness connects all the darkness along the way.

Subsequently, this huge dark energy field even ignoring the barrier of the field field, rushed into the tiankeng area in the center.

The central location of the tiankeng.

Lei Yi looked at the female Yigo Clan in front of him with a look of astonishment.

The Yigo clan in front of him was actually the legendary Star Mitilda, which he had not thought of.


But just as Lei Yi sighed, his heart jumped sharply for no reason, and at the same time a sudden sense of horror rose in his heart.

"What's the situation!" He instantly looked up at the sky, and at the same time looked back.

In the outer area of ​​the meteorite ring, a large amount of darkness spreads, as if to swallow everything.

Seeing the power that made him feel familiar, Lei Yi's heart was a little surprised.

"What is this..." On the other side, it was Yun Guanhai who felt first.

Although his incarnation only has the peak strength of the Heaven and Human Realm, the induction of the Saint Realm is still there.

He also noticed the abnormal changes in the periphery, especially after seeing the endless darkness, he thought of a person.

"This breath, could it be that guy!"

This person had played against him before, and the two were evenly matched.

As an enemy who has fought, he naturally can't forget.

In the darkness in front of him, the familiar aura revealed from within, Yun Guanhai already knew who was using his magical powers.

"Mao Dao, evildoer..." He gritted his teeth, his face grim and hesitated in his heart.

If he left here, then he would not be able to take revenge.

If you let the avatar stay here, you may not be able to take revenge, but will be swallowed by this power.

But after thinking for a while, Yun Guanhai finally made a decision and chose to stay.

After all, this is an incarnation, you can continue to make one if you don't have it, and Lei Yi is right in front of you.

"I will kill you today!" Yun Guanhai shouted toward the center of the Tiankeng, and his figure was swallowed by darkness.

Similarly, the four guards below were also swallowed by darkness without resistance.

The darkness began to spread, extending towards the center of the tiankeng.

Lei Yi watched the aura approaching him step by step, trying to escape, but limited by the power of the field, he couldn't move quickly.

"This darkness, could it be Garuda's domain..." Lei Yi had a guess in his heart as he looked at the power that eroded his whole body a little bit.

But before he could find out the facts, his feet, body, and head were all overwhelmed by this dark power.

He wanted to resist, but he was powerless. After all, it was the domain of the saint realm powerhouse, and he was not qualified to resist.

In the end, Lei Yi's body completely disappeared into the darkness.

Similarly, the entire Starfall Peak area, at this moment, is under the endless spread of darkness, step by step into the darkness.

Around the Falling Star Peak, the demonic group began to break up and flee.

Although they don't know what this darkness is, the instinct of the monster race is telling them that there is a huge danger in this darkness.

Now that you know there is danger, don't you want to run away and wait to be swallowed by the danger?

Almost immediately, all the ten major clans of the demon clan in Northern Xinjiang took action and fled outside the Falling Star Peak.

How quickly they came, they escaped.

Among the demons group that fleeed, the East Sea demons and the North Sea demons, including Qian Erliang, were all on the list.

At this moment, they, regardless of whether the so-called Beihai or Beijiang are going to leave, they just flee, and it doesn't matter if they are crowded together.

But can you escape?

The answer is obviously no!

The spread speed of darkness surpassed the escape speed of all monster races in Falling Star Peak.

The patriarchs of the ten major clans could only watch as their own clan was swallowed by darkness.

In the end, they themselves couldn't escape either, their bodies were drowned in darkness, and they all disappeared.

"This trip, is it my last business!" Qian Erliang looked up to the sky and sighed as he watched his body gradually disappear into the darkness.

The East Sea Monster Clan around him, as well as the North Sea Monster Clan, all made unwilling voices, but they couldn't prevent themselves from being drawn into the darkness.

The darkness completely submerged the Falling Star Peak and swallowed everything.

Field, in the dark prison hunting grounds.

In the skyless void, only darkness occupies here, forming a vast expanse of darkness.

Here, the sky, land, and sea have lost their concepts, and some have only darkness.

This is a dark world, a black land, a black sky, surrounded by a black sea, and everything here is dark again.

Lei Yi's gaze slowly recovered. After his body regained consciousness one after another, he lightly supported his body with the palm of his hand and slowly climbed up.

"What's the matter, shouldn't the domain controller come forward directly?" His gaze scanned the surroundings, completely bewildered.

He can conclude that this dark world is Garuda's realm.

And with the hatred between the opponent and yourself, once the opponent is pulled into the field, shouldn't it be the first time to come and destroy yourself?

But Garuda did not show up. Could it be that the other party didn't notice him?

"Impossible, everything in the domain is under the control of the other party. I should have been locked in the first time!" Lei Yi quickly shook his head, feeling that it was impossible not to be discovered by the other party.

So, why is Garuda not showing up?

With the hatred of both sides, can the other side hold back not to kill himself?

"Or, does he have other things to do?" Soon, Lei Yi thought of something, looking at the sea surrounding this dark world.

He slowly closed his eyes and realized carefully that he wanted to spy on Garuda's location.

Soon, he was on the east side of the sea and felt the huge dark power.

"In the sea, why is this?" He was a little surprised, Garuda's figure was actually hidden in the sea.

But soon, he knew why.

In the dark world, a light suddenly burst out.

Just above the sea to the east, a round of rising sun is slowly rising.

"No, this is not the power of Yang!" Lei Yi could feel the power of Yang because he absorbed the blood of candlelight.

But in that round of rising sun, there was no trace of yang power at all, just looking like the sun.

Lei Yi looked closely and found that there was a huge bird and beast in the rising sun.

In other words, the sun is itself a bird and beast.

The rising sun stretched to the sky, lighting up the darkness in the world.

But then, the birds and beasts spread their wings and their huge bodies obscured the sky.

Above the bodies of birds and beasts, darkness spread again.

The originally golden feathers were covered with a layer of black material.

The huge birds and beasts, within a few breaths of time, completely turned into pitch black, and merged with the surrounding darkness.

"Sure enough... is the dark sun god..."

Seeing this situation, Lei Yi didn't have any waves in his heart, because he had seen this scene once.

As the person who knows each other best, he naturally knows what will happen next.

In the sky, the dark sun **** completely spread his wings, his huge body flew in the sky, and then flew towards the center of the dark continent.

The earthquake trembled, and huge vines broke through the soil and rushed to the sky.

This is a huge plant, just a root system is as big as a mountain peak, and such a root system entangles at the bottom, there are tens of thousands of roots.

The body of the plant is made up of countless vines, twisting and rushing into the sky, transforming into a huge Optimus pillar.

And above the plant, the branches open, and the dark branches and leaves extend, forming another huge world.


A loud scream resounded through the world, and the huge body of the dark sun **** landed on the plant, and then the aura of the two things merged together.

At this moment, the huge plant and the dark sun **** seemed to have become a whole.

Lei Yi took a closer look and found that there was a human face on the torso of the huge plant, but it was not Garuda.

The human face seemed to sense something, and suddenly he opened his eyes, revealing incomparable darkness, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looks like an abyss.

"This place is already shrouded in darkness, so let the people in the fairy world see the power of the dark sun god. You have nothing to do, because this world is under my control!"

"Now, I'll give you a task to find the little mess named Lei Yi, and kill him. In this case, I will reward you with a chance of allegiance, and let you work for that adult just like me! "

The ethereal voice resounded from the sky and echoed in the void above.

"Fuck!" When Lei Yi heard this, another ten thousand grass and mud horses rushed past.

This Garuda was really ruthless, he wanted to let others in Falling Star Peak take action against him.

"It's strange, why didn't he do it himself?" But then, he seemed to think of something and looked at the huge plant again.

"Is he really not aware of my position?"

Although it felt something was wrong, Lei Yi felt that this was the most likely fact now.

But even so, Garuda said that he wanted to give others a chance.

Who knows if someone really intends to be loyal to Emperor Infinite.

Lei Yi's heart was also raised again.

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