I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1225: Yuan Zhongsheng?

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Who is the person here?

Lei Yi has the answer in his mind.

But he said he couldn't understand this answer.

Because in his impression, the opponent should be impossible to appear.

But the incoming person has arrived, and slowly landed in front of the three.

This person wore a black robe and was tall and straight, but it was a pity that he turned his back to the three of them, unable to see the face under the black robe.

"Sage Yuanzhong, why are you still alive!" Lei Yi went straight in and called out the name of the other party.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong looked at the people in surprise.

"Boy, what are you talking about, the other party is Yuan Zhongsheng, the master of the Promise Gate!"

"The Yuanzhong Sect Master of the Wuji Sect in Zhongzhou, the disciple of the Meng Shentong Master!"

The two of them, siblings, obviously did not expect that it was this person who came.

However, Lei Yi looked at the other side's expression and was even more astonished.

Because in his induction, the opponent's breath, qi and blood, and even the attributes of the soul are exactly the same as the Yuan Zhongsheng in his impression.

But the other party should be dead?

"I teach traitors, we meet again!"

The visitor finally turned his head and slowly uncovered his hood, revealing a face of a middle-aged man with a short beard, which is the deity of Yuanzhong Sheng.

"Impossible, you should be dead?" Lei Yi looked at each other and couldn't believe it.

"You were hit by Sect Master Xuantian Mie's Heavenly Fury Slaughter God, you can't be alive!"

"Xuan Tian Mie is just an old antique living in the ancient times?" Yuan Zhongsheng sneered after hearing this, and said in a quiet tone: "He can kill me, and Dream Magic Master can naturally save me!"

"Dream power, save you?" Lei Yi was dumbfounded after hearing this.

He was at the scene at that time, Yuan Zhongsheng was hit by the God of Heaven Fury Slaughter by Xuan Tian Destroyed, and that move could even cut the sky.

It stands to reason that if Yuan Zhongsheng was hit by this move, his body should be shattered and his soul and soul would be destroyed.

Although Meng Shentong has lived for so long since ancient times, it can be said to be the oldest old monster in the world of cultivation.

But even people who are dying of their souls can be saved. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

However, the presence of the person in front of him seemed to tell Lei Yi that his dream power was a way to resurrect the dead, and even the decimated ones could be saved.

"Then you are here, is it also for the things outside of the sky in Falling Star Peak?" Lei Yi looked at the other party, his eyes alert.

No matter what Yuan Zhongsheng's purpose is, his arrival means that when he is competing for the treasures in the Falling Star Peak, he needs to face a formidable opponent.

"Hmph, what do you do to me with the treasure of Falling Star Peak!" Yuan Zhongsheng sneered, showing sarcasm and disdain.

He looked at Lei Yi, and then slowly said: "The treasure in the Falling Star Peak has someone else to run errands for the master, and my task is to kill the traitor, that is, you!"

Speaking of the end, Yuan Zhongsheng pointed to Lei Yi, and the killing intent was permeated around his body.

"That's it, it seems that today I have to discuss with Yuanzhong Saint Sect Master!" Lei Yi became clear and set aside the posture of the warrior.

When Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong saw this, they both made sword-holding gestures.

Yuan Zhongsheng was naturally not surprised by Lei Yi, but after seeing the attitudes of Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong, his brows wrinkled slightly.

"The two juniors of the Lu family, don't you want to make a move against me? You must know that I represent the true spirit immortal sect. When you act against me, do you represent the Lu family and want to break with Zhongzhou?"

"The two of me only represent ourselves, not the Lu Family!" Lu Shaoyou quickly denied it upon hearing this.

"Yes, Mu Mu is my friend. If you take action against my friend, we will naturally not sit idly by!" Lu Linglong was even more rare to put on a serious expression, and said so.

"Hmph, the two little babies also want to help this traitor get ahead, it's ridiculous!"

Seeing this, Yuan Zhongsheng didn’t care, he hummed: “If that’s the case, then the master will send you three on the road together. Even if the Sword God knows about this, he probably won’t really commit crimes for two unscrupulous disciples. Dream Master!"

After speaking, he pinched the tactics with both hands, and the power of heaven and earth gathered around him madly.

"Field, thousands of miles!"

In the face of Lei Yi, Yuan Zhongsheng naturally did not keep his hands, and directly displayed his assassin.

His field, thousands of miles unfolded.

In an instant, the scenery around Lei Yi's trio changed upside down.

The meteorite mountain of Luoxing Peak disappeared rapidly, and replaced by a vast expanse of fertile fields.

In the distance, the mountains are criss-crossed and criss-crossed, and there is a huge city nearby, and countless figures can be seen walking faintly in it.

Above the city, Yuan Zhongsheng stood on the height of the pavilion, looking at Lei Yi three condescendingly.

He had his hands on his back and his face was staring.

"Sergeant in the city, give my order, all go out of the city, and kill the enemy!"

Following this order, the screams of killing from within the city rang straight into the sky.

The city gate opened, and a team of armored guards rushed out, armed with various weapons, and killed the three of Lei Yi.

"Be careful, this is the realm of the transformation of the spirit realm. Those armored soldiers are not ordinary fantasy, but spiritual things!" Seeing the armored soldiers came, Lu Shaoyou first reminded.

He has also cultivated the domain himself, and he can naturally see the strength of this domain.

As the realm of transforming the spirit realm, all the spirit bodies in it cannot be measured by common sense, because each of them has a not weak spiritual intelligence, and the strength is closely related to the caster.

According to Lu Shaoyou's speculation, Yuan Zhongsheng used the strength of the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm to display the domain, and every spirit body in it possessed not weak strength.

If the number of spirit bodies is small, then the individual strength will be very strong. On the contrary, if the number of spirit bodies is large, the individual strength will be relatively weakened.

The soldiers in front of them are coming like a dense tide, and the strength of the individual is about the realm of the law, but the victory lies in the number.

After the soldiers formed the army, they marched in an orderly manner, like a torrent of iron armor, which made people daunting.

"Let's do it too!" Seeing this, Lu Shaoyou took the lead to fly from the sky and rush towards the soldier.

But when he sprinted to a height of more than ten feet, a rune lit up in the void, and a huge pressure was acting on his body.

"This power..." Lu Shaoyou let out a miserable cry, and under the pressure of the rune, the man fell from the flying sword.


Finally he fell to the ground very embarrassed, his face covered with dust.

"Puff!" Lu Linglong couldn't help laughing at this scene.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoyou immediately got anxious and reprimanded: "Sister, you don't look at what time it is now, and you still want to laugh!"

"Sorry, brother, I really didn't expect that one day you would also fall off the flying sword, and you would fall so embarrassed... It won't work, you laughed so hard at me..."

Lu Linglong hurriedly took a few deep breaths, explaining, while holding back a smile in his heart, but in the end he couldn't hold back, and finally laughed.

Lu Shaoyou's face went dark, and finally couldn't help but look up at the sky, looking at the runes in the sky.

"This is actually an air ban, restricting our ability to fly?" After he took a closer look, he finally saw the details of the rune.

However, Lei Yi could see more. He pointed to the armored soldiers rushing forward and said: "It's not only that, the air ban is to limit our flying height, and finally can only fall into the armored soldiers in front of you. Range of attack!"

In the realm of Yuan Zhongsheng, the most powerful means should still be the things that transform spirits, that is, these soldiers.

Then restricting the enemy's ability to move and making them have to fight with the armor is his conventional means of confronting the enemy.

"If this is the case, then you can only fight!" Lu Shaoyou also knew that he couldn't fly away, so he held the sword with one hand and slammed into the armored phalanx in front of him.

"Miss Lu, be careful too!" Lei Yi immediately followed after he told Lu Linglong.

And he was faster than Lu Shaoyou, rushing into the enemy's formation like a whirlwind.


The armored soldiers' blades pierced Lei Yi's body, all as if they had been pierced into a stone, and they were knocked off for the most part in an instant.

With Lei Yi's fists dancing, all the armored soldiers were defeated by a single blow, and the army formation was directly opened.

"Sirius Hunting Array!"

This wasn't over yet, Lei Yi staggered his fists, blasting out hundreds of fist shadows at the same time, turning his fist into a pack of wolves and rushing into the armor.

This dense and compact army was immediately rushed away by the pack of wolves, and most of the soldiers were torn apart by the pack of wolves.

Lei Yi danced with his hands, manipulating the wolves to rampage among the soldiers, and in just a few moments, he had already killed nearly tens of thousands of people.

When Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong arrived near the battle group with their swords, there were not many soldiers left.

When the two saw this scene, their mouths opened wide and their faces were dumbfounded.

"This kid, when did he become so fierce."

"Such a soldier in the realm of law, if it were me, it would take at least a quarter of an hour or two to deal with it. How much time did he spend?"

Having said that, Lu Shaoyou stared at Lu Linglong blankly, but the latter could only shake his head, indicating that he had no bottom.

"Well, you traitor, you actually have such means!" On the pavilion, Yuan Zhongsheng was also a little surprised.

When he was in the ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong, Lei Yi was obviously not so powerful yet.

From leaving the ruins to the present, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has only a few years passed. The growth of Lei Yi is so amazing, which even exceeded his expectations.

"But you are not my opponent now. To get rid of you as soon as possible can be regarded as the True Spirit Immortal Sect, and a scourge for the Dream Master!"

Yuan Zhongsheng pinched the tactics with both hands, and then sternly shouted: "Since ordinary sergeants can't deal with you, then let the soldiers of the three armed forces go out!"

Under his command, inside the city, the cry of killing sounded again.

The soldiers who were left suddenly disappeared, and then inside the city gate, the dust was flying, and the flag was raised one by one.

Dragons roared and tigers roared, war horses neighed, and amidst the sky-shaking screams, burly shadows rushed out from it.

This time, the soldiers who appeared were no longer the former soldiers, but soldiers wearing huge armors and riding various behemoths of war horses.

Their bright armor, carved dragons and phoenixes on the surface, and their cloaks fluttering in the wind, their aura is even more powerful.

"A soul-changing thing with the strength of the heavens and humans!" Seeing these armored figures, Lu Shaoyou was finally calm.

Because this time the opponents are all of the Celestial Realm strength, and the number has reached hundreds.

Hundreds of celestial and human realm besieged, how can they resist?

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