I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1216: Suppressed Ray Yi

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In the Five Elements World.

Lei Yi's figure was hit by the Firebird, and then his body was completely swallowed by the sea of ​​fire.

In the monstrous fire, Lei Yi's figure fell into a fierce siege, and his entire body was filled with extremely hot flames.

His clothes were about to be burned to the ground, his skin was scorched, and even his eyebrows and hair were burnt, even with countless sparks.

Although he was still supporting him, he looked terribly miserable, and it was only a matter of time before he failed.

"The traitor's physical body is solid, and it can actually resist for so long. If this is called someone else, he would have screamed under the burning fire?" Jin Lingsheng looked at Lei Yi who was still insisting, with a playful expression on his face.

"The second envoy of the sun and the moon said that this child's physical strength is amazing, and it is only natural to be able to resist the pain of the flames!" Mu Ying nodded and agreed.

But then, she looked at Mo Ziling on the side and reminded: "You also take action. Under the siege of fire and water, no matter how strong his body is, he will die!"

Mo Ziling naturally had no opinion, so he used his magic tricks and displayed magical powers.

The giant water attribute outside his body also cooperated with his movements, the blue light on the surface of the body flowed, and a trace of power was injected into the domain through his body.

Around the sea of ​​fire, the power of the law of water properties emerged, and the waves suddenly became surging.

The running water turned into huge waves, covering in the sea of ​​fire.

The moment the flame touched the flowing water, the two forces of law collided at the same time.

When the hot flame comes into contact with the cold water, the result is naturally not as simple as water vapor, but it bursts.



The flames burst continuously, large swaths of water mist boiled, and steam filled.

Lei Yi, who was in the center, was even more submerged by a huge explosion. Under the impact of the explosion, his body flew directly out of the central area.

"Yueshan!" Jin Lingsheng hurriedly shouted when he saw this.

The latter nodded, pinched the tactics to cast the spell, and within the giant on the body surface, the power of the earth attribute law also merged into the whole body domain.

Countless huge stone pillars rose up and smashed towards Lei Yi.


A stone pillar hit Lei Yi's body and smashed him out.

"I'll do it too!" Mu Ying saw this, without the need for others to greet him, and cast the spell directly.

On the stone pillars summoned by Yueshan, large vines grew and spread around.

Not long after Lei Yi flew out, his body was hit by several vines, and his limbs were completely locked.

It wasn't until this time that he came back to his senses, sometimes looking at his situation.

His whole body was scorched black, and his whole body was roasted into black charcoal by the previous flame.

But now he has been hit continuously, and his body has been imprisoned by Mu Ying's means, obviously falling into an absolute disadvantage.

"Five hits one by one, it's really tricky!" He panted and gritted his teeth.

If it is singled out, it is said that Jin Lingsheng is, even if it is one of the two envoys of the sun and the moon, he is not afraid.

But now one is playing five, and the cooperation of these five people is very tacit, the ability of the field of integration is still unknown to him.

Under such conditions, he can only be passively beaten, and for the time being he has no chance to fight back.

"It's me!" In the end, it was finally Jin Lingsheng's turn to shoot.

He pinched the tactics with both hands, and finally flicked his fingers, pointing towards Lei Yi's position.

In the void, the force of the metallic law condenses, turning into countless golden sharp blades, and flies towards Lei Yi in the middle.

"Traitor, let you taste the pain of thousands of swords and hearts!" Jin Lingsheng's eyes fixed on Lei Yi, and his tone was harsh.

Those weapon blades are composed of the power of pure metal law, so sharp, thousands of blades pierce the pain of the heart, just thinking about it is terrifying.

Lei Yi felt the sharpness on the surface of the weapon's blade, and at the same time, he wanted to break free from the shackles of the vines.

But Mu Ying couldn't allow him to do this, the power of the laws of wood in his body was poured into the magical powers.

Not only did the vines become tighter, they also increased in number, locking up most of Lei Yi's body.

Subsequently, the weapon hit.

The first sharp weapon pierced Lei Yi's head and directly hit the center of his eyebrows.


With a clear sound, the weapon blade was directly bounced off Lei Yi's forehead.

Then, under the sound of gold and iron clashing, the weapon was killed, but it was all shot.

"How could this happen, my supernatural powers..."

Seeing this scene, Jin Lingsheng, as the caster, was the first to accept it.

This is a number of thousands of weapons, each of which is blessed by the power of the law of metal, which is sharper than the flying swords of ordinary sword repairs.

But such a dense and sharp attack could not even pierce Lei Yi's skin.

"Is this kid's physical strength so exaggerated?" Seeing that Lei Yi was under the attack, nothing happened, Jin Lingsheng's eyes widened and he was almost speechless.

As for Lei Yi, after having survived the attack of the weapon, he only felt a little itchy all over his body.

"It deserves to be the magical power of the Slaughter God's Triple Heaven Realm. This Heavenly Gang Guardian-King Kong's undefeated defensive power is strong!" He chuckled, and said in his heart.

At this moment, his body surface is covered by the law of force, and even the silver runes have formed a layer of treasure, covering his whole body.

He was relying on the defense of the law of strength, followed by Jin Lingsheng's attack.

"Continue to shoot, he is still trapped by my supernatural powers, don't waste the opportunity!" Finally, Mu Ying said, sharply reminded.

"Mo Ziling, use the supernatural powers of your hands!" Nangong Zheng was the first to react and communicated with his companions.

The two of them cast spells at the same time, and the power of the law of water and fire attributes quickly condensed above Lei Yi's head.

The flames and running water converge, and then merge together, transforming into a huge dragon with a body length of hundreds of feet.

Its dragon body is completely formed by the fusion of flames and flowing water, with the violent fire attribute and the coldness of water attribute.

The dragon hovered in the sky for a while, and suddenly launched an attack downwards, the huge body rushed down, and the head crashed into the imprisoned Lei Yi.

"How did this happen!" When the attack was reached, Lei Yi's eyes were fixed on the surface of the dragon, his expression faintly surprised.


Afterwards, the dragon's head and his body directly collided, and a huge wave of air erupted.

In the middle of the field, the void was shattered under the explosion.

The waves of the explosion spread around, causing thousands of weapons to be completely shattered under the impact, dancing around.

Seeing this, Jin Lingsheng could only cast spells with a pinch, cancel the magical powers, and turn the sword into the power of the metallic law, and merged into the field.

In the center, a figure slowly fell downwards, it was Lei Yi after the move.

He seemed to have lost his consciousness, but his physical body was still intact, obviously relying on a strong defense force to take the blow just now.

At the moment he landed, Lei Yi instantly regained his senses, and landed steadily with his body turned over.

"We also join hands!" At this moment, Yue Shan shouted at Jin Lingsheng.

After that, he took the lead in pinching the trick to cast spells.

Under Lei Yi's feet, the ground was surging violently, and a big hand broke through the soil layer and slammed toward the area where he was.

Lei Yi's figure disappeared in a flash, and instantly opened a distance of more than 100 meters.

The big hand fell, and the ground made a roar, but the blow was obviously missed.

"See how long you can hide!" Yue Shan sneered when he saw this.

After avoiding Lei Yi, there was a violent shaking under his feet again, and another big hand rushed out of the soil layer, and suddenly took a picture of him.

Not only that, the surrounding ground was broken open at the same time, and hundreds of big hands were like earth-bound spirits in horror stories, forming a wave of purely giant hands.

Seeing such an attack, Lei Yi's body surface surged, and his figure rushed out instantly under the thunder light.

Lei Guang shuttled between giant hands, extremely fast.

Even though the number of giant hands is huge, the speed is not fast, and the attack can't even touch the corner of Lei Yi's clothes.

Under the continuous movement of Lei Guang, he quickly rushed out of the encirclement of the giant hand.

But such a rapid shift made Lei Yi reach his limit.

His figure was revealed at the moment when the thunder light faded.

But at this moment, under the soil in front of him, a huge figure suddenly appeared.

This is a stone man purely made of rock, with a huge body, breaking through the soil, holding his hands high, and holding it in the void.

The power of the metallic law condenses and turns into a huge spear, which is held in the hand by the giant.

On the surface of the giant human body, flames tumbling, forming a dense crimson texture, covering the upper and lower parts of its body.

After the flame was injected, the giant's breath became several times stronger, and even when he walked, there was a vague wave of steam rising up.

Seeing this, Lei Yi had to distance himself from this giant.

But despite the giant body, the giant is extremely fast. Just when Lei Yi was about to take action, he suddenly raised his foot and then stepped down.


The ground burst, cracks extended forward, and water jets rose into the sky.

"How come there are laws of water attributes!" Lei Yi saw this scene with a look of surprise.

But then, the ground under his feet exploded, and a column of water rushed out of the crack, rushing his body into the sky.

Seeing this, the giant clasped the golden spear in both hands, and made a sweep at Lei Yi.

As the spear danced, the huge gun body swept across, and the storm hit.

As soon as Lei Yi's figure was adjusted, he was run over by a wave of air, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

Under the pressure of the air wave, UU reads www.uukanshu. He couldn't even defend himself, his body was swept by the spear, and the whole person was swept away.

His body turned into a meteor, carrying a powerful sonic boom, falling into the distance.


With great strength, Lei Yi hit several floating meteorites, crashed a meteorite mountain, and was finally completely buried by the collapsed mountain.

But after the giant hit his hand, he didn't stop.

With his right hand grabbing forward, countless emerald vines drilled out of his palm and rushed into the collapsed mountain.

The vine rushed into it, after searching for a while, tightly wound a figure, and then brought it out.

Under the series of attacks just now, Lei Yi almost lost consciousness, dizzy and full of gold stars, naturally unable to resist.

"Hahaha, in the Five Elements Realm that I am waiting for, you have nothing to do!" Until this moment, Jin Lingsheng finally smiled.

"Huh, this kid is capable of supporting it for so long, but it's a pity that he won't be able to wait for me after all!" Mu Ying also said with a cold smile.

And Yue Shan and others all smiled in unison.

In their eyes, the Five Elements Realm is invincible, and at least a mere thunder is absolutely inseparable from this fusion field.

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