I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1213: Is Meng Zhao again?

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On the way forward, Lei Yi actually sneezed.

"Who, thinking of me secretly again!" He rubbed his nose and vomited.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who have enemies with him, and he doesn't know who is thinking about it.

Sometimes too many enemies are not a good thing.

But he never took the initiative to offend people. He offended some people passively without knowing it.

"This place is very mysterious. I don't know where the meteor is?" As he said, he looked around, but unfortunately he didn't find the goal of the trip.

There are so many meteorites here, not only those floating in the sky, but also meteorites from outside the sky.

But these meteorites do not have anything special except for some abnormalities in quality.

The three of Lei Yi naturally searched for a long time, but unfortunately they didn't find anything.

"I don't know if the old man asked me to find anything special. If it is exactly the same as these meteorites, then the ghost can find it!"

Lu Shaoyou patted a meteorite next to him, and spit out like Lei Yi.

No way, everything else is missing here, except for meteorites.

To find a meteor from the sky in this vast sea of ​​meteorites is really a difficult task.

If the meteorite is mixed in the meteorite pile, it will be even more difficult to find.

"Hey, someone is approaching!" At this moment, Lu Linglong, who had never spoken in the team, suddenly reminded her.

The woman looked to one side, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Lu Shaoyou and Lei Yi reacted immediately, seeing the female guard behind them, and then quietly backed away.


The next moment, the ground exploded, and a huge meteorite came up from the ground and rolled towards the three of them.

"What's the situation!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was helpless.

He raised his hand and blasted a punch, trembling in the void, and his fist struck the surface of the meteorite.

There was another explosion, and the meteorite flew out under the great power, and smashed heavily into the distant area.

"It's a meteor from the sky, it's so hard!" Seeing that the meteorite was just blasted out without being broken, Lei Yi knew how tough the material was.

According to the estimation of his fist strength in the past, let alone a stone, a mountain can be broken by him, but the meteorite is not big in size, but there is nothing at all.

Bang bang bang!

In the nearby area, there was another series of explosions. Dozens of huge meteorites rose from the ground and smashed towards the direction of the three of them.

"There is no end!" Lei Yi shouted sharply, took a step, and punched continuously.

Under the bombardment of the fist, all the meteorites flying around were blasted out.

In the midst of the bombing, Lei Yi blocked all the attacks.

Because of the magnetic field, the broken meteorite and the fragments were sucked into the ground, but no smoke was produced.

The three of Lei Yi glanced around, trying to find the person who attacked.

But Lei Yi and Lu Shaoyou watched for a long time, but they didn't find any trace of alive.

In the end, it was Lu Linglong's ability that played a role.

The woman pointed to the front and reminded: "There!"

"Miss Lu, well done!" Lei Yi immediately killed him after hearing this.

But just when he rushed out, Lu Shaoyou frowned and realized that things were not simple.

With his eyes flickering, he thought of a very bad idea.

At this moment, Lei Yi had just moved on his front foot, and dozens of meteorites rose beside Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong, forming a confinement cage, sealing the two of them inside.

"No, their purpose is that kid!" Lu Shaoyou looked at the changes in the surrounding terrain and finally saw the clues.

But he was about to remind Lei Yi that countless vines grew crazily on the surface of those meteorites, forming a large dense net, completely sealing the two figures in the meteorite.

The meteorites and vines completely locked Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong, and when Lei Yi turned around, it was too late to stop all of this.

"Who the **** is it, it's such a big noise, is it to deal with me?" Lei Yi shouted around when he saw this.

Obviously, the purpose of this sneak attacker was to deal with himself, so Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong who were in the way were blocked and restricted their movements.

Now that the two have been imprisoned, it's time for the other to show up.

"The two of me thought you were a great person, but I didn't expect that you would be caught so easily!"

"Yes, Jin Lingsheng was defeated in your hands. I really don't know if it was your luck or he was too cheating!"

Sure enough, just as Lei Yi guessed, he was just about to find the person in his hand, and the other party showed up together.

The speaker was a man and a woman, and under Lei Yi's gaze, he flew up from one side and landed on a floating meteorite in front of him.

Lei Yi immediately began to retrieve the information of the two, and soon he knew the origin of each other.

"You two, could it be the second of the five exercisers under the seat of Yunguanhai, Mu Ying, the wooden spirit messenger, and Yueshan, the earth spirit messenger!"

"It's worthy of the true biography I taught, at least it's still a little eye-sighted!" The man among the two laughed and mocked.

The woman on the side also looked at Lei Yi with a cold expression, with a smirk on her face.

Mu Ling, Mu Ying, and Earth Ling, Yue Shan, belong to the five exercisers along with Jin Lingsheng, Mo Qianyuan, and Nangong Lie.

Mu Ying is a woman wearing a green robe, with strong wood attributes all over her body, and she exudes radiant vitality.

And Yue Shan, wearing an earth-brown robe, is tall and burly, and his earthly vitality is equally astonishing.

Judging from the other party's supernatural power attributes, it was Yueshan who had manipulated the meteorite just now, and the vines that confined the Lu family siblings were Mu Ying's method.

"Why, are there only two?" Lei Yi asked with a strange expression looking at them.

For him, the three Jin Lingsheng are not afraid, let alone two of them.

"Huh, I'm enough to deal with you!" Yue Shan naturally scolded when he heard the words, his expression unchanged.

But behind him, a few more rays flew up, and it was obvious that it was not the only two of them who came.

Lei Yi took a closer look, good fellow, unexpectedly many acquaintances came.

Among these escape lights, Jin Lingsheng was on the list, along with Zhen Mingyue, the first true disciple who had fought against him.

Even among them, there are some of his contemporaries, such as Mo Ziling, Nangongzheng, Ji Xuanwen, etc., disciples of the Zhongzhou family. Most of them have young faces.

Lei Yi was very surprised. Why did the True Spirit Immortal Sect send so many young people here? Is it purely for experience?

However, Lei Yi's gaze only stayed for a while on these same periods, and he locked his gaze on the person who took the lead.

This was a man wearing a mask, a white robe, and a strange light burst into his eyes.

But Lei Yi always felt that he seemed to have seen each other somewhere, but he couldn't tell.

And he knew that this should be the first time he saw him, but the familiar feeling in his heart was very strong.

"You are..." Lei Yi subconsciously asked when facing the crowd of True Spirit Immortal Cult.

"Traitor, I am waiting for coming today just to kill you, to avenge the young master's death!" Jin Lingsheng was the first one to be unable to help it, and immediately scolded.

Mu Ying and Yue Shan on the side, although they were a little dissatisfied with Jin Lingsheng's statement in their hearts, they also looked at Lei Yi with the eyes of the same enemy.

After all, it is a matter of Yunguanhai's face, and the five of them must express their stance.

"Lei Yi, you killed my two ancestors, and I am waiting to avenge you today as the new five-exerciser!" In the rear, Nangong Zheng and Mo Ziling took a step and flew to Jin Lingsheng's side.

The two of them inherited the name of the five exercisers from their ancestors, and became the newly promoted messengers of water and fire.

Seeing the enemy Lei Yi who killed the ancestors at this moment, they naturally couldn't help it.

"Traitor, you defeated me with tactics at the beginning, and today I have to ask for face what I say!" Zhen Mingyue in the back couldn't help it, and said the same.

"So that's the case, you are all here to seek revenge together?" Lei Yi understands, this group of people have a big grudge against him.

But then, he looked at the masked man who took the lead and asked: "Since they all have enemies with me, who are you?"

"I remember, among the True Spirit Immortal Sect, there seems to be no character like you, right?"

"Me?" After hearing this, the masked man was taken aback, but he quickly laughed and said, "Of course you don't know who I am, and even the two behind you don't know where I came from!"

"I am who I am. There are very few people who know me within the True Spirit Fairy Sect, but for the sake of your dying today, let me tell you...My name is Meng Zhao."

The voice of the masked man came in leisurely, emptiness and reverberation, but it stopped in Lei Yi's ears as if it were a thunderstorm.

He returned to his senses in an instant, with a look of consternation on his face.

"You are Meng Zhao, Meng Zhao, Meng Zhao!" He even repeated it three times, unable to suppress the consternation in his body.

Scenes of memories came to my mind, it was a long time ago, he participated in a big battle in the future fairy world~www.readwn.com~.

At that time, he was still completely unable to join the highest-order battle, and could only watch the strong fighting above the sky, while the weak could only wait for the result underground anxiously.

The enemy at that time was called the Tiandao League, the leader was named Meng Tianxing, and there was also a Meng Zhao under his command.

What is the connection between this Mengzhao and the other Mengzhao?

Lei Yi quickly condensed his mind, and the blood flowed in his eyes. This was the power of Modo's blood curse.

In his sight, the blood in Meng Zhao's body was peeped clean.

"What's going on, it's a living person!" He was a little surprised. He thought that the other party was not a living person, just like Meng Zhao at the beginning, but an existence similar to a clone.

But he was wrong. This Mengzhao had flesh and blood, and the blood in his body was no different from other people nearby.

"That's right, the strength of Meng Tianxing is countless times higher than that of Meng Tianxing, the leader of the Heavenly Dao League. Naturally, there are methods to create a flesh and blood body out of thin air!"

Lei Yi quickly figured out the reason, but he wasn't so surprised.

However, he looked at Mengzhao's gaze, filled with deep fear.

Because if he guessed right, this one is the trickiest existence among this group of people.

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