I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1206: The power of Yin is nothing more than that!

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Lei Yi, this time facing the Sun and Moon Envoy alone.

I have to say that he is still a little nervous in his heart.

You Ying stepped forward and came to Zhuzhao, instructing: "Brother, look at this old thing, this traitor, let me clean it up!"

"That's good!" Zhu Zhao nodded, grabbed the patriarch of the Tapir clan, and walked away quietly, leaving You Ying a distance.

Under this situation, the battlefield was completely handed over to You Ying and Lei Yi.

"Traitor, if you have any last words, you might as well say them all!" You Ying asked Lei Yi in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Lei Yi just scratched his head, then pointed to the patriarch of the Tapir clan and asked, "What did you arrest him for?"

"Huh, death is imminent, and still thinking about caring for others?" You Ying laughed after listening, but after laughing, she explained: "This old thing didn't cooperate with me before. We will wait for you when we clean up. Have a good chat!"

Although this sentence sounds okay, but looking at the two people's posture, this so-called good conversation is obviously not what it means on the surface.

Lei Yi could see clearly, and after hearing You Ying's words, the head of the Tapir clan changed.

His brows were furrowed tightly, but he was thinking in his heart that this old thing had some problems before, and now it is still captured by the second day of the moon, it is obvious that there is a secret hidden in his body.

That being the case, if he can repel the two, he might as well take a look.

However, this premise must be that he can defeat You Ying and Zhuzhao.

He still knows the strength of these two people, even if he can win, he needs a lot of effort.

"Since I have finished speaking the last words, then I will send you on the road!"

You Ying raised her hand, and squeezed Void, a sharp blade blooming with cold light condensed in her hand.

With a sharp weapon in her hand, she moved closer to Lei Yi.

You Ying's first move didn't look tough, but it was extremely fast.

She waved the sharp blade in her hand, a chill that made her body tremble, and she took the lead to attack Lei Yi.

As the cold air spread, patches of ice were condensed in the air, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold wind was biting.

"The power of Yin is really unusual!" Feeling the chill, Lei Yi knew clearly.

Youying's body is a divine beast of Taiyin, and the power it controls is the force of Yin in the two forces of Yin and Yang, which is an extremely powerful law.

You Ying alone made Lei Yi feel a great deal of pressure.

If Youying and Zhuzhao joined forces, Lei Yi would have a headache.

However, now that the other party is only one person, he is not without the means to cope.

You Ying's attack hit, and the sharp blade swept out, carrying a compelling chill, directly sweeping Lei Yi's location.

Under the cold air, the body of the latter was gradually covered by ice crystals, and instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

Lei Yi was frozen by You Ying's blow.

"Hehe, that's it..." Seeing this, You Ying flashed a look of contempt in the corner of her eyes, as if mocking Lei Yi's overpowering.

More than that, the imprisoned patriarch of the Tapir clan was even more desperate, as if he had never expected Lei Yi to be so weak!

Your kid can't even take a single move. What can you do? The old man tried to persuade you to go, but if you don't go, this is not harming the two of us.

"This traitor was quite arrogant before. I didn't expect that even Junior Sister could not take a blow. It seems that he overestimated him..."

Zhu Zhao also spoke with a mockery, but then his expression changed, and his eyes quickly swept towards Lei Yi.

I saw the surface of the ice sculpture, layers of cracks appeared, and the cracking sound of crackling sounded one after another.


The ice burst, Lei Yi's figure suddenly shot out.

"How can the mere Yin power get me?"

He clenched his fists, and the red blood lingered on his arms, and his whole person was like a volcano about to erupt, dispelling the chill from his body.

After reaching You Ying, Lei Yi pushed out with a palm, and the void oscillated.

"Strength of Zhenshan!" Feeling the huge power from the oppression, You Ying exclaimed.

However, the woman's reaction was quick, her figure was wrapped in a blue light, she had already dodged a few hundred meters to one side, avoiding the power coming from the front.

"You kid, you have mastered the power of Zhenshan so quickly!" Although You Ying avoided the attack, her eyes were filled with fear, and she stared at Lei Yi.

Lei Yi didn't know this magical power when he was in True Spirit Immortal Sect. As a result, he went to the ruins of Potian Xuanzong and stayed outside for a few years. Is this mastery?

Afterwards, You Ying recalled the confrontation just now and looked at the cave as if she had thought of something.

"Since you have mastered the power of Zhenshan, then the means to take over the power of Yin just now, could it be..."

"Yes, could it be that!"

Lei Yi screamed, and his figure approached You Ying again.

Seeing this, the latter waved the sharp blade in his hand, and a chill spread again.

But Lei Yi's figure did not retreat but instead moved forward. When the cold air around his body was close to his body, it was washed away by the force of vigorous blood.

For a time, You Ying couldn't help but thunder.

In this scene, not only You Ying was surprised, but also the candlelight and the head of the Tapir clan in the distance were equally surprised.

However, the former was just a mere consternation, while the latter still had a hint of joy in his heart.

But on the surface, the patriarch of the Tapir clan pretended to be worried and asked: "Master Zhushi, what's the matter with that kid, what does Master Youying mean?"

The latter snorted and hummed: "It's just relying on the stunts of the Xuantian Sect. This kid has only a short cultivation time, and it is impossible to really suppress the younger sister!"

But as soon as his voice fell, You Ying let out an exclamation, and the whole person was thrown out by a powerful fist.

The patriarch of the Tapir clan raised his brows slightly, obviously he didn't expect that the face slap came so quickly.

But soon, after turning his eyes one or two times, he reminded: "Master Zhushi, Master Youying seems to be at a disadvantage. You might as well go and support you. How about I'm here to cheer you on?"

"What are you old guys talking about, how can the junior sister be suppressed by a human junior, she is just careless!" But Zhuzhao remained unmoved, still imprisoning the other party, and sternly warned: "Old stuff, your point Think carefully and want to lie to me!"

The patriarch of the Tapir clan was embarrassed for a while, but he could only sigh and admit his fate.

Seeing that he was a little more honest, Zhuozhao no longer paid attention to the other party, but turned to look at the battle group.

After seeing You Ying actually falling into the wind, he couldn't help but reminded loudly: "Junior sister, don't keep your hands, that kid has already become the first heaven of the Slaughter God Triple Heaven Realm, and he has cultivated the imperviousness of the King Kong and the protection of the heavens. With supernatural powers, he can't break his physical defenses by waiting idle means!"

"Just you talk a lot!" Lei Yi in the battle group couldn't help but vomit.

As soon as this remark came out, You Ying's expression instantly fell cold, obviously she couldn't help it.

"Well, since you are a traitor with great skills, then let me see if you have cultivated some of the supernatural powers of the Sky-Breaking Profound Sect!"

She screamed, her figure was instantly covered by a thick blue fog, and a huge black shadow appeared from the fog.

When the fog dissipated, a blue giant python with a body length of hundreds of meters appeared, with gleaming scales all over, and a phantom Cang Yue appeared behind his head.

"Did the body appear?" After seeing the giant python, Lei Yi knew it.

This is You Ying's body, the original posture of the Taiyin Divine Beast.

He glanced at the candle photos subconsciously, and saw that the other party was still confined to the head of the Tapir clan, and had no plans to act, he looked at You Ying again.

"Come on, let me learn about the power of the Taiyin Divine Beast!" Lei Yi shouted sharply and rushed towards the opponent without fear.

"Traitor, you are seeking your own death!" The giant python said with a cold tone while vomiting the snake letter.

Afterwards, she opened her mouth wide and exhaled a lot of cold air.

The space within a radius of tens of miles was instantly fascinated by a thick white mist.

The environment here has completely changed. Under the cold sky, even if a breeze blows, the biting chill makes people tremble.

Although Lei Yi's physical body was protected by the power of qi and blood, it was not affected much, but his soul body was also affected by the cold, showing a slight sluggishness.

"The power of Yin is not just pure cold air, it is really weird?" He looked at the ice crystals slowly condensing on his arm, and thought in his heart.

At this moment, the coldness surged from behind him, and a blood basin suddenly bit him.

It turned out that You Ying saw that Lei Yi was unmoved, and her figure came to such a close position under the cover of the cold air.

"Come close combat with me?" But seeing You Ying kill, Lei Yi laughed.

He turned around abruptly and pointed out just as the giant python bit.

A white light lit up at the fingertips, and when it was pointed out, the void rippled through layers.

The giant python's head hit the ripples, and it couldn't make any progress. It was even blocked by a gentle force.

"This is..." Feeling the power of Lei Yi's fingertips, the python's pupils trembled a few times, as if thinking of something.

But then, its huge tail flicked, and it actually bypassed the area where the ripples were, and took directly behind Lei Yi.

A blue light appeared at the end of the tail, and You Ying gathered all the yin power in her body in this one.


The tail was in the middle of Lei Yi's place, and the power of Yin exploded, covering the audience.

A huge group of ice blossoms burst open, and then spread to the surrounding void.

In the space of several hundred meters, all are covered by ice, and the cold air completely freezes the ground below, turning it into a piece of ice permafrost. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The giant python twisted its body and moved to the rear, while the huge pupils flashed with coldness and pride.

"Hahaha, even if you can touch the fur of the sea-covering force, you can only block a part of the area in front of you, and the empty door behind you is wide open. It is not a hit!"

Looking at the huge ice layer floating in the air, You Ying knew that she had won.

Surrounded by so much Yin power, not only will the opponent suffer severe physical damage, but even the soul will be corroded by Yin power.

To resist the power of yin, only the power of yang with its attributes can be used, and there is no power of cultivating yang among the supernatural powers of the Sky-Breaking Xuanzong.

"Junior sister, he is not dead!" But at this moment, the candlelight behind suddenly exclaimed.

"How come!" The giant python shook his head and looked at the center of the ice.

I saw a group of crimson rays light up in that ice layer.

There was a strong feeling in You Ying's heart. In her supernatural power, it seemed that a flame was rising violently, and she was about to break through the barrier of Yin's power.

"Hahaha, the power of Yin is nothing more than that!" Lei Yi's laughter was also heard from the ice.

It seemed that he was not only okay, he was even more comfortable.

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