I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1192: The Demon Race and the Secret Demon Cavern in Northern Xinjiang

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After getting information from the Venerable Mountain Seeker, Lei Yi finally found the target.

There is only one place he wants to go, and that is the Secret Demon Cavern.

Although Falling Star Peak is also a dangerous place, there are no demonic activities here, only some meteorites from outside the sky, which is not useful to him.

But there are thousands of monsters in the Secret Demon Cavern, an endless number of monsters, these are all "big tonics" for someone.

Moreover, the Secret Demon Cave is located in the northwest of northern Xinjiang, and if you travel from the Western Regions, the distance is also close.

After separating from Venerable Mountain Seeker, Lei Yi took the lead in performing the flying escaping technique and flew into the high air. Then, with the help of the cloud group, he started on his way.

In this case, it would be impossible for the monster beast hiding in the ground to find his trace.

While on the way, Lei Yi also took out another piece of information and began to check it.

This is information about the demon clan in the northern borders, which he bought at a great price from Venerable Mountain Seeker.

However, this demon also showed the merchant's ability to pursue profit to the fullest. For the treasures worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual crystals, he revealed all the intelligence of Northern Xinjiang.

According to the information provided by Venerable Mountain Seeker, the power of this Northern Frontier Monster Race is really not weak. Ten of them are the pillars of the Monster Race.

How many demon races are there in Northern Xinjiang, let alone human monks, even the demon races themselves don’t know.

Who knows where there is an unknown clan hidden in the corner of the horn, so the number of the northern border monster clan has always been known only by heaven and earth.

However, there are countless weak races, but there will always be only ten strong races. These are the top ten monster races in Northern Xinjiang.

For example, Bai Jiaojiao belongs to the nine-tailed fox family, which belongs to the fox family, one of the ten major families, and it is also a noble existence in the fox family.

In addition to this tribe, the fox tribe also has branches such as green fox, white fox, wind fox, and fire fox, but under the union, it is collectively called the fox tribe, and this tribe ranks second among the top ten tribes.

However, the fox family did not participate in the fight for the position of the demon king. It is said that the fox kings of the past were all held by women, and they all chose to assist the contemporary demon king, serving as their strategists and counsellors, and even demon concubines.

Even the fox king of this generation is the favorite consort of the demon emperor, and the fox clan is also trusted by the demon emperor.

But Lei Yi could tell that this fox clan did not participate in the demon emperor competition, which is probably the decision of the wise men in the clan.

Don't fight for the number one, just be the second child of ten thousand years.

The number one may change at any time, but the second child will always be the fox clan. If this is the case, the fox clan will naturally be undefeated for thousands of years, relying on assisting the demon king, will continue to prosper.

This is also the reason why Bai Jiaojiao would help the Ninth Prince Kunpeng. As long as there are fox people around the Demon Emperor in the future, then the fox clan will not decline.

According to the information provided by Venerable Xun Mountain, the Fox Clan not only placed helpers around the Nine Princes, but even among the heirs of the Demon Emperors of the other big clans, they also had hands.

Other big clans are not dissatisfied with the fox clan's diversified investment. After all, the fox clan is not weak, and everyone needs the help of the fox clan after inheriting the position of the demon king in the future.

The fox clan does not participate in the demon emperor's competition, and concentrates on assisting the major forces, which is also an unspoken rule that has been maintained for millions of years.

Among the ten major clans, except for the fox clan ranked second, which is not interested in the position of the demon emperor, the other nine clans are all eyeing the position of the demon emperor's heir.

As for the ten big clans, the information provided in the intelligence is quite a lot, but Lei Yi has no interest in the ten big clans.

He just took a cursory look at the powers of the ten major clans, among which the Qingluan clan who had become enemies with him ranked third.

The Qingluan clan dominates the bird line, and there are wind wings, fire falcons and other tribes under his command. These are his vassal races.

And the lion clan ranked first, the main line of which is the golden lion clan, known as the leader of the beast line, but the mountain seeker marked a question mark in this sentence.

Lei Yi curled his lips, obviously he had some doubts about the strength of the Lion Clan to command the Beast Clan.

The other big clans among the ten big clans are also mostly beasts, which shows that the lion clan should be powerful, but it has not yet reached the strength to overwhelm these big clans.

However, Venerable Mountain Seeker did not provide the information about the Demon Emperor that Lei Yi cared more about.

Even there are not many descriptions of the Demon Emperor in the intelligence. In the entire Northern Frontier Demon Clan, very few people know which clan the Demon Emperor belongs to.

"The Demon Emperor is nothing and no evil, everyone in this world only knows its name and does not know its origin!" Lei Yi sighed, but didn't think much.

There is not much information about the Demon King, but there are records in the information about the capable officers under his command.

The Demon Emperor Void and Evil had four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. All four of them were from the demon clan of Northern Frontiers, but they were separated from the original clan and were only loyal to the demon emperor.

Each of them has the strength of the late heaven and human realm, and even the strong have reached the peak of this realm.

There are rumors in northern Xinjiang that once the four guards of the storm, thunder and lightning are dispatched, even the top ten clans cannot resist.

Of course, Lei Yi felt that there was an exaggeration here, but if the four celestial and human realm later shot together, its destructive power was indeed beyond imagination.

I have to say that some big brothers like to take their little brother out.

Like the magical power of dreams, there are two envoys of the sun and the moon under his command.

There are also five exercisers of gold, wood, water, fire and earth under the seat of Yunguanhai.

And this Demon Emperor Void and Evil's subordinates also had four guards of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Of course, the most outrageous one has to be the Infinite Emperor. There are not only four gods but also ten generals under his command.

"Wait, if I am awesome, I have to bring a few younger brothers!" Lei Yi curled his lips, half joking.

On the whole, there was only so much information about the monsters in the northern borders. He also scanned some of the detailed rules roughly, and he also remembered the territories of the various races and so on.

Relying on this information, he avoided some large ethnic groups in the northwest and moved slowly towards the Secret Demon Cavern.

After flying for more than ten days, Lei Yi avoided all dangers along the way, and finally came to a barren black mountain range.

This place is the outer area of ​​the Secret Demon Caverns, for Northern Xinjiang, it is completely forbidden.

"Well, the devilish energy is strong. It seems that I guessed it is correct. There must be a passage connecting the demon world here. The monsters that come out of the passage are the monsters that kill the monsters in the mouth of the demon clan!"

Lei Yi sniffed the tip of his nose, and sure enough he smelled a familiar smell.

For the demons, Lei Yi is naturally very familiar.

He did not stay in the outer area much, and soon flew into the dark mountains.

Although the environment here is similar to the original Black Mountain City, Black Mountain City is only a matter of the color of the mountains, and this place is different.

In the atmosphere here, the content of devil energy far exceeds vital energy, and some dark shadows can be seen floating in the nearby mountains. These are some monsters that are infected by devil energy and lose their sense. They have also become beasts.

In the underground, Lei Yi felt a huge amount of magic energy. It seemed that the magic energy here had been backlogged for a long time. From time to time, he could see some magic energy rushing through the surface like a fountain.

"Well, a good place!" Seeing these scenes, Lei Yi nodded, expressing satisfaction.

In this way, he flew straight to a mountain peak, and soon his figure was disappeared by a cloud of black mist drifting over.

Just after Lei Yi entered the Secret Demon Cavern, two human figures slowly flew out at the edge of this place.

Of these two people, one of them was Shi Xiao who was forced to retreat by Lei Yi, and the other was fat, with a squinting smile on his face, but it was not the Mountain Seeker who was sold to Lei Yi's intelligence.

"This human monk actually entered the secret demon cave. It seems that it should be the demon monk of the Western Regions." Shi Xiao stared at the front and said.

"Brother Shi Xiao, your injury should be healed!" The Venerable Mountain Seeker on the side asked.

"Naturally, with the help of the elixir you provided, after more than ten days of recovery, the injury is finally okay." The latter nodded, then pointed to the direction of the Secret Demon Cave and asked: "These are not important, this person's How is the identity investigation?"

"I have also investigated this clearly. This human monk has not lied. He has really been in the True Spirit Sect of Zhongzhou and is still a true disciple of this teaching. But I don’t know why, he actually betrayed the True Spirit. Immortal Sect, after entering the Western Regions, there was friction with Wuxin Shenzong, so he was desperate, and then entered the northern border, wanting to escape the pursuit of the two realms of the realm of immortality!"

"This person's experience is so... so..."

Hearing this information, Shi Xiao held back for a long time before slowly spitting out the word "outrageous".

"Yes, just how outrageous!"

Venerable Mountain Seeker also nodded, and then slowly said:

"In fact, I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect it to be true. This shows that this person still has some strength, otherwise it is impossible to escape from the hands of the true spirit fairy cult. Now, I have the information of this person Reported to the imperial court, Master Demon Sovereign has not given an order for the time being, so I'll just stop waiting for now!"

"But this person killed the direct line of the Qingluan clan, but the patriarch Qingluan wanted to ask about this person, and I also boasted about Haikou. Wouldn't it be inappropriate if I didn't do it?"

"This person is now in the Secret Demon Cavern. If Brother Shi Xiao feels that he can find this person after entering, and after defeating him, he will leave safely, then I will never stop him!"


Hearing the words of Venerable Xunshan, Shi Xiao couldn't help it.

The Secret Demon Cave was originally a forbidden area in Northern Xinjiang, even if he entered it, it would be risky, not to mention a death fight with a person.

Although face is important, life is even more important!

"In that case, I can only go back and tell Brother Qingluan that I have escaped into the secret demon cave here, and I can't chase after UU reading www.uukanshu.com!"

Shi Xiao finally shook his head and could only return in defeat. As for how Lei Yi would deal with it, he probably had no chance to participate.

The next step is to see if the Qingluan tribe will contribute, but this is unlikely.

After all, the Qingluan clan would not send a large number of people into this place just to find a fellow of the same rank. This is tantamount to blocking the foundation of the clan.

After Venerable Xunshan watched the opponent leave, the corner of his mouth showed a weird smile.

"Hehehe, what the Qingluan clan will do next, I have already guessed seven or eighty-eight. They probably won't mobilize their hands, but as long as they borrow the identity of this human race monk, they slander the Ninth Princes colluding with the human race. Then your Majesty Demon King might send someone to deal with it!"

"I just don't know, which of the four guards he will send, whether it is the Feng Wei who has made friends with the Qingluan clan, or the electric guard who has nothing to do with the birds and beasts. Anyway, no matter which one it is, this Human monks will not be their opponents!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, this human monk is quite worthy, and I want to do his business a few more times. It seems that there is no chance..."

Thinking of this, Venerable Mountain Seeker could only shook his head and left here as well.

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