I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1181: Don't plan to give money

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Black Mountain City Auction.

With the appearance of the last finale merchandise, the atmosphere of the auction has reached its hottest time.

"Hehehe, my Zongzheng still lacks a mountain guardian beast, 4 million spirit crystals!"

"My master's cave mansion also lacks a high-level monster beast for the nursing home. Although this beast is young, it can still be raised by my master's wealth, 5 million spirit crystals!"

"You guys, please give me one, 5.5 million spirit crystals, my sect will take this monster beast!"

"Hmph, your sect is just a second-rate sect. How can it be compared to my sect, I will bid 7 million on behalf of the sect!"

This time, it was not only the monks in the hall who participated in the auction, but many of them came from the private rooms upstairs.

At this point in time, there were fewer monks bidding in the hall, but many people took the attitude of watching the show and watched the big bosses upstairs arguing.

After all, for this last finale product, it is unlikely that they will be able to participate in the auction, and they cannot afford the price. On the contrary, they watch the theater with gusto.

"10 Million Spirit Crystals!"

At this moment, in a corner of the hall, someone shouted a very exaggerated price.

This was a woman's voice, with a cold tone, as if there was no trace of emotion, she shouted a price that many cultivators could not even think of.

The most surprising thing is that this woman has never participated in the auction from start to finish. As a result, the final product is here, and the price is so high all at once.

This price surprised many people, but it also made many people shut their mouths.

After all, they can't afford higher prices.


"What's wrong with this breath?"

"One million spirit crystals, just take them out. The backing of these people shouldn't be small, right?"

At this moment, in the private room upstairs, Huo Ruliu and the three were aware of the abnormality.

They didn't see the identity of the female demon clan, but felt a little strange.

"These people's whereabouts are a bit suspicious, are they hiding their heads and revealing their tails, is it the evil way of cultivating?" Huo Ruliu looked down with suspicion in his heart.

"Elder Huo joked. This is the Western Regions. The dressing of these people is actually quite normal!" Feng Huo San Ren waved his hands and said after careful identification: "However, their aura is a bit weird, I actually Never seen it before!"

"You know, back then, when I wandered through Black Mountain City and even the Western Regions, I had dealt with almost all kinds of sects, but I couldn't understand the origins of these people at all, which is weird!"

"Are they incapable of casual cultivation, or are they innocent people?" The Huangpao Taoist person on the side guessed.

After Feng Huo scattered the people, he shook his head again: "It's impossible. They want to buy the Kunpeng descendant, then it must not be a casual cultivator, otherwise they will not be able to raise it after buying this beast. Those who can participate in the auction are mostly Zongmen monks. , Ninety-nine percent of the monster beast was bought for Zongmen's consideration!"

After hearing this, Huo Ruliu guessed: "They may be the apprentice of a certain hidden old ghost who bought it for his master. This explanation should be true!"

"Elder Huo makes sense!" Feng Huo nodded, and then asked: "I don't know if Elder Huo is interested in this beast. With the power of True Spirit Sect, it is naturally not difficult to cultivate this beast. Maybe a hundred years. Within the nobility, Guizong has another celestial-human realm demon clan to provide advice!"

"Friends of Daoist joked, this sect is not thinking about cultivating monster beasts right now, besides the rush of coming out of me, I don't have so many spirit crystals on my body, forget it, forget it!"

Hearing what Huo Ruliu said, Feng Huo San Ren lost interest.

But Huo Ruliu didn't bid. After thinking about it, the Daoist in Huangpao by the side offered a price to Feng Huo San Ren.

When the latter heard the words, he did not suspect that he was there, and directly shouted: "12 million Lingjing!"

"It's Feng Huo San Ren, he made another bid!"

"It's weird. Fenghuo Sanren was not born in casual cultivators. Why did you want to photograph this monster race? Is it because you want to stay by your side and raise it yourself, but the consumption of this beast is a bit huge even for the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm?"

"It's also possible that Fenghuo Sanren got on to a certain sect. After all, he was born in a random cultivator. It is normal to join the sect as an offering. Maybe he came out for a certain sect?"

There was a lot of discussion below, but after hearing that it was an offer made by Feng Huo scattered people, everyone was silent, and no one increased the price.

"15 million!" But after a long silence, the woman who spoke before raised the price again.

It seems that she is bound to win this beast.

In the private room upstairs, Feng Huo scattered people looking at the Taoist in Huangpao, asking questions in their eyes.

The latter frowned, but gritted his teeth, and finally nodded.

"18 million!" Fenghuo Sanren continued to increase prices.

"20 million!" But what I didn't expect was that the speed of the women's bid was even faster this time, and it suddenly reached the 20 million mark.

The people below are even more talking about it, but this time it is not talking about the wind and fire, but guessing the identity of the woman.

After all, there are not many people who dare to challenge the Celestial Realm cultivator, and they are bold enough. If they have no backing behind, they really dare not offend the Celestial Realm.

"This fellow Taoist offered 20 million spirit crystals, but there are still people increasing the price!" On the stage, Master Zhao repeated the price again and looked upstairs.

But this time, Taoist Huangpao shook his head, obviously the price has reached his limit.

Under this situation, everyone else died and fell silent.

"20 million once!"

"20 million twice!"

"20 million three times, congratulations to this fellow Taoist for buying this final product at the price of 20 million Lingjing!"

Master Zhao shouted three times, and finally the case was finalized.

But after waiting for a long time, he never saw anyone on stage.

The group of black-robed people seemed to be silent at the moment, and no one came forward to hand over.

"What does this fellow Daoist mean, won't you come up and hand over after bidding?" Master Zhao was also embarrassed by this group of people, and asked instead.

After all, these people paid the money. Although the other party hasn't paid the money now, he still has to be polite. After all, the auction is for business, so it's better not to offend the people.

But he is polite now, the demon men and horses headed by women do not intend to be polite.

After a long time, one person finally walked out of the team.

He slowly walked onto the stage and came in front of Master Zhao.

"This fellow Taoist, please also hand over the money, otherwise the bank will not be easy to operate!" Master Zhao said quickly.

"You Black Mountain City hijacked the Ninth Prince of my family, and you still want to take 20 million Lingjing from us. It's ridiculous!"

As soon as this remark came out, Master Zhao looked shocked.

Because he heard it out, these people didn't seem to plan to give money at all.

Not only that, the other party called this monster beast the Ninth Prince, which is not something ordinary people can call out.

"What, the Ninth Prince!" At the same time, Huo Ruliu also reacted in the elegant room upstairs.

Can be called the Ninth Prince and belong to the Demon Race, naturally it can only be the direct line of the Demon Race in the Northern Frontier.

Although the Demon Emperor didn't have many heirs under his knees, he knew that among the Northern Frontier Demon Clan, many descendants of sacred beasts and those with noble blood were called royal clans.

Even if the opponent is not a direct heir of the Demon Emperor, but from another clan, he can be a prince and prince.

Therefore, it is not impossible for this monster to be called the Nine Princes.

"They are members of the Yaozu!" Huo Ruliu exclaimed, but did not act.

Because the Yaozu appeared in Heishan City, although it was surprising, he, the elder of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, appeared in the Western Regions, and he couldn't make a public statement either.

So after thinking about it, Huo Ruliu looked at each other with Taoist Huangpao, neither of them planned to make a move.

"No, they are from the monster race!" On the stage, Master Zhao also reacted and exclaimed: "They didn't plan to give money! Hurry up, go and notify the consecration, let them come here as soon as possible!"

"It's late!" At this moment, the demons in the audience finally didn't intend to bear it, and they uncovered their black robes, revealing their true faces.

"Do it!" After that, this group of monsters shot directly.

They used all kinds of magical powers to create chaos on the auction site, and one of them rushed to Master Zhao.

The person on the stage also moved quickly and came to the animal cart where Kunpeng was being held to rescue the opponent.

"Tsk tusk, it's messy!" In the corner, Lei Yi secretly shook his head as he watched the farce begin.

He felt that this group of monsters was too simple to think, the details of this Black Mountain City auction could not be provoke by a few of them.

But none of this has anything to do with him. After he saw that the noise was big enough, people quickly dived into the shadows underground, and then moved outside the auction venue.

Behind him, the volatility of fighting techniques in the venue gradually intensified, and the entire auction venue shook, as if it was about to dump at any time.

Lei Yi's thoughts are naturally nothing to do with himself.

He quickly left the Black Mountain City auction, but when he didn't go far, an explosion sounded behind him.

It turned out that the entire auction venue was destroyed by the explosion at the moment.

During the explosion, a few rays of light flew out and galloped northward.

"Damn it, these demons, dare to ruin the venue!"

"Chasing, absolutely can't let them go, otherwise, what is the reputation of my Black Mountain City Auction?"

"Catch them for me, none of them can be let go. The loss of the auction will be paid for with their lives!"

And after these few escapes, there were bursts of cursing and harsh shouts. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

Several escape lights flew out, chasing in the direction where the monster race escaped.

"Interesting!" Lei Yi watched the two groups of people walk away, and it was a moment of surprise.

What did this group of monsters eat, so swaggering, as if they were telling each other that we escaped from this direction.

"Wait, are they..." But soon, a thought flashed through Lei Yi's mind.

Then his gaze was immediately locked in a hidden corner nearby.

At this location, three figures walked out slowly, wearing black robes, covering their faces.

But Lei Yi still felt a hint of thunder from the opponent.

The three of them have different body shapes. It can be seen that they are a burly man, a petite woman, and a young child.

"So that's it, this is Mingxiu's squeeze Dao, and it's dark!"

Lei Yi also had to sigh that Yaozu would use tactics.

Obviously, the demons just now were clearly decoys, and this is the real team responsible for escorting the Nine Princes.

But what they didn't know was that they thought they had deceived everyone, but they had already been targeted.

And the person who followed them was not Lei Yi.

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