I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1169: Corpse

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Just as Lei Yi was thinking, there was another explosion in Xuantianjie's body.

"Hahaha, I'm Lei Wanhong acting my whole life, and I'm not ashamed of my heart. I don't regret making this choice!"

"Junior Sister Yuan, in fact, from the moment you started, I had a good impression of you, but it is a pity that the two of us paid the wrong way!"

Amid the explosion, Lei Wanhong's regretful voice came.

At the last moment of his life, Yuan Ruomeng was still in his heart.

"Boy, don't learn from me. You were afraid of failure when you were alive, and waited until you were dying to be bold enough to confide in your sincerity. It would be too late..."

In Lei Yi's ear, Lei Wanhong actually transmitted a voice to him alone.

It's a pity that Lei Yi wanted to respond to the opponent, but it was too late.

"Senior Lei Wanhong..."

He murmured, looking at the location of Xuantian Annihilation, only helplessness remained in his heart.

But the face of the other person who fought with him was very ugly at the moment.

"Damn it, what the **** did you guys do?"

Lin Daoxian never expected that the situation he was expecting did not happen, so he scolded.

In his plan, the corpse **** insect should have been killed one by one, and in the end the strongest corpse **** insect was left, and he would use secret techniques to secretly control it.

Once the only corpse **** insect was controlled, the body of the corpse **** Xuantian Mie was in his bag, and he could also use the opponent's power to sweep the immortal world.

But now, the plan is very different from his expectations, how can he not be angry?

"It doesn't matter what you did. The important thing is that the seniors even sacrificed themselves in order to liberate Sect Master Xuantian Annihilation. This kind of awareness is beyond your reach!"

Lei Yi shouted sharply and was about to shoot again.

But at this moment, within the Seven Star Magic Array, there was another change.

"Crunch crunch..." An ear-piercing bug sounded in Lei Yi's ear.

His figure stopped immediately, looking in that direction, he saw the purple light flashing in the seven-star magic array, and then a black shadow flew out from within one of the magic arrays.

"This position seems to be Xuan Meng!" Lei Yi recalled for a moment, and knew that Xuan Meng was in charge.

Then the figure flying upside down is naturally Xuan Meng.

"She was blasted out by the corpse **** insect?" Lei Yi was surprised when she saw the woman flying out.

However, considering the fact that Lei Wanhong and others need to explode to kill the corpse **** insect, the strength of a single corpse **** insect may be very powerful.

Although Xuan Meng is not weak in strength, this woman is absolutely unconscious of self-destruction, and as a result, even a corpse **** insect can't deal with it.

Seeing the embarrassed woman, Lei Yi felt helpless.

"Boy, do you still have the strength to enter the Seven Star Demon Array and destroy the corpse **** insect!" At this moment, Yuan Ruomeng's voice came from his ear.

Obviously, because Xuan Meng had failed, someone had to fill the vacancy of this woman, and now there are people who can fight again, and only Lei Yi is left.

"Senior Yuan, I think too, but there is still Lin Daoxian here. If I go in, wouldn't he be able to control him?"

"It's okay. Someone will come. I can already sense it. Someone wants to kill the corpse worm, just let him fill your position. Now the top priority is you to fill another vacancy, and the corpse worm must be attacked. Kill, otherwise there will be a big disaster!"

"it is good!"

In the end, Lei Yi didn't hesitate, and looked at the magic circle that Xuan Meng flew out, and flew straight to it.

This time, Lin Daoxian didn't stop him, because Lei Yi's departure was beneficial to his plan.

Moreover, this kid possesses the power of time, who knows if he is hiding behind the move, and if the opponent leaves, it means that no one can threaten him.

As for Xuan Meng, after being bombarded by the corpse **** insect, this woman has lost her combat effectiveness and is even less a threat.

Lin Daoxian watched Lei Yi fly into the Seven Star Magic Array, filling the position of Xuan Meng, only the cold color flickering in his eyes.

"Hmph, now that you have reached this point, then this seat will start the follow-up method!" He sneered and began to pinch the spell.

Back then, these corpse **** insects were all raised by him, and there were a lot of his methods hidden in the bodies of these insects.

Lin Daoxian had expected such a day for a long time, so how could he not make more preparations for it.

The success or failure of the plan was just before his eyes, and he became excited.

"Well, no one can stop me now, this corpse **** insect and the seven-star magic array, but my future means of traversing the world, how can you allow you to destroy it, let me die here now!" Lin Daoxian said, just To urge a certain secret method again.

"Your Excellency is really good calculation!" But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Lin Daoxian.

"What!" Lin Daoxian never expected that there were still people here.

Lei Yi had entered the Seven-Star Magic Array and filled the vacancy of Xuan Meng. Gao Jinyun, Lei Wanhong, and Yu Fusheng all blew themselves up and couldn't come out.

So who is it?

Lin Daoxian could only cancel the spellcasting, sacrifice supernatural powers for defense, and a layer of corpse aura permeated his body.

But the man's moves were swift, and he ignored the corpse energy, and slammed a firm palm on Lin Daoxian's body.


The air wave exploded, and Lin Daoxian flew out like a lightning strike.

The corpse energy on the surface of his body collapsed, leaving a sunken palm print where he was hit.

"Cough cough, how could it happen!" Lin Daoxian never expected that someone could leave such a mark on his corpse refining body, which shows that the person has a strong palm.

He looked back and saw a masked man standing in the air, looking at himself.

"It's you, one of the people who broke the formation, but why did you come out?"

The person here was Zhuo Fangyan. Wearing a mask of impermanence ghost, his eyes were cold and his aura was not fluctuating, as if he had never entered the Seven Star Demon Array to fight against the corpse **** insects.

"A corpse worm, you don't think I can't deal with it, do you?" Zhuo Fang chuckled his eyes, his tone jokingly.

"The corpse **** worm was killed by you, how could it be, what kind of strength are you?" Lin Daoxian stared at Zhuo Fang's eyes, trying to see through the other party.

Unfortunately, no matter how he feels, he can't actually feel the other person's breath.

This can only show that the opponent is very strong!

"Your Excellency should be concerned about how to survive from my hands!" Zhuo Fang smiled again, but then immediately changed his words: "I'm sorry, I forget that you are a dead person, how about letting you go again? what?"

As soon as this statement came out, Lin Daoxian's expression became extremely ugly.

At the same time, within the Seven Star Magic Array.

After Lei Yi rushed into it, he passed through a piece of scorched flesh and blood. There were all wounds bombarded by treasures.

His body turned into a black shadow, and he was only squirming in the flesh and blood, and finally passed through a piece of stiff meridian and blood vessel tissue, and came to a hollow area.

"Crunch crunch..." A sound of insects sounded, which was obviously the sound of the corpse **** insect.

Lei Yi drilled out of the shadows, looking in the direction where the insects were coming from.

Lei Yi saw a huge worm that looked like a silkworm chrysalis. The whole body was red as blood, and there were countless dense tentacles growing on the surface, connected with the flesh and blood around it, like a plant root system rooted here.

There were some sunken fist marks on the surface of this insect, which were obviously caused by Xuan Meng, but the corpse **** insect resisted the damage and blasted the latter out of this area.

After the threat of Xuan Meng disappeared, the corpse **** insect became active again.

But at this moment, Lei Yi is here.

"This is the corpse **** insect!" Lei Yi frowned and looked at the fat insect in front of him. This was the culprit who had tortured Xuantian for hundreds of millions of years.

These insects, living in Xuantianjie's body for so many years, can survive for so long, these insects are also peculiar.

Lei Yi didn't hesitate, he knew that time was urgent, so he shot it straight away.

But at the moment he acted, among the surrounding flesh and blood barriers, hundreds of tentacles suddenly stretched out and stabbed at him.

Facing such an attack, Lei Yi had expected it, but due to the huge loss of vitality in his body, he couldn't use too much magical powers.

Therefore, within the limited space, he relied on the power of the physical body to evade, and his figure continuously shifted and flickered within a short distance, avoiding part of the tentacles.


It's a pity that the corpse **** insects attacked very quickly, and he couldn't dodge, and one arm was pierced by the tentacle.

"This is..." At this moment, Lei Yi found a surprised scene, that tentacle was actually absorbing the blood in his body.

On the surface of the tentacles, there was a fierce mouthpart covered with barbs. It was this mouthpart that broke his flesh and blood and was devouring blood.

"The corpse **** insect is not the product of the corpse road, but the blood road?" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi couldn't help but guess.

But then, his face changed to ecstasy.

Because swallowing blood, it's not only the corpse **** insects who can, but he can also.

"You swallow me, I'll swallow you it's almost the same!" Lei Yi chuckled, running the Modo blood curse.

In an instant, the blood robbed from his body was like a young bird leaving the nest, thinking about returning home eagerly.

Within the tentacles, there was a force of resistance, but Lei Yi's Modo blood curse was not vegetarian, and the power of absorption instantly increased.

Almost in a moment, the offensive was reversed, and all the blood in the tentacles turned back.

Not only that, in addition to the energy and blood being swallowed, Lei Yi found that there was actually a strong force of energy in the tentacles.

Suddenly, Lei Yi was not only ecstatic in his heart, but even almost laughed out loud.

What is really lacking, he just drove the dragon cable, and the vitality in his body was greatly depleted. He Lin Daoxian has been fighting for so long, and he has lost a lot of blood.

The corpse **** insect appeared at the right time, and the blood in the opponent's body was what he was in desperate need.

Lei Yi grabbed the tentacle, and then ran the Modo Blood Curse with all his strength. The blood in it reversed and all poured into his body, being absorbed and refined by him.

Within a few breaths, the loss of vitality in his body had actually replenished nearly 30%, and the power of qi and blood was still continuously injected into the body.

Not only did he not expect this result, but he didn't even think of the corpse **** insect that controls the tentacles.

The worm's fat body twisted violently, and finally decided to "break his wrist".

The tentacle broke from the barrier, and a large swath of blood sprayed out, dyeing Lei Yi's feet red.

This was to prevent Lei Yi from absorbing the blood, and the corpse **** insect cut off its own tentacles.

"Hey, your tentacles can be broken, but what about your body?"

But after Lei Yi knew the characteristics of the corpse **** insect, how could he bypass the opponent.

He looked at the body of the corpse **** insect with piercing eyes, with a look of ill intentions.

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