I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1162: Facing Xuantian Destruction?

(Written at the beginning: Today is the busiest day, it will be fine after it has passed, and normal updates will resume tomorrow!)

Outside the Doushen Temple.

Lei Yi is non-stop, galloping all the way.

Returning according to the route when he came, he pushed the escape speed to the limit, and soon flew out of the Battle God Temple.

Because he was afraid that Yuan Zhongsheng and others would chase him, he didn't dare to delay any of them. After seeing a certain direction, he quickly left.

A quarter of an hour later, he landed on a hidden mountain near the Doushen Temple, scanned the surroundings, and finally saw a mark on a stone.

"Well, yes, the mark that Senior Yuan said is here, so she should be nearby too!"

With that said, Lei Yi took out a messenger and began to send the message.

After a few breaths, the talisman returned the message, and after checking it a little, he set off again.

Lei Yifei escaped for a moment and landed near a mountain forest.

Several piercing noises sounded, and several figures flew out of the forest.

What surprised Lei Yi was that in addition to Kaiyuan Ruomeng and Xuan Meng's group, there was a man in black robe wearing a mask of impermanence ghost in the team.

"Peak Master!" Lei Yi subconsciously shouted when he saw the opponent.

"Hahaha, what peak master to call, I am not the one who asked Sin Peak for a long time!" The impermanence ghost said with a smile.

Lei Yi was also a little embarrassed, scratching his head and said: "This... I'm used to shouting, I can't change my mouth for a while!"

"You can put aside these things, business matters!" Yuan Ruomeng quickly reminded him.

"Yes, I have been preparing for so long, and the success or failure is in one fell swoop!" Lei Wanhong, who was on the side, said sternly.

With that said, he looked at Lei Yi and asked, "Boy, has the dragon rope been taken out?"

"Of course, this really took a lot of my hands and feet, but fortunately it was taken out!" Lei Yi said, handing over the dragon rope.

But Yuan Ruomeng and others did not take over, instead they pushed this treasure back to Lei Yi.

"Senior, what does this mean?"

"Although this dragon-binding rope is the ultimate treasure of the sect, the few people I waited for were unable to refine this treasure for various reasons. You can only control it!"

With that, Yuan Ruomeng waved his hand gently, and a jade slip flew into Lei Yi's hand.

"The dragon-binding cable is the most precious treasure in the legend, and ordinary refining methods cannot sacrifice this thing. This is the supporting technique and formula for controlling the dragon-binding cable. You can refine it quickly!"

Lei Yi took the jade slip and glanced at Yuan Ruomeng and others for the last time, nodding his head seriously.

He took the jade slip, walked aside, and began refining.

Yuan Ruo dreamed of this, raised his hand a little, and arranged a defensive array around Lei Yi.

Immediately afterwards, the woman looked at Lei Wanhong and others, and said with a serious face: "We also rushed to act. Although the number is still one less, but now, we can't manage so many things, success or failure lies in this one move!"

"Junior Sister said that!" Lei Wanhong and others all nodded.

"First of all, we have to let the Sect Master come over and eliminate some of the intruders in the Doushen Temple and even the Zongmen, and the existence of these people can buy us some time!"

Yuan Ruomeng said the first step of the plan, and then took out a spell again, and under the pinch jue cast, a flame of fire rose into the sky.

The flame flew high in the sky, and then burst open, a huge cloud of fire filled, almost the entire ruins saw this scene.

Some monks who had broken in saw this, thinking that a heavy treasure was born in that direction, all of them flew up and rushed towards the Temple of Fighting God.

And the cultivators who were already near the Doushen Temple all flew towards this place, wanting to see what was going on.

At the same time, somewhere in the ruins.

A great sky giant was originally advancing in a certain direction, but as the waves of flames burst, his body suddenly stopped.

Above the giant's sluggish face, there was a look of confusion, and he murmured: "This is... the beacon and wolf smoke... the temple of the bucket... dangerous..."

After uttering these words, the giant really changed his direction and took a step towards where the flame was.


Suddenly, the earth moved and the mountains shook.

The ground with a radius of thousands of miles collapsed under the giant's footsteps.

Fighting Temple, the main hall square.

Yuan Zhongsheng and the others looked at the seriously injured Jin Lingsheng three people with different expressions, but their expressions were very ugly.

They learned about the fact that Jin Lingsheng was hit hard by Lei Yi. Although the three had recovered now, the other party had already escaped.

So after hearing this news, You Ying Zhuzhao, including Yuan Zhongsheng, all rushed forward, but unfortunately it was already too late.

"That said, this kid obtained the dragon tie, and then used this treasure to severely inflict all three of you!" Zhuzhao said word by word, repeating the words of the three of Jin Lingsheng.

When the three heard this, their expressions were a little unnatural, but they nodded because it was a fact.

"Although the chain in that kid's hand was not completed, it seemed to have overwhelming power under one blow. The three of us could not bear it, and could only lose with hatred!" Nangong Lie recalled fighting Lei Yi. In one scene, there was a lingering fear of the golden chain.

"That is the dragon tie, the treasure of the Xuantian Sect, and it is of course that it can have this power. Or, if it wasn't for the kid who didn't have the method of sacrifice, the three of you wouldn't be as simple as being beaten out. Maybe the five players will lose one or two!" Zhu Zhao said with a sneer.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the three Jin Lingsheng suddenly changed and became very ugly.

"Don't mention these anymore. My task now is to catch up with that kid. He shouldn't escape too far!"

After Yuan Zhongsheng finished speaking, he looked at the three of the Three Sages behind him.

Among them, the female sect master who is good at sensing stepped out, she must use her magical powers to track Lei Yi.


But at this moment, the entire Doushen Temple shook violently, and Yuan Zhongsheng and others naturally couldn't maintain their balance, and they flew up one after another.

"what's the situation?"

"How is this going?"

"There is an earthquake, but this place is a closed space. If an earthquake is really going to happen, it won't be so severe all of a sudden, right?"

A crowd of people felt the vibration from all around, and they began to guess.

"No, it's not a vibration!" But Youying and Zhuzhao's expressions became extremely difficult to look at.

"This movement, that person is here!"

Yuan Zhongsheng heard this and quickly asked: "Who is that person?"

You Ying and Zhuzhao looked at each other, and said in a very jealous tone, "Xuantian is gone!"

They might not know who Xuantianjie was before, but now they all know it.

This is the master of this sect, the master of the Saint Realm.

The giants that are rampant here, they all have seen each other's methods.

And now, the other party is coming!

Outside the Doushen Temple.

On the vast territory, a giant moves forward.

It took a step, the sky collapsed, and the void shook.

When walking around, all the wind pressure brought up turned into a storm, sweeping the mountains and forests, and smoke and dust everywhere.

The giant is tens of thousands of feet tall, with a huge body covering the sky, and all the monks who have seen the true face of the other party are all fearful.

Some were courageous and couldn't even keep flying. After falling to the ground, they could only curl up in the corner, shivering.

But these people, without exception, will be killed by Xuantian Mitigation.

Even he only needed to take a step, and the huge shock wave directly crushed the monks nearby.

Wherever he passed, countless groups of blood mist burst. These were the intruders who were killed by him when he walked around.

Using the word kill is actually not in line with reality. It should be said that trampling to death is more appropriate.


"That giant is here!"

"If we don't go, we will all die!"

With the arrival of the giant, the monks who were attracted by the fire near the Doushen Temple all flew up and fled in all directions.

"Humph!" In the sky, a thunder sounded, which was a cold snort from the giant.

Under the hum, a shock wave hit the surroundings.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, all the flying monks were affected by this move. Some bodies were directly shattered, and some even if they were supported, their bodies couldn't maintain their balance, and they fell to the ground one after another.

But before they landed, one of the giant's legs had already stepped out, and the wind pressure brought these people directly into it.

In the sky, there were hundreds of blood fog bursting, and all these people died.

The giant didn't even use magical powers, but relying on the huge power when walking around, he killed these people in seconds.

At this moment, before the giant came to the Doushen Hall, looking at this familiar hall, his eyes showed a touch of remembrance.

But soon, this trace of feeling disappeared without a trace, and the giant's face was once again replaced by coldness.

"You Ying... Candlelight... Come out to die..." He shouted coldly as if he had sensed the people in the hall.

In the Temple of Fighting God, several escape lights flew out and came into the air.

Yuan Zhongsheng, Youying, Zhuzhao, Jinlingsheng, the three sect masters of the Three Sages, and a group of elders from the sect of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, all face to face with the giant at this moment.

"Is this the Xuantian Destruction mentioned in the mouths of the two envoys?" Yuan Zhongsheng looked at the giant in front of him, feeling extremely jealous in his heart.

Facing the other side, he felt what is powerful, and the oppressive feeling given to him by this giant even surpassed the magical powers of the master of the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

Of course, when Yuan Zhongsheng met the dream supernatural power, he always took the posture of the younger generation. As the dream supernatural power of the elder, naturally he would not be hostile to Yuan Zhongsheng.

At this moment, Yuan Zhongsheng only felt the strong killing intent and deathly silence on Xuan Tianjie's body.

"You Ying... Candlelight..." The giant didn't talk nonsense. After seeing the two traitors, he waved his hand and blasted it with one blow.

When it made the move, the huge wind pressure swept across the four directions first, directly confining the void where Yuan Zhongsheng and others were located.

The big hand shook down, everyone was shocked, and at the same time a life and death crisis lingered.

They knew that if UU reading www.uukanshu.com didn't dodge this blow, they and others would undoubtedly die.

"No, I can't move!"

"How come, my magic weapon has expired!"

"No, why can't my magical powers be displayed?"

Seeing the big hand getting closer, some people were surprised to find that they couldn't move anymore.

However, the powerful people such as Yuan Zhongsheng can still act at this moment, and they have used their supernatural powers to flee around.


The big hand shot down, shattering the void.

Several clusters of blood mist burst, and then was swallowed in by the void crack.

With a single blow, the giant killed a vote of elders of the sect, and the remaining people were less than one-third of the previous number.

"This blow is so powerful!"

Yuan Zhongsheng and others looked at the space cracks that were gradually healed, and their hearts became more jealous.

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