I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1160: Depot Binding Dragon

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(Written at the beginning: The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party by the unit is about to begin. There is a lot of preparation work. The author will be busy until July 1st. There is no time code. No way, this is the unit. It’s a top priority. So in the past few days, the author’s bacteria may only have 1 change every day o(╥﹏╥)o... But it’s just after the 1st, please bear with me, readers, QAQ!)

The ruins of Potian Xuanzong, near Doushen Temple.

A white rainbow flew by and landed in a hidden mountain forest nearby.

As the light converged, Yuan Ruomeng's figure appeared.

After this woman came here, she scanned her surroundings, and finally locked on a tree trunk not far away, with a strange mark engraved on it.

Seeing this, this woman smiled knowingly.

Because this mark is an item that she and Yu Fusheng, Lei Wanhong and the three of them got when they went to a treasure hunt.

"You guys, don't hide, I'm here!" Yuan Ruomeng said.


Several cracking sounds sounded, rain was floating, Lei Wanhong and Gao Jinyun appeared one after another.

"How about it, are everything ready?" Yuan Ruo asked after seeing a few people appear in a dream.

"Senior Sister, I have already got my treasure!" Gao Jinyun spoke first, and took out a scarlet red box.

"Mine is fine too!" Lei Wanhong also took out a golden box.

Yuan Ruomeng looked at Yu Fusheng, who also took out a blue box.

Yuan Ruomeng nodded, and with a light wave of his hand, three boxes of white, brown and dark red flew out.

"Although the group of people killed the nomads before, they did not take away the treasure of the Forbidden Soul Palace. I spent a lot of time and work, and it can be regarded as getting this treasure. Now I add the two of the Hall of Star Harvesting and the Hall of Shura. I have already collected six treasures!"

She said, looking at the Doushen Temple not far away, and whispered: "Now, there are still two things missing..."

Just before she finished her words, a flash of light flew out of Dou Shen's brain and flew straight towards them.

"That junior is here!" Seeing this, Lei Wanhong narrowed his eyes and saw who the person was.

Dunguang landed quickly, and Xuan Meng's figure appeared.

"Have you got the things?" Yuan Ruomeng quickly stepped forward and asked after seeing this girl.

"Several seniors, the juniors are fortunate enough to finally get the treasure in the Doushen Temple!" Xuan Meng arched his hands, and then took out a golden box.

Seeing the box appeared, Lei Wanhong and the others were relieved.

Gao Jinyun looked happy, expecting: "This way, I finally gathered seven treasures, enough to suppress the corpse **** insect!"

"Not enough!" But Yuan Ruomeng immediately poured cold water.

"Junior sister, what's the difference? Let's prepare now!" Lei Wanhong said quickly.

"No, you can't prepare!" Yuan Ruomeng shook his head and said, "Because seven treasures need to be manipulated at the same time, seven people are required to shoot at the same time, and now we have only five people, and two of them are short of them."

"And..." At this point, the woman then looked into the Doushen Temple and sighed: "And I asked that kid to get the dragon rope. This treasure also needs human control, so we still lack the power of three people! "

"There are still three people left!" Lei Wanhong glanced at the people around him, a little helpless.

He added Yu Fusheng and Gao Jinyun, as well as Yuan Ruomeng and Xuan Meng, and there were only five people.

Even if Lei Yi is added, it is still two people short.

Lei Wanhong hammered the ground with a fist, and said in an unwilling tone: "Damn, Yin Invincible and the nomads have fallen. Now, who are we going to ask for help? Lin Daoxian is a body of corpse refinement, and he cannot sacrifice treasures. Can't help us?"

"It's okay!" Yuan Ruomeng said again: "I also considered this. It was a bit difficult to gather the number of people. We fetched seven treasures just in case. Even if the number of people is not enough, the plan is still necessary. carried out."

"It's just that if the number of people is small, it will be very difficult to deal with the corpse **** insects, and the corpse **** insects blessed by the seven-star magic array, every time one is solved, the other several will be stronger. If they can't be solved at the same time, Then it is hard to imagine how strong the remaining corpse divine worm will grow. But when that happens, I can only wait for my fate!"

"Are you resigned?" Lei Wanhong and others looked up at the sky, all in a trance.

Because this may be the last time they saw this scene, but unfortunately the sky at this moment is still filled with gray mist, and they can't see anything.

"Don't mention these, what we have to do now is to wait for that kid to appear, and when he gets the dragon rope, our plan will be closer to success!"

"Tie the dragon rope, it is not something that is easy to obtain. Based on the strength of that kid, it is estimated that even if he obtains this treasure, he will be injured!"

Lei Wanhong said, a smile appeared on the puppet's face.

"What are the few people discussing just now, I don't know if I can put a hand in it?" But at this moment, a joking voice suddenly rang in Yuan Ruomeng and others' ears.

"Who!" Lei Wanhong and the others shouted sharply, looking around.

"Don't be nervous, this person is not hostile to us!" But Yuan Ruomeng waved his hand, and then greeted in a shadow in front of the side: "I have seen fellow Daoists. You helped me wait for the rescue before, but I haven't thanked him yet. I hope you forgive me!"

In the shadow, a group of gray death aura suddenly rose, and then a figure walked out of it.

"Hahaha, thank you, no need!" The visitor waved his hand, and then smiled: "I wonder if you can tell me the next plan. I just heard that you seem to be short of manpower, so how about adding me? ?"

"This..." Yuan Ruomeng thought for a moment, and then Yanran smiled: "As long as the daoists sincerely help me wait and tell you the plan, it's not impossible."

Underground in the Temple of Fighting God, in the Hall of Prisoners.


In the sky, there was a scream.

Lei Yi's figure was shot down again and fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Ahem, this thing is too shameless for me!"

Lei Yi struggled for a long time before he got up.

He clutched his chest, panting, his face looked unlovable.

Because up to now, he no longer knows how many times he has been beaten by the dragon cable, every time he is so embarrassed, he feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This dragon rope is not just a treasure of the same rank, it actually has the power to easily suppress him.

One person and one treasure have fought for so long, every time Lei Yi has the disadvantage, and every time he is beaten down.

Shame, shame!

If it weren't for no one else here, he would have to squat in the corner with his face covered in circles, cursing the dragon rope in circles.

Now, Lei Yi resisted the urge to rush up again, because it was thankless.

He looked around, and now there were not many monsters phantoms left. The monsters that jumped before were all thwarted by the dragon.

"The task of binding the dragon cable should be to guard this prisoner dragon palace. If the monster beasts here are gone, what will happen?"

Lei Yi thought so, and an idea of ​​destroying all the monsters here emerged in his heart.

Anyway, they are all dead, and doing this by myself is only to help their souls supersede in advance, and let them go to reincarnation earlier.

"Count it down, I've done a good thing!" Lei Yi smiled and comforted himself.

After speaking, his gaze flickered, and he directly slammed the few monster ghosts nearby.

He sprinted to the vicinity of the phantom, then opened his mouth and inhaled, and the magical powers of the ghosts and gods were displayed.

In an instant, these phantoms seemed to have seen extremely terrifying things, and they all fled around in panic.

But they didn't run far, they were pulled by a suction force, and finally flew into Lei Yi's mouth and was swallowed by him.

Guru, Guru, Guru...

When the last phantom was eaten by him, Lei Yi felt power in his body.

"The strength of this group of monsters must not be weak during their lifetime. I have eaten so many remnants of souls, and I feel that the few divine orifices that have not been opened are a little loose!"

Lei Yi felt the soul power growing in his body, and quickly raised his head to look upward.

Seeing Fu Long Suo coiled his body at this moment, actually motionless.

Lei Yi: "..."

He never expected that this guy would have no reaction at all.

He killed all the monsters suppressed by the opponent, so you didn't say anything?

"Fuck it, don't care!" In the end, Lei Yi finally decided that he could only fight the dragon rope.

He flew up, and once again slammed towards Bound Longsuo.

This time, Lei Yi's body was filled with blood mist, and then a huge pitch-black dragon shot out.

Lei Yi directly displayed the Yuanlong Transformation, intending to separate himself from the Dragon Bound.

The dragon rope was originally dozing off, but at the moment Lei Yi displayed the Yuanlong Transformation, his eyes on the dragon's head burst open, and his figure rushed downward at the same time.

Two dragon shadows, one gold and one black, fought against each other in the sky.

Yuanlong and the dragon rope, their bodies fought together in the air. On the dragon claws of the two sides, there is a powerful power attached to them, and they madly grab each other.

The deep dragon controlled by Lei Yi flashed with silver runes on the surface, and the void was constantly torn apart under the attack of the dragon's claws.

Not only that, when he used his magical powers, he also had golden and black runes blessings. These were the power of the law of darkness and the law of time.

As for the Dragon Cable, several times he tried to confine Lei Yi with his magical powers, but Yuanlong's body was also huge, and the Dragon Cable couldn't restrain Lei Yi.

The two giant dragons were turned upside down in the Prison Dragon Hall, and the entire palace rumbling loudly under the hands of the two.

After an hour, Lei Yi began to exhaust his strength, and the Yuanlong transformation was almost unsustainable.

But he found that the supernatural power of the dragon cable seemed to be decreasing.

"There's a show!" He was overjoyed, he almost couldn't hold on anymore, but he didn't know where he came from, and attacked the dragon cable again. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

Yuanlong bit the body of Bound Longsuo, and then rushed to the ground with this treasure.

The dragon's rope twisted his body, the chain was wrapped around Yuanlong's body, and the supernatural powers blessed him, it was necessary to imprison the former.

But at this moment, Lei Yi could only gritted his teeth and swooped down under the force of the imprisonment.


Where Yuanlong passed, the void collapsed.

Finally, the ground got closer and closer, and Yuanlong's body began to shrink rapidly.

But just such a change has greatly weakened the imprisoning ability of the dragon rope.


In the end, while falling to the ground at the same time, the traces of the Yuanlong and the dragon rope were hidden under the smoke and dust.

After more than ten breaths, when the smoke dissipated, a figure was seen half sitting on the ground, holding a not-so-thick chain in his hand.

"I... I finally... got the Dragon Strap... Hahaha..."

Lei Yi looked up to the sky and laughed like crazy.

The chain in his hand also lost its power and became a dead thing, lying quietly in his hand.

After a few bursts of laughter, Lei Yi suddenly spurted blood from his mouth, then he lay down with a plop.

After all, in order to subdue this dragon-binding rope, he was very exhausted, and he was really tired.

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