I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1146: Retreat

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In the Hall of No Life.

Lin Daoxian made a move when he didn't agree with him, and Lei Yi naturally could only parry.

Lin Daoxian's magical powers are like a ghost monk.

In the entire hall, there was a gust of wind and death, and ghost claws would stick out from time to time.

However, relying on the sharpness of his fists and the mystery of the law of time, Lei Yi was not afraid of the opponent, and resolved the offensive one by one.

But what made him puzzled was why Lin Daoxian, as one of the leaders of the Eight Palaces, would kill him as a fellow of the same clan.

And when the other party started, there was no hesitation, as if in his eyes, there was no sect affection at all.

Is it really like what the other party said, with the destruction of the Po Tian Xuanzong, he no longer has the so-called sect concept.

Then why did the other party want to resurrect Gao Jinyun and the nomad?

According to Yuan Ruomeng, Lin Daoxian was not a human monk, but a refined corpse captured by the then lord Xuantian.

"Sure enough, the non-human is unreliable!" Lei Yi muttered in his heart, but then contradicted: "Sometimes, the human is not reliable!"

Since Lin Daoxian was like this, he would naturally not sit still.

Moreover, as a participant in that incident, it is more convenient to ask some things from the other person's mouth.

If he thinks this way, Lei Yi also feels that it is a blessing for Lin Daoxian to appear here.

After smashing a ghost claw with a punch, he backed away more than ten steps, and looked at Lin Daoxian at the same time.

"Senior Lin, since you insist on doing this, you can blame me for not thinking about the sect's affection!"

"Huh, human monk, there are so many rules, a waste of time!"

The answer to Lei Yi was another ghost claw.

Lei Yi was naturally not afraid, and smashed it with one punch.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The moment this ghost claw was broken open, a strange force of law also spread from it, permeating Lei Yi's body.

A very bad premonition emerged in his heart, as if he saw something terrible in front of his eyes, and his heart was beating violently.

"Huh? These are the laws of fear!" Lei Yi quickly realized the reason.

Although Lin Daoxian was refining the corpse, he used many methods and tactics to fight against him, and he actually hid his magical powers in an ordinary attack.

No, Lei Yi has been recruited.

"Boy, take my heart-breaking blow!" Seeing this, Lin Daoxian moved his body and reached out with his right hand.

In the palm of his palm, dark green runes emerged, and his entire arm was stained with a layer of weird green, and he rushed towards Lei Yi's chest.

If this blow succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous.

But just as he approached Lei Yi's body, his advancing speed suddenly slowed down several times.

"The power of the law of time!" Feeling that weird ability, Lin Daoxian's expression was sullen, and his anger was frustrated.

Even if Lei Yi was hit, he still opened up the enchantment defense of the Time Tyrant. This is the magical power of the law of time, and it is not so easy to crack.

Lin Daoxian stubbornly carried the power of time to slow down and slammed to Lei Yi.

Just as he shot and was about to take out Lei Yi's heart, a big hand was caught on his arm.

"What!" Lin Daoxian couldn't believe it, because the owner of this hand was Lei Yi.

The other party recovered from his law of fear so quickly, which is unreasonable.

"I am not afraid of Lei Yitian. Do you think a little bit of desire and emotion can make me timid?" Lei Yi grinned even more after grabbing the opponent's arm.


"Stop talking nonsense, lie down for me!"

Lin Daoxian still had to say something, but a huge force came from his arm, which directly lifted his body into flight.

Lei Yi grabbed his arm, flicked it to the side, and flew Lin Daoxian directly.

This is not over yet, the blood glows in his palm, making a fist in the void, and blasting hundreds of fists towards Lin Daoxian's position.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Cruel Wolf Killing Array!"

The fist turned into a pack of wolves and went straight to Lin Daoxian.

"Sirius hunting..." Lin Daoxian saw the oncoming wolves, a look of remembrance appeared in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed by it.

He saw the power of Lei Yi's moves and shook his head to deny: "No, it's not this one, the power is too weak!"

Subsequently, his body was drowned by wolves.

Under the attack, the roar and cracks continued, but Lei Yi did not show the look of a successful blow.

He knew that the strength of the leader of the Eight Palaces was definitely not that simple.

"Your moves surprised me a bit, but it's a pity that you only learned the supernatural powers of the Shura Temple, and you didn't learn the essence of it."

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, a figure walked out, it was Lin Daoxian.

At this moment, the side of his body is a bit tattered, but there is no wound on his body.

"I have refined the corpse for ten thousand years, and the flesh is stronger than the average body refiner. How can your imitated moves hurt me?"

"I know if I can hurt you!"

Hearing Lei Yi's strong statement, Lin Daoxian chuckled and sarcastically said: "Since you know, you are wasting your energy, you are really stupid!"

"Who said that?" But Lei Yi frowned and laughed.


Suddenly, Lin Daoxian was a little surprised.

Then, as if he had discovered something, he looked down at his chest.

I saw a golden rune gleaming on his chest.

"You..." Lin Daoxian's dark green pupils shrank slightly, a little surprised.

He never expected that Lei Yi also learned his routine and hid the follow-up methods in the attack just now.

"What a mere rune of the law of time, even if it can slow down the offensive of this seat, you will not be able to break through my physical defense!"

Lin Daoxian was a little annoyed, and after a sharp shout, the whole body erupted, and at the same time he came to Lei Yi to kill.

And Lei Yi, facing Lin Daoxian's magical powers plus the physical body's dual magical powers, a golden rune lit up in his palm, and hundreds of fist shadows blasted forward again.

These fist shadows turned into wolves and bombarded the corpse Qi, but it was a pity that they almost returned without success.

Lin Daoxian held Lei Yi's fist forcibly, slammed in front of him, and hit out with one claw.

On the top of Lei Yi's head, a large dark green hand formed, and countless corpses condensed on the surface of the large hand, and then overwhelmingly pressed down.

But at this moment, Lei Yi pinched the tactics with both hands, and at the same time shouted in a low voice: "Mobius time loop!"

In an instant, on Lin Daoxian's chest, the golden runes burst into violent light, and his figure disappeared in place in the golden light.

"A mere rune of the law of time, how can it be slowed down..."

In the distance, Lin Daoxian let out a stern shout, and then the whole body erupted, and the whole body flew up at the same time, killing Lei Yi.

This scene seemed to be exactly the same as before, and even the movements and lines were unchanged.

Lin Daoxian killed Lei Yi again, but a strange color appeared on his gloomy zombie face.

Because he seemed to notice a little weirdness, but he couldn't tell what it was.

He shot out with one claw, and on the top of Lei Yi's head, a dark green ghost claw formed, and countless corpses gathered around his body, falling with overwhelming coercion.

Lei Yi saw this, but once again pinched the tactic to cast the spell, and Lin Daoxian once again disappeared in the golden light.

"What can you do with a mere rune of the law of time..." Not far in front, Lin Daoxian yelled those words again.

At this moment, he has become a repeater!

"Wait, I just said that..." Soon, he finally realized something was wrong.

I seem to have experienced this scene, and more than once.

He looked at Lei Yi, but the corpse energy around his body was suppressed by him, and there was no eruption.

"You kid, what did you just do..."

"Do you think I will tell an enemy who wants to kill me with magical powers?" Lei Yi smiled strangely and didn't answer directly.

"Huh, pretend to be a ghost!" Lin Daoxian's eyes flickered, and his figure rose to the sky again.

But this time, when he used his magical powers, he let his whole body be covered with dark green runes.

In order to counteract the law of time, he pushed the law in his body to the limit.

But in this case, the time needed for the display becomes longer, not good, and the shots are naturally not as aggressive as the previous few times.

As for Lei Yi, golden light appeared on his body surface, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

"So fast!" As the leader of the Eight Palaces, Lin Daoxian naturally has eyesight.

He could see that Lei Yi had just exploded at a speed different from common sense, and came to his back in a flash.

"You used the law of time to speed up yourself?" He asked Lei Yi behind him.

"Yes, since you can see it, there is nothing to hide!" Lei Yi admitted generously, and went on: "In fact, just now, I have been thinking about a problem..."

He looked at Lin Daoxian and asked, "You are refining the corpse. The dead energy in your body is the basis for maintaining your activities, and it is also the basis for replacing your vitality and helping you to display magical powers. But if you reverse the dead energy in your body, it will all become a representative What will happen to the vitality's vitality?"

"Hmph, this seat is the King of Ten Thousand Years of Corpse, how deadly in your body, you actually want to reverse the deadly, you just keep dreaming!" Lin Daoxian sneered at this moment, as if he heard a huge joke.

"Indeed, I don't think it's realistic to reverse it all." Lei Yi nodded, but then the wind changed: "But if you reverse half of it, the vitality and death energy in your body will reach the same scale, I don't know. How will your body react?"

As soon as this statement came out, Lin Daoxian's figure shook, and the zombie's face twitched slightly.

What would happen if half of the dead energy in his body was transformed into life energy.

He hadn't thought about this, but it didn't prevent him from making assumptions.

The results that can be assumed are all extremely bad scenes.

"Just relying on you, is there any way to reverse the lifelessness, don't talk about dreams!" Lin Daoxian felt that Lei Yi might be intimidating himself, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com then made another move.

"Is it right? You will know if you try!" Lei Yi smiled strangely, and hundreds of golden runes appeared all over his body.

"You are the leader of the Eight Palaces, the old senior back then, so you should know this magic trick too!"

After saying this, Lei Yi moved and flew towards Lin Daoxian.

"Invert yin and yang!" He shouted sharply when he flew out.

When he heard this shout, especially the words "reverse yin and yang", Lin Daoxian's pupils shrank sharply.

"Impossible, Meng Shiqi's magical powers, how can you..." He screamed as if seeing himself in a mirror.

Afterwards, his complexion struggled for a moment, and he quickly made a judgment.

If Lei Yi really reversed the Yin and Yang technique, then the death energy in his body might be partially reversed.

Once lifelessness reverses, he will really suffer.

"Boy, count you cruel!" In the end, Lin Daoxian's figure rolled on the spot, turning into a dark green storm, and rushed directly out of the Wusheng Palace.

After all, he is the body of corpse refining, and he is really finished when he died. There is no possibility of rushing into reincarnation, so he chose the method of saving his life.

And Lei Yi watched the opponent leave without chasing after him.

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