I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1144: Zombie forest

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"Do not--"

In the midst of a high-pitched scream, there seemed to be something shattered in the void.

A blood shadow rushed out of the shattered space, followed by a dark dragon.

The dragon's body was covered with pitch black scales, but at this moment, black mist appeared all over his body.

After a few breaths, the black mist dissipated, and the dragon also disappeared, replaced by Lei Yi's body.

In the front, the blood shadow lost its momentum and began to fall towards the ground.

And Lei Yi looked at the opponent like this, without chasing after him.

Because in his induction, someone from behind chased over, and the breath should be Jin Lingsheng.

"Just to kill the woman in seconds, I used the Yuanlong Transformation, even if I am full of energy and blood at this moment, there will still be backlash. If I face Jin Lingsheng's non-casting Jinfeng again, I may fall into a disadvantage, it is still important to run away!"

Thinking of this, he quickly made a judgment.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Moreover, the spiritual master is not a monk who specializes in cultivating the flesh. He was hit by a dragon claw and was thrown off a dragon's tail, and he would definitely die.

Lei Yi thought of this, relying on the gradually restored line of sight, after identifying a direction, he directly chose to run away.

In the rear, Jin Lingsheng was galloping fast.

When he came to the place where the spiritual master and Lei Yi fought, he saw the body of the spiritual master turned into a blood shadow, falling to the ground.

He let go of his spiritual consciousness, and after one or two inductions, he exclaimed: "How come?"

Because that person who fell, but the Sovereign of the Spiritual Fantasy Sect, the overlord of the Nanhai Spiritual Fantasy Sect, one of the descendants of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, would actually be defeated by the opponent.

Seeing this, Jin Lingsheng didn't chase Lei Yi anymore, but flew towards the bottom.

When he landed, all he saw was the dead body of the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master.

The opponent's body was almost shattered, and his whole body seemed to have been crushed by a giant peak, almost turning into a pool of fleshy mud.

Terrible, terrible!

Jin Lingsheng knew that when he was late, the other party's aura had long since passed away, and his soul and spirit had disappeared.

"Damn it, that traitor not only killed the Young Master, but also the Spiritual Sect Master!" Jin Lingsheng thought of this, his eyes flickered, and his mood was naturally very bad.

"Traitor, I am a true spirit fairy cult, and you are incompatible with you!"

In the end, he let out a cruel word, but Lei Yi couldn't hear it anymore.


After killing the enemy, Lei Yi felt relieved this time.

The magical powers of the spiritual illusion lord, to be honest, gave him a certain amount of pressure, but when he threw the opponent's tail to death, his heart was also unusually refreshed.

So that when he suffered the backlash of the Yuanlong Transformation, he didn't feel how painful it was.

After a short half day, the backlash was over, and Lei Yi also relied on the vigorous blood in his body to recover from his injury.

Even the five senses that had been blocked by him before have recovered, and his vision has once again returned to clarity.

"Well, then follow the plan, go to the Wusheng Temple first, if you can find a clue, then set off for the Doushen Temple, in short, it is important to hurry!"

At this moment, Lei Yi also acted in accordance with Yuan Ruomeng's plan.

After checking his direction, he galloped all the way.

After flying for a long time, a thick misty mountain forest appeared in his line of sight.

"It's thick fog again!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi didn't bother to complain.

The ruins of the Xuantian Sect was filled with gray mist everywhere, but the dense fog in the mountains and forests in front of him was extraordinary, and even filled with a breath of death that made the heart palpitating.

This is where the Wusheng Temple is located. This mountain forest is also known as the "Zombie Forest".

As the name suggests, there are zombies and even ghosts at work here, which is also a major feature of Wusheng Temple.

It is said that the commander of Wusheng Temple is to refine the corpse into essence, so there is hardly a normal person under his hand.

But the secret technique of Wusheng Palace is actually a corpse refining.

Thinking of this, Lei Yi felt a chill in his heart.

However, Lei Wanhong and others mentioned before that some disciples who are close to their birthdays will also choose to walk and refine the corpse.

Because corpse refinement can also be regarded as a cultivator of the Tao of the flesh, but the way of existence is different. There are many advantages of doing this, one of which is that there is no longer life limit.

Refining a corpse is not a living thing, nor is it alive. As long as it is not destroyed by humans, it can live forever in the world.

But refining the corpse does not enter the cycle, even if it retains a part of the sage in front of him, once it falls, it will die without life.

However, if a monk is sitting and transforming, he can still rush into reincarnation. Even if it doesn't work in this life, he may be able to go further on the road of cultivation in the next life.

All in all, even if the Palace of Wusheng is in the Po Tian Xuanzong, it is also a big alternative.

This hall and the other halls hardly communicate with each other, and they are not even familiar with the Shura Hall, which is also one of the dark halls.

There are not many disciples in this hall, only some people who are desperate to choose to refine the corpse and continue to linger.

Because of this, even if the Po Tian Xuanzong is destroyed, there must be disciples in this zombie forest, but they are just "alive" in another way.

"I came to Wusheng Palace only to get something, but I don't have the idea of ​​fighting zombies, you must not come out to provoke me!"

Lei Yi muttered softly and slowly landed near the zombie forest. After confirming that there was no danger around him, he started to move forward.

Soon, he walked into the dense fog where the zombie forest was, and his vision became extremely restricted.

But fortunately, in the dense fog here, apart from being particularly deadly, there is nothing wrong with him. At least his spiritual consciousness can be released to sense the surrounding situation.

In the zombie forest, the light is very dim because of dense fog.

Under the decayed and withered trees, there are towers of tombstones, these are left by the disciples of Po Tian Xuanzong who have reached the limit of lifespan.

When they join the Temple of No Life, they will set up a tombstone for themselves.

There are dense claw marks all over these tombstones, and there is no monster beast here, so you can guess what the claw marks are.

A gloomy wind blew by, and the trees swayed, making a sorrowful sound like a ghost howling.

"Too oozing!" Lei Yi walked in it, his body trembled, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

In this place, if an ordinary person came over, he might be scared halfway through.

But he is a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, so he would feel scared. Isn't this scientific?

No, this is not metaphysics!

Lei Yi quickly noticed the problem, there must be fraud in this place.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes, let go of his spiritual sense, and used the unique sensing ability of the cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm to perceive his surroundings carefully.

He found that there was a special rune floating in the air of this zombie forest.

Although the number of runes is scarce, it takes dozens of steps to encounter one, and the color is very dim, almost inconspicuous, and the cultivators of the heaven and human realm may miss it.

But Lei Yi found it, and took the rune into his hands, carefully comprehending something.

He found that as long as he touched the rune, there would be a trace of anxiety and panic in his heart, and he was afraid of something.

But when the rune was out of the body, the trace of fear disappeared immediately.

"This is... the law that makes monks fear?" After investigating clearly, Lei Yi finally judged the attributes of the rune.

This should be one of the laws similar to the seven emotions and six desires, the law that makes people feel fear.

After understanding the mystery of this place, Lei Yi was not afraid.

But he didn't take a few steps, and the ground at his feet suddenly burst, and a black shadow shot out and pounced at him.

Before the black shadow arrived, a rotting corpse smell poured into Lei Yi's nose, making him feel a nausea.

"This senior, why bother!" Lei Yi shook his head, a little helpless, but he still punched out.

The black shadow was hit by a punch, and his body burst directly, and a large amount of dark green liquid splashed out, but was blocked by a barrier in front of Lei Yi.

The liquid dripped on the ground, making a corrosive sound of "chichichi".

"It turns out to be corpse poison, these corpse blood carry toxins, you need to pay attention!" Lei Yi quickly reminded himself when he saw this scene.

In this zombie forest, those who can still move right now are definitely not alive.

And this place is a corpse breeding ground, and it is not known how many years have passed since the destruction of Xuanzong's destruction.

Who knows what magical powers these zombies have been able to cultivate after lying here for so many years.

In other words, it is estimated that these zombies have never seen a living person for so many years. The vitality and blood in his body is even more tonic for the zombies.

During the next journey, as he expected, one or two zombies would burst out of the ground from time to time and attack him.

Each of these zombies is proficient in the earth escape technique, and when they act underground, they are silent and unpredictable.

And these zombies hadn't been active for too long, none of them could understand human words, and only the bloodthirsty instinct remained in their bodies.

Although they were considered seniors of the Xuantian Sect during their lifetimes, to Lei Yi, the ones who attacked him were enemies, and he couldn't talk about feelings.

Lei Yi walked all the way and cleaned up more than a dozen zombies, each of which was killed by a single punch.

This zombie forest is worthy of a name, and there are no other ghosts from beginning to end, only corpses appearing.

Just when Lei Yi felt a little irritable, the dense fog in front of him dissipated, and a gloomy palace finally appeared in front of him~www.readwn.com~ This place must be the Temple of No Life.

Around the hall, there are large groups of tombs. From time to time, one or two figures can be seen walking around, patrolling aimlessly.

This place is not so much one of the eight halls, it is more appropriate to say that it is the Hades Palace of the Yin Cao Jifu.

"According to the predecessor Yuan, there is no restriction in the Wusheng Palace, because most of the restrictions in the sect are from her, and she has never been to the Wusheng Palace to arrange it!"

Thinking of this, Lei Yi covered his breath, cautiously avoiding the moving corpses around, and fumbled towards the entrance of the Wusheng Hall.

But when he walked near the entrance, a dark green circle suddenly appeared under his feet.

All of a sudden, he was shocked.

"I'm rubbing, didn't it mean that there is no restriction?" He couldn't help but vomit when he saw this scene.

But the restraint had already started, and several bones of ghost claws protruded from the circle and grabbed him.

At the same time, the surrounding corpses moved, and they all looked at him.

It seems that this prohibition not only has the magical effect of attack, but can also automatically remind the surrounding corpses to help them lock their targets.

In Lei Yi's heart, there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping.

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