I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1138: Got in?

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Shura Hall, in the dark hall.

Lei Yi finally saw clearly how this monster became so huge.

It turned out that it was relying on swallowing other monsters to make its body so huge.

But now, there are countless monsters coming from all directions, all of them converge in one place, forming a new monster.

Not only that, but with the emergence of a steady stream of monsters, the monster's size has also grown larger.

In the back, Yuan Ruomeng and Xuan Meng finally arrived.

They were also shocked when they saw the scene before them.

"This..." Especially Xuan Meng, his mouth opened wide, staring at the same place.

This true disciple of the True Spirit Immortal Sect has never seen such methods.

"Yin is undefeated, did you choose to survive this way?" Yuan Ruomeng looked at the monster whose aura became more powerful, with mixed feelings in his heart.

If it weren't for those people back then, it wouldn't be the case for Yin to be undefeated.

At this moment, three escape lights from the rear galloped forward, and soon came to the dark hall.

"Junior Sister, you are here too!" It was Lei Wanhong's voice that came first.

"Senior Sister, what is this?" Gao Jinyun came to Lei Yi's trio and asked, pointing at the monster in the center.

"He..." Yuan Ruomeng paused, not knowing how to speak for a while.

"Senior, this is Yin Undefeated, the leader of the Asura Palace, and he can be regarded as your colleague!" Finally, Lei Yi said.

"What, do you say that this is Yin's undefeated?" And the reaction of Lei Wanhong and the three was exactly the same as Lei Yi's first time.

The three of them never expected that Yin's undefeated back then turned into what it is now.

This is completely out of touch with the monk, the other party can't even be regarded as a human anymore.

"Invincible Yin has practiced excessive soul mystery. He should split his soul into countless parts, and then lodge in the magical object for a period of time, so as to achieve the purpose of extending his life."

Yuan Ruomeng said, her face gradually ugly, "But if so, he can no longer be regarded as the original person. Because of the influence of the soul lodged in the magic object, his personality will be assimilated by the monster, and become different from it. Ordinary people. And..."

"And what?" At this point, Yu Fusheng spoke quickly.

"Furthermore, we came too late. Yin Unbeaten even refined the Ten Thousand Demon Pills. It seems to rely on the demon nature of this pill to completely transform into monsters!"

Hearing this, the figures of Lei Wanhong's trio were shocked, and then their complexions changed a little.

"In order to survive, does Yin Undefeated actually do it this way?" The three of them had nothing but sighs in their hearts.

Although they are both commanders of the Eight Palaces, they are already lucky, relying on Yuan Ruomeng's puppetry, they can live to the present.

But Yin is undefeated, and the relationship with Yuan Ruomeng was not very good.

"Then what to do now?" Lei Wanhong pointed at the monster in the middle of the dark hall and asked quickly.

The size of this monster is gradually growing, and its aura is getting stronger and stronger.

If the other party is allowed to merge unrestrictedly, the ghost knows what kind of monster it will become.

Yuan Ruomeng looked at each other with a complicated expression, and said in a complicated tone: "For the current plan, we can only send him the last ride. Rather than live so strenuously, it is better to let him get rid of it as soon as possible..."

But just before the female voice fell, a pitch-black tentacle swung towards them.

Obviously, Yin Undefeated, who was talked about by them, also heard these words, so he was ready to take the initiative.


When the tentacles fell, the ground of the entire hall trembled.

But when the tentacles were retracted, there was no figure below.

The figures of Lei Wanhong and others appeared one by one, and everyone avoided the blow.

"Yin undefeated, don't you recognize us anymore?" Lei Wanhong shouted first after avoiding the attack.

But what responded to him was another wave of tentacles.

In desperation, a golden arc appeared all over his body and shot out with a palm.

The arc pierced the waving tentacles, and large swaths of red blood scattered all over the floor.

Behind, the monster ate pain and roared.

But the broken tentacles recovered in an instant, and its body was still swelling continuously.

"Sure enough, this guy seems to be unable to communicate!" Seeing this scene, Lei Wanhong shook his head secretly, knowing that the man in front of him was helpless.

"In that case, let's send him a ride!" Seeing this, Gao Jinyun quickly moved his hands and feet.

"But you have to pay attention, this guy's resilience is very strong now, just rely on our attack methods, can't help him!" Yuan Ruomeng quickly reminded.

After speaking, the woman looked at Lei Yi, "How is your ability recovered? Can you still use it?"

"Senior, are you kidding me?" Lei Yi spread his hands and shook his head quickly: "How long has passed since? Even if it's a meal, it takes time to digest, right?"

"So, I can't count on you!" Yuan Ruomeng held his forehead with one hand, expressing helplessness.

"It's coming!" But at this moment, with one person's stern shout, countless tentacles in front of them attacked their group.

The monster finally stopped swallowing at this moment, and the monsters that appeared also completely lost their traces, and they were obviously swallowed up by it.

With this round of supplementation, the monster's breath has also returned to its peak state, even slightly better than before.

Lei Wanhong and others naturally used their own methods to fight against them.

A few of them will not keep their hands now, even if the other party was once a colleague with himself, but now the other party has become a monster, there is no way to talk.

But they also found a problem.

Just like Yuan Ruomeng said, the resilience of this monster is really amazing. After they fight for a long time, even if they smash hundreds of tentacles, the other party will be able to recover casually.

Finally, they realized the problem.

"What method did this guy use, how can he not kill him!" Lei Wanhong spit out loudly after he stepped aside.

"Monsters have amazing resilience. Looking at the current situation, Yin Unbeaten should have collected the blood of a certain special monster and refined this unique magical power. Only then can it have this resilience. But if that is the case, the world of immortality There is no trace to be found within, and there is no way to crack this secret!" Yuan Ruomeng's eyes flowed, guessing like this.

Come on, this is equivalent to not saying it.

But the speaker is unintentional, and the listener is intentional.

After Lei Yi heard these words, he had some thoughts in his heart.

"Blood, monsters, synthetic monsters?" He looked at the huge monster in front of him, and a crazy idea gradually appeared in his mind.

"Senior!" He shouted, pointing to the monster and said: "You give me a chance to fight melee, I have a way to deal with it!"

"Your ability is restored?" Yuan Ruomeng thought quickly.

"No, my abilities have not recovered, but I have more powerful means!"

After saying this, a black electric arc emerged from Lei Yi's body, his figure suddenly accelerated, and he launched a charge towards the monster.

And seeing this scene, this little monster's Lingzhi reminded himself that this kid was the most dangerous in front of him.

Countless tentacles immediately took action and launched a fierce attack towards Lei Yi.

"Cover him!" In the rear, Lei Wanhong shouted sharply, turning into a golden thunder light, rushing to the sky above Lei Yi.

Several lightning strikes numbed the tentacles in midair.

In the back, Gao Jinyun took several steps in the air and flew to the top of Lei Yi's head, and then kicked it out.

The ten tentacles in front of him were crushed directly under the wind of his legs.

Lei Yi relied on the cover of the two, only a hundred steps away from the monster.

But at this moment, countless tentacles attacked from all directions, completely blocking his forward path.

"Continue to rush, don't hesitate!" At this moment, the rain came to life.

Blue light appeared all over his body, and hidden weapons all over the sky shot out like a storm, hitting all the tentacles that attacked Lei Yi.

Under the concealed weapon sweep, the movements of these tentacles paused and began to fall apart.

And Lei Yi once again turned into a pitch-black thunder and lightning, rushing through the barrier and killing the monster.

A new round of tentacles struck again, but this time, the distance between Lei Yi and the monster had been shortened to 20 steps.

This distance is still within the influence of the time tyrant.

"Tyrant of Time!" Lei Yi shouted sharply, and a layer of golden enchantment opened up all over his body.

All the tentacles that touched the enchantment range delayed their actions by 10 times.

Relying on this ability, he quickly passed through the tentacles and came to the monster.

Without hesitation, Lei Yi raised his hand and pressed it against the surface of the monster's skin.

"Senior Yin undefeated, please forgive me!" After whispering in a low voice, his expression stunned, and his blood exploded.

Lei Yi turned into a red rainbow, and plunged into the monster's body under the black thunder and lightning.

The flesh and blood jumped to pieces, his figure rushed into the monster's body and disappeared.

The monster roared, the wound healed in an instant, countless tentacles struck, but it stopped on the surface of its body.

Although the monster's intelligence exists, there is not much left, so he doesn't know how to deal with the people who got into his body.

Besides, although the tentacle's attack power is good, it will soon recover after it penetrates his skin. This is not a waste of energy.

"What's the situation with this kid, did he get in?" In the rear, Lei Wanhong and others did not expect that Lei Yi's method was actually this. UU Reading www.uukānshu.cóm

"Now, all we have to do is to believe him!" Yuan Ruomeng's eyes were serious, but he could only say that.

After all, they have no means to deal with this monster.

As for the monster at this moment, he only knew that someone had gotten into his body, but there was nothing unusual.

Its huge body can still move, so after seeing Lei Yi disappeared, it naturally aimed at the remaining Lei Wanhong and others.

The tentacles waved and launched another offensive.

But just as the tentacles were about to kill Lei Wanhong and the others, the monster's body suddenly twitched, and the waving tentacles also stopped in mid-air.

Inside the monster.

Relying on the power of Modo's blood curse, Lei Yi began to quickly devour the monster's flesh and blood.

Since this monster is a combination of monsters, it is not harmful to him, and it can increase his cultivation level after being swallowed.

Because of this, he thought of such a trick, and rushed in without hesitation.

And now, he shuttled through the monster's body, trying to find the monster's weakness.

Although the monster's body is full of flesh and blood, Lei Yi can sense that there is a place with unusually strong blood in a certain central location.

There must be the weakness of the monster!

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