I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1136: You say this is Yin undefeated?

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Shura Hall, a dark hall somewhere.

"Damn... My... Ten Thousand Magic Pill..."

In the middle of the hall, a monster that was bound by the chain let out an angry roar.

But the remaining reason tells it that Wanmo Pill is estimated to be unable to get it back.

Because of this, it became more angry the more it thought about it, and even the chains that entangled its body made noises along with the monster's riot.

After more than ten breaths, the monster slowly calmed down, and his scarlet eyes looked towards a certain direction.

It could sense that the breath of Ten Thousand Magic Pill was gradually approaching itself.

Wanmo Pill itself can't move, so there is only one possibility, the person who gets this pill is tracking his clone.

The monster let out a roar, and there was a flash of blood on its body, obviously using some ability.

At the same time, within a certain channel.

The Lei Yi trio were chasing a certain monster, and the other party was the one that attacked the trio in the first place.

This monster is able to utter words, and it is obvious that it is carrying Yin's undefeated soul.

By tracking this monster, it is possible to find where Yin is invincible.

But as they chased, the monster in front suddenly changed.

On the surface of his body, a red light flickered, and then his body stopped in place.

"There is a problem!" Lei Yi saw this scene and immediately became alert.

But Yuan Ruomeng on the side seemed to be aware of something, and exclaimed: "No, the soul-separated soul in it is extinguishing itself!"

Obviously, Yin Undefeated didn't want people to know where he was, so he activated a certain method to make the traced monster destroy itself.

To be precise, it should be that his soul-separation is disappearing, and without the soul-separation possession, the monster also loses its ability to move.

The monster twitched in place, and then its body completely weakened and lost its vitality.

This scene happened too quickly, and it was too late to stop it.

When Lei Yi and the three rushed to each other's side, the monster had turned into a corpse.

Yuan Ruomeng leaned over, and after investigating a couple of times, he shook his head and said, "Sure enough, the soul has disappeared, leaving no trace!"

In this way, it is equal to extinguishing the possibility of their tracking.

There is no way to track it, and naturally it is impossible to find the position of Yin invincible.

The three of them had no choice but to explore the surroundings, preparing to think of other ways.

But at this moment, Yuan Ruomeng suddenly stopped.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she looked at Lei Yi with a joking look with a hint of expectation.

"Senior, what's the matter with you?" Lei Yi felt a little hairy in his heart when he was looked at like this.

Yuan Ruomeng quickly reduced her smile and said with a smile: "I remember, you seem to be going back to the sky..."

When Lei Yi heard such a sentence, he immediately slapped his head.

How can I forget this, and I still need someone to remind me.

After a few breaths, he stood in front of the monster's body and began to cast the spell.

Along with the surrounding void, golden runes appeared, and his whole body was bathed under the power of the law of time.

In Lei Yi's hand, a golden rune condensed.

"Go!" He raised his hand a little, and drove the rune to fly towards the corpse.

Soon, the rune was submerged in the corpse, and then a light curtain emerged.

In the light curtain, scenes from the "before" of this monster appeared.

Everything from being chased by someone to fleeing quickly, to attacking Lei Yi, to killing the main hall of the Asura Palace, all appeared one by one, just put them upside down.

Soon, the picture freezes in one place, this monster rushes out of a certain secret hall, and inside the secret hall, a dark shadow entangled with chains can be vaguely seen.

"found it!"

Seeing this, Lei Yi knew that this was their goal in all likelihood.

"Let's go!" Yuan Ruomeng waved a big hand, leading the two on the road.

Not only that, but while flying away, she sacrificed a talisman to send a message to Lei Wanhong and the three of them.

But what she didn't know was that the three of them at this moment were still surrounded by monsters, and these monsters could not be killed no matter how they were killed.

And the three of them, without the help of Lei Yi's dark fluid, were unable to confine the monsters. It is estimated that even if they received the news, they would not be able to rush over.

In the dark hall.

The dark shadow seemed to feel in the dark.

My own existence seems to have been discovered by some means.

But it didn't know what it was for a while, and the remaining intelligence limited its ability to think.

Moreover, it wipes out the soul, and logically speaking, there is no way to find its place.

But it didn't take into account the magical power of someone returning to the sky, let alone going back to such a short period of time, even someone could know the events when the Sky-Breaking Xuanzong fell.

And now, Lei Yi and the three also came outside the dark hall.

"Huh?" Sombra also noticed the appearance of three auras, and a burst of murderous intent broke out in the crimson eyes.

"Kill...Kill...Kill all..."

In its body, the blood-colored light gradually became dense, and a **** energy lingered around its body, impacting the chains that entangled its body.

Under the influence of this blood qi, the breath in its body gradually increased, and its body swelled accordingly.

Under such a change, the chains that wound around the body were also cracked under the impact, as if they were about to break at any time.


Not surprisingly, the first chain jumped to pieces, followed by the second, the third...

In a crisp sound, the chain of the lock shattered, and countless iron pieces fell to the ground.

At this time, the original black shadow has disappeared, and replaced by a terrifying monster with an extremely ugly appearance, six wings on its back, and tentacles all over its body.

This monster looked like an octopus staring at a huge head, but under the shot it had black hair. It was terrifying no matter how you looked at it.

"Kill..." The monster opened its unknown mouth and let out a roar full of endless anger.

Then his body turned into a black wind and rushed out of the dark hall.

Outside the temple.

The Lei Yi trio had just arrived here, and when they were about to explore, they felt an evil force rushing out of them.

After a black wind swept away, a huge black shadow appeared on the spot.

What appeared in front of them was an unknown creature that was ten thousand times uglier than any monster, any monster they usually see.

"This...what is this!" Lei Yi saw what was in front of him, his sanity emptied, and he stammered.

"It...it's not right, this breath, he is Yin undefeated..." Yuan Ruomeng said in a hasty tone.

"Huh, you said this is Yin's undefeated!" After Lei Yi heard it, his expression was as weird as it was.

This thing in front of you, you can say that it is any monster.

But if you want to say that he is one of the eight halls of the undefeated Yin undefeated, then someone can make complaints.

"Be careful!" But at this moment, Xuan Meng behind shouted sharply.

After the monster appeared, he didn't hesitate at all. He pulled up the tentacles all over his body and smashed towards Lei Yi.

Fortunately, most of his mind was concentrated on the monster, and at the moment when the tentacles fell, he dodged the attack with a dodge.


The tentacles smashed to the ground, bringing up a huge wave of air, blowing out both Xuan Meng and Yuan Ruomeng in the rear.

And Lei Yi moved continuously in the air, showing a step to the sky that was not yet fully proficient, and came to the top of the monster's head.

But the monster is not a vegetarian either. The tentacles around the body seem to have eyes, and more than ten of them slapped him at the first time.

Seeing this, Lei Yi was divided into nine figures and flew out in nine directions at the same time.

The tentacle came back, also divided into nine directions, and pursued at the same time.

Although Lei Yi's clone was also flexible enough, in addition to the tentacles that attacked at the beginning, the subsequent tentacles also came from below and wiped out all the clones.

Only his body, relying on agile posture, moved quickly in the air, avoiding the attack of the tentacles.

But what left Lei Yi speechless was that, except for him, Xuan Meng and Yuan Ruomeng were not attacked by the tentacles.

"Why me again!" He saw this scene, and he couldn't stop complaining.

But soon, he knew the reason.

"My Ten Thousand Demon Pill... My Ten Thousand Demon Pill..."

Inside the monster, there were bursts of low roars.

"It turns out it's this pill again!" Lei Yi understood. He had the Ten Thousand Demon Pill hidden in his body, so he was taken as the main target by the monster.

However, he couldn't give the pill to Xuanmeng and Yuan Ruomeng, otherwise the opponent would become the monster's target.

As he dodged, Xuan Meng and Yuan Ruomeng below were not idle either.

The former also shook his fist, blessed with the law of strength, and launched an attack on the monster.

The latter is to cast spells and pinch tactics, creating a floating array around the monster.

The magic circle took the lead, and silver chains flew out from it, covering the monster's huge body.

But it's a pity that as soon as these chains touched the monster's body, they were invaded by a layer of pitch-black demon energy, which instantly shattered and dissipated in the air.

"It's actually invalid!" Seeing this scene, Yuan Ruomeng was shocked.

But at this time, Xuan Meng was also killed.

The woman's fist, carrying the power of breaking through the sky, blasted the monster's body with one blow.

But what this woman didn't expect was that the monster's body looked like a bloated water bag. UU看书www.uukansshu.com fisted on it, only to bring a wave, not even a splash.

As the two attacked, the monster also noticed that there were two others below, and the overwhelming tentacles fell.

"Be careful!" This time, Lei Yi reminded the two of them.

But he was also entangled by the tentacles, unable to help them.

After such a distraction, his whole body has been completely sealed off by his tentacles.

In an instant, Lei Yi was overwhelmed by his tentacles.

But in the next moment, dark arcs bounced among the tentacles, and where the thunder and lightning passed, all the tentacles twitched briefly.

"Drink!" With a stern shout, several shots exploded, and a figure entangled with black thunder and lightning and shot out from it.

This person is Lei Yi. He was surrounded by lightning, and dispelled the dark red blood from his body. These were all in the tentacles.

Under the burst of blood, the dark red blood mist surged, and the burst tentacles healed from the break.

"Sure enough!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi knew clearly.

This monster also has a strong resilience.

It seems that if it is a quick decision and dragged into a protracted battle, the opponent's ability is even more difficult.

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