I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1124: Vs. Jin Lingsheng


Lei Yi never expected Jin Lingsheng to be so insidious.

Aren't you the five practitioners of the True Spirit Immortal Sect? Aren't you a decent and upright person, who actually threatened people who had lost their fighting power.

But I have to say that this trick is ruthless.

When Jin Lingsheng couldn't hold Lei Yi in a short time, he instantly turned the target, intending to gather Huo Xuanmeng.

At this moment, Xuan Meng, with qi and blood surging in his body, and aura disorder, is not just a living target.

"Anyway, you two traitors are going to die, so deal with you who can't run first!" Jin Lingsheng waved his hand, and the golden sword flying all over the sky turned around and shot away at Xuan Meng.

At this moment, Lei Yi was caught in a dilemma, but he rushed directly to Jin Lingsheng without even thinking about it.

Because at the moment he is far away from Xuan Meng, it is better to attack the caster than to rescue this woman.

"Heaven Dou White Snake Attack!" He raised his palm lightly, and white light emerged from his palm. Hundreds of white snake phantoms shot out, blasting towards Jin Lingsheng's body.

But the latter just raised his eyebrows slightly, and in the void in front of him, gold runes condensed, and then turned into a barrier.

Bang bang bang!

The white snake phantom hit the barrier, but it only trembled the barrier a few times, but did not penetrate.

"Hmph, that's just a little bit of power!" Jin Lingsheng felt the attack power of the trick just now, and stood still and laughed.

But the next moment, the smile between his eyebrows suddenly disappeared, because Lei Yi, who had rushed over, disappeared from his sight.

"Pretend to attack?" Jin Ling Sheng has rich experience in fighting techniques and made a judgment for the first time.

His eyes searched around, trying to find the location of Lei Yi.

At the back of it, a figure suddenly shot out, but it was Lei Yi who was hiding his figure by relying on the trick just now.

"Boy, it's you who are waiting!" But at this moment, Jin Lingsheng suddenly turned around and counted with both hands.

In an instant, countless golden sword shadows appeared in Lei Yi's body. It turned out that all the attacks that killed Xuan Meng had been transferred back by Jin Lingsheng.

"Oops, I've got it!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yina didn't know yet, the opponent's goal was himself from the beginning.

Even when Jin Lingsheng pretended to attack Xuan Meng at the beginning, he had already expected that he would take action to relieve Xuan Meng.

Therefore, the other party will do the trick and come with a series of sets.

"Sure enough, **** is still hot!" Seeing that he was besieged by countless golden swords, Lei Yi could only mutter this in his heart.

The next moment, the space he was in was flooded with golden swords all over the sky.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Through the sound, Lei Yi's figure was completely gone, only countless golden phantoms were left.

"First solve one!" Jin Lingsheng saw this scene and knew that Lei Yi would die.

Then, he was about to turn around to clean up the Xuan Meng that should have died just now.

But at the moment he raised his foot, his figure suddenly stopped, and then he looked back with an incredible expression.

In the area flooded by the golden sword in the sky, a figure suddenly shot out and rushed towards it.

"Impossible, you actually blocked my attack, this is impossible!" Jin Lingsheng never expected, Lei Yi took his own attack.

Not only was the other party not dead, but he was able to launch a counterattack against him like an okay person.

Just when he was shocked, Lei Yiyi rushed to him.

"Receive the punch!" With a sharp roar, Lei Yi blasted out a punch with the power of the law of strength, and his fist surged and slammed in front of Jin Lingsheng.

The latter finally regained his sanity under the stimulation of his fists, with his hands running in front of him, and golden runes blooming on his body.


The fist blasted Jin Lingsheng's body out, but Lei Yi knew that this fist was not a big threat to the opponent.

Because in his feelings, that punch seemed to hit an iron plate, without the real sense of bombarding flesh and blood.

Sure enough, under the smoke and dust, a figure slowly flew up, it was Jin Lingsheng.

On his face, there was still a trace of astonishment, and his robes were scattered, but there was not a trace of disorder in his body.

"You...what method did you use to block my full blow!" Jin Lingsheng stared at Lei Yi, wanting to see how the opponent survived.

"Block it, you look at me too high!" But Lei Yi uncovered his robe, revealing his skin.

On his skin, there are countless blood holes spreading, but under the cover of a golden light, they are healing rapidly.

"Your attacks are indeed extremely sharp, and my physical strength can't stop them, but the prerequisite for you to kill me is that all your attacks hit!"

When Lei Yi said this, golden runes appeared on the surface of his body. He had just used the power of the tyrant of time, which slowed the speed of the golden sword several times.

Because of this, he was able to avoid subsequent attacks, and relying on the method of reversing Yin and Yang, returning the time to the body surface, and this allowed his body to return to the state before being stabbed by the golden sword.

"This law, you..." Jin Lingsheng looked at the golden runes and immediately sensed that these are different types of abilities from his metallic law.

"Why, haven't you even seen the power of the law of time?" Lei Yi turned to sneer and revealed the secret of the law behind him.

Anyway, he had to face Jin Lingsheng, if he didn't use his true ability, it would be impossible for him to beat the opponent.

So since it is going to be exposed, just point it out.

"The power of the law of time!" Hearing this name, not only Jin Lingsheng, but Xuan Meng behind was shocked.

They confirmed again and again that they heard it right.

"One of the three supreme laws...the power of the law of time..."

Jin Lingsheng couldn't believe that a traitor had such a powerful law.

And Lei Yi didn't intend to give the other party a chance to think, since it was exposed, then he had to be decisive.

He screamed, golden light appeared on his body, and his whole body stepped out, and then his body disappeared in place.

"So fast, this is the power of time!" Seeing this scene, Jin Lingsheng took a step back subconsciously.

After all, the power of the law of time, known as the three supreme laws, was still a little scared in his heart.

But just such a step made his position fall within Lei Yi's attack range.

"Fist!" Behind his head, a sharp shout rang out.

Lei Yi unexpectedly reached this position without knowing it.

"The step to the sky is really amazing. I just imitated it with the help of time, so there is such an efficiency!" Lei Yi thought this way in his heart when he shot out, but he didn't hesitate to take the shot.

"The Thunder God Spear!" The pitch black thunder and lightning condensed at his fingertips, his figure turned into a pitch black gun shadow, and he attacked Jin Lingsheng.

Since "Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist" is not valid for Jin Lingsheng, then he can only use the more powerful method of the secret transmission of Xuanzong.

"It's a powerful attack, but the threat to me is not enough..."

Facing this attack, Jin Lingsheng frowned slightly, but there were also countless golden runes flashing on his body surface.

Not only that, the divine orifices in his body also lit up.

Facing Lei Yi's attack, he directly lit up more than seventy divine orifices in his body.

Lei Yi glanced at it and found that the number of divine orifices in Jin Lingsheng's body had actually reached 72.

As long as one more, the opponent can set foot in the late stage of the heaven and human realm.

And now, the full display of the divine orifice shows that the opponent is really making a full blow.

Jin Lingsheng's body also turned into a spear, rushing towards Lei Yi.

Two gun shadows, one gold and one black, meet in mid-air.

The two gun shadows touched, the void twisted, and the sharp edge force penetrated each other, and the two attacks passed by one after another.

Subsequently, the two separated in an instant.

Lei Yi stood still in place, but then there was a bloodbath flying out from his shoulder.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The next moment, his elbows and shoulders and other places, flesh and blood broke, and his figure was half kneeling under the severe injury.

"Hahaha, your attack methods are indeed weird, but to deal with me with magical powers, I am still weaker!"

From behind, Jin Lingsheng laughed wildly.

The surface of his body seemed to be poured with a layer of golden juice, and the whole person became indestructible.

Lei Yi's attack just now left a scorched black mark on his shoulder, and he didn't even penetrate the gold juice on his body.

"Really, my attack is more than penetration!" But then, Lei Yi sneered after suppressing the injury on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Jin Lingsheng wrinkled his brows, and then a series of dark arcs bounced from his shoulders.

The power of thunder and lightning instantly covered his whole body, and even poured into his body.

"What kind of thunder and lightning is this, it is so powerful!" Jin Lingsheng was in incredible, with blue smoke rising all over his body, and the whole person was shaking in place.

This was a reaction to being struck by a dark lightning. Although Jin Lingsheng's defensive power was strong, his physical body was not an insulator.

Dark thunder can follow the body surface, and can destroy the opponent's intrusion into the body.

"You..." Under the attack of the dark thunder, Jin Lingsheng finally howled in pain.

And Lei Yi hurriedly mobilized the power of blood in his body to recover from his injuries.

But just when he recovered to normal, a huge sense of crisis emerged in his heart.

"Hurry up!" Xuan Meng suddenly reminded her from behind.

Lei Yi secretly said a bad sound, golden light appeared on his body, and the power of the time tyrant unfolded.

At the next moment, on its side, a figure covered with gold armor suddenly appeared, it was Jin Lingsheng.

On his body surface, there was still a golden arc flickering, but because of the protection of that layer of golden armor, the arc was isolated from the body.

There are countless metallic runes on this golden carapace ~www.readwn.com~.

Jin Lingsheng relied on the power of the high-density metallic law to block the thunder and lightning law of the dark thunder.

And without the threat of the dark thunder, Jin Lingsheng would naturally not let Lei Yi go and act brazenly.

Fortunately, the time tyrant slowed down Jin Lingsheng's attack, allowing Lei Yi to have time to evade.

His figure flew back more than ten steps, avoiding Jin Lingsheng's sweep in a dangerous and dangerous way.

A sharp edge brushed his cheek, and the strong wind almost even hit the skin of his face.

"What a domineering force, this is not physical force, but an impact driven by the laws of metal!"

Lei Yi stepped back again, and thought so.

"The power of the law of time is really tricky!"

And Jin Lingsheng, watching Lei Yi escape his life once again, his gaze under his visor was full of haze.

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