I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1112: Stars traction big array

Reaching the stars hall, leading the big array.

This formation is actually not called the traction large array, but the stars traction large array.

The high-ranking cultivator of the Heaven and Human Realm who broke the Heavenly Profound Sect needs to use the power of the stars drawn by this array to temper his body and assist in breaking through the body's divine orifice.

In addition, some early disciples of the Celestial Realm sometimes use some sort of secret technique to inhale the "power of the celestial gang" from the outer sky to refine their physical bodies.

These are all Yuan Ruomeng told him now.

Guarding the integrity of this formation is her responsibility as the leader of the Hall of Reaching the Stars.

The purpose of this woman repairing this formation is also to allow Lei Yi to practice and make breakthroughs.

And now, Yuan Ruomeng, Yu Fusheng and Lei Wanhong are giving Lei Yi a small class.

"Boy, listen carefully, these are the basics of the basics!"

"Before you asked us, what is the power of this Tianwaitian and Tiangang, now we will explain it clearly to you!"

Lei Yi said that he almost took a small notebook to write it down.

This scene almost reminded him that it was time to go to school in Wuhan University and listen to the teacher's lecture.

"The cultivation of a monk in the heaven and human realm is actually a kind of absorption and tempering of the great power of the world. The monk uses his body to perceive the world and absorb the power of the world to enter his body to strengthen his realm."

"The so-called Tiangang Di Sha 108 Divine Aperture corresponds to the power of Tian Gang and Di Sha."

"The power of the evil spirit, as the name suggests, is the qi on the ground. The monks inhale when they breathe and breathe normally, and they are all the energy of the evil spirit, so when the 72 divine orifice of the evil spirit is opened, the cultivator only needs to practice on the ground."

"But Tiangang 36 divine orifice, if you want to get through, you can't successfully cultivate on the ground, because to open Tiangang 36 divine orifice, you must absorb the power of Tiangang, and this power is only available in the sky!"

Speaking of this, Yuan Ruomeng and the three of them all raised their hands to look at the sky, which is already obvious.

"Three seniors, the heaven in your mouth, could it be..."

"Yes, the power of this heavenly gangster can only be found in the outer genius!" Lei Wanhong said with a smile.

The so-called Tianwaitian does not exist in the realm of cultivating immortals, but outside the highest barrier of the realm of cultivating immortals, it is a bridge that connects the heavens and the earth with the primordial universe, and it is also part of the primordial universe.

But after the monk has opened up the 72 Divine Apertures of the Earth Shark in his body, if he wants to go further, he needs to fly into the outer heavens and absorb the infinite power of the Heavens Outer Heavens in order to get through the last 36 God Apertures of the Heavens.

"It turns out that this sky is not the name of the universe, the world of cultivating immortals also has the universe!" Lei Yi finally understood, but it is not difficult to understand.

"However, it is not easy to enter the outer heavens. At least with the strength of the early and middle stages of the heaven and human realm, if you want to step into the outer heavens, there is a great risk."

"Not to mention the space barrier that separates the spiritual world from the outer sky. Only the strength of the late Celestial Realm can pass through it safely. Even if you happen to find a weak point in the barrier and pass it by accident. When you enter the outer sky, you have to To withstand various natural disasters in this domain, such as ubiquitous black holes in space, or chaotic space storms, and the power of the heavens that fill the entire outer sky."

"The power of Tiangang can only be withstood by the late cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm. For the early and middle cultivators, this power itself is a huge disaster. If it is absorbed rashly, it will be overwhelmed by the mighty force of the body, and even the soul will be scattered. , There is no bones left."

"You know, the outer sky is no longer part of the realm of immortality, but a separate world. If you fall in this region, the cultivator's soul will not even be able to enter the six reincarnations, then the true form and spirit will be destroyed, and the catastrophe will be lost. !"

"But..." At this point, Lei Wanhong's conversation changed, and then he looked at Lei Yi.

"However, it is precisely because of the particularity of the power of Tiangang that my ancestors of the Xuanzong Breakthrough realized the magical use of the power of Tiangang. Although this power is a poison to the lower ranks of the heavens and humans, if it is used properly, It's also a strong medicine!"

"Boy, the strength of your physical body, even among my previous disciples of Xuanzong Breaking the Sky, is of top-notch level, and it's just suitable for tempering with the power of Tiangang!"

"Senior, you are not joking, the power of the sky gangway is a power that even the middle cultivator of the heaven and human realm can't bear, you want me, a person who has only opened up 10 divine orifices, to try?"

"Do you think we are joking?" Yu Fusheng smiled, then his expression immediately became serious.

This expression is telling Lei Yi that we have said so much, but there is no point in joking.


Someone swallowed unconsciously.

Seeing Lei Yi this way, Lei Wanhong on the side immediately enlightened: "Boy, our monks are going against the sky. If you want to become a being in the world beyond, you have to endure the pain that ordinary people can't reach."

"Although the rules of the great avenue can restrain me from waiting, when the celestial and human realm is at a high level, the rules of the great avenue of the cultivating world can no longer completely restrict us, so there is the restriction of Heaven and Outer Heaven."

"Among the predecessors of my sect, someone discovered this meteorite from the outer sky, and borrowed the gravity of this object to establish this large formation of stellar traction to absorb the power of the sky from the outer sky. All you have to do is With this magic circle, the absorbed power of Tiangang is incorporated into the body, used to temper the physical body, and get through as many divine orifices as possible!"

"You have to know that ordinary cultivators in the early stages of the Celestial and Human Realm use the mighty power of the world of cultivating immortals, that is, the power of the earth evil that I mentioned, to temper and wash their bodies. The efficiency of such tempering is not high, and it can get through the magic Among them, the accumulated power is not too strong. And once the divine orifice is tempered with the power of the heavens, it will be stronger than the divine orifice that is tempered with the power of the earth evil. The more divine orifices you can get through, the vitality in your body The reserve is more than the same level, in other words you are really stronger than the same level!"

"Boy, don't hesitate, we are all optimistic about you!"

At the end, Lei Wanhong gave Lei Yi an encouraging look.

Although it is not clear how much gloating in this look, Lei Yi resolutely stepped into the traction formation.

This big formation has been backtracked by his supernatural powers that reverse Yin and Yang. There is no problem now, and he can draw the power of Tiangang at any time.

"Junior sister, let's start!" Seeing that Lei Yi was ready, Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng looked at Yuan Ruomeng who was presiding over the magic circle.

"Well, then I'll start!" The latter nodded, began to pinch the tactics, and manipulated the magic circle.

In a moment, countless inscriptions lit up around the entire dragging formation.

Originally, Lei Yi thought that this large formation only had a radius of several tens of meters, but he did not expect that when the large formation was fully operational, its scale reached more than one hundred meters.

Lei Yi is located in the circle of the big formation, in this formation, it is like a small dot, inconspicuous.

"I will retreat a little later. Once the traction formation is activated, the power of Tiangang will permeate the whole formation. I wait for the current puppet body, but I can't withstand the impact of the power of Tiangang!"

Lei Wanhong and Yu Fusheng stepped back and walked out of the coverage of the big array.

Even Yuan Ruomeng did the same, and after the opening of the big formation, he stayed far away.

"Hey, hey, you are like this, it puts a lot of pressure on my heart!" Lei Yi saw the three of them back away, feeling a little panicked in his heart.

But before he could react, the entire formation was flooded with white light, and his figure was completely submerged and disappeared in it.

Afterwards, Lei Yi felt that his whole body was blessed by an extremely powerful force, and his body would be crushed by this force.

His entire face was almost distorted under the resistance of this force.

"Is this the power of Tiangang? Why is it so exaggerated!" He shouted out these last words with only a little strength.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light soared into the sky as the stars led the large array, straight into the sky, even breaking the void barrier.

The stars lead the large array, which at this moment becomes a bridge, connecting the world of immortality and the outer sky.

A power detached from this realm of immortality rushed towards the end of the beam of light, followed the bridge, and slowly descended towards the direction where Lei Yi was.

Outside the law circle.

Yuan Ruomeng and the three of them watched the circle moving, and there was a trace of remembrance between their eyebrows.

"How many years have it been, who was the last one to use this formation?"

"It's too long, I can't remember it?"

"Speaking of you two, what did you sense?"

"You mean, Sovereign..."

The eyes of the three of them looked in a certain direction at the same time, and there was an infinite dignified color between their eyebrows.

"Yes, I can sense that the Sect Master is in pain now!" Yuan Ruomeng said with a sad expression on his face.

"Because of this, God sent this kid, he is the key to our rescue of the lord!" Yu Fusheng looked into the circle, and Lei Yi was already flooded by light at this moment.

"But his strength alone is not enough. Moreover, to rescue the Sect Master, we can't do it with the three of us alone. At least I need to wait for me to find Lin Daoxian in the Temple of Innocence. Only he can solve the problem. Secret Technique!"

Hearing this, the grumpy Lei Wanhong became angry and hummed: "Hmph, I didn't approve of that approach back then. The big deal is to fight with the gang of profit-seeking people. After a hundred, how can the Sect Master suffer so much pain!"

"It's too late to say anything now. It was Lin Daoxian who used the secret method back then. I must go to the Wusheng Temple to find a way to crack it. Similarly, the other temples will also go, Xiao Gao and the others may also in some way. Live, just like us, waiting to rescue the Sect Master!"

When the three of them said this, their expressions became solemn again.

They now have a long way to go.

at the same time.

Somewhere in the ruins of Potian Xuanzong.

A great sky giant walked over a certain place, one foot stepped out, and the sky fell apart.

Suddenly, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com giant stopped, and then looked in a certain direction.

A hint of clarity was restored in his faint green eyes.

"Ah...someone is using...stars to pull the big array...to accept the power of Tiangang to quench the body..."

"How many years... How many years have I... I haven't seen this scene..."

"Xiao Meng...Xiao Lei...Xiao Yu...The three of you have been...getting together...Unfortunately, I'm sorry to you...I didn't protect you...Zongmen..."

"Damn dream magic...damn thief..."

Speaking of the end, the giant's eyebrows appeared hostile, his eyes turned blood red, and a shocking suffocation filled the sky.

The giant's eyes scanned the surroundings and finally locked in somewhere.

"You Ying... Candlelight... Traitor..."

He screamed, and his huge body moved again and walked in a certain direction.

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