I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1110: Yin Podi shot?

Near the Hall of Star Reaching.

Outside the crater, in a certain mountain range.

Numerous ripples appeared in the void, and then a big white hand poked out, dropping the two figures.

Zhen Mingyue's body was bloodied at this moment, and her breath was sluggish.

"Senior Sister, how are you?" Lin Ziqing on the side saw this and quickly used Taoism to help her recover.

"Ahem... I lost to... that traitor... I'm ashamed of being taught by the head... Cultivation..." But the former was desperate and unwilling, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

"Senior Sister, don't talk yet, otherwise you will be injured..." Lin Ziqing immediately encouraged her when she saw this.

But at this moment, the woman noticed something strange around her.

Although the ruins of Po Tian Xuanzong were filled with gray mist everywhere, and it was extremely silent.

But because it was sealed for too long and there was no sign of activity for a long time, there was no anger or lifelessness in this place.

However, Lin Ziqing noticed that the death spirit nearby was a bit strong.

This shows that many people died nearby.

"Here is still near the palace just now. There should be casual cultivators. Could it be that they were at war?" Lin Ziqing's eyes swept around, but he found nothing.

"Impossible. If it is in the palace, there may be a fight because of the treasure, but this place belongs to the outer area, and there is nothing, how can it trigger a loose practice?"

After all, Lin Ziqing was a true disciple, and she quickly figured out something.

But the death aura here is not fake, only after many monks have fallen nearby, will there be such a death aura condensing.

As she was thinking about it, the lifelessness pervaded under the gray mist around her gradually became thicker.

Not only that, but the dead spirit seemed to come back to life, unexpectedly, there was no wind, and it covered the second daughter.

"Junior sister...this lifelessness...there is a problem..." Although Zhen Mingyue was seriously injured and dying, she was still conscious, and she also noticed something wrong.

The death energy turned into a gust of yin wind howling, surrounding the two daughters of Zhen Mingyue and Lin Ziqing.

In this lifelessness, they felt a burst of killing intent.

"Who is so sneaky, has the ability to stand up!" Finally, Lin Ziqing yelled softly when she saw this.

"Oh, do you want to see my true face?" A cold voice came out of death.

Then the other party really talked about the rules, and slowly walked out of the lifelessness.

This is a red-haired man in a gray robe, with a young appearance, cold expression, and a very strange aura.

"Yin Podi!" After seeing the person's true face, Lin Ziqing was surprised and called out his name at the same time.

This person turned out to be Yin Podi, the young master of Wuxin Shenzong.

"You Wuxin Divine Sect, you have actually entered this place, you Young Sect Master..."

"You two, I remember being a true disciple of the True Spirit Immortal Sect. If that's the case, you will die here for me!"

Lin Ziqing was about to say something, but was interrupted by Yin Podi's wave.

Then, he didn't hesitate to make a bold move.

Under his control, the dead spirits around him almost turned into substance, killing Zhen Mingyue and Lin Ziqing.

In the dead, countless human figures and beast souls emerged, flaring their teeth and claws, and let out a tragic cry.

"Is this the magical power of Shenzong Wuxin?" Seeing this scene, Lin Ziqing's pupils shrank sharply, feeling a little at a loss.

But at this moment, Zhen Mingyue, who fell to the ground, reflected in time.

She and Lin Ziqing each have a jade pendant.

Lin Ziqing used up the jade pendant, but she didn't.

The woman took out the jade pendant with her trembling hands, and then smashed it with all her strength.

In an instant, the world changed color, and a powerful force of law formed in the void.

"Huh?" Upon seeing this scene, Yin Podi frowned slightly, a little surprised.

It was really unexpected to him that the two people in front of him had such life-saving methods.

"Teacher Dream...Take us...Leave..." Zhen Mingyue shouted weakly into the sky.

Just as this woman spoke, the powerful force of the law directly shattered the void.

Then a big hand reached out, as if rushing through the barriers here, and grabbed the second woman below.

Above this big hand, the power of the law was even more astonishing than the white big hand just now, and even Yin Podi frowned when he saw this and did not dare to advance.

At the same time, tens of thousands of miles away.

A great sky giant is patrolling the surrounding area, and near a ruin behind it, there are corpses and blood stains all over the ground.

Obviously, the giant slaughtered many intruders again.

But at this moment, the giant's actions suddenly stagnated, and the raised leg froze in midair.

Then, above the gray fog, a scarlet color appeared in the eyes that hung like a scorching sun.

The giant turned around and looked somewhere behind.

"Dream...Dream...Dream..." He opened his mouth slightly, as if to call out a name.

But in the end, he didn't call out that name either, instead he roared wildly: "Despicable thief, it's time to kill!"

Then he waved his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and blasted a punch in the air in that direction.

With this punch, the void shattered directly, the huge attack power tore the sky, and the fist disappeared.

Tens of thousands of miles away, near the Hall of Star Reaching.

In the void, that big hand grabbed the two daughters of Zhen Mingyue and Lin Ziqing, and was about to shrink into the crack open, and leave with the two daughters.

But at this moment, the void near the big hand trembled, and then shattered at the same time.

An earth-shattering fist struck out from it and greeted the big hand.


The fist was in the middle of the big hand in the void, and the two had a violent collision, and the void collapsed.

"Hmph, Xuantian Mie, you really are a hundred-legged insect, you are dead and not stiff!" A cold snort came out of the void, but the sound quickly disappeared into the roar of the void collapse.

At the same time, a figure fell in the sky.

Obviously, the big hand was attacked by a fist, unable to take the two away smoothly, and one was left behind.

"How come, the life-saving charm taught by Mengzhang to senior sister was interrupted by someone in the air. Who is it that can have such strength!"

At this moment, Lin Ziqing's mood was broken, looking towards the sky, her mood was particularly low.

This area was affected by the air confrontation between the big hand and the fist. Numerous spatial cracks formed, and the void was about to collapse.

"If I were you, I wouldn't care about these, but I should think about how to save my life in my hands. Obviously your method just now was interfered by another strong person!"

But at this moment, a cold and stern voice came into Lin Ziqing's ears.

She just remembered that there is still a great enemy here.

The boundless death air completely sealed off her body, this time she was inevitable.

"No, you are not Yin Podi. Although Wuxin Shenzong is the Demon Dao sect, the Yin family disciples are not cultivating ghosts and supernatural powers. Who are you!" Finally, Lin Ziqing noticed the strangeness and shouted into death. .

"I don't have to tell you the name of this dying person!" Unfortunately, the dead person did not intend to explain.

However, this answer also verified the woman's conjecture that the other party was not Yin Podi herself.

But at the next moment, a figure suddenly shot out holding a gray long sword.

This scene made Lin Ziqing horrified.

at the same time.

True Spirit Immortal Sect, a secret hall somewhere in the Zongshan Gate.

Meng Shentong looked at his palm, and there was a red mark there, which was punched out by a fist just now when he fought against each other.

"As expected to be Xuantian Mie, the last sect master of Potian Xuanzong, this Gekong fist is comparable to its heyday power, and it actually wounded me. Sure enough, it was the right thing to destroy you Potian Xuanzong back then. …"

Finally, he murmured, and at the same time looked at the woman at the bottom of the secret hall.

"Hmph, even this little thing can't be done well, and being so badly injured is a shame!" Meng Shentong's eyes were cold, but then he shook his head and said: "Fortunately, I saved you back, but that forest. Qing, because of Xuantian Mie's intervention, this seat has no time to save it. It is estimated that Junior Brother will come to me later!"

As a result, as soon as his voice fell, ripples appeared in the void.

Meng Shentong was speechless at once, and he could do whatever he said.

"Brother, my disciple Ziqing, she..."

Before the Yunguanhai people arrived, the voice had already spread into the hall.

Afterwards, a figure wearing a colorful Taoist robe walked out of the ripples, it was Yun Guanhai.

"Brother, this..." He originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Zhen Mingyue who was seriously injured and dying on the ground, the words he had just arrived at his mouth were abruptly suffocated.

"Brother, are they..."

"Yes, there is a huge danger lurking within the ruins of the Po Tian Xuanzong. Even this seat can't be rescued. Mingyue was rescued by me, but Ziqing's words..."

Upon hearing this, Yun Guanhai immediately pinched and counted, and then his face changed drastically.

"Ziqing, fallen..."

After the news was announced, Yun Guanhai's expression finally became calm.

"Ziqing has fallen, so the edict may also..."

"Junior brother, don't worry, you should have prepared other means for the edict, you can let him meet Jin Lingsheng and the others. As long as you have the protection of the three envoys under your seat, the edict should be fine!"

Meng Shentong hurriedly gave comfort, but shook his head in his heart.

My junior fellow, his disciple has fallen, but he didn't regret a word, instead he was concerned about his son's safety.

But that's right, this is someone's own son, and he doesn't care who else he cares about.

But you have to do at least your superficial skills. Isn't Lin Ziqing also your true disciple, can't you pretend to be in front of me?

Unfortunately, Yun Guanhai didn't even want to pretend.

"Brother, that doesn't work either, or I will take a trip myself, the edict is there, I can't worry about it!"

"Junior Brother, if you rushed into the Western Regions, wouldn't you be afraid of Yin Po's attack? Now that the inner circle and the outer ring are worried, it is not yet the time when the two sides of the right and the demons are at odds!"

"But, he is my only son!"

"Junior Brother, don't make mistakes!"


"No but!"

In this last sentence, the dream supernatural power could not help accentuating the tone.

This is the last word for General Yun Guanhai, and UU reading www.uukānshu.com all suffocated in their stomachs.

He sighed and was about to leave.

"Your deity can't be dispatched. This is the original rule of the two ways of justice, but the incarnation is not in this list..."

But at this moment, the Dream Supernatural Power murmured a word, and then he said nothing.

He just said something casually, but he didn't mean to mention the other party at all.

Some things are enough for this.

"Thank you brother!"

And Yun Guanhai, after listening to it, naturally looked happy and left quickly.

Because he is concerned about the safety of his son, this time he will "go out in person".

As for the fall of Lin Ziqing, he cared about his son's lateness, so he wouldn't think about it.

If Lin Ziqing is still alive, I guess it will be very uncomfortable in my heart.

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