I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1108: This is my major rule

Taiyin Fairy Palace.

The name of Zhen Mingyue's domain.

The strength of this woman is the first in true biography, this is not a random ranking.

With this sword cut out, the power of heaven and earth he carried made Lei Yi feel the crisis.

Facing the menacing sword, Lei Yi was shocked.

He knew that if he insisted, he would be disabled if he didn't die!


Therefore, if you can't stop it, you can only avoid it.

A black electric arc emerged from Lei Yi's body, and his figure was wrapped in thunder light and disappeared in place.

The next moment, that sword came, directly slashing the ground he was on, and the void was split in half.

A slender spatial crack appeared, but the boundary was as flat as a knife.

A dozen steps away, Lei Yi's figure came out under the cover of pitch black thunder and lightning, his back was cold and sweaty, and he gasped for breath.

"What's the matter, I used the Thunder Escape technique once, but I could only stretch so much distance, and the energy cost was actually five or six times as much as usual..."

He looked at the faint arc on his body, and he couldn't believe it.

Not only that, but Zhen Mingyue's ability can affect the casting speed, so the thunder escape technique just now can't keep up with it.

If he didn't escape, then the spatial crack in front of him would be cut on his body, and the consequences can be imagined.

Lei Yi was scared after thinking about it.

"This place is her domain, so everything is affected by the domain, which means that I can't avoid these slow chills!"

He looked at Zhen Mingyue, who was standing under the moonlight, with a particularly solemn expression in his eyes.

The slower casting speed is a problem he has to face.

If this is the case, Lei Yi does not intend to consume it for a long time, otherwise it will definitely be consumed by this woman.

His eyes flashed, and his figure disappeared in a burst of thunder.

Under the moonlight, a figure appeared in the air, it was Lei Yi.

"It's ridiculous to want to take the initiative!" Seeing this, Zhen Mingyue sneered again and again.

She raised her hand and waved another one again.

The void stagnated under the sword light, and cold air emerged, taking the figure in front of him straight.

But Lei Yi naturally wouldn't really wait for Jian Mang to slash, and even the moment he raised his hand at Zhen Mingyue, he used Thunder Escape again.

Even if he is affected by the cold, his casting speed is reduced a little, but as long as he can predict it, he can still avoid it.

Sure enough, when the thunder escape technique was deployed, he disappeared the moment the sword light fell.

This sword naturally fell into the empty space, and Lei Yi relied on two thunder escape techniques to have already sprinted to the height of two-thirds of the palace, only a hundred feet away from Zhen Mingyue.

"Predicting my attack is just useless!" Seeing Lei Yi avoid Jianmang, Zhen Mingyue was not worried at all, and even a sneer from the corner of her mouth under the veil.

Because as you get closer to yourself, the radiation range and effect of the cold air will also increase.

Therefore, facing Lei Yi's close-range attack, Zhen Mingyue would naturally not be afraid.

Sure enough, after performing thunder escape for the third time, Lei Yi almost didn't avoid Zhen Mingyue's sword.

In the end, although he escaped by chance, there was still a blood line on his chest.

This is the trace left by the sword qi.

"It's terrifying sword aura, just by rubbing it a little bit, my flesh and blood will be easily cut!" Lei Yi felt a tingling pain in his chest, but he didn't care.

Because he has already reached the front of Zhen Mingyue.

This distance is an excellent distance for close combat.

He has absolute self-confidence, as long as he punches out, even if the woman in front of him is not dead, he will suffer severely.

However, you have to be careful that Zhen Mingyue shows upright again without a shadow.

"No action, it seems to be my chance!"

He saw that Zhen Mingyue hadn't invoked the law or planned to use the Taoism, so he knew that the opportunity was indispensable.

The silver runes on Lei Yi's body flickered, and the 10 divine orifices in his body also bloomed like stars.

But under this moonlight, it looked a little bleak.

"The law of power!" Zhen Mingyue was very knowledgeable and called out the name of the law represented by this rune.

There was a team of them who happened to have a fellow practitioner of the law of strength.

"Unfortunately, what about the law of strength!" The woman sneered, and lightly touched the ground with one foot.

In Lei Yi's stunned eyes, a chill was spreading around with Zhen Mingyue as the center.

This scene was unexpected to him.

He didn't even think that just by tapping the ground on his toes, he would be able to display his magical powers.

Without checking it for a while, his figure was shrouded in chill, and then his whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Hmph, within the domain, the caster can do whatever he wants. Do you think that in the domain, I still need the seal to cast spells?" Zhen Mingyue saw Lei Yi's move and ridiculed again.

After that, she raised the ice sword in her hand and pierced directly towards Lei Yi.

With this sword, the target is Lei Yi's head, and he will die in one blow!

"Not good!" At the critical moment, the power of law in Lei Yi's body burst out again.

The silver runes on his body flickered, and a series of thunder patterns appeared at the same time, and the law of power and the law of thunder showed power at the same time.

The ice and snow confining him showed signs of melting, and at the same time cracks appeared.


The ice sculpture shattered, and Lei Yi's right body recovered his mobility.

He raised his movable right hand, driven by the law of thunder, supplemented by the law of force, and grabbed the ice sword that had been slashed.

With one blow, the ice sword was crushed by his bare hands.

And Lei Yi also regained his mobility afterwards, his body broke through the ice layer on his body, and then blasted out with a punch.

"Stand up without a shadow!" Zhen Mingyue yelled, her figure turned into a void, and Lei Yi's punch was empty again.

"Come again!" But Lei Yi didn't believe in evil, and the thunder light appeared on his body, and he was about to punch continuously.

But Zhen Mingyue raised her brows and touched the ground again with one foot.

Lei Yi saw that this woman was about to show her chill again, and her figure disappeared under the thunder light.

When he reappeared, he was already in the air more than a hundred feet away, and he could only stand in the air, looking at Zhen Mingyue who was standing above the palace.

"Since close combat is invalid, then use long-range means!" He knew that this time it was a protracted battle.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Heaven Dou Wolves Killing Array!" Lei Yi's figure was divided into ten, and then he punched continuously.

His fists turned into countless wolf shadows and rushed towards Zhen Mingyue.

"Hmph, simple methods, you don't even need rules, and you want to threaten me!" But the woman saw the wolves attacking, her eyes were only contemptuous.

The cold air appeared on its body surface, and then a white mist spread, covering all the incoming wolves.

Under the white mist, the wolves stagnated and turned into ice sculptures.

After a while, Lei Yi's attack was easily cracked by Zhen Mingyue. Instead, there were countless ice sculptures of wolves above the palace.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Lei Yi's plan to continue to shoot was also extinguished.

He is considering whether to use Yuanlong Transformation to break this realm.

However, his Yuanlong Transformation was okay to deal with the early days of the Celestial Realm. To deal with Zhen Mingyue who was close to the peak in the early stage, the effect is still unknown.

If he can't break the domain after the show comes, then he will be consumed to death by the opponent.

This is also the reason why Lei Yi didn't use the Yuanlong Transformation at the beginning, he was a little afraid of Zhen Mingyue's strength.

"In that case, let's find another chance!" Lei Yi planned to bear with him temporarily.

But Zhen Mingyue seemed to see through Lei Yi's thoughts, with a smile on her brows, and jokingly said: "You don't think that Lei Dun's speed alone can deal with me!"

"Could it not be what you said!"

"Indeed, if you don't have a middle sword, I really don't have the final say, but now..."

Before the woman's voice had finished, Lei Yi felt abnormal.

In his body, there was a violent force that burst out suddenly,


Lei Yi spurted blood, and the sword print on his chest was also bleeding.

"What's going on!" He couldn't believe it, he was just hit by a sword, and he was hit so hard.

"No, this power is another force of law!" Soon, Lei Yi realized that the energy raging in his body was actually a law.

"Why, are you only aware of it now?"

Seeing this, Zhen Mingyue sneered: "The law of my major is not cold air, but the destructive power contained in this sword aura. The law of destruction is the law I really major in, and the cold is just to be able to destroy it. Is it just a means of hitting the enemy hard and minoring it?"

"Before you hit me with a sword, the law of destruction has flowed into the body following the sword intent, and now you are probably better than death!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Lei Yi squirted another blood.

At this moment, she was really right.

The law of destruction wreaked havoc in the body, and the general power really couldn't be dispelled. The feeling and sourness was simply worse than death.

But Lei Yi knelt on the ground, there was no despair in his eyes, and some were just a hint of helplessness.

"I didn't want to use it. To deal with a true biography of you, I actually need to use all the cards!" He said in a helpless tone.

"What do you mean?" Zhen Mingyue sneered again after hearing it, her eyes even more teasing.

"When you die, you still have a stiff mouth. Could it be, do you think you can escape my rule of destruction?"

She felt that Lei Yi was dying, and finally couldn't bear the psychological pressure, so she collapsed.

But this is not the case.

Lei Yi stood up suddenly, and at the same time, a golden rune appeared in the palm of his right hand.

This rune exudes a peculiar energy, not the law of thunder.

Lei Yi shot out with a palm, but the target was not Zhen Mingyue, but his chest.

The golden rune, accompanied by Lei Yi's palm, rushed into the body.

Next, an incredible scene happened.

The wound on his body surface gradually healed under a burst of golden light.

At the same time, when the wound healed, one by one dark red runes, UU Kanshu www.uukānshu.com shot out from it.

In less than half a breath of effort, Lei Yi's chest wound healed unexpectedly, and the law of destruction raging in his body was also separated from his body.

"Impossible, you...what did you do..."

Seeing this scene, Zhen Mingyue's eyebrows finally faded, and the jokes on her face disappeared instantly.

"Zhen Mingyue, don't you think that only you can practice multiple rules, and all of them can be practiced to a high level?" Lei Yi looked at the other party and finally smiled.

This time, he ridiculed the other party: "It was my major law that dispelled the power of destruction just now, and the law of thunder and the law of power are only what I later practiced, and the time I have mastered is still shallow. !"

"Your major law..." Zhen Mingyue was speechless for a while, but then asked: "What is the law that can dispel the power of destruction?"

Lei Yi laughed, learning from the other's previous tone, and said ironically: "Stupid, you don't think that I will tell the enemy about myself, right?"

At this moment, Zhen Mingyue's face finally changed.

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