I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1099: Struck by lightning

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While flying on the road, Lei Yi's storage bag heard the sound of floating rain.

He took out the opponent's core and held it in his hand.

"Senior Yu, although you are the senior, can you not be so surprised? It makes me worried too!" Lei Yi stared at the core and vomited.

"Boy, what do you know, I am..."

The surface of the core flickered, Yu Fusheng wanted to speak, but the words stopped halfway through.

"Forget it, there's nothing to talk about with you kid!"

"Senior, you can't say that. We can be regarded as the same school anyway. Although you have been dead for many years, and the Po Tian Xuanzong is gone, how can I say that I am also a Xuanzong disciple?"

Lei Yi murmured, and then asked: "You just called the Sect Master, did you mean the Sect Master of the Xuantian Sect, but I don't know which generation you are shouting from?"

Unfortunately, the core did not respond, obviously Yu Fusheng did not intend to answer this question.

Lei Yi was helpless. Although this master was dead, his temper was still so cold.

That being the case, he didn't bother to use his hot face against the other's cold ass.

After flying for a while, he looked forward and vaguely saw the flickering of thunder.

Lei Yi hurriedly pointed to the front and asked, "Senior Yu, is it possible that the front is the Yinleifeng you mentioned?"

As far as he could see, there was a huge golden mountain peak. If you look carefully, you can even see countless jumping arcs around the peak.

Here, the power of thunder and lightning is strong, and even the power of the law of thunder and lightning between heaven and earth is also strong and scary.

If a cultivator of thunder method fights with people here, the combat effectiveness can be increased by at least three or four times.

"Yes, here is Yinleifeng, the strong thunder and lightning power is the best landmark!" The core flickered, and the words of Yu Fusheng came out.

Then he reminded: "This place is the place where my disciples cross the thunder catastrophe, and it is also a place to practice the secret methods of the Thunder Palace. Please pay attention and be careful of being attacked by the prohibitions here!"

"Ah, am I not a disciple, how can I still be prohibited from attacking?"

"It's good that you are a disciple, but the restrictions here are a bit special, you..."

Yu Fusheng still wanted to say something, but on the mountain ahead, a thunder suddenly rushed out and struck Lei Yi.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi suddenly exploded with a swear word.

He never expected that this lightning would still attack, the key is that no monks appeared nearby, this lightning is not controlled by humans, but an attack by no one.

Therefore, Lei Yi naturally did not react, and his body was hit by the arc.

After a crackling sound, his whole body turned black again, and his head was full of blue smoke.

Embarrassed, too embarrassed!

"Senior, why don't you remind me earlier..." In the end, Lei Yi looked unlovable.

It was struck by lightning like this, the point was that the lightning came too suddenly, and he didn't even react.


The core flickered, and Yu Fusheng sneered: "You are too weak. If you are a disciple of the Thunder Palace, this level of lightning can easily be avoided!"

"I'm not a disciple of Thunder Palace!" Lei Yi quickly replied.

But above the mountain peak ahead, thunder lights appeared again.

"Fuck, come again!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi suddenly became calm.

But this time, Thunder Arc didn't fly towards his position, but blasted towards several positions behind him.

When Lei Yi turned his head, he saw several monks appeared behind him, and the thunder arc happened to rush to them.

People from the rear did not expect that there would be thunder and lightning coming out of the mountain, and the speed is so fast.

When they wanted to resist, it was too late.

How fast the lightning is, Lei Yi, a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, can be attacked even if he is not careful.

In a blast, several people behind were caught in thunder and lightning.

After they uttered a few screams, their bodies evaporated.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Lei Yi could only shook his head, regretting for a few people.

These people, at first glance, were casual cultivators in the Western Regions. They were not strong enough to break into this place rashly. Even if they survived here, they would probably die in other places.

Being chopped to death by thunder and lightning is at least a momentary thing, and it won't be painful for too long.

But Lei Yi hadn't finished his emotions yet, and on the mountain in front of him, the arc jumped again.

"It's endless!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi was speechless.

However, what made him even more speechless was that when the arc jumped up, there were silhouettes of people rising into the sky everywhere near the Leifeng Peak.


"The power of thunder and lightning here is inevitable, you can only wait for death!"

"I obviously brought a treasure for lightning protection, why is it useless?"

"Oh my god, the thunder and lightning are endless, I have hidden in the ground, and I was actually affected!"

These people all hid nearby at the beginning, and their escape techniques were quite mysterious, and they all deceived Lei Yi's consciousness.

However, the power of thunder and lightning here can attack indiscriminately. No matter where you hide, you will be struck by lightning.

For a time, the arc turned into thunder dragons, flew out of Yinlei Peak, and pursued these people.

And there was a Thunder Dragon, which happened to be coming towards Lei Yi.

His figure was blurred in the air, and he rushed out hundreds of meters away, avoiding the thunder dragon.

However, Thunder Dragon does not attack in a straight line, but traces its breath.

So when Lei Yi avoided, Thunder Dragon hovered in mid-air, changed direction again, and chased him up.

Lei Yi and Thunder Dragon, after chasing and fleeing, struggled in the sky for several breaths.

Finally, several arcs converged with Thunder Dragon around, making Thunder Dragon's speed suddenly accelerated several times.

Lei Yi was accidentally hit by Thunder Dragon again.

When the Thunder Dragon disappeared, there was only a figure with smoke all over his body and his hair turned into a fluffy bird's nest.

"Hey—" Lei Yi was depressed with a long sigh.

This power of thunder and lightning not only made him embarrassed, but also burned his head by the way.

However, in the sky at this moment, only Lei Yi was left.

The group of monks who fled just now are all gone, and it is not known whether they have fallen or escaped.

"Senior, this disciple of Thunder Palace, is it possible that every day is struck by lightning?" Lei Yi took out the core and asked.

If Yin Leifeng is like this every day, then let alone the disciples of Xuanzong Breaking the Sky, let alone practice, isn't it that every day is hiding and hiding with the power of thunder and lightning?

"Yes, the disciple of the Thunder Palace, just like you said, every day is struck by lightning." Who knows, Yu Fusheng did not refute, but admitted instead.

"But I think your physique is not weak. It should be a good material for practicing the secret method of the Thunder Palace, Lei Wanhong will be interested in you!"

"Farewell, the secret of cultivating the Thunder Palace, is it that you have to be struck by lightning every day?"

Hearing this, Lei Yi quickly shook his head and refused.

Who can bear the thunder struck every day?

"Hmph, wait until you see Lei Wanhong!" Yu Fusheng said, reminding: "This is still the periphery of Yinleifeng. If you want to enter the Thunder Palace, you must pass through the dense thunder formations here, let me see See your ability!"

After he finished speaking, the core no longer flickered. Obviously, he didn't intend to continue talking with Lei Yi.

At exactly this time, within the mountain in front, countless golden lights lit up again, and dense arcs of thunder were beating on the surface of the mountain.

"Hey..." Seeing this scene, Lei Yi sighed again.

He knew that he was going to be struck by lightning again.

However, to leave the ruins of the Xuantian Sect, he can only rely on Yu Floating to live, and he can only do what the other party says.

Since you are going to the Thunder Palace, it is necessary to rush through the thunder formation in front of you.

"Die or die!" Lei Yi thought of this, his stature accelerated, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards Yin Lei Feng.

At the same time, the electric arc around the mountain, as if being provoked by Lei Yi, gathered in the sky into a thick thunder dragon, also roaring towards him.

In the sky, the silhouette of the figure and the Thunder Dragon met, and a huge roar erupted.

A few quarters later.

On the peak of Yin Lei, a figure shot out from the sky full of thunder and lightning, and rushed to the vicinity of a golden light curtain.

In this light curtain, there is a complex of buildings on the same scale as the Shower Hall.

However, the building of the Shower Hall is blue, while the building here is golden.

"Senior, this is the Thunder Palace you are talking about!" Seeing the building below, someone exclaimed.

This person is Lei Yi. Although he is currently struck by lightning, he is still alive and asks the core in his hand.

"If I were you, I wouldn't let my guard down now. Because the thunder array near the Thunder Palace is the most powerful!" But at this moment, Yu Fusheng reminded.

Before his words fell, countless thunder and lightning appeared near the golden light curtain.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi exploded again.

He never expected that he would still be killed here.

But when he reacted, countless dense electric arcs, like Wanchuan entering the sea, slashed towards him.

"Tyrant of Time!" In a critical moment, Lei Yi didn't care about hiding himself, and directly displayed his supernatural powers.

A layer of golden enchantment emerged, all over the body.

In the enchantment, the speed of the arc from the sprint was greatly reduced, and Lei Yi easily dodged it.

No matter how dense the power of thunder and lightning, once inside the enchantment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will be affected by the power of the tyrant of time.

He avoided an electric arc, and finally sprinted near the light curtain.

According to Yu Fusheng, he is a disciple of Potian Xuanzong, so the prohibition is invalid for him.

Lei Yi didn't stop, and plunged into the light curtain.

The barrier fluctuated a few times, but let him pass by without stopping.

And the arc behind, after losing its target, turned into countless lightning runes and dissipated in the air.

At this moment, Lei Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, because it was completely safe to enter this place.

"The ability you just used seems to be the magical power of the law of time. Did you really see Meng Shiqi of the True Spirit Immortal Cult?" Lei Yi's hand, the core flickered again.

Lei Yi panted, but still replied: "Yes, I did see Master Meng Shiqi in the Ascendant Secret Realm. I noticed that the person who had problems with the magical powers of Dreams was also him. I remember I told my seniors before. , But you don't believe it?"

"The power of the law of time, great magical powers, I didn't expect that you, a stupid young man who is not good-looking, can actually master such mysterious powers. It is really unfair!" In the core, Yu Fusheng actually screamed.

Lei Yi: "..."

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