I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1096: Break the field and kill 2 people

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The red arc was beating, raging, scorching every inch of nearby land.

Under such an attack, Huang Daoshan was confident, let alone the early days of the Celestial Realm, even if the mid-term cultivators came, he did not dare to say that he would take this trick firmly.

Of course, if the cultivators in the mid-celestial and human realm really come and directly expand the domain, they will be able to break through the "thousands of miles" of Mount Huangdao.

"Under my Scarlet Thunder Talisman, no matter how great you are, you won't be able to make waves!"

In midair, Huang Daoshan's figure slowly fell, looking at the scorched pit on the ground, sneered again and again.

"Is it true? It seems that you are really confident!"

The next moment, a sneer also came from the pothole.

This made Huang Daoshan's smile solidify in an instant, he couldn't believe it, and countless questions arose in his heart.

"Impossible, you are just an early cultivator, how can you take my Chi Thunder Talisman, do you have mine-clearing treasures by your side?"

"No, I don't have such a treasure, I took it with my body!"

In the pothole, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, Lei Yi slowly walked out.

At this moment, he was ashamed and his clothes were ruined under the ravages of thunder and lightning. The exposed skin of the big *** appeared scorched black.

But under this circumstance, his breath hasn't weakened much, and the strength of Qi and blood in his body is even stronger than before.

Lei Yi moved his hands and feet a little, and on the skin of his body, crimson electric arcs jumped out.

"Well, it's not bad!" He chuckled, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

"What!" Seeing this scene, Huang Daoshan's complexion changed drastically.

He had never thought that someone would be able to pick up the Scarlet Thunder Talisman and become even more vigorous than before.

And now, this case actually happened.

But when he was thinking about the reason, a strong wind hit his side, and it turned out that Lei Yi had already gotten closer.

"Hmph, even if you can resist the thunder method!" Feeling Lei Yi's offensive, Huang Daoshan snorted coldly, and the robe went automatically without wind.

In the next moment, runes appeared all over his body, and a violent force of the law immediately enveloped his body.

Lei Yi's figure was hit, and he blasted out a punch.

But Huang Daoshan turned into a golden light under his gaze, and directly escaped into the ground below.

"Almost forgot, you will be golden light too!" Seeing this scene, Lei Yi curled his lips and muttered.

In the distance, a golden light on the ground soared into the sky, it was Mount Huangdao.

In the domain, the power of the Dao Fa will be enhanced, and even the golden light will become more freely than the outside world.

With the help of the mystery of this method, it is natural to be invincible.

"You are just a traitor, with a mediocre cultivation level, relying on the power of the flesh, it is impossible to defeat me!"

After Huang Daoshan revealed his figure, he ridiculed Lei Yi again.

"That's not necessarily!" But Lei Yi, naturally, pretending that he hadn't heard him, continued to launch an offensive.

"Hmph, stupid people!" Huang Daoshan sneered when he saw this, and his right hand was a little secretly.

In the ground below, countless golden lights and shadows flew up. These were all copper coins that had been scattered on the ground before.

Seeing so many coins flying up, Lei Yi could only give up approaching Huangdao Mountain and moved away to avoid the coins.

"This is my Wuji door's famous magic weapon, the treasure money, which is imitation of the legendary spirit treasure of the same name. As long as you are trapped by this treasure, even if you have monstrous power, you will never want to break free!"

Huang Daoshan controlled the copper coin to chase Lei Yi, while boasting triumphantly.

I have to say that what he said is really the case.

His domain can increase the power of Taoism and magic weapons. Originally, there were only a few copper coins, but the amount has increased dozens of times with the increase in the domain.

Being imprisoned by these magic weapons, even Lei Yi's physical strength requires a lot of effort to break free.

"You forced me!" He felt a little strenuous against Huang Daoshan, and he couldn't bear it.

Lei Yi's speed in flying away suddenly accelerated, after throwing away the copper coins behind him, he suddenly turned and fell towards the ground.


He didn't slow down and hit the ground directly, smashing another sinkhole.

In the middle of the pothole, Lei Yi stood on his feet, clenched his fists, and the blood on his body surged violently.

A layer of blood mist filled the sky, rising to the sky.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King's Fist is extremely profound, Yuanlong crossing the sin-evil evil town demon!" In a violent roar, black scales grew on his body, and his stature rose greatly.

"Now... it's time for me to fight back..."

In the beast roar like thunder, a dark dragon shadow, accompanied by blood fog, rose into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Huang Daoshan's heart seemed to have thought of something, and his discoloration suddenly changed.

"Twelve capitals of the gods have changed, you are the direct line of the Yin Family of the Unintentional Demon Sect, you sneaked into the True Spirit Immortal Sect, it turns out that you have another purpose!"

But at this time, Lei Yi, and didn't intend to explain, anyway, whether he was an undercover agent, he didn't need to talk nonsense with a dying person.

After transforming into a deep dragon, Lei Yi controlled the huge dragon body and directly slammed into the area where Mount Huangdao was located.

Under the dragon tail sweep, a layer of silvery white runes condensed and attached to it.

Huang Daoshan was shocked at first, and seeing a dragon's tail fluttering at this moment was even more shocking.

After he saw those runes, how could he dare to harden it, and directly displayed the vertical golden light, and his body shape plunged into the ground at once.

The dragon's tail swept past, the air flow fluttered, and the void rumbled.

But it is a pity that Huang Daoshan escaped, and this move was naturally a hit.

But Lei Yi found that after casting his transformation, he was able to attack the law of power when he swung his body at will.

"After Yuanlong transforms, my physical strength has increased several times. No wonder the law of cohesion... No, my random blow can drive the power of law, indicating that my attack has reached the strength of the law! "

This discovery naturally made him overjoyed.

Yuanlong's giant eyes scanned the ground below, and finally concentrated on a certain area not far away.

With a loud dragon chant, the dragon's tail flicked again and slammed into the ground below.


This time, it was a real earth and sky collapse, a huge shocking force spreading around.

The entire field began to tremble, and countless silver-white runes shuddered in the void, covering almost half of the field.

In the bursting ground, a golden light flew out, it was Mount Huangdao.

However, at this moment, his breath was sluggish, his whole body was stained with blood, and even the Dao robe on his body was mostly broken.

"Ahem, you... why do you... have such power!" He looked at Lei Yi incredulously, weakly.

The blow just now, even if it was a golden light, was actually evaded.

Although his body was hiding underground, it was still severely injured under the shock of the law of power.

"I don't need to tell these news to a dying person!"

The dragon that Lei Yi had transformed, however, let out a wild roar and flicked its tail again.

When the dragon's tail flicked, countless silver runes emerged, and the void vibrated, and a huge weight enveloped the area where Huangdao Mountain was located.

Under such heavy pressure, he even had difficulty even raising his hand, let alone how to cast spells and use magical powers.

In his stunned and dull gaze, this dragon's tail ran directly over his body, and the entire void collapsed.


The void collapsed, a huge gap formed, Huang Daoshan's body was directly transformed into a cloud of blood, and his soul was scattered.

In the void cracks, a huge adsorption force struck, sucking in the blood mist, and at the same time inhaling all the surrounding areas.

Countless runes flew into it, repairing the cracks in the space, and the surrounding scenery began to recover.

The domain disappeared with the fall of the caster.

But at this moment, near Yuanlong, a ray of light rushed up and flew away.

It was Fairy Lanling. After feeling the aura of Huang Daoshan disappeared, she knew that something was wrong, and hurried away.

"Where to go!" But at this moment, Lei Yi shot again.

The body of the dragon he transformed into coiled up, the huge dragon mouth grew up, and a whirlpool wind group gradually formed, rushing into its huge mouth.

After a few breaths, Yuanlong's belly rose sharply and began to bulge.

After taking a deep breath, Yuanlong's head aimed at Fairy Lan Ling and let out a loud roar.


Amidst the roar, accompanied by Lei Yi's wild roar, a huge shock wave blasted directly forward.

In the void, countless silver runes loomed, and white cracks covered the past.

Fairy Lan Ling originally flew away dozens of miles away, but under this blow, his figure trembled, and then the void he was in was directly submerged by the white crack.

Another burst of void collapse, the area where Fairy Lan Ling was, shattered directly.

A dark space crack formed, swallowing all the area where the woman was.

In the end, the formation master of the Spiritual Illusion Sect also died in the hands of Lei Yi, or in other words, died under this roar.

After Lei Yi killed Fairy Lan Ling, his huge body began to wilt like a deflated ball.

His body gradually shrank, and the dragon scales covering his body surface faded, revealing Lei Yi's original appearance.

After displaying the Yuanlong Transformation, his scorched skin also recovered. The advantage of this trick is that after demobilization, the injuries on his body can also be recovered.

But the price is a period of exhaustion.

As soon as Lei Yi replied, blood lines flew out all over his body.

The qi and blood in his body also seemed to be out of control, frantically emerging and flying out of his body. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, for all this, he is used to it.

He has endured the side effects of Yuanlong's transformation many times.

Lei Yi didn't care if there was any danger around him, and he sat cross-legged, suffering from the side effects, and began to adjust his breath.

The restoration of this rate adjustment lasted for a full half a day before he temporarily regained his mobility.

"You kid, you actually know the secret technique of the Asura Palace, which really surprised this commander!"

Just after Lei Yi recovered, Yu Fusheng actually spoke up.

Lei Yi took out the core and asked a little unexpectedly, "Asura Hall, this is also one of the Eight Halls?"

"Of course, your magical power to transform into a deep dragon is the secret of this temple, but the side effects of this secret technique are huge, so it is listed as a forbidden technique by the suzerain, and ordinary disciples can't learn it!"

"Is it forbidden?" Lei Yi murmured, and then shook his head: "The sect is gone, so it shouldn't matter if I can't help it?"

"You are right. After the sect is destroyed, it doesn't matter if the forbidden technique cannot be restrained!" Yu Fusheng agreed with Lei Yi's opinion, and then said: "Don't waste time, keep on going, the Thunder Palace is just ahead. Far!"

Lei Yi naturally knew the severity, put away the core, and continued on the road.

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