I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1081: Ancient ruins?

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"Senior, I recruit, I recruit them all..."

Finally, the monk surnamed Wu did not conceal, and told Lei Yi what he had discovered.

It turned out that he was from Nanban, and he had also listened to the recent rumors in the immortal world, and became interested in the ruins concealed by Wuxin Shenzong.

However, unlike other people, the monk surnamed Wu cultivated a very delicate technique of earth escape, which could make it into the earth without a shadow.

It was precisely relying on this magical power that he quietly sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the Wuxin Divine Sect, and heard some content.

Finally, by chance, he found the ruins.

But because of this, he planned to sell the news, but he didn't expect that the first buyer he met would just lift the table.

Not only did the other party not intend to pay Lingjing, on the contrary, they planned to kill him, and then monopolize the news. That's why the scene just now happened.

"Is the ruins very powerful? Are you not afraid of Shenzong Wuxin?" Lei Yi looked at each other with a strange expression.

You are a monk in the realm of law, you are not afraid of death, dare to forcibly enter the land of the mindless godsect?

"Senior, don't you know that this ruin is said to be a large ancient ruin, with countless treasures inside. For me and other casual practitioners, as long as I can find a lost technique or magical power, it is already a big profit. No matter how dangerous it is!" said the monk surnamed Wu, his face suddenly became distressed.

Lei Yi nodded, this is true.

The casual cultivator didn't want to rely on the disciples of the big sect.

Especially this kind of ancient relics, there are a lot of good things inside, if you can find one or two, it is estimated that you can turn over.

"But don't you think it's strange? Shenzong Wuxin doesn't deny this kind of news, and even if the news spreads throughout the realm of Xiuxian, you even heard the news in the Southern Barbarian Realm?"

"Senior, you are joking. Even if you know that the news is false, the world of immortality lacks everything, that is, there is no lack of bold people like us. Especially in places like ancient ruins, as long as you can enter, you may have a chance. I have obtained a good treasure. Everyone wants to soar into the sky and is a blockbuster. It is not uncommon for me to advance to the Celestial Realm relying on the discovery of ancient ruins while I am waiting for casual cultivating."

The monk surnamed Wu glanced at Lei Yi and continued: "Furthermore, the news about the ruins is now spreading more and more, and more and more detailed. Obviously, it can't be fake. If you are interested, you can. Check it out!"

"Not interested!" Lei Yi waved his hand, indicating that he was not interested in these things.

The ancient ruins are very tempting to others, but they are not half attractive to Lei Yi.

It's too late for him to cultivate. Wouldn't it be time-consuming and laborious to explore the ruins, and he may also encounter danger.

After thinking for a while, Lei Yi said curiously: "Since you have arrived there, can you see anything? Do you know which ancient sect's remains?"

After thinking about it for a while, the monk surnamed Wu recalled: "The juniors don’t know about this matter. They only know that at the entrance, they saw a line of ancient characters. They have been in Nanban for many years, but they have recognized a few ancient characters. The word "break the sky"! "

"Breaking the sky!" But his words made Lei Yi slightly shocked.

"It seems that I have to look at your memory!" But then, Lei Yi shot directly.

"Senior, what I'm telling you is the truth..." The monk surnamed Wu was suddenly shocked and hurriedly shouted.

But as soon as he was about to move his right hand, after the golden light in front of him, people completely lost consciousness.

And Lei Yi, manipulating a golden rune, penetrated into the body of the monk surnamed Wu.

Then, a light curtain appeared behind him, and countless images emerged within it.

In these images, a lot of what the monk Wu has seen and heard in the Nanban region shows that he has lived in Nanban most of the time.

Lei Yi's gaze swept away, and he quickly noticed some recent memories.

In some pictures, he saw the monk surnamed Wu acting alone, came to the Western Regions by himself, and saw a scholar.

"Fellow Daoist, I came from Nanban a long distance away, but it wasn't for a rumored piece of news. Do you have any real information?"

"My information is already the most accurate. If you still don't believe it, then I can't help it?"


When the monk surnamed Wu saw the scholar's answer, his expression suddenly became sullen.

"Why, do you want to do something to me?" The scholar didn't rush, he even looked over sarcastically, playing with it: "Or do you want to kill me and monopolize the news?"

Finally, seeing the scholar speak with confidence, the monk surnamed Wu held back and did not make a move.

He bought the specific location of the ruins from the scholar, and then directly relied on the supernatural power of the earth to go to explore.

As a result, he naturally found a place, but because there was someone from the Wuxin Divine Sect, he finally retreated when he saw difficulties.

Next, he learned to be a scholar and secretly wanted to sell the news.

Then the memory that followed, just as he said, the first buyer did not intend to pay.

Lei Yi also knew what happened after that.

"This guy, I can't think of it, it's not a good stubborn thing. In the Southern Barbarian Territory, there are many things to do with cries!" Lei Yi looked at the memory of the monk surnamed Wu and commented.

But this is also normal, no serious people who come to the Western Regions.

Although saying this is tantamount to scolding himself, Lei Yi doesn't think he is a serious person either.


Lei Yi clapped his hands and awakened Brother Wu.

"I ask you, the young man who sold your news, do you think this person is weird?" Then, he directly questioned regardless of his face.

"A scholar, which scholar?" In the mind of the monk surnamed Wu, the appearance of a young man suddenly appeared.

After thinking for a while, he was confused and said: "That person...that person...that person..."

The monk surnamed Wu seemed to have been caught in an evil right now. He kept repeating three words, but couldn't tell why.

"Sure enough, you should have been hit by some vicious secret technique, but fortunately, memory can't lie!" Lei Yi had expected it long ago.

In this case, it was obvious that the scholar had a problem, but the other party was able to unconsciously influence a monk at the realm of Dharma, which was obviously above the realm of heaven and human.

However, in the memory of the monk surnamed Wu, the information about the ruins is true.

The ancient ruins, with the word "Breaking the sky", are the ancient masses that have been destroyed, and these all made Lei Yi interested.

Even if the incident revealed weirdness, Lei Yi felt that he should go there.

"Oh, I don't know!" At this moment, the monk surnamed Wu suddenly howled miserably.

His face was painful, his whole body flushed, his head was covered with his hands, and his face was distorted.


Lei Yi just wanted to say something when he heard a "bang" explosion, and the head of the monk surnamed Wu exploded.

The blood splashed out mixed with brain pulp, but was blocked by a vitality barrier, and Lei Yi's complexion also became cold and severe.

That scholar seems to be very problematic.

Although the other party sold the information, the people who bought the information seemed to have been caught in a certain evil way secret technique.

But the other party, why should they sell real intelligence?

With such a question, Lei Yi did not look back, and flew directly to the place in the memory of the monk surnamed Wu.

Western Regions, somewhere surrounded by mountains.

When Lei Yi rushed to the neighborhood, he discovered that there were many people hiding nearby.

It seems that many of these people have received news from various sources, even if they are not first-hand, they are likely to be second-hand and third-hand.

All in all, it seems that everyone in the world knows that there are ruins here.

But what is strange is that there are not many monks stationed here in Shenzong Wuxin, even in Lei Yi's opinion, is Shenzong Wuxin's defense a bit perfunctory.

"Could it be that Wuxin Shenzong thought that only they know this place in the whole world, and it is impossible for outsiders to know?" Looking at the sloppy crowd, Lei Yi didn't bother to complain.

As for the remains, it is in the very center of this place surrounded by mountains, inside a huge tiankeng.

Lei Yi concentrated, quietly released his spiritual sense, and probed towards the center of the Tiankeng.

The process went smoothly unexpectedly, without even encountering half a block.

He saw the altar, and saw a stone statue of a strong man on the altar, and at the bottom of the stone statue, the word "Battered Heaven" was inscribed.

"This stone statue, have I seen it somewhere?" Lei Yi looked at the stone statue, always feeling a little familiar.

Soon, he remembered.

In the method of "Po Tian Zhen Jue", some of the meridian routes are all illustrated, and the illustrated image is almost exactly the same as that of the strong man.

In the introduction of this exercise, this man of strength remembers the name "Kaitian Lishi."

"So, is this ruin the site of Xuanzong Potian?" Lei Yi began to think after he recovered his consciousness.

Wuxin Shenzong found the ruins of the ancient Dazhong Potian Xuanzong.

But the news here was artificially leaked out, and the person who leaked the news was obviously embarrassing.

I don't know if the other party intends to muddy the water so that I can fish in the muddy water, or whether the ruins here are fake and a conspiracy.

But as far as Lei Yi knows, there are not many people in the world of immortality who know the name of Xuan Tianzong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com at all.

He also learned from Meng Shiqi at the beginning, and Meng Shiqi was the second-generation deputy head teacher of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, and he was considered to be in the same era as Potian Xuanzong.

The name Po Tian Xuanzong appeared here, there should be no fake.

If you want to fake it, you might as well use other more famous sects.

"Since it is true, then the question now is, how do I get in?" Lei Yi glanced around, and it seemed that the people around him had the same idea.

They are all thinking about how to enter the ruins.

Because in the tiankeng is an ordinary altar.

There should be no array mage present, and no one should know how to activate the prohibition and open the entrance to the ruins.

This is also the reason why the place is still calm. If the entrance to the ruins is really opened, it is estimated that everyone will take action.

"Wait, and see if anyone is around here, maybe there are people who are knowledgeable, or can't help it, after all, the group of garrison monks of Shenzong Wuxin is just useless!"

Lei Yi looked at the center of the Tiankeng and shook his head secretly.

He did not plan to be such a man who shot his head.

But he knew that someone could not help it.

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