I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1076: The three of you have hidden deep enough!

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Did Lei Yi collude with the Demon Dao?

Naturally, there is no such thing.

Because he himself didn't even remember which demon way he had colluded with.

But now Huo Ruliu brought the elder of Law Enforcement Peak and his old enemy Tao Yu, and said that he was arrested by Meng Supernatural Power. If this was framed and framed, Meng Supernatural power would not allow it.

It can only be said that the other party must have conclusive evidence.

But Lei Yi really didn't collude with the demons.

Of course, if he knew that these were all charges of dream magic power planting and setting up trouble in order to kill himself, then he would be speechless.

"Several people, do you have evidence that I colluded with the magic way?" Lei Yi asked, trying to communicate with the three of them.

"Huh, proof?" Tao Yu sneered and wanted to do it.

But Huo Ruliu immediately took a step and looked directly at Lei Yi and said: "Lei Yi, you have colluded with the Demon Dao, the evidence is solid, now let us go to the law enforcement peak to be tried!"

But Lei Yi took a step back and replied coldly: "Sorry, I want to see substantive evidence, otherwise how can I know that this is not another round of framing by Elder Tao Yu!"

He deliberately increased his tone on the last four words, and at the same time showed sarcasm, apparently mocking the last time Tao Yu framed him.

As soon as this statement came out, He Qin and Tao Yu's expressions were a bit ugly.

But soon Tao Yu's complexion turned sullen again: "Boy, this time the head teacher personally ordered the order, do you think we have no evidence?"

He Qin also echoed: "There are a total of four disciples in Wenxinfeng’s new entry. In addition to you, there are Lin Xu, Gao Yang and Hong Ling. The three of them have escaped in fear of sin, and only you think you have not exposed. As everyone knows, the master teacher has already seen through your details!"

"Lei Yi, it's time for you to catch it now!" Huo Ruliu emphasized again, and his tone was a bit heavier than before.

But being so intimidated by the three of them, Lei Yi clenched his fists unconsciously.

Because these three people provoked themselves time and time again and took them under the orders of the so-called master teacher, but they did not provide the so-called substantive evidence.

How can this convince him.

"Sorry, Lei Yi has acted upright in my life, without colluding with the magic way, then there is no, you can't make it out of nothing, right!"

"Why, you are trying to resist the Fa but fail!" Huo Ruliu's gaze also became cold and stern.

"If I really did, then I would naturally confess, but how to get me to admit what I haven't done before, I am not convinced by Lei Yi!" Lei Yi also looked directly at the three of them without giving up.

"Since this kid has such an attitude, what are we waiting for? Let's get him down!" Tao Yu couldn't help being the first one. Seeing that Lei Yi didn't cooperate, naturally he shot directly.

The relationship between him and Lei Yi is naturally extremely poor. Of course he will not let it go if he can capture Lei Yi at this moment.

"He Qin, let's take action too. Although this kid hasn't entered the Celestial Man a long time ago, he is a monk of the same level as ours, and he can win him at the same speed!" .

And Lei Yi, seeing Tao Yu killing aggressively, his expression was ruthless, and he flew towards the rear without looking back.

Facing the three of them, he did not hesitate to choose to escape!

"What!" This scene not only made Tao Yu dumbfounded, Huo Ruliu and He Qin also couldn't believe it.

Lei Yi said that before, obviously intending to use force to resist the arrest, but you actually fled.

However, Lei Yi, it was easy to escape, and there was no burden at all.

Just kidding, the three people in front of him are all Celestial and Human Realm elders of the True Spirit Immortal Cult, and their strength can never be measured by the level of an ordinary Celestial and Human Realm monk.

Especially Na Huo Ruliu, who is Wu Yangfeng's deputy peak master, has reached the peak of the early days of the Celestial Realm.

With him alone, Lei Yi was not qualified to defeat him with the strength of his first entry into the realm of heaven and human.

What's more, there are He Qin and Tao Yu.

The three of them must have cultivated their domains.

Even if Lei Yi is not afraid of one to one, but one to three is naturally invincible.

If you don't run at this time, when will you stay?

Therefore, Lei Yi chose to escape without hesitation.

After accelerating all the way, his figure headed into the ground, showing a vertical golden light.

In the next moment, a golden rainbow emerged from the ground and galloped towards the distance.

"Vertical golden light!" Seeing this scene, Tao Yu frowned.

"Tao Yu, you should be the fastest to escape from Misty Peak. The three of us work together, enough to catch up with this kid!" He Qin immediately reminded him when he saw this.

"Yes, I two will help you, we must not let this kid run away!" Huo Ruliu also urged.

"Okay!" Tao Yu nodded, and a cloud of white suddenly appeared under his feet.

He quickly pinched the tactics with both hands, and above the cloud, light appeared, and runes condensed.

Huo Ruliu and He Qin also pinch the tactics and inject the vitality of their bodies into them.

Then the three set foot on the cloud group and were ready.

As soon as Tao Yu pinched the law, they turned into a white rainbow and chased after him at a speed no less than Lei Yi.

And Lei Yi also knew that Huo Ruliu and the others couldn't let him go so easily, so while galloping all the way, they fled quickly in the True Spirit Mountain Range.

Now he is thinking about a problem while running.

If True Spirit Immortal Sect treats himself this way, where can he go?

"How about going to the Western Regions, or going to Northern Xinjiang?"

The True Spirit Immortal Sect is the leader of the Taoist School in the world, and its power is deeply entrenched in Zhongzhou, and it is complex.

If he is in Zhongzhou, he will definitely be found.

Dongzhou is also not good, because many of the high-level sects in Dongzhou are related to the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

For example, Lan Tingtao of the East China Sea Sword Palace had once entered the True Spirit Immortal Sect. If the True Spirit Immortal Sect was sent to him, even if it didn't happen at the beginning, he would definitely take Lei Yi.

Similarly, the other sects should also help the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

As for Nanban, when Lei Yi and Shenxiao Jingang Temple had a vengeance, they probably couldn't go.

Dongzhou and Zhongzhou cannot go, so only Northern Xinjiang and Western Regions are left.

Northern Xinjiang is the land of the demon race, and there are very few human monks, and the demon race may besieged and killed if they go there.

Therefore, currently he can only choose from the Western Regions.

Of course, the premise is to escape from the pursuit of the three people behind.

And Lei Yi already felt that the three of them were gradually approaching.

"Why so fast!" He displayed the vertical golden light, but he couldn't even distance him.

This is not a good sign. If you can't escape the True Spirit Mountain Range, if you are caught up by the three behind, wouldn't it be a sheep's mouth.

He doesn't believe in the so-called law enforcement peak, so he can justify himself.

The original jade was flawless, so he didn't cover Tao Yu, but now it is better to count on yourself than to count on them.

But as Lei Yi continued to flee, the distance between Huo Ruliu and him was gradually getting closer.

In the end, Lei Yi was finally caught up with the three of them in the outer area on the westernmost side of the True Spirit Mountain Range.


Along with the sound of an explosion, a golden light burst out from the ground and turned into a figure after landing, it was Lei Yi.

And the three of Huo Ruliu also landed on the ground at the same time.

They surrounded Lei Yi in a triangle.

"It seems that I have to do anything today!" Seeing this, Lei Yi clenched his fists, ready to go.

He knew that he couldn't escape if he didn't do it.

"Do it!" Huo Ruliu didn't hesitate. After surrounding Lei Yi, he did not continue to wrestle, but directly shot.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

"The field is unfolding, and the flowers are dazzled!"

With a soft drink, a sea of ​​colorful flowers suddenly appeared on the ground under the feet of the four of them.

"This is... the domain?" Lei Yi was surprised when he saw this scene.

Because this is not the domain of Huo Ruliu's trio, if the opponent is in the field, it is impossible for him to fail to respond.

So no, who is this?

But Lei Yi and Huo Ruliu were all dragged into the realm at this moment.

They were in the sea of ​​flowers, but their eyes swept around at the same time, trying to find the unknown operator.

Fortunately, the operator did not intend to hide anything, and showed up directly.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, under the flying petals, three figures walked out at the same time.

These three people are not others, they are actually the long-lost Modao trio, the three of Lei Yi's at the same time.

However, at this moment, the aura of the three of them has changed drastically, and it is not the strength of the Dharma Realm, but the Heaven and Human Realm!

Lei Yi never expected that Hong Ling's trio would actually appear here, and the three of them transformed into a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm.

"It's actually the three of you!" Huo Ruliu didn't expect that the three people who had absconded in fear of crime would actually dare to kill them back.

"Yo yo yo, what's the matter with Elder Huo, who is so angry and looks like he wants to eat people, so people are so scared~" Hong Ling covered her lips and gave out a charming smile.

"You three..." Lei Yi looked at the three, but didn't know what to say.

"Friend Lei Dao, the three of us know that you are in a bad situation, so I came here to save you~" Hong Ling opened her lips lightly, and at the same time threw Lei Yi a wink.

"Sure enough, your kid is a member of the magic way!" Huo Ruliu suddenly scolded when he saw this.

Come on, now, Lei Yi is still indefatigable.

"This is your domain?" After Huo Ruliu finished scolding, he questioned Hong Ling again.

"Yes, this field is from the slave family~" Hong Ling did not intend to conceal it, so she admitted directly.

After finishing speaking, she looked at Lei Yi again, and secretly transmitted her voice: "Friend Lei Daoist, I will open a corner of the domain later, you see the opportunity to escape, and we will help you drag these three people!"

"Good!" Although Lei Yi didn't know why the three wanted to help himself, he could only nod his head in agreement.

"Do it!" Gao Yang shouted this time, and then he and Lin Xu rushed directly to He Qin and Tao Yu. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

At the same time, Hong Ling quickly pinched his hands with both hands, and the sea of ​​flowers around was agitated.

Large petals of petals rose into the sky, and a giant dragon gathered in the air and slew towards Huo Ruliu.

This Hong Ling, with such a strong aura of action, has also reached the peak of the early days of the Celestial Realm, and is the strongest among the three.

And Lei Yi, at the moment Hong Ling made a move, his eyes swept around, and he really found a gap in the field.

Needless to say, this was opened by the operator himself.

"Since the True Spirit Immortal Sect treats me like this, Lei will no longer be a member of the True Spirit Immortal Sect from today!" Before leaving, Lei Yi yelled to the three of Huo Ruliu.

Afterwards, his figure disappeared in a flash, rushing into the gap.

Soon, his breath gradually faded away.

But Huo Ruliu's complexion at the moment was extremely ugly.

Because they found that it would be true for a while, so why not let the three of them be in front of them.

"I didn't expect you three to hide so deeply!"

Huo Ruliu looked at Hong Ling's trio with cold eyes, his face was extremely ugly.

Similarly, Lei Yi who was fleeing had the same idea as him.

He did not expect that Hong Ling and the three were actually cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm, and the three of them had hidden deep enough!

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