I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1062: Domain: 5-party supernatural power world

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Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Because Meng Shentong wanted to teach the law of the domain, Lei Yi came to the main mountain gate early in the morning.

However, apart from him, the others who asked Sin Feng didn't plan to come to "listen to class".

Especially Zhuo Fangyan, when Lei Yi went to greet him early in the morning, he waved his hand and refused.

Lei Yi didn't find it strange, after all, some people had already completed the field of cultivation, and it was normal not to attend classes.

Afterwards, Lei Yi waited in the square.

In the square, monks came one after another, and it soon became crowded.

Lei Yi could only fly up, show the clouds and ride the fog, step on the clouds, and wait in the air.

"You kid came early enough!" At this moment, a playful voice sounded.

Lei Yi looked back and saw Lu Shaoyou's cynical face, and Lu Linglong was naturally accompanied by him.

"Master Lu, Miss Lu, how are you!" Lei Yi bowed his hand and greeted him.

For the two brothers and sisters of the Lu family, Lei Yi is naturally a polite.

Lu Linglong gently raised her head, and said hello to him.

"Now we are all of the same rank, don't call us young master, just call Daoyou friends!" Lu Shaoyou waved his hand and signaled Lei Yi to be casual.

"This..." Lei Yi scratched his head awkwardly, and said with a simple face: "I'm used to it, and I can't change it for a while."

"I'm used to it, have we known each other for a long time?" Lu Shaoyou looked puzzled.

He and Lei Yi have only seen each other a few times. How long have my sister and Lei Yi also known each other? Why is it called a habit?

But what he didn't know was that Lei Yi's so-called habit was not because of Lu Shaoyou and Lu Linglong, but because of the other two Lu family members.

But Lei Yi couldn't explain this, so he could only pass it with a smile.

He quickly turned away from the subject and asked, "Speaking of Mr. Lu, are you coming to the class too?"

"Why, I didn't come here with Linglong!" Lu Shaonu said, "That is, my father is not here. Otherwise, he can teach the method of domain cultivation, how can he be taught by the head of the True Spirit Immortal Sect? Teach yourself."

Afterwards, he blinked and said with a smile: "But, it's better to be a teacher than yourself. You can earn a lesson for nothing, not to mention that the preacher is still a famous dream teacher!"

"That's true!" Lei Yi nodded, expressing understanding.

To put it bluntly, it is greedy for cheap, after all, this is also a vain prostitute.

"By the way, your kid has also broken through the realm of heaven and human. When you get out of the realm, you will be regarded as a character!" Lu Shaoyou then elbow Ding Leiyi, joking.

"Someone, what's the matter, Master Lu still don't make a joke to me!" Lei Yi waved his hand quickly, he was not a character, just an ordinary monk.

"Haha, your kid is low-key enough!" Lu Shaoyou smiled and expressed disapproval.

But then, his gaze turned and he looked up into the sky.

It turned out that when the two were chatting unconsciously, colorful auspicious clouds appeared in the sky again, and at the same time, a lot of people were already crowded in the Baiyu Square below.

But this time was different from before. Many low-level disciples did not come to listen to the lectures in the field.

Even many disciples of Fa-xiangjing didn't come.

Lei Yi glanced roughly, only to see a lot of old disciples, and some might think they would break through the heaven and human realm in the near future, so they came to the class in advance.

The number of people is half less than three days ago.

But low-level disciples don't need it, so if you don't come to attend the class, there is almost no reduction in high-level monks.

Lei Yi saw many Jiufeng elders, some foreign guests, and even Yin Poeney of Shenzong Wuxin.

The other party and Lu Shaoyou nodded and greeted each other.

It seems that the two are quite familiar.

Soon, the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky changed again, and an overwhelming coercion struck again.

Because of another experience, Lei Yi finally adjusted quickly this time, without any embarrassment.

He looked at the auspicious clouds, the gradually dense light, and he was a little expectant.

After all, that's the realm. I used to be passively beaten, jumping in the realm of others.

If you can cultivate your own domain, don't mention Dola Feng.

After seeing so many fields, he has long been like cultivating his own field, and now this opportunity has come.

Amidst the colorful auspicious clouds, the light was shining, and a beam of light shot out from it and fell straight into the center of the square below.

Afterwards, the beam of light gradually extinguished, and two figures walked out of it.

"See Master Dream, Master Yun!" All around, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami suddenly sounded.

"Two head teachers came!" And Lei Yi was also a little surprised, because it was not just the magical power that came, but Yun Guanhai also came.

Not only him, but other people were also surprised by the presence of the two head teachers at the same time.

However, Meng Shentong didn't care about what others thought. He still walked to the middle high platform on his own, looked around, and then said:

"Everyone, what I am going to teach today is the cultivation method and advancement of the domain. If you want to go further in the domain, you have to concentrate a little bit."

Hearing this, Lei Yi quickly adjusted his position, and his attention began to concentrate, for fear of missing a word.

"Then, let's start..." The Dream Supernatural power started without any delay.

"The so-called domain is a technique that we wait for the monks to understand the power of the law, and then release the power of the law in the body, thereby affecting the change of a space. The strength of this technique is closely related to the power of the law in our monks' bodies. , It also has a lot to do with our ability to invoke the power of the law..."

In this way, Dream Magic began to preach.

In what it says, it tells the essence of the domain, which is a way of invoking the power of the monk's law, but compared to the general magical powers, the domain is more extensive and the operation difficult is also more difficult.

The same domain requires monks to transfer the laws of the body out of the body, and then use the power of these laws to influence the space around the body.

Many of the formed areas cover dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles, which means that the power of the law in the surgeon's body can spread to the same distance.

"Of course, for beginners, the initial requirements don't need to be too high, just form the prototype of the first stage of the field..."

At this point, Meng Shentong glanced around and saw that many low-level disciples were expecting, and then continued: "Generally speaking, the realm is divided into three realms in the heaven and human realm, and the prototype realm is not counted. The eternal realm of the Saint Realm is also not included in this list."

"Then, let my younger brother show you the changes in the realm of each realm, so that you can have an intuitive feeling!"

Having said that, he nodded towards Yun Guanhai, who also stepped forward.

Compared with Dream Supernatural Power, Yun Guanhai's attitude was much colder and arrogant. After a cold snort, he scolded the audience: "Keep your eyes open for me, look forward to it!"

His hands quickly formed seals, and at the same time the five-color runes flashed on his body, an expansive aura spreading to the audience.

Under this momentum, Lei Yi and others were shocked, and they were deterred by Yun Guanhai's powerful strength.

Among the disciples below, many of them almost softened their feet and fell to the ground.

"The realm is unfolding!" Yun Guanhai didn't care about this, and after finishing the seal, he directly shouted: "Five-party supernatural power realm!"

In an instant, a five-color field suddenly rose, covering the entire Baiyu Plaza.

The scene in front of Lei Yi was blurred, and then he saw flames rising and water rushing.

Under his feet, there was a huge piece of soil, and the vegetation grew rapidly, and in a short while, all of them turned into towering trees.

In the sky, countless Jin Ge Li blades are flying all over the sky.

In mid-air, the flowing water and flames actually merged together, forming a unique sky curtain.

"Junior Brother, you don't need to do this at the beginning, let's keep it simple!" At this moment, the voice of Dream Supernatural power sounded from the domain.

Then, I saw everything around me began to retreat rapidly, the flames, running water, vegetation and soil all turned invisible and turned into rays of light.

In the entire field, all tangible things disappeared, and the surrounding scenes became gray, making it impossible to see anything.

In front of Lei Yi's eyes, people's shadows appeared. These were all people on the square, and the magical power of dreams was in the middle.

"Everyone, look around. This is the "Five-Party Supernatural Power Realm" of my junior. The power of the five elements is the five laws he cultivated. You are all in his realm now. "

"Now, you may not see anything, because this is the embryonic form of the field, and it is also the most basic display of the field."

With the explanation of the dream magic power, Lei Yi understood.

When he and Lu Jianping fought before, the surrounding scenes in the opponent's domain were also greyed out.

This shows that this woman's cultivation of the domain is just to the extent that she has just left the embryonic form.

"It's no wonder that after I used the Yuanlong to transform, that domain was shattered as soon as I hit it. It turns out that this domain that is close to the prototype is really nothing good!" Lei Yi also vomited incidentally.

Then, he looked around, carefully comprehending the breath and changes in the rudimentary realm.

In the field, the dream magical power continued to explain: "The prototype field is just the basic call of the power of the law. Now I let the juniors add the law changes to the prototype, and thus evolve into the first realm domain!"

After listening to Yunguanhai, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com naturally began to operate.

Not long after, five rays of light appeared in the domain, and the power of the five laws began to flow in the gray space, affecting this space with a certain rule.

The rudimentary form of the domain gradually changed, and the surrounding area became no longer grayish, but gradually became colored.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the power of the five laws, alternately appeared in the domain, dyeing the entire domain into a colorful color.

"This is the realm of the first realm. I and other monks can integrate the power of the law into the realm and change this world. This is a stage that beginners must master. Only by integrating the law into the realm can we improve the realm. Intensity, as well as various incredible magical powers in the later stages, are also used on this basis, you must remember!"

With the deepening of the explanation of Meng Shentong, Lei Yi listened more and more seriously.

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