I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1043: Scarlet Lightning Thunder

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The true spirit fairy religion.

Inside the total mountain gate, a certain pavilion.

In the eyes of the disciples passing by, this is an inconspicuous small pavilion. The location is not remote, and there is no sign at the door, so anyone can enter and exit.

But some old disciples know that there are some strange restrictions in this pavilion.

Once you walk in, you will lose your mind unconsciously, and when you come back, you will find that you are standing at the entrance again.

Over time, this place has become a taboo among the disciples.

But what the disciples didn't know was that there were actually people in this pavilion, and there were two people on the top of the pavilion at the moment.

On the top floor of the pavilion is an elegant garden with a huge space, with small bridges and flowing water, greenery, and even some rare and exotic animals.

Obviously, the Xumi array must be arranged in this room, so the space here is dozens of times larger than what the outside world sees.

In the middle of the grass, there are two people sitting on both sides of the stone table, holding the black and white two children and playing against each other.

One of them was wearing a Taoist robe. There are five elements printed on the chest, with a square face and a serious face.

After he had fallen, he paused for a while, then looked at the person opposite, and asked, "Brother, why do you like to meet here every time you find me for something?"

The person being questioned was an old man with white hair and white beard, his beard almost fell to the ground.

But his face was rosy and delicate, like a baby's skin, crystal clear, with a faint glint of brilliance. Especially his eyes, seem to be able to see through everything in the world, full of wisdom.

"Junior brother, this time you are presiding over the secret realm of ascending to the sky. I came to see you specially for my brother, and I also wanted to ask about the situation." The old man laughed and explained the reason.

"That's it, it seems that the senior brother has received the news that someone has fought against my avatar, and he has retreated all over!" Hearing the words, the man in the Taoist robe understood it.

"Yes, this man named impermanence ghost, who is he who can escape from your hands, but it's really not easy!"

Hearing what the old man said, the identity of the man in the Taoist robe was also ready to come out. It was Yun Guanhai, the deputy head teacher of the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

And he called the old man the senior brother, so the identity of the old man is naturally the righteous master of the true spirit immortal sect, possessing the dream magic power known as the first person in the world of cultivating immortals!

Unexpectedly, because of the mysterious impermanence and ghosts, Meng Shentong was shocked.

"Unfortunately, I didn't come to the main body, otherwise I will definitely keep it!" Yun Guanhai said, his face was solemn, and a faint anger emerged between his eyebrows.

"Junior Brother, you have been cultivating for so long, and you are still so uncomfortable!" Meng Shentong laughed, but looked very open.

"Senior brother is serious, but ascending to the sky is the place where the ancestors of my sect sits and transforms, but let a demon thief be presumptuous here and go away in my hands. It is really..." Yun Guanhai said. With a long sigh, I still couldn't let it go.

But then, as if thinking of something, he suddenly said: "But, what is the identity of the monster race that the magic way took away? There is such a monster alive in the Ascend Sky Secret Realm, why don't I know? ?"

Meng Shentong had long expected that the other party would ask this, and slowly said: "That monster clan, listen to your description, some are like the ancient dragon and bird clan. According to my knowledge, I taught the second generation of Meng Zhangjiao and raised some dragons in captivity. Poultry. Obviously, the dragon and poultry did not die out at the time. Instead, they were recuperating and rejuvenating in the Ascending Secret Territory. After so many years, a demon king was finally born."

"It's actually a beast pet kept under the control of Meng Shiqi. If it is sent into the eternal realm, it is no wonder that it will not be found in the secret realm of ascending to the sky!" Yun Guanhai nodded, and understood.

If this is the case, then this Dragon Bird Demon King is also a beast pet of the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

It's a pity that this demon was taken away by the impermanent ghost, otherwise, another demon king could be added to the sect's mountain guardian beast.

Meng Shentong said, dropping a piece on the chessboard.

"Hey, what's the matter, someone in the secret has broken through, and the force of the rules that can be induced is so intense?" Then his brows wrinkled slightly, and he let out a soft huh.

Upon seeing this, Yun Guanhai waved his hand to the side of his body, and a light curtain emerged.

In the light curtain, is the scene at the entrance of the ascending secret realm.

Obviously, Yun Guanhai directly communicated with his avatar, so he could directly see everything in the avatar's eyes.

And now, as the entrance of the ascending secret realm, the mountain spirit actually spewed out a golden light from its mouth.

"Wow, wow, someone finally broke through in the secret realm, this breath is so powerful!" Shan Ling's mouth was combined, and the light flickered continuously, making him look a little funny.

But at this moment, the attention of the people present is no longer on him, but is guessing who the breakthrough person is.

But what they didn't know was that the two masters of the True Spirit Immortal Sect had also focused their attention here at this moment.

"This sudden person attracted the blessing of the Dao rules. This breath is a bit unpredictable for me..." Dreaming Supernatural power looked at the scene in the light curtain and frowned again.

"Brother, do you need me to use the traction technique to change positions with the avatar?" Yun Guanhai asked.

Meng Shentong waved his hand and stopped Yun Guanhai.

"Forget it, brother, you need to consume a lot of energy to perform the traction technique. You can't recover after a few months of rest. When they come back, you still need to take charge of this sect thing. Save some energy. Let's talk about it. , The success of this junior's breakthrough is a great thing for my teacher. Even if the movement of this breakthrough is a bit big, it will not affect me in any way. It is not worth my curiosity to make you consume energy. It is not worth it. "

Then, he changed his words again, pointing to the chessboard in front of him and said: "Junior brother, let's continue to finish this game, you are almost 15 points behind me and you are about to lose!"

"Senior brother, what are you talking about? When we two played chess, when did I beat you?"

Yun Guanhai had no choice but to wave his hand to cancel the light curtain and continue to play chess, but the outcome of this game was already doomed.

Entrance to the Ascending Secret Realm.

Qin Guangling, Lu Youhai, Huo Ruliu and others all looked at Shan Ling.

"This breakthrough movement, is it because Gu Tianfei is trying to break through?"

"Unfortunately, I can't snoop into everything in the secret territory, otherwise, I will definitely know who is crossing the sky and the robbery."

"Looking at this posture, my True Spirit Immortal Sect will add another Celestial Realm elder!"

The elders looked at the golden light in Shanling's mouth, and they talked a lot, with expressions of excitement.


At the same time, in the field.

Lei Yi is now concentrating on dealing with the upcoming Thunder Tribulation, completely unaware that his breakthrough has already attracted the attention of the outside world.

At this moment, the rules in the sky were gradually fading, and the power of the rules began to disappear from the broken corner of the field.

Because the heaven and earth entrance has been penetrated, the power of rules does not need to exist.

But this does not mean that the promotion has been successful.

On the contrary, the danger of impacting the realm of heaven and humanity has only just begun.

Because the power of rules in the sky has disappeared, but another force is gradually condensing.

It was a dark cloud, commonly known as "the cloud of robbery."

The second stage of impacting the heaven and human realm, the thunder robbery is about to come!


Large patches of black clouds gathered in the sky, and golden thunder arcs were beating among the black clouds.

After Lei Yi's spirit returned to his body, he immediately felt his whole body look completely new.

But he didn't have time to feel the change in his mental power, because in the robbery cloud, a thunder arc had already fallen.

"Fuck it, your rule, don't give me time to breathe!" Lei Yi cursed up to the sky, and then his body was struck by lightning.

Suddenly, he was smashed into a black charcoal head by this thunder robbery.

"Ahem, this Thunder Tribulation is too..." Lei Yi looked at his scorched body with a dazed expression on his face.

"Boy, what are you still doing? Use your most powerful transformation. Yuanlong's body is enough to resist the thunder!"

At this moment, Meng Shiqi's voice came from a distance.

"However, the side effects of the Twelve Metropolis Deity Change is very big, I'm afraid it won't be able to support the end of Thunder Tribulation!" Lei Yi hesitated.

"No, time is enough, because I use the power of time law to affect some of the rules, so the speed of thunder falling will become faster, and you can just hold it through after you cast your transformation!"

When Lei Yi heard this, he finally understood why Lei Jie was so fast, and he didn't even give him time to catch his breath. It turned out to be Meng Shiqi's hands and feet.

He looked up at the sky, and saw that the second thunder tribulation had taken shape, and he was about to fall quickly.

"Fight!" Lei Yi didn't dare to hesitate, and directly urged the twelve capital gods to change, and his figure was in a black mist, incarnate as a hundred feet long Yuanlong.

And the moment he completed his transformation, Lei Jie fell.

But this time, because the incarnation was Yuanlong, Lei Yi actually relied on the powerful increase of Yuanlong Transformation to resist the thunder tribulation with his flesh.

"Sure enough, it doesn't hurt or itchy, this is all about Thunder Tribulation!"

At this moment, Lei Yi, who turned into a deep dragon, flicked his tail at Jieyun in the sky, as if making a mockery.

But Jieyun's power was one after another, and his power was greater than once.


In the sky, there was another loud noise, and the thunder robbery that appeared this time turned from the original golden color to crimson red.

Like blood thunders, rippling among the clouds, an aura of bloodthirsty madness, throbbing and spreading among the robbery clouds.

As if to respond to Lei Yi's provocation, Lei Jie also changed his power and breath.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yi didn't calm down~www.ltnovel.com~ Even Meng Shiqi in the distance noticed something strange.

"This Thunder Tribulation, how is it crimson? It's a bit different from what I have seen. I remember that even the legendary Purple-Gold Thunder Tribulation should not have this kind of power, right?"

As the second-generation head teacher of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, Meng Shiqi has seen so many thunder tribulations, but he has never seen a tribulation of this scale.

"This...Is it the legendary Scarlet Heavenly Thunder, a special thunder calamity that punishes those who violate the Dao of Heaven?"

After a long time, he finally remembered the information of this thunder robbery.

But he soon regretted it, because this Scarlet Cloud Divine Thunder was not a joke.

Once Lei Yi fails to break through, there will always be a risk of falling.

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