I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1019: Field: 0 array catalog

"this is…"

   The golden light curtain instantly enveloped Zheng Yuantu, making the words he had just reached his lips stopped abruptly.

   His pupils widened, and the face of the puppet's body showed a trace of astonishment.

   "This is... domain..." Although he couldn't speak, he thought so in his heart.

   The little demon in front of him has only the strength of the Dharma Phase Realm, but he can display the realm, which is incredible!

   On Lei Yi's side, the time tyrant has enveloped Zheng Yuantu, so he won't keep his hands.

   "Tiandou Fierce King Fist Profound meaning, Tiandou Thousand-Hand Illusion...Plus Tiandou Crazy Ape Arm!" Lei Yi urged the spirit, raised his arms, ready to go.

   Two scarlet ape arms appeared on the gods’ arms, and then the gods’ arms waved, plus Lei Yi’s fists, and two apes.

   All six hands were thrown out, blasting the shadow of the sky towards the front area.

   This time, even if Zheng Yuantu was a puppet, he felt tremendous pressure.

   "This fist, this attack power... to death!"

   At a critical moment, in Zheng Yuantu's body, with the blessing of heaven and earth, countless runes suddenly appeared.

   is different from the puppets he made. In his body, there is not only one rune, but many existences.

   At this moment, in the face of Lei Yi's attack, he urged all the power of the law in his body.

   A layer of colorful light curtain blocked him, and then the light curtain violently collided with Quan Ying.


   Huge explosions sounded one after another, the space trembles, and the secret hall trembles violently with the confrontation.


   During the confrontation, a discordant voice sounded.

   "How could..." This time, Zheng Yuantu finally spoke again, because after Lei Yi's punch, the power of the time tyrant weakened a bit, allowing him to recover some of his mobility.

   But at this moment, Zheng Yuantu's mood is even more shocked.

   Because in his induction, he realized an incredible thing.

   He has the power of law to bless him, but he still can't stop Lei Yi's fist, which simply refreshed his knowledge.

   "What kind of power is blessed by this kid's fist? It can break even the power of the law of this seat. This is impossible!"

   A hoarse sound like a ghost in the day, uttered from the puppet's mouth.

   But even so, he roared too exaggeratedly to prevent Lei Yi's fist from about to punch him.

   Just at the moment of the moment, Zheng Yuantu's eyes burst out with two red glows.

   "Boy, this is what you forced me!" Looking at the shadow of the boxing close at hand, he screamed, and the power of the law in his body spread in another form.

   Zheng Yuantu raised his hands, pinched out a magic decision, and said coldly: "The domain is unfolding, a thousand formations catalog!"

  In an instant, the world changed color, and a huge energy erupted from Zheng Yuantu's puppet.

   This energy flooded the shadow of Lei Yi, flooded the secret hall, and even all the space near the two.

   Lei Yi's expression condensed, and the sky full of fist shadows disappeared.

   The reason why he had to cancel his supernatural powers was because Zheng Yuantu disappeared in front of him.

   There is no target, and no one can be hit with a fist. Isn’t it a waste of energy?

   "This is... the domain?" He looked around incredulously, but murmured in his heart.

   Zheng Yuantu actually cultivated the realm, or that the deity of Zheng Yuantu is a monk in the heaven and human realm, it is normal to know the realm.

   But at this moment, the opponent's body is a puppet body, why can it still display the field?

   And at this moment, the surrounding scenes changed a while, and a large white mist filled it, and then the secret hall was completely covered.

   Under the surging white mist, the surrounding scenes change transiently.

   Lei Yi had a flower in front of him, and he found himself at the top of a cloud-shrouded mountain, and there was a huge mountain on the front, back, left and right.

   "Is this the realm of senior Zheng Yuantu, how many mountains have been created to show the scenery for my junior?" He looked around and asked in a cold voice.

   "Boy, I don't know it when I die!"

   But as soon as his voice fell, Zheng Yuantu's voice came from all directions.

   "Before sitting, this seat has cultivated the Tao for thousands of years and studied the formation method. This has created this field that integrates what I have learned in my life. You will slowly wait for death in this thousand array catalogues!"

   Lei Yi glanced around, but his mouth did not give way: "I am not dead, but you, the old man who has been dead for ten thousand years, has the final say!"

"Hmph, a little devil in the realm of law, dare to speak wild words in front of this seat!" Zheng Yuantu sneered, and then condensed in his tone: "Let you learn it. This is the first formation. Array!"

   As soon as his voice fell, where Lei Yi was, the ground under his feet made a sound of rolling thunder, and the mountains dragged him off the ground.

   At the same time, the other four mountain peaks around also flew out at the same time.

  Lei Yi's figure was dragged by the mountains under his feet and flew into the sky.

   But when he reached a certain height, the mountain under his feet suddenly disappeared.

   The next moment, above his head, no mountain peaks merged into one, turning into a giant peak, crushing towards his location.

   This mountain is huge and stretches for thousands of miles. Even if Lei Yi wants to evade, he knows that he will never escape.

   When he couldn't help it, he burst into harmony, raised his hands up to the sky, and his feet volleyed into the air, actually intending to use his body to take this trick.

   Qingtian Giant Peak suddenly smashed down, covering the void where Lei Yi was located.


   With a loud noise, Lei Yi was like a monkey grandson, completely suppressed by Wuzhishan.

   Amidst the white mist all around, the clouds surging, forming a huge human face, which is the picture of Zheng Yuan.

He looked down at the huge mountain peak below and let out a gloomy laugh: "Hey hey, my five-sacred formation is the supernatural power of the supreme mighty power. It is this seat that combines the power of the Thirty-six Taoism of Tiangang and the power of the five mountains. The formation method that I have studied is not bad, kid!"

   "Hey hey, forget it, this is also a waste of saliva. This kid is probably already under the Five Sacred Mountains and has been crushed into a meatloaf. The Ascending Secret Realm should be activated soon, send him away!"

   After a few breaths, the Ascending Secret Realm still did not respond, and Zheng Yuantu's face also changed accordingly.

   "Hey, what's going on, this kid can't be able to hold the Five Sacred Formations, right, why..."

   Click, click...

   Just when Zheng Yuantu was unbelievable, there was a rubbing sound at the bottom of the Great Peak.

   This voice, as if something is holding up the Wuyue Mountain.

   "Impossible, impossible, the Five Sacred Array in this seat, absolutely impossible to be given to by a Dharma Realm imp..."


   Zheng Yuantu hadn't finished speaking, and there was a huge roar from below. It was the sound of Qingtian Giant Peak after it was broken by brute force.

   At the center of the mountain peak, a figure broke through the stone and rushed out of it.

   shook the world and moved the earth and was undeserved. At this time, Lei Yi was described.

   Zheng Yuantu's words also abruptly suffocated back. The face formed by clouds and mist is as ugly as it is at this moment.

   "Okay, you guys are still a bodybuilder, but I underestimated you..."

   When he said this, he continued to say coldly: "However, strength alone cannot deal with this formation!"

   "Since the Five Sacred Array can't hold you down, let you taste the Four Seas Array!"

   After Zheng Yuantu finished speaking, his face once again turned into clouds and disappeared into the sky.

  Similarly, the peaks that were easily broken by thunder also disappeared, and in the surrounding void, the vitality of heaven and earth with water attributes began to grow stronger.

   Soon, Lei Yi heard the sound of the waves.

   "Four seas, what is this formation?"

   He glanced around and saw that the environment had changed.

   This time, he came to the sky over a huge sea.

In the sea area below   , with him as the center, the sea water in four directions presents four different colors of purple, white, blue and blue.

  More than that, Lei Yi could feel that these four sea areas were actually real.

   "Impossible, how can such a large sea area be created?"

  Although he knew that the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm had realm supernatural powers, he created the Five Sacred Mountains out of thin air and four huge sea areas, which was completely beyond his cognition.

   "Hahaha, you little devil is so knowledgeable, you don't even know the realm of the realm of heaven and human!"

At this moment, Zheng Yuantu spoke again: "The realm of heaven and man is divided into three realms, and the realm of this seat has already reached the second level. It can be within the realm of nothing. Use mana for your own use. The previous Five Sacred Mountains and the current four vast oceans are all created by this seat!"

   Under this explanation, Lei is easy to understand.

   There is not only one realm in the realm of Heaven and Human Realm. There is actually a difference in the realm of display in the late stage of Heaven and Human Realm and the initial stage of Heaven and Human Realm.

   And it sounds hugely different, and it actually distinguishes three realms.

   "Boy, I said so much nonsense to you, now let this seat use the power of the four seas to send you out of the secret realm of ascending to the sky!"

   Zheng Yuantu's words still floated, making Lei Yi unable to find the direction.

   And as soon as he spoke, in the sea below, the four-colored sea water began to converge, forming a huge vortex in the center.

   The four-colored seas merged together, and a huge tornado storm rose into the sky.

   Lei Yi felt the tremendous power in the storm, his complexion changed drastically, and his figure quickly moved to the rear, trying to avoid it.

   "It's useless, the power of the four seas is blessed, no matter what you can do to reach the sky, you can't escape this trick!"

   Just as Zheng Yuantu said, the power of the fusion of four sea areas covers more than tens of thousands of miles. No matter how fast Lei Yi flies, it is impossible to take out the pull of the storm.

   After he flew a distance of tens of miles, a huge pulling force struck behind him, slowing the speed of his flight.

  More than that, the storm became bigger and bigger, and his figure couldn't keep steady anymore.

   "This field is really tricky!"

   Seeing that he was about to be swallowed by the storm, Lei Yi actually started to complain at this moment.

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