After the incident broke out, although the school refused to accept interviews, it could not stop Yuyou from talking!

Faced with the reporter's questioning, the people in the school's admissions department could only bite the bullet and said that this year's admissions were over and they had no way to deal with the rural girl's academic status issue.

This approach has definitely ignited the fire even more!

The girl kept crying to various local TV stations and TV stations from Yanjing. The TV station people even married people from the village. They saw the girl's family living in a cave dwelling in western Shanxi and eating steamed buns mixed with white flour and corn flour. , it makes people feel distressed to see it!

"The girl who originally changed her destiny because of going to school has returned to her hometown to help her father, who is weak, in farming, and to take care of her grandmother who is on the sickbed. Is this fair? Is it reasonable? Shouldn't it be dealt with?"

"The person who signed up as a substitute can continue to go to school without being punished, but the person who was replaced can only accept this unfairness. We will continue to pay attention to this matter!"

Reporters stood at the entrance of the village and angrily accused the people in the university admissions office of being lazy and lazy.

at the same time.

Zhao Feng's post exposing Fang Xu in Sticky Bar was once again dug out and published in newspapers, and TV reporters also pursued it!

I found the content of this post to be extremely true!

"Meng Lingling's father is Meng Zifan!"

"After Meng Zifan was dismissed, he opened many entertainment venues in the provincial capital, including song cities, bathing centers, restaurants, Internet cafes, etc. These places were originally inspected, but for some reason they reopened, but the bosses changed. one person."

"There are huge problems in Meng Zifan's song city. Some people are also engaged in illegal activities. As the boss, Meng Zifan is not only unorganized, but no one comes to inspect the place!"

"Why does Meng Zifan have so much energy? It's all because he has a good big brother, Mencius said!"

Finally, what Mencius said was brought to the attention of everyone.

Mencius said that at this moment, he was like an ant on a hot pot, looking for explanations from people left and right, but no one listened to him, and they all avoided seeing him.

We are all colleagues. Who doesn’t know what you do on a daily basis?

Just because these things are true, they rush to draw boundaries and cut them out.

Now inside the provincial capital, most people have a premonition that this is an organized, planned, and premeditated targeted action!

Mencius said that we can only live in fear every day.

The quieter it is, the more it feels like the calm before the storm!

as expected.

Two weeks later, Meng Lingling's incident broke out and she was taken away!

It’s not just the matter of her replacing someone else to enter the university, but also what she did in Jiangyang Songcheng. After Lin Cheng’s confession was revealed, the nature of the matter completely changed!

Meng Lingling is no longer a girl who was poor in studies but went to college.

She has become a bully!

From Lin Cheng's confession, not only Meng Lingling, but also Fang Xu and Fang Xu's father-in-law Meng Zifan appeared!

After learning that Meng Zifan occupied someone else's song city without even renovating it, he directly replaced a group of people and continued the business, making a large amount of improper profits. Meng Zifan also immediately had problems and was involved!

As soon as Meng Zifan entered, the big shots on the stage smelled it one after another!

Zhao Qiangguo, Zhao Feng's uncle who stayed in the provincial capital, sighed with emotion: "The good days of the Meng family have come to an end. Who did it? Did Xu Anbang do it~?"

Mencius also noticed that something was wrong and immediately called Xu Anbang to question him.

"Brother Xu, what do you mean?"

"what do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that you would no longer pursue Lingling's matter? Now you are going back on your word?"

"I didn't pursue it? What's wrong?"

Xu Anbang, who is definitely the world's best actor, asked in a confused tone: "What happened? I'm in the countryside doing research now. Something happened in the provincial capital?"

"Isn't it you?"

Mencius said it is also different.

Who else could be able to launch such an attack, if it wasn't Xu Anbang who was behind it?

"What's the matter? Brother Meng, you have to tell me first?"

"Lin Cheng's confession!"

"Lin Cheng's confession is kept in the archives. What happened?"

"Archives? Didn't you say you would handle it properly?"

"Yeah, no one is pursuing this matter, right?"

"You...why don't you destroy it?"

"Destroy? Brother Meng, you are making me make a mistake! I have already given you a lot of face by not handling Lin Cheng's confession, but you want to drag me into trouble? Isn't this a bit uninteresting?"


Mencius said he was completely dumbfounded!

Xu Anbang was so cautious, and he never expected it.

And what they said was right. Why did he make others make mistakes with just one word?

This is unreasonable!

Mencius said after pondering for a moment, until now, he still couldn't figure out whether Xu Anbang was behind it, so he could only remind him fiercely: "Xu Anbang, you have to know that our Meng family will not fall if the old man is here. This As long as this matter has nothing to do with you, if it has nothing to do with you, we won’t be finished until our Meng family comes around!"


hang up the phone.

Xu Anbang curled his lips with a disdainful expression.

at this time.

Outside the courtyard, Zhao Feng walked into the courtyard with a large batch of semi-finished products packed from a nearby restaurant.

"."Hey, my eldest lady, what do you mean by cooking for yourself, do you mean to go to someone else's place to make some semi-finished products, then heat them up in a pan and serve them? I just... beeped It’s a dog!”

"Huh, I'll cook it myself!"

"You are really like this, old man!"

Zhao Feng gave a thumbs up and praised Xu Rui.

Seeing Zhao Feng come in, Xu Anbang laughed: "Haha, you really think Ruirui can do everything? I am a girl who has no fingers in the spring water, so you can have fun cooking for you!"

Zhao Feng put the things into the kitchen one by one and said, "Why are you having fun? Isn't it the smell of a restaurant?"

When I was in Xiangjiang, my family hired a chef!"

"No money, poor!"

"Hahaha, you have no money? That Shu Ning of yours is so impressive now. (Wang Nuo's) Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're afraid you also want to copy what Guomei did, and engage in old-to-new replacements and sword-fighting, right?"

"What? No?"

"Aren't you afraid of making the same mistake as Guomei?"

"Actually, Fang Xu lost to me not because of his ideas. His ideas were definitely ahead of his time!"

Zhao Feng shook his head and replied: "What he lost was that he was eager for success. He spread his stall too big, used one hundred million to borrow ten billion to do business, the debt was too high, and he was anxious to expand. Something went wrong in the end. For me, I have plenty of time and I’m not in a hurry!”

Xu Anbang nodded slowly and glanced at Feng approvingly.

Although Zhao Feng defeated a strong enemy and his methods were a bit dirty, Zhao Feng was not dazzled by the victory!

He is still able to affirm the opponent's strengths and shamelessly learn to copy them, which makes Xu Anbang feel ashamed.

After all, if he were so shameless to directly copy his opponent's ideas, he really couldn't do such a thing!

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