The other side.

Fang Xu's life was not easy.

Not to mention the loss of more than 300 stores in the southern region, all other assets were liquidated.

Although as the boss, he had already transferred a number of assets before going bankrupt, he was not left with nothing.

But compared to his previous huge assets of tens of billions, his loss this time can be said to be the worst ever!

Even worse than being cheated in the lighthouse country!

"It's okay, Fang Xu, you will definitely make a comeback!"

Fang Xu gritted his teeth and held on for dear life.

The Meng family had completely fallen out with him, but Fang Xu was not a vegetarian. He clung to Shuanghui's position and continued to strengthen his position in Shuanghui.

This made Mencius say, "You can't swallow it but you can't swallow it, and you can't spit it out!"

"Fang Xu, you white-eyed wolf, don't forget that everything you have is given to you by the Meng family!"

Meng Zifan ran to the office of Shuanghui Corporation and angrily scolded his son-in-law: "You are the son-in-law of our Meng family. Your status and everything you have today are all given to you by our Meng family. You Do you still want to be shameless?"

"Hmph, if you dare to cross the river and burn the bridge, won't you allow me to protect myself?"

Fang Xu was extremely disdainful.

"If it weren't for the greed of your Meng family and letting you, a loser, take charge of Guomei, how could Shu Ning be where he is today? If he hadn't been looking at you, a loser, because he was my father-in-law, how could I have slapped you in the face? Do you believe it?"

"Hey, Fang Xu, are you more capable now? Are you talking to me like this?"

"Hmph, you are a waste to begin with. Don't you have any points?"

Fang Xu sneered contemptuously: "I don't care about you, the Meng family's son-in-law. Let me tell you Meng Zifan, I don't care about your piece of shit, fat pig daughter! I would rather go to the hair salon to wash my hair than talk to that fat pig." Pigs together! I’m disgusted!”

"You, you, you, you bastard!"

Meng Zifan roared and raised his hand, wanting to slap Fang Xu.

But he was caught by Fang Xu!

Meng Zifan understood that Fang Xu was completely broken!

"You have the guts, let's see!"

After Meng Zifan left.

Fang Xu fell on the chair, coughed twice, and then answered the phone.

"Hello? Fang Xu? Your father is ill. Please go to the hospital!"

Fang Xu was stunned for a moment, and without saying a word, he immediately picked up his wallet and went to the hospital.

When he came to the hospital and saw his father lying on the hospital bed and his son, the old man burst into tears immediately!


"Father, why are you doing this?"

"Liver cancer!"

"How can it be?"

Fang Xu was completely shocked and couldn't accept it for a while.

He remembered that his father was very good in his previous life!

"It's impossible. Was it a misdiagnosis?"

Fang Xu ran out immediately and asked Jane to treat him as the doctor.

After getting an affirmative answer, Fang Xu walked in the corridor in despair, his feet weakened and he collapsed on the ground.

Fang Xu coughed violently again and fainted without taking a breath!

When he got up again, Fang Xu was lying on the hospital bed.

The doctor looked at Fang Xu, shook his head and said, "Young man, how long have you had the fever? How long have you been coughing?"

"Well, it's been more than two weeks, right? The cough has gone away!"

"Hey, I have to be more careful in the future and don't act recklessly!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Well, if you cooperate well with treatment and take medicine on time, more than 50% of patients will survive for ten to twenty years. Don't be discouraged!"

Fang Xu was shocked!

Although he often goes out to steal things, he is not stupid and lacks common sense. He always has safety measures in place!

"I, I, I, how is that possible?"

At this moment, Fang Xu really collapsed!

His father was next door, and he suddenly heard the bad news. For a moment, Fang Xu felt that the sky was falling!


A woman rushed into the ward with a young man.

"Son? Are you okay? Why are you still sick?"


"How is the situation? I heard that your dad..."

"Let's go see him later."

Zhao Feng raised his head and glanced at the young man standing by the window. He was obviously a soft-boiled man.

"Why? My life is like this?"

Fang Xu's eyes went blank!

When he and his mother came to his father's ward, Fang's father was equally melancholy.

"Don't be too sad, I brought it upon myself too!"

Father Fang sighed and said: "When people are used to being poor, they cannot have money. As soon as they get rich, they immediately become bad, drink freely, and no longer care about their own health. I am a music composer!"

Facing death, Father Fang figured it out.

The culprit is that his son is too capable and rich.

Otherwise, how could a good family reach this point?

Fang Xu can't say that he can't look back!

"It's all your fault, Zhao Feng, 2.0 blames you! You didn't say you were a reborn person, but you have been plotting against me behind my back, right? Without you, my family should be very happy, and I should be the most dazzling one. That’s right! It’s impossible for me to get that disease!”

Father Fang remembered that Zhao Qiangye rented a few square meters of space in front of the school to them for free...

"What's wrong?"

Fang Xu’s father spoke earnestly and thoughtfully.

Mother Fang didn’t know what to say!

"What's going on? Don't panic!"

"Our people in the newspaper office said that a reporter has been working undercover in our factory for several months. Now he has come back with a pile of evidence and will publish a report tomorrow!"

"I...I will!"

Fang Xu’s fist became hard!

Thinking about it now, Father Fang regrets it so much!

He has been in the machinery factory for so many years, why doesn't he know the difference between the director of the water plant and director Zhao?

Fang Xu was greedy, even though he got benefits, he still complained that Zhao Feng didn't give him what he wanted!

"Is the Shuanghui clenbuterol incident going to break out in advance?"

Fang Xu's head suddenly exploded!

"Honey, I was wrong. Maybe there are a lot of young girls out there, and there are a lot of sweet words, but I still regret it, but it's too late."

"You have to be careful!"

He will not show weakness to Zhao Feng!


"Xu'er, I made a mistake as a father, but I don't want you to make the same mistake again and again. Even if Lingling is not what you like, you, since you have chosen someone else, you have to do well, do you understand?"

"Son, I know you are very good, very good. But sometimes, staying true to your heart is the hardest thing. Father, I set a bad example, it's all my fault! If only, if I could give you good advice, How nice would it be for you, mother and son? Director Zhao...he is a good person!"

"Mr. Fang, something big happened!"

But he can't forgive Zhao Feng!

"Slim, clenbuterol!"

"Old Fang, you..."

And in the end, the Fang family turned against him, causing Zhao Qiangye to step down!

And, there’s no turning back!

But what about them?

After leaving the ward, Fang Xu asked the doctor how long his father would have left, and he wanted to spend time with his father!

Because, all of this is Zhao Feng's fault!

Just as Fang Xu sent his mother and young stepfather away, his secretary called.

"No, it's not good!"

She has a different mentality from Fang Xu and Fang’s father!

"What report?"

He blamed the origin of everything on Zhao Feng's confession of the identity of the reborn person!

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