Guomei is really helpless!

this moment.

The blood-sucking bankers finally woke up!

The true nature of closing an umbrella on rainy days is completely exposed!

Fang Xu's real estate, cars, including investment stocks, equity, bonds, etc. were all frozen!

And taking the lead is naturally Jiang Chao's 5 billion gambling agreement!

After all, other banks wanted to observe the Meng family's attitude first, but Zhao Feng ignored that.

"Mr. Fang, according to the agreement, you have to admire us for 5 billion!"

"Haha, do you think I'm worth 5 billion?"

Fang Xu laughed at himself, now that he has broken the pot, he might as well just lie down and play rogue!

"It doesn't matter, we have already filed a lawsuit. According to the estimation of our accounting firm, the current price of your store in the south is almost 5 billion! We have already applied for this part of the appeal. Of course, if you agree, you'd better sign it Contract work.”

Fang Xu's pupils shrank violently, he looked at the person in front of him and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean? You want my store? What are you going to do?"

"Nothing! Just take back your valuable property!"

"Who's behind you?"

"It doesn't matter who it is, what's important is that the money we lent must be recovered!"

The man smiled slightly and handed a transfer contract to Fang Xu.

Fang Xu hesitated for a long time and said in a deep voice: "Aren't you from Zhao Feng?"

"Zhao Feng? I don't know, our boss's surname is Jiang!"


Fang Xu was inexplicably relieved when he heard that his surname was not Zhao, and then asked: "The south is Shu Ning's territory. Do you want to fight him?"

"Roughly the same!"

"Okay, I'll transfer it to you!"

Fang Xu thought that he could at least add some trouble to Zhao Feng, so he readily signed and handed over half of the country he had worked so hard for.

Likewise, he no longer has to shoulder a debt of 5 billion!

You know, this debt is more troublesome than Guomei's current debt.

Because the loan at that time was lent to an individual, that is to say, if the company goes bankrupt, the debt will still follow Fang Xu, and he will never be able to afford it in this life.

But if a limited company goes bankrupt and becomes insolvent after liquidation, as long as Fang Xu complains about poor management, the remaining debts will be wiped out!

Therefore, Fang Xu gave these stores to the man in front of him without any courtesy!

"As long as it doesn't fall into Zhao Feng's hands!"

Fang Xu is now thinking about whether Zhao Feng will acquire his Guomei.

Is he asking for bankruptcy and liquidation?

Or accept the acquisition by Zhao Feng(bheh)?

"Even if I die, I won't take advantage of that guy!"

Fang Xuan made up his mind and would rather go bankrupt than get Zhao Feng’s favor!

"Besides, I still have a chance to rise!"

Fang Xu thought that he still had a position with Shuanghui, and he was ready to shift his focus from Guomei to Shuanghui.

As the largest pork supplier in the future, Shuanghui will almost control the entire pork supply in Daxia. If he does this well, he will still have a chance to succeed!

"Zhao Feng, just let you be proud for a while, I will come back! The future will not only be the world of the Internet, but also mobile apps, short videos and live broadcasts. I will not give up!"

Fang Xu clenched his fist and let Guomei enter bankruptcy proceedings!

Faced with all this, Mencius said that he had completely lost hope in Fang Xu. He did not expect that Fang Xu would be defeated so miserably by Zhao Feng this time!

"We must reconsider Lingling's marriage to him!"

Mencius said that after thinking deeply, he did not rush to take action.

Because although Fang Xu failed this time, he still had some back-and-forth with Zhao Feng, which made him hesitate.

Secondly, Fang Xu still has some use for Shuanghui, and he doesn’t want to burn bridges right away!

Guomei is going bankrupt, accelerating the collapse of Guomei!

Shu Ning, under the control of Zhao Feng, took his time and steadily occupied the Guomei market.

The daily sales across the country are also slowly rising, starting from 300,000 and climbing all the way to 9 million, an increase of 30 times in just one month!

This shows how much Shu Ning was squeezed before her collapse!

Fang Xu entered Shuanghui, ready to hibernate and start over.

But soon, a piece of news sent him into complete madness!

"What are you talking about? There are already Shu Ning stores in the south? Those people transferred my store to Zhao Feng for a total price of 20 million?"

Fang Xu was completely lost!

He's not so stupid that he still can't figure it out, those people are Zhao Feng's people!

Although that group of people spoke with a strong accent from eastern Guangdong Province, it was obvious that Zhao Feng had a solid rear and someone was helping!

"Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng!"

Fang Xu used a pen to pick out the words "Chaofeng" written on the white paper on the wall!

After scolding, Fang Xu collapsed on the ground helplessly, staring at the ceiling with his eyes blankly!

"Fang Xu!"

"That's strange. Why is there something wrong with this girl?"

"Who are you talking about?"

Zhao Feng looked at Hao Bingjie. Even if the plot in the novel did not come true, Hao Bingjie had never spoken to him like this before.

Seeing Zhao Feng's suspicion, a trace of panic flashed in Hao Bingjie's eyes!

Moreover, since she helped her family, she shouldn't treat herself like this!

"I think it is necessary for you to let your classmates go to a dead end like this?"

Hao Bingjie took a deep breath, stared at Zhao Feng and said: "You were not a clean killer before. I know your kindness, why are you like this?"

"Damn, damn, damn, damn!"

Fang Xu's inner voice has always been to use him, and he has also given Fang Xu a lot of benefits. Hao Bingjie should understand this to some extent, right?

Why is this happening?

Even, Zhao Feng wondered if the Hao Bingjie in front of him was someone else in disguise?

"Despicable and shameless bastard!"

Hao Bingjie sighed and said slowly: "Fang Xu entered Guomei, and you created Xialaishi, Water Margin Card, Golden Throat, etc. Zhao Feng, you and Fang Xu were reborn together, right?"

Hao Bingjie revealed a big tip that even Zhao Feng could not avoid!.

Zhao Feng thought of Hao Bingjie's various strange behaviors before the military training in college, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Is it you too?"

Hao Bingjie found Zhao Feng alone.

He found that he was reborn once more, and his life was not as good as in his previous life!

at the same time.


Zhao Feng looked at Hao Bingjie's eyes, and the strangeness revealed in them made Zhao Feng a little strange, but he still nodded.

Zhao Feng was a little happy, isn't he kind?

"You are different!"

"Did you see it?"

"I want to talk to you!"

What did you install?

I am a good person!

"What do you want to say?"


In the courtyard of Yanjing.

Zhao Feng was a little dumbfounded!

Hao Bingjie looked at Zhao Feng in shock. After being silent for a long time, she nodded slowly and said, "Since you can see it, let's stop pretending, okay?"

"Yes, I have just woken up. I didn't expect that in this time and space, you would still selflessly help me and help my family tide over the difficulties."

"Uh, what do you mean..."

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