In the courtyard of Yanjing.

Lin Yuexi and Yangmi who came over had a great time!

Xu Rui put down the evaluation report in her hand, shook her head, and asked Zhao Feng: "Can this work for you?"

Xu Rui went deep into the inland. If this report was published overseas, especially if the other party was a listed company, it could really have a major impact.

But now that Guomei has not completed its listing, the impact on the market is very small.

Moreover, even with this report, banks in other places may be wary, but with the power of the Meng family in the local area, banks will not really close their umbrellas!

Zhao Feng slowly shook his head and replied: "No!"

"If you can't, what's the point of doing this?"

Xu Rui didn't understand, if all this is meaningless and it just destroys a personality, what's the point?

"Businessmen only value strength and never evaluate character!"

In Xu Rui's view, the offensive launched by Zhao Feng during this period was just a battle of personality destruction against Fang Xu.

From the TV program, to Professor Ming Huangxuan's gambling, to this report, they only stirred up the popularity of fishing boats, and cannot really affect Guomei's operations.

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and said lightly: "Strength is not just economic strength, but also soft power!"

“Soft power?”

Xu Rui was confused.

"Soon you'll understand!"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

Xu Rui didn't understand, but didn't ask any more questions.

During this time, under the guidance of Guo Zicun, Hao Bingjie gradually became familiar with Xialaishi and Golden Throat, as well as the various businesses and financial reports of the toffee factory!

After all, Hao Bingjie is young, has strong learning ability and is making rapid progress.

However, Zhao Feng felt that Hao Shuijie Siping had been deliberately keeping a distance from him recently!

"Could it be that Hao Bingjie's first love showed up?"

Zhao Feng decided to ask Gao Mei, who protected Hao Bingjie every day, to see if there was a young classmate chasing Hao Bingjie.

In fact, Zhao Feng is also very depressed!

Have you done a lot for the Hao family?

Why didn't Hao Bingjie react at all?

"Could it be that the scenes in novels where the hero saves the beauty and the beauty promises her body to repay the hero are all fake?"

After returning to school to continue classes, Zhao Feng was in a very unhappy mood!

And soon, the pressure on Fang Xu gradually increased!

Fang Xu was shocked when he saw the October financial report!

"How is it possible? Our sales keep hitting new highs, but our net profits keep falling?"

"Mr. Fang, although our shipment volume is large, many of them are returned or exchanged. We go back and forth, and the cost we pay is also very high!"

The treasurer replied bitterly.

"Moreover, in order to cope with the trade-in activity, our number of employees and the entire logistics aspect have been lost due to continuous recruitment, but it is still very tight!"

"There are also those anti-counterfeiters who file lawsuits every now and then. The litigation costs this month alone are as high as 5 million. And our losses are as much as 20 million!"


Fang Xu slammed the table angrily and yelled: "Zhao Feng, this bastard! His methods are too despicable!"

He knew that this trend was definitely instigated by Zhao Feng!

Originally, he could make a lot of money by trading in old ones for new ones, but now not only is he not making any money, but he may also be losing money!

"Mr. Fang, do you want to stop the activity?"


Fang Xu immediately refused: "What if we stop the stall that we have finally rolled out now and Shu Ning picks up?"

He knows Zhao Feng very well!

Zhao Feng will definitely follow up!

The reason why Zhao Feng didn't follow up is because he is waiting for the opportunity!

"I will never give you this chance!"

Fang Xu stood up, walked back and forth a few times, then raised his head and asked, "How is the company's financial situation now?"

"I'm very nervous! The available working capital is less than 5 million, and wages will be paid soon. We can't hold on any longer!"

"You have to hold on even if you can't hold on! Where is the bank?"

"The bank is not in a hurry. The primary issue now is taxation."


"Yes, I heard from a tax friend that they have to meet their targets by the end of the year, and now many places are eyeing us.

The financial director persuaded Fang Xu: "Why don't we sell some assets? Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to get through this hurdle!"

"No, absolutely not!"

"But, what should we do next? We can't delay the salary of employees any longer. If we don't pay part of it to others at the end of the year, everyone will not know what to do during the New Year, and the trouble will be even bigger!"

"Don't worry, why don't you go to the bank and ask if you can borrow another amount of money to meet the emergency?"

"Can not be done!"

The financial director said helplessly: "I have asked many companies and they have all rejected me!"

...Please give me flowers...

"What about the second one?"

"Also, there are two more calendars!"

Do you really think that someone can just take money and treat it as money?


Even foreigners have commented that this company is rubbish and is about to go bankrupt. Who would invest money foolishly?

The finance officer immediately nodded in agreement.

"Well, very good, our people will arrive in the provincial capital tonight."

"Lending, but short-term lending interest rates are very high, especially at the end of the year. These people are very evil!"

"First find investors and invest a sum of money in us to help us survive the crisis!"

"Okay, I'll contact you right away!"

Now in this situation, I’m still thinking about getting a loan!

"That's right! It's the end of the year now, and the bank loan quota is running low, and the collection is very tight now. You also know now that our credit rating is too bad, and the debt is excessive in the eyes. It's already good if we don't pursue it. How could we not? Give us a loan?"

"Haha, don't worry, the money will be in your account as soon as the contract is signed!"

"It's possible, but the other party's conditions are very harsh!"

"Can you find it?"

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, the rest..."

The financial director felt that Fang Xu was really bad at finance!

Fang Xu asked, glaring at his financial manager angrily.

The phone at Jiang Tao's hand rang!

Even if Meng Ziyue comes forward in person, the people in the bank will have to look at the situation. Like Guomei's current situation, the debt exceeds several times its assets. If the money is loaned, will the person still be involved in the circle in the future?

Doesn’t this mean you dislike how much money you have?

"You need to find someone right now. I want to see this person within three days!"

"I'm afraid it's difficult!"

"Why? None of the friends introduced by my uncle are willing?"

People can give face to the Meng family, but there is absolutely no need to put their own future on the line just for the sake of Mencius!

"What else can you do? You are the financial director, this is what you should plan for!"

Just one charge of illegal loan is enough to make you stay there for more than ten years!


"Mr. Jiang, Fang promised to dismantle the loan items!"


The treasurer smiled bitterly and shook his head.


After Fang Xu was silent for a while, Xu Wan said, "Do you know how to find the lender?"

"What conditions?"

"You have to talk about it. I can only introduce it to you."

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