Yanzhu hurriedly took out his notebook and wrote down what Zhao Feng said.

Then, after hesitating for a while, she asked: "But, what should we do? The TV station..."

"Hey, aren't you in sales? Why do you need someone to give you advice on this?"

Zhao Feng held his forehead and sighed helplessly: "Forget it, I'll find someone here. I have to teach you how to walk, so I'm convinced!"

When Yanzhu heard Zhao Feng's words, she almost found a crack in the ground and crawled in!


According to Zhao Feng, she should handle these things and should not ask Zhao Feng how to contact people.

As a sales specialist, what she is best at is building bridges of communication and expanding the company's presence, but now...she knows that she has indeed neglected her duty!

But at the same time, I also began to admire Zhao Feng.

When she came in, she saw that Zhao Feng was so young. She thought that Zhao Feng was a young man who didn't know anything and just had some money.

She has no regard for such people!

But now, when she heard Zhao Feng's idea, she knew that he had talents in marketing that she did not possess, and he was definitely not comparable to low-end products like her!

Just from this TV shopping idea, it can be seen that Zhao Feng is several levels better than her!

Not to mention that Zhao Feng has already thought of many details!

This made Yanzhu suddenly feel that maybe by following this boss, 010 Shu Ning would have a way out!

"Well, I have military training tomorrow. Let's do this. I'll make an appointment with someone from Yanjing TV tomorrow and ask him to help. As for restaurants and stuff..."

"I, I will decide!"

"Well, remember, these people have to play until one or two points. You have to make arrangements. If you can't even arrange this, don't do it and just find another job!"

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry. If the arrangements are not good, I will resign immediately and I will not give up my salary!"

Yanzhu immediately confirmed that she knew this was her last chance.

If this is all messed up, so be it!

The next day.

Zhao Feng came to school early. At this time, many people in the dormitory were fetching water and putting on clothes.

After seeing Zhao Feng, Hong Yi was the first to come up and ask: "Say boss, where did you go? You didn't come back all night? I heard that Xu Rui came back last night! Where did you go? Already? Tell your brothers?"

Seeing Hong Yi's sword-stricken look, Zhao Feng moved Hong Yi's face away angrily and said, "When are we going to gather? MD, I really don't want military training! Do you want to pretend to be sick?"

The other five people in the dormitory were speechless!

This is their first time meeting someone who has not yet had military training and is already trying to pretend to be sick!

"By the way, someone just informed us that your department is training with our department."

Lu Xiangsheng came up and handed Zhao Feng the military training clothes and said: "This is the military training clothes Hong Laoer has prepared for you. Put it on and hurry downstairs to gather!"

"Really? You're quite considerate!"

"That's right, we are buddies!"

Although Hong Yi is very forthright and honest like a Northwester, he is also a person who was admitted to Yenching University, so how could he not use his brain?

Zhao Feng gave him a very different feeling. Unlike the classmates he met who got along well with him before, Zhao Feng gave him a feeling of being casual.

It doesn’t really matter whether his family has money!

Being friends with such people is much more practical than being with Shen Ming and others!

"Well, forget it, I'll think of you when I have a girl in the future."

Zhao Feng also saw that Hong Yi was more of a good girl, so he calmly accepted Hong Yi's kindness.

Hong Yi immediately raised his hands and shouted: "I am loyal to my little lady Han Wei! You can't even try to sow discord between me and my little lady!"

"You gotta do it!"

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes, Hong Yiren is good, but Han Wei may not be suitable for him!

Especially if Hong Yi learns about Han Wei's past.

But he didn't need to say it. He hoped that Han Wei could take the initiative to say it, which meant that Han Wei was really attracted to this person.

If Hong Yi can accept it, then the two of them will really have fun!


With a whistle, someone roared, and the chaotic footsteps in the corridor resounded throughout the dormitory building.

Standing downstairs, Yan Xuefang took the roster and called the names one by one.

After clicking on Zhao Feng, Yan Xuefang frowned and asked, "Where have you been these past two days? Why can't I always click on you?"

"Go out and do something!"

(bhch) "Are you working part-time? Well, you don't actually need to go outside. I'll give you some attention to the school's work in the student union."

Yan Xuefang took Zhao Feng's words to mean that Zhao Feng went out to work on his day off.

Zhao Feng licked his lips and thought about it, but still had no explanation.

Why explain this?

Could he possibly say that I have a courtyard outside, and the front bedroom and the living room where I live are only fifty or sixty square meters, so why come here and squeeze in bunk beds of more than ten square meters with this group of people?

Moreover, the school seems to have stipulated that students are not allowed to live outside!

"Forget it, I'd better establish a good relationship with these people and let them help me cover up."

Zhao Feng glanced over Hong Yi, Shen Ming and others.

Everyone has their own use. Even if Zhao Feng is rich, he still has to make friends with people in the dormitory. God knows that he will come in handy, right?

After lining up the team, the instructor came over, and with the slogans of one, two, and one, everyone walked towards the playground shaking their heads!

After arriving at the playground, I saw more than a dozen square formations entering one after another.

"Look, that's the phalanx of Chinese girls. There are so many beauties!"

"Hey, there's more! Who are you?"


"Silly, Dai Feifei, who is the most popular girl in the bar right now! This year in our school, she is awesome! Dai Feifei, who is grade 99, and Xu Rui, an exchange student from Xiangjiang, have two school beauties in a row! "

"Can someone else's exchange student be counted as one of our students?"

"Why doesn't it count? They all came in with me!"

Some of the boys in the team have already started to piss off!

It’s as if the school beauty is already under control!

Zhao Feng sighed in his heart: "How comfortable would it be if our Zhao family were still in power? The second aunt is a high-ranking university official, and the third uncle can also find someone to prevent me from military training..."

But now we are in Yanjing!

Zhao Feng obediently began the training of standing at attention and taking a rest, standing in a military posture!

A morning full of bets!

The instructor even kicked me several times in anger!

"Stand still! Can't you just stay still and stay still? What are you looking at? Are you not convinced?"

"The rest of you, rest and get ready to eat."

"You kid, you are so sly and sly, keep standing here and you can't eat!"

The instructor held it in his hand and scolded Zhao Feng angrily: "I don't believe it. I can't cure your erratic behavior!"

Hong Yi gave Zhao Feng a helpless look and slipped away quietly.

The other boys from the Computer Department and Chinese Department also left snickering!

Ten minutes passed.

The phalanxes around the playground led their teams to eat one by one, and the girls phalanx earlier had already finished lunch and rested.

Saw Zhao Feng standing alone.

A girl who came over whispered to the beautiful woman next to her: "Feifei, look, does that person look familiar?"

"It's him?"

Dai Feifei took the mineral water and saw that Zhao Feng was left to stand. She remembered what Zhao Feng said backstage, 'There is something wrong!

Suddenly, he rolled his eyes and said with a sly smile: "Let's go over and have a look!".

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