In order to make the legend completely popular, Fang Xu worked hard this time!

It even releases a lot of pictures to make players greedy!

Seeing the introduction of various monsters, equipment, and skills, many people began to look forward to this kind of game that is different from the Stone Age.

After all, Stone Age is a turn-based game.

But obviously the legend is not!

Soon, even advertisements on many local TV stations were rolled out!

"Classic legend, we are brothers, I will wait for you!"

"The legend lasts forever, come and kill me if you are a brother!"

Fang Xu invited many celebrities to shoot commercials for broadcast.

This has attracted many students and some people born in the 1980s who have just started working, and they are all waiting for the release of the legend!

Fang Xu's side is also going very smoothly. Even the 35-yuan point card has been printed and is just waiting for the legendary release!


A week before the release, Fang Xu couldn't sit still anymore.

Call Tai Chi Country immediately to inquire about the situation!

"When are you going to give us the game? We're going to release it tomorrow, and you're still delaying it today?"

Chirgulu Chirgulu!

Except for a few Smectas, Fang Xu really couldn't understand, so he asked the translator around him to translate it for him.

Fang Xu was stunned!

He grabbed the phone and roared: "What did you say? I'm 17 this year? Are you fucking fooling us? We signed the contract! If we breach the contract, you have to pay liquidated damages!"

"There is nothing we can do about this, Mr. Fang!"

The person over there said helplessly through the translator: "We do feel that some terms still need to be discussed!"

"You signed the contract and told me you had objections to the opposite terms?"

Fang Xu was furious and roared: "Believe it or not, I will sue you? Don't forget, your breach of contract has caused heavy losses to me, and I must pay three to five times the liquidated damages!"

"Well, we also have our own difficulties. Mr. Fang, you should sue us. We can't pay for liquidated damages. You also know that we are only a small company!"


Fang Xu spurted out a mouthful of old blood!

Failure this time will mean that he will completely lose the Internet market!

For the future, apart from industries that require a lot of investment to change, there are only two initials that can be done, one is real estate and the other is the Internet!

If he cannot break into the Internet through legend, then he will face the biggest setback since his rebirth!

"Just wait, I will definitely sue you!"

Fang Xu was furious. He spent at least 50 million in promotional expenses for the promotion of Legend.

Various magazines, various advertisements, and all kinds of peripherals have been released in an all-round way. Now that Tai Chi Country has told him that he cannot fulfill the contract, doesn't this mean that he has wasted all this money?

But fortunately, if the agency rights he obtained for 30 million were calculated at 5 times, he would be able to get at least 150 million in compensation.

Although the company may not have such money, Zhao Feng has already thought about it, and he will ask the other party to offset part of the compensation costs with games.

"Hmph, isn't it just that the release will be a little later? Don't worry!"

After Fang Xu regained his composure, he sat back in his seat and thought carefully, except that this time he failed to start the server on time.

In fact, he didn’t suffer much loss!

Maybe you can also get the operating rights of Legend Global and at least 80 million in compensation.

In this way, his initial investment was recouped!

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come in!"

"Mr. Fang, what's going on? You informed the people below and released the news about the postponement of the sale?"

"Mr. Cheng! Yes, there is something wrong with Tai Chi Country."

Fang Xu nodded and said: "But it's not a big problem. As long as it works well, we can recover our previous investment early this time!"

"How is this possible?"

Mr. Cheng said displeasedly: "How many people in Daxia are waiting for the game to be released if we promote it like this! Now you tell them how much impact the delay will have on the credibility of our Shengda Network."


"Do you think I don't want to be on time? But there is a problem with the head office in Tai Chi and the contract is broken. What can I do?"

"Broken contract? Why?"

"Maybe it's a matter of distribution ratio? People in Tai Chi Country are very greedy!"

"Then what should we do? How about giving in again?"

"Let? Why? The contract has been signed, and they breach the contract if they say they breach the contract? What are you thinking!"

Fang Xu stood up and sneered: "Huh, give me a week, and I'll make them walk around without food!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Hmph, go to Tai Chi Country and sue them!"

"Is it possible?"

"It's written in black and white. It's definitely no problem to win the lawsuit. The most important thing is the implementation. But it's okay. There is a small company in Tai Chi Country and it should be easy to implement!"

After hesitating for a moment, Mr. Cheng from Shengda Network nodded and said, "Then I'll ask the people below to spare you ten days. You have to hurry up!"

"Do not worry!"

Fang Xu decided that this matter must be settled before the start of school.

Originally, he chose to put the game online at the end of the summer vacation. It first aroused the love of a group of students, and then the group returned to school and began to lead other students to play together.

Only in this way can the topic of the game be heated up!

Finally, it has a widespread word-of-mouth effect among children and young people.

Now he must hurry up!

The release of Legend has been postponed, which made first-year students and young people waiting for the sale instantly feel a heavy sense of loss!

Everyone felt that something they had been looking forward to for a long time had just been shaken.

This makes them feel like they have returned to their childhood, when their parents' promises were never fulfilled!

"This Shengda Network is so abominable!"

"That's it, is this the reputation of Daxia Company? Is it so worthless?"

"But I still want to play! 060"

In Sticky Bar, many posts have already expressed the sense of anticipation!

On the contrary, it makes people look forward to the release of this game even more!

This made Mr. Cheng never expect that the delayed release would have such a miraculous effect!

Man is indeed a very mean-spirited animal. The less he can get, the more he wants!

Unintentionally, Fang Xu used the later hunger marketing, and the effect increased significantly in a short period of time, making people more willing to wait for the game to be released!

at the same time.

On Zhao Feng's side, he, his mother Wang Qiaohui, and the old lady were preparing to leave the provincial capital!

"Fifth younger brother and sister, from now on, Mom's side will depend on you!"

"Don't worry, brother!"

Wang Qiaohui nodded and said, "I will take good care of mom."

"Mom, I'll go see you later!"

The fourth aunt Zhao Sixue said reluctantly: "Let the fifth son take good care of you. This kid has been avoiding him for so many years. You should go to Pengcheng to summon him!"

"Haha, okay, okay. Xiaowuzi has his own things to do. I have Qiaohui and Xiaofeng here. You can take care of yourself."

"Xiao Feng, remember to take good care of grandma!"

"Well, don't worry, uncle and fourth aunt!"

"Hey, this is goodbye, I don't know when we will see you again?"

Zhao Qiangguo and Zhao Sixue are a little sad!

The Zhao family used to be so powerful, but I didn't expect that it would now fall apart!

Zhao Qiangguo still can't see where the Zhao family will be tomorrow.

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