I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

196 Wife Becomes Free Labor (1 Update)

Seeing Hao Bingjie's sadness and persistence, Zhao Feng couldn't help but reached out and patted Hao Bingjie's back, saying softly: "It's okay, it's okay. In fact, there is no need for you to refuse my money.

I didn’t give it to you, you have to pay it back!”

"But now I..."

"Haha, of course, you have no money and no job now. I can provide you with a job. You can work while you go to school and pay me back. It's very hard work. You can think of it yourself."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and said: "Of course, if you still want to serve dishes and wash dishes, that's fine. I just think it's a waste of talents like you!"

"I, I am not a talent, you, you are!"

Hao Bingjie blushed slightly, lowered her head and said.

She had heard about Zhao Feng being the number one scholar in the past two days. Thinking of Xu Rui's judgment at the time, she had to admit that the wealthy daughter's guess was absolutely correct.

Zhao Feng had been quiet for three years, and now he had an amazing moment!

This kind of endurance is unimaginable even by Hao Bingjie!

"Of course I am a talent!"

Zhao Feng was not modest at all and said loudly: "Only talents can discover talents! So, think about it carefully and give me an answer tomorrow." 947

"Okay then!"

Hao Bingjie swallowed her original refusal and was sent to a hotel near the hospital to rest by Zhao Feng.

late at night.

Hao Bingjie was thinking about what happened recently. In addition to being tired, she also felt a sense of emotion in her heart. Only in times of crisis can one see a person's sincerity.

Even her relatives at home may not all be good people. Just like her uncle and aunt who came from the country are not as good as her neighbors!

"But, if I accept the money and I tell him my feelings, will he think that I am interested in his money?"

Hao Bingjie became entangled.

From what happened in Big Brother back then, to later mistakenly believing that Zhao Feng had fallen, and later to visiting Zhao Feng in the hospital.

The longer time passed, the more Hao Bingjie missed Zhao Feng. Even when she was humiliated by Meng Lingling, she was the first to hope that Zhao Feng could fall from the sky and save her.

But when this became a reality, Hao Shuijie began to struggle.

If you choose love, you have to give up your parents; if you choose your parents, you have to give up love!

What a dilemma!

Finally, Hao Bingjie clenched her fists slightly, (bhcd) gritted her teeth and made a decision.

the next day.

When I came to the hospital again, I saw Zhao Feng accompanying her mother. Bingjie brought millet porridge to Zhao Feng.

"You haven't eaten yet this morning?"

"It's okay, I'm not hungry. I ate some lunch sent by the nurse sister in the middle of the night yesterday."

"Oh, then you should eat some too. You will still be more or less hungry in the morning."


Zhao Feng did not refuse the beauty's kindness. He took a sip of porridge and soaked half of a fried dough stick in the millet porridge.

Hao Bingjie sat aside and summoned up the courage to say: "I promise what you said yesterday, but I also have conditions!"

"Conditions? Then tell me!"

"First, you can't deliberately give me a job that pays well but is easy.

"No problem, I never thought of giving you money."


Hearing Zhao Feng's words, Hao Bingjie took a deep breath and continued: "Secondly, since I am working, it is even more impossible for me to go to school, so I decided not to go to school."

"I don't agree to this!"

"Then I won't ask you to borrow money!"

"Listen to me, don't you know how hard it is to find college students now? If you don't improve yourself, I won't raise an idle person with no education or knowledge!"

Zhao Feng said seriously: "What I want is talent. I think you have the potential, so I made the agreement yesterday. The most important thing is that you must go to school and continue to study! Of course, this will be very tiring, and academic work cannot If you fall behind, your work must also keep up. If you are willing, you accept this challenge. If you can't keep up, then go and hold the plate with the idea that will give you the green light!"

Hao Bingjie was extremely shocked when she heard what Zhao Feng said.

Zhao Feng's words were definitely beyond her expectations last night!

Seeing that Zhao Feng was serious, Hao Bingjie thought for a moment, nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, then I promise you, I will work for you while going to school!"

"now it's right."

Zhao Feng continued to drink millet porridge and asked: "Is there anything else?"

"Also, the amount I want to borrow may be a bit too much. Can I repay it in installments? Of course, I will pay interest!"

"How much? How much?"

"That, maybe, might cost three hundred thousand!"

"It's quite a lot indeed."

Zhao Feng nodded.

Nowadays, a house only costs several thousand yuan. Even if it is a staff dormitory building in a provincial city, a house for people with a position, a house with three bedrooms and one living room with an area of ​​more than 90 square meters, the price is only ten thousand or twenty thousand at most.

This 300,000 yuan is indeed a large amount of money for most families!

The main reason why Hao Bingjie dared to speak was because she knew that Zhao Feng didn't care about such a sum of money, and she was ready to work for Zhao Feng as a wage earner for the rest of her life!

"Why so many?"

Zhao Feng asked curiously.

"My mother needs 100,000 yuan to recover, and I also want to buy our house back. Also, my father's side, I heard that the other party is willing to withdraw the lawsuit and issue a letter of forgiveness, which costs 150,000 yuan. I want to use the remaining money for My parents use it for their small business."

After Hao Bingjie finished speaking, she quickly added: "Of course, I know this is a lot of money, and my demands are also excessive. But, I am willing to work for you for the rest of my life. I can do whatever you want me to do. I don't have to You pay me my salary!”

Zhao Feng was immediately amused by such innocent words!

How does this little girl think it’s hard to make money?

Working for yourself all your life and not having to pay yourself a salary?

Is that any different from signing a contract of sale in the old days?

"Three hundred thousand is not much!"

Zhao Feng thought for a moment, drank the millet porridge in his hand, and then said loudly: "It's better than this. Leave your parents' affairs to me, how much it costs, and you don't have to worry about what to do. Anyway, I will make my aunt recover and have a place to live." , and the uncle can come out with peace of mind, and of course I will also find a stable job for them.

"As for you working for me! In terms of salary, it must be in accordance with my company's salary standards. You must repay the money I lent you first. After the repayment is completed, you will be paid normally. A lifetime is too far. Wait until you repay After it's over, you are free to go where you want to go."

Zhao Feng stood up and said to Hao Bingjie: "I, Zhao Feng, am not a person who takes advantage of others, but I will not take advantage of you. During these days without wages, you can do odd jobs for me to earn some living expenses." Okay. After all, we will all go to school in Yanjing from now on, so I do have some work for you!"

"How can this be possible? I leave all my family matters to you..."

"I may not come, but can you avoid being cheated?".

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