I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

180 I Just Like Your Shamelessness! (5 Updates)

Zhao Feng didn't waste any time. He went to Yanjing with 45 million, took Li Yanhong's patent documents, and registered a new Internet company!

And just as Zhao Feng expected.

Hao Bingjie has indeed entered the sprint stage. The pressure of the college entrance examination left her no time to think about other things.

When Shui Liyan's people came to power, the trend of the machinery factory began to overlap with that of the previous life.

From time to time, Hao Bingjie's parents would discuss the downfall of the Zhao family in the machinery factory. After hearing this, Hao Bingjie didn't say anything, but she felt uncomfortable mentally.

"Zhao Feng must be in pain, right? He must need someone to comfort him now, right?"

Hao Bingjie regretted a little. If she had known about the misunderstanding, even if Xu Rui was present, she should have been brave enough to explain clearly in front of Zhao Feng and convey her feelings.

But now it’s better!

I didn't express my feelings, and I was tied to the school and home every day, so I had no chance to find Zhao Feng.

Moreover, she also inquired about it. Zhao Feng applied to make up classes outside the school for the last half of the semester instead of going to school to review. Zhao Qiangye's house in Jiangyang was also repossessed. Not to mention the home phone number, it had been torn down and turned into a phone number. Got an empty number!

Hao Bingjie naturally thought of Yanjing's foreign rice and quietly wrote to him overnight.

Yangmi's reply also frustrated her. Zhao Feng had not returned to the courtyard for a long time, and asked Hao Bingjie if anything had happened to Zhao Feng recently.

Hao Bingjie could only briefly talk about the downfall of the Zhao family!

Now, she really can't even find Zhao Feng!

"I, what should I do?"

Hao Bingjie's only hope now is to see if she can attend a junior high school party after being admitted to college and find clues about Zhao Feng among her classmates!

But Zhao Feng didn’t panic at all!

Because he knew Hao Bingjie's home and home phone number.

But considering that the little girl has worked so hard to review, and that my mother-in-law will still be a teacher in the future, if I come here at this time, I will probably be kicked out because I influence Hao Bingjie’s review for college!

"Let's wait until after the college entrance examination!"

Since the last time I was injured, I haven’t seen each other for several months, so it’s not bad to wait for another four or five months!

Wait until the second half of the year, Zhao Feng thinks he can give Hao Bingjie a surprise!

"Hey, let's see how she can avoid me when we get to college!"

After Zhao Feng came to Yanjing, he did not return to the courtyard. Instead, he directly contacted Zhang Chaoyang and bought himself a six-story office building!

"You want to set up a search engine website?"

Zhang Chaoyang was very surprised by Zhao Feng's thoughts.

"Yeah, can't you?"

"Yes, of course. I used to think that your family likes to invest in new industries, but I didn't expect that you would want to do it yourself!"

"well enough!"

"Haha, come on! You think I don't know that you are an Internet giant now!"

"Big guy? I don't have a big head!"

"act dumb!"

Zhang Chaoyang immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "My Souhu and Sina, I heard that you still have shares in Wangji, and you are more blossoming now. You are actually involved in almost half of the big Internet companies in Daxia. Amazing! Now you have entered the search engine... Sigh, I feel like I am old!"

"Ahem, just so-so!"

Zhao Feng is really embarrassed to attack Zhang Chaoyang!

It is not just the shares of the controlling companies, as an investor, the most important thing for him is Panda Chat!

Now the number of registered users of Panda Chat has exceeded 200 million, and the daily number of people online has also reached a terrifying influence of one million every day!

Compared with so-called portal websites, Zhao Feng's chat software has an astonishingly high user stickiness!

Moreover, the Panda Game Platform has also been initially established. Every day, Tetris, chess, Four Kingdoms, checkers, mahjong, etc. are played through the platform. The number of online players has repeatedly reached new highs, with the highest number being one million players online at the same time!

"Come on!"

Zhang Chaoyang patted Zhao Feng on the shoulder.

This sentence is not to pour cold water, but a blessing from the seniors to the juniors!

Zhao Feng spent 10 million to directly buy the sixth floor of an office building within the third ring road of Yanjing, just for a mere search engine. It was simply making a fuss out of a molehill!

He feels that the Internet is an era of consultation and acquisition, and search engines do not have any advanced technology. There is no need to build a search engine specifically for this!

Even if it is done, what will others use it for?

What do you mean?

Zhang Chaoyang (bhac) felt that Zhao Feng was thinking of using the Internet, but he was actually engaged in real estate business!

This Internet company is definitely not as valuable as the writing floor in Zhao Feng’s hands!

As an Internet industry leader, he is not optimistic about Zhao Feng's search engine project. He is also very confident in his judgment because there are similar companies in Lighthouse Country.

It's a pity that a company like this needs to cooperate with the big platform Yahu to have room to survive!

Zhang Chaoyang's judgment was also the judgment of other big bosses, and they all expressed their disapproval, but they would not speak out because of human feelings!

After recruiting troops, Zhao Feng began operations!

The initial effect of this was not very good. The company's operation required a certain period of coordination, so Zhao Feng stayed in the company and solved various problems day and night.

Even so, Zhao Feng is still one of the top two!

"so tired!"

After staying in the company for more than a month, Zhao Feng ate here and lived here and finally saw his search website officially launched!


"What's up?"

"Someone is looking for you downstairs!"

Zhao Feng was stunned and asked again: "What is his name? Ma Yun?"

"Take advantage of yourself? Who said that?"

"Please sit down!"

"Oh well!"

"Let him come up and I'll ask him!"

Not long after, a strange-looking man walked in and greeted Zhao Feng in a begging manner: "Hello, Boss Zhao!"


"No, this person is too difficult to tell. I originally wanted to send him away, but I think you might choose to meet him."

"He said his surname is Ma, and his name is Ma Yun!"

Ma Yun was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Of course, I am most interested in money! Otherwise, I wouldn't start a business, right?"

Speaking of which, this was the first time they had seen a boss who could engage in a fierce battle in person!

Zhao Feng was immediately speechless!

"Mr. Ma, are you interested in this pile of money?"

"Thank you!"

Ma Yun was directly petrified!

"Because, because..."

"have no idea!"

"Let him come up!"

"He said that he heard from colleagues in the industry that you are very interested in the Internet. You are a bully who likes to invest in emerging industries, so he came back to try your luck!"

Zhao Feng stood up, shook hands and said, "Well, it seems we can cooperate. I like shameless people like you the most!"

Zhao Feng ordered the secretary seriously.

Then he took out a stack of money from the table and placed it in front of himself.

Zhao Feng stretched and asked the male secretary, "What's wrong? I see you are hesitant?"

The secretary actually admires Zhao Feng for being here alone with them. Moreover, Zhao Feng has no airs. He takes care of all the logistical support for them, and then sets goals and asks them to do it. If they can't do it well, they will continue to make improvements. , have done a good job personally accepting the results and putting forward your own opinions!

"What's his name?"

I just saw the target and attacked, okay?

"If you have something to say, just say it!"


Is he that stupid?


"What are you doing? Delivering food?"



"Ahem, no!"

"Wait a moment!"

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