I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

169 The Most Critical Moment! (4 More Updates)

"Shirley, buy me a flight ticket back to China right away for tomorrow, no, the sooner the better!"

"What's wrong?"

Shirley asked in surprise: "Why did you suddenly remember going back?"

When she heard that Zhao Feng suddenly wanted to go back, she didn't know what to do and was a little reluctant to leave!

Megan also asked strangely: "Yes, isn't it great to be in the Lighthouse Country? Why do you want to go back?"

"Something happened to my grandfather, and I must go back immediately."

After Zhao Feng finished speaking, he looked at Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei and said, "Just arrange for them to return to China later. I'll go back first!"

Hearing that it was Zhao Feng's grandfather who was in trouble, Shirley understood immediately, nodded and said, "Well, I'll find someone to buy you a ticket right away!"

The next morning.

Zhao Feng and Gao Mei took off on the earliest flight and returned to Yanjing!

In Yanjing, Zhao Feng didn't even go to the courtyard to see it, and immediately took the train back to the provincial capital with Gao Mei!

Just after leaving the train station, Zhao Qiangye hurriedly picked up Zhao Feng and rushed to the hospital!

On the way, Zhao Qiangye said while driving: "Your grandfather can't take his last breath without seeing you. I guess he has something to tell you.

"I see!"

"Also, you came to visit Liang Mengsong before you found him on Frog Island."

"Then what?"

"We have a little disagreement!"

"Small disagreement? What?"

“I think it’s better to develop the machinery factory first, and then gradually develop into more difficult areas, but he hopes to directly shift the focus of the factory to Pengcheng.

"Oh, let's talk about these things later."

Zhao Feng nodded. He understood that what Liang Mengsong said was right, but he also knew his father's feelings for the machinery factory, especially the life of Guo Zicun's father, which made Zhao Qiangye even more reluctant. Leave Jiangyang and move to Pengcheng.

Come to the hospital.

Outside the ward, everyone from the Zhao family, including the eldest son and his family, to Zhao Feng's fourth aunt Zhao Sixue, and the two children of the old man's brother, Zhao Jianxin and Zhao Shengnan, were all present.


When the fourth aunt Zhao Sixue saw Zhao Qiangye coming with Zhao Feng, she immediately stood up and said, "Quick, the old man can't wait any longer. He has been talking about your Xiaofeng just now!"

"Well, Xiaofeng, let's go!"


Except for the children of the third generation Zhao family who were outside the door, all the second generation Zhao Qiangye followed Zhao Feng, walked into the ward together, and closed the door for this last family meeting.

After not seeing him for several months, Zhao Feng felt very unbearable when he saw that the old man was already as skinny as a stick.

Although Mr. Zhao had a bad time with his father, how could there be an overnight feud between father and son?

What's more, my father was not squeezed out by the director of the water plant, and it was the old man who mediated. It can be seen that the old man seemed to love his father in his heart.

However, the father and son in the previous life were never reunited due to face issues.

In this life, due to the sudden rise of Zhao Feng, the father and son were reconciled, and they spent more than two years and nearly three years of being a loving father and a filial son.

Zhao Yin's father's eyes turned red unconsciously, and they couldn't help but start to flow.

"Don't cry, everyone. You are all family people. You know that people will eventually die."

The old man said weakly, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Feng.

"Xiao Feng!"

"Grandpa, you say it and I listen!"

"Well, you are still smart. The children and grandchildren of my Zhao family should be like you, adaptable to changes, able to climb up and down, be able to enter Frog Island, go to the Lighthouse Country, and be good at fighting!"

The old man’s eyes were filled with joy!

"Originally, ahem, I was worried that your kid was only a little clever, but would not be able to find a way to survive in a harsh environment. Now it seems that I was overly worried. You did a great job this time! Over there Is it good?"

"It just started!"

"Not bad, not bad! They are better than your fourth aunt and the others. They are sent to study abroad one by one. They know how to spend money and have never done anything bad. Haha, haha, hahaha!"

The old man laughed with great relief.

"My old Zhao family is blessed!"

"You flatter me."

"Now you can see it, it seems my body can't survive this winter."

Mr. Zhao gradually became serious and warned Zhao Feng: "If I leave, Xu Anbang has a good relationship with you. For his sake, he will take care of you. But he will not care about uncles and aunts like you." of."

"I understand, I will help if I can!"

"Hey, I knew it, but you didn't understand!"

The old man sighed, shook his head and said: "Remember, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. As long as the roots remain, there will be a day when the branches and leaves will flourish again. I have already told you, uncles and aunts, to let At this critical moment, they must protect you and Xiaowu no matter what.


Zhao Feng's eye circles instantly turned red!

He really wanted to say that his assets were not only in Daxia, but were already spread all over the world. Even if he lost part of them, he would not be hurt!

But the old man still raised his hand to stop Zhao Feng from talking.

"."I also told your father that he must listen to your advice at critical moments! Now remember, you must immediately disperse the entire industry in Ludong. I believe many people are already staring at you. You Charles and KFC, they are already eyeing it. And over there in Shanghai and Hainan, you have to be careful!"

"I see."

"Get along well with the Xu family. Xu Anbang may be able to help you at a critical moment. I'm sure those hungry wolves from the Meng family have already started thinking about how to eat our Zhao family. You want a thousand and fifty-five!"

"I understand, Grandpa, don't worry. As long as I, Zhao Feng, are here, my Zhao family will be the most powerful family in the world! No one can stop me!"

Zhao Feng's words were sonorous and powerful. This was not to comfort the old man, but a promise!

this moment.

Zhao Feng is no longer a simple man. He hopes that his father can successfully transform without any regrets. It's not that they hope that the Zhao family will be brilliant and have no shortage of money.

But Zhao Feng made up his mind to become a real tycoon!

He wants his own influence, not an existence that will fall apart if one person leaves the family!

"Okay, okay, my grandson should have such courage and heroism! Haha, hahahaha!"

The old man looked up to the sky and laughed!

Until you die!



The old man has gone west!

Even the old lady didn't expect that the old man, who had always been in good health, would walk in front of the old lady who was in poor health.

The old lady was mentally traumatized, but she was still a good wife and mother after all. She did not ask any more questions about the future of the Zhao family, but silently abided by the old man's last words before leaving.

In addition to handling the funeral, everyone in the second generation of the Zhao family, with Zhao Feng as the core, started the first family meeting of the new generation!

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