in the following time.

Shirley started to do business with Guo Zicun.

Guo Zicun, who has just arrived in the Lighthouse Country, is very unfamiliar with everything and can only rely on Shirley to provide him with popular science.

Originally, Zhao Feng had good intentions.

But within two days, Shirley found Zhao Feng and said, "You should find someone else to teach that guy!"

"What's wrong? Brother Guo, can't he learn?"


"That's it? He always asks me my age, if I have a boyfriend, and when I plan to get married. I really can't stand working with this kind of person!"

"Ahem, Brother Guo is just curious. Besides, haven't you felt it until now?"

"What does it feel like?"

"Actually, Brother Guo likes you. It seems that he fell in love with you at the first sight when he went to Shanghai.

"But I don't like him!"

"Um, why don't you think about it before answering?"

Zhao Feng almost fell over when he saw Shirley's almost thoughtless answer!

Isn't this girl too straightforward?

Fortunately, Guo Zicun is not here, otherwise Guo Zicun's little heart would be shattered into dregs again!

"If you don't like it, you just don't like it. He's not my type, why should I agree to him?"

"Ahem, Brother Guo is beautiful on the inside!"

"Inside? You said he has a good figure?"


Zhao Feng felt like he couldn't explain this character issue to Shirley.

“It’s not about his figure, it’s just that this person has a very good character.

"What does character have to do with love?"

"Would you like someone with bad character?"

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes and asked speechlessly.

In his opinion, if a person has good character, girls in the group will like him.

But Shirley looked at Zhao Feng with doubts on her face and asked strangely: "What does it have to do with whether you like someone or not, whether you are a good character or not? As long as you like someone, I will stay with him even if he goes to hell! Besides, , What’s so good about having a good character? I like boys who are more bad-tempered!”

"Bad? What do you mean?"

Zhao Feng was completely stunned!

What kind of hobbies does Shirley have?

Is this the legendary saying that if men are not bad, women will not love them?

Shirley nodded and said a little shyly: "Well, especially the kind that looks very honest but has a lot of bad ideas."

Finished. Shirley also glanced at Zhao Feng secretly.

However, Zhao Feng didn't notice Shirley's eyes. His mind was full of confusion and he didn't understand what this woman was thinking.

"Does Hao Bingjie also like bad people? Doesn't she like honest people like me?"

If Guo Zicun knew that Zhao Feng claimed to be an "honest man", he would be the first to come up and strangle Zhao Feng to death!

If Zhao Feng were an honest (bhdh) person, then there would be only truth, goodness and beauty left in this world!

"Well, since you don't get along very well, what about our plan?"

"I've asked Uncle White to train him specially."


Zhao Feng thought of this muscular man, and he heard that he was the first to conduct the 'interrogation' of Li Yanhong. Zhao Feng suddenly shuddered and felt that the situation was not good!

As if she could tell what Zhao Feng was thinking, Shirley covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Uncle White and Guo Zicun are very close to each other, and they get along very well!"

"Good fellowship?"

Zhao Feng is full of thoughts.

Shirley glared at Zhao Feng with dissatisfaction, stamped her feet and said: "What are you trying to scare? I mean, Uncle White and Guo Zicun have a common language and they had a great time chatting.

"Common language? Uh!"

Zhao Feng made up his mind to stay away from Guo Zicun in the future.

When did this kid change his hobbies? How come he didn’t know!

At this time, Guo Zicun, who was fighting with White, suddenly felt a cold feeling on his neck, took off his hood and boxing gloves, waved his hands and said: "No fight, no fight, that's it for today!"

"Why don't you fight?"

"I always feel a little chilly in my back!"

"It's getting late, it's normal to be cold at night!"

"It's not that cold, I always feel like someone will say bad things about me again!"

Guo Zicun touched the back of his neck and asked White, "Tell me, how should I talk to that Jeff?"

"It's simple..."

White began to explain bit by bit.

Three days later.

Under Steve's introduction, Jeff received Guo Zicun, who came all the way from Daxia, at the best French restaurant in New City!

"Hello, Mr. Guo!"

"Hello, Mr. Jeff, I didn't expect your Daxia dialect to be so good!"

"A little bit, a little bit!"

"Haha, that's very standard!"

After Guo Zicun flattered him, the two of them took their seats respectively.

Jeff ordered the waiter to start serving the appetizers.

Guo Zicun didn't say anything more. He followed Jeff's example and started enjoying the food with a knife and fork.

After a while.

Jeff took the lead and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Guo, I think you also know the purpose of inviting you here this time, right?"

"Hey, Mr. Jeff, I thought if I kept eating and not talking, you wouldn't mention this!"

"Smart Mr. Guo, I won't hide it from you. I really need your help now. It is said that you are doing a great job in the Internet company in Daxia?"

"Yes, this panda chat software, have you seen it?"

"Do you want to chat with pandas? I've seen it before, but I don't have to do it!"

Of course Jeff doesn’t use it much!

How could people from their lighthouse country use things from the backward Daxia people?

Besides, he could tell at a glance that this thing was very similar to the ICQ instant messaging software. It was simply plagiarism, and he couldn't help but feel a little contempt for Guo Zicun.

But even so, he was relieved.

Guo Zicun doesn’t have much strength, and the type of business Guo Zicun operates is completely different from his own. Although they both belong to the Internet, their businesses do not overlap!

"Haha, I was also introduced by a friend. I heard Steve say that there is a good investment, so I am willing to come here."

"Don't worry, my company is definitely one of the most promising companies in the Lighthouse Country!"

Jeff said with great confidence: "It's just that now I have encountered some hateful bastards who want to secretly steal my results. As long as Mr. Guo can help me, I think you will be able to get rich rewards in the future!"

"I feel relieved when you see Mr. Jeff say this. Let's talk openly, Mr. Jeff, my budget is only 20 million, I don't know if it is enough... If not, I really There is nothing I can do to help!"


Jeff calculated in his mind that although there were a lot of additional shares issued, fortunately the price was relatively low now. Once he issued additional shares, their company's stock price would naturally fall.

"That should be enough! But I still want to say, Mr. Guo, even if you hold the company's shares, you cannot participate in the company's operations. Are you sure?"

"Of course, I have a lot of things to do myself, and I am not in the mood to take care of the company in the lighthouse country on the other side of the ocean!"

"Great, we will write these into the contract. Please forgive me, Mr. Guo!"


"Then do you have any questions?"

"there is none left!"

"Since there is no problem, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Jeff was not willing to lose such an ideal partner, so he raised his glass and said to Guo Zicun.

“A pleasure to work with!”

Guo Zicun smiled and drank down the red wine in his hand, and the stone in his heart fell. In this way, the last step of Zhao Feng's acquisition plan was completely completed!

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