I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

133 Huh? The Atmosphere Is Not Right! (3 Updates)

The next day.

When Fang Xu saw that Zhao Feng didn't come to school, a happy smile appeared on his lips!

[This guy was finally fucked by me, and his mood immediately improved inexplicably! 】

But soon, Fang Xu found that the younger brothers he recognized also did not come to school, which made him frown.

Just at this time.

Some students whispered: "Have you heard? Fang Xu was beaten and hospitalized!"

"I heard about it. I heard that concussion is quite serious!"

"Oh, how pitiful! I heard that concussions can also affect intelligence!"

Fang Xu was suddenly dumbfounded!

"Concussion? Are you kidding me? I don't have people like that to be cruel!"

Fang Xu felt that things were not going well!

"Did they act unmeasured? Or did Zhao Feng resist too fiercely?"

And the other end.

Zhao Feng's head was wrapped in a bandage. At Zhao Feng's request, his feet were hung up and his hands were wrapped in bandages!

Seeing the group of parents who were chasing him, Zhao Feng immediately closed his eyes and showed a painful expression.

"How could you beat someone like this?"

"This, what should we do?"

"Those 17, are you a relative of this classmate? We, our children have always been very well-behaved, he definitely didn't do anything!"

Zhao Feng's third uncle and third aunt looked at Zhao Feng speechlessly.

According to the theory of those kids yesterday, Zhao Feng beat himself to a bloody head, and they never even touched Zhao Feng.

At first, Zhao Feng's head was covered in blood, so he didn't believe it.

But who would have known that when he arrived at the hospital, Zhao Feng would call over his lawyer and ask him in front of his third aunt whether a concussion was considered a first-degree disability?

I almost made my third aunt vomit blood!

Later, Zhao Feng did an MRI and an electrocardiogram.

In the end, I even went to a psychiatrist!

Under the guidance of a lawyer, a diagnosis certificate indicating at least a second-degree disability was released!

"Everyone, I am the lawyer hired by the parents of classmate Zhao Feng. If you have any questions, you can ask me.

As a lawyer, this is just a small scene for him!

Mild concussion?

It doesn't matter!

The neurology department made a visit to determine the damage to Zhao Feng's nervous system caused by the injury, such as dizziness when he saw turned heads and wooden sticks!

Then the next thing will be much easier to deal with!

All parents were confused when they saw the second-degree disability on the appraisal certificate!

"Everyone, this matter is not trivial. As far as I can see, Zhao Feng is kind to others in school and never does anything excessive. I think you parents should explain the seriousness of the problem to your children clearly. Sex, this will determine their future fate!"

The lawyer smiled and persuaded the parents: "I believe that they will not bully a classmate who has no interaction with them for no reason [are you right?"

"Yes, yes, someone must have instigated it!"

"Mr. Lawyer, you are absolutely right. Someone must have taught our boy a bad way!"

"Made, let me know who is behind this, and I must break his legs!"

The parents left immediately, found their sons after they were arrested, and angrily scolded them for their behavior, not listening to their children's cries at all!

After all, these people are originally at the level of gangsters.

He is a habitual liar, not to mention that outsiders don’t believe that they didn’t do anything, even his own parents don’t believe it, but every parent firmly believes in it!

We must find the mastermind behind this!

Sure enough, within a few moments, someone saw the second-level disability appraisal and immediately betrayed Fang Xu!

"Yes, it was Fang Xu who asked us to trouble Zhao Feng!"

"Yes, it's Fang Xu. He said we should teach Zhao Feng a lesson, so he invited us to sing!"

After one person confessed, the others no longer hesitated and immediately confessed to Fang Xu!

Before Fang Xu found out what happened, he was surrounded by a group of angry parents as soon as he got out of school!

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, who's going to hit me? I, I'm going to call someone?"

"Ouch, are you still hitting me?"

Immediately, a miracle appeared at the school gate!

A group of parents beat up a student!

The next day, Fang Xu was also absent as promised!

Because he is also hospitalized!

At this time, Da Mao walked into Zhao Feng's ward with two girls!

Seeing Zhao Feng's head wrapped in gauze, Han Wei immediately opened her mouth and asked in surprise: "Did Fang Xu really ask someone to beat your mother? Zhao Feng!"

"Who else could it be if he wasn't him?"

Zhao Feng told Da Mao: "Go and move a chair for the two girls!"


Da Mao nodded and brought chairs for the two of them.

Zhao Feng sat on the bed with a smile and asked Han Wei: "Are you and Fang Xu together now?"

"You, what are you talking about?"

Han Wei's cheeks turned red and she denied it.

"No need to deny it, I heard your conversation in the toilet that day. Han Wei, tell the truth, were you forced by Fang Xu's threat? Or do you really like Fang Xu?"

The best friend on the side was stunned for a moment and asked displeasedly: "Zhao Feng, are you trying to stand up for Han Wei?"

"No, I'm just avenging myself!"

Zhao Feng shook his head and answered truthfully: "Anyway, Fang Xu asked someone to beat me. I can't swallow this breath. If Han Wei really likes Fang Xu, then Han Wei will be prepared to lose your boyfriend for a while. If Han Wei If you really want to get rid of this person, I wouldn't mind helping you.

"Hmph, you just want to take advantage of us, Han Wei, right?"

"You should be lucky to be used by me. If you are not worthy of being used by me, whether I can help you or not depends on my mood!"

"Han Wei, let's go! This guy is so bad!"

After saying that, her best friend Xiaomei was about to take Han Wei away.

Seeing that things were about to go wrong, a voice suddenly sounded and persuaded two people to stay!

"If I were you, I would stay instead of sacrificing my future doctor for the sake of face!"

Xu Rui walked in with the Baowen lunch box and said calmly: "Rather than saying that you are being used, it is better to say that this is your opportunity. You can use him to achieve your own goals!"

Han Wei, who was about to stand up 400 times, suddenly froze in mid-air. She glanced at the radiant Xu Rui with complex eyes, then looked at Zhao Feng and asked: "Can you really help me? My father is still sick. , my house at home also belongs to Fang Xu. Besides, how will I still be in school in the future..."

"Don't worry about your illness. My third aunt is a doctor and can help you contact the hospital. I can pay for the medical expenses!"

Zhao Feng thought for a while and continued: "As for the house? If it is in your name, you can sell it and buy a new one in another city. I will pay the difference. I can also help you transfer to another school. I have a A relative teaches at a university in Shanghai. I can help you think of a solution.

"Why should I trust you?"

"After I arrange your family, you will naturally believe it."

"That, that's good. If you can do that, I, I will sue Fang Xu, he, he abused me!"

"very good!"

Zhao Feng raised the corner of his mouth, stood up, shook hands with Han Wei and said, "Believe me, classmate Han Wei, you will have a bright future instead of living in someone's shadow!"


The three girls present were stunned!

"You, you, you, you, are you, okay?"

Han Wei's best friend Xiaomei stammered and exclaimed.

"Ahem! That's just a little better."

Zhao Feng felt Xu Rui's fierce murderous intent and immediately hurriedly explained that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, "I was really hurt." Song was just a little too quick to get better.

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