I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

131 Everything Is Not Going Well! (1 Update)

recent period of time.

Mahuateng and a few friends are very excited!

Although Ma Hua Teng’s family is well off and her parents know the big boss in Xiangjiang, Ma Hua Teng doesn’t want to find a way through her parents’ relationship unless she has to!

I originally thought that my business would fail, but I didn't expect to get the first wave of investment, and the investment was 5 million, which made Mahuateng feel that I still have great potential!

"As long as we work hard, we will definitely make the company bigger!"

Mahuateng enthusiastically cheered on his fellow entrepreneurs.

Everyone nodded.

You know, this company was established without any risk capital injection.

Just the company's expenses every day make them feel extremely stressed!

Moreover, at this time, there were several companies working on instant messaging technology, such as Feixia, Zhongxia.com, etc., so Mahuateng and the others were not the only pioneers!

"With the first investment, there will be a second one, a third one, and there will only be more and more in the future!"

Mahuateng said very excitedly: "And I think Mr. Fang's proposal is very good. We need to optimize the software, not just for communication, but to develop an online upgrade system. It is also very interesting and will help our users." Long time online!”

Several people nodded one after another, everyone was full of confidence!

Just at this time.

Someone's knocking on the door!

Boom, boom, boom!

"who are you looking for?"

Seeing the person coming, Mahuateng couldn't help but frowned and asked.

After taking a look at the messy office space, the visitor asked Mahuateng: "Is this Penguin Computer Systems Co., Ltd.?"

"Yes you are?"

"This is for you, please sign for it!"

"Ah? Okay!"

After Mahuateng received the mail, signed for it, and waited for others to leave, everyone came up to ask.

"Who sent the email?"

"For what?"

"Is this the benefit that Mr. Fang gave us?"

Several people still remembered that Fang Xu said before leaving that if they could make the chat software according to his ideas, he would give them benefits.

Everyone is looking forward to it!

Especially Fang Xu also promised to provide their company with a car!

Imagination is wonderful!

But the reality is cruel!

When everyone saw that it was a lawyer's letter, everyone was dumbfounded!

"This, this is, who is going to sue us?"

"Look, it's ICQ Company!"

"They? It's terrible, what can we do?"

Several people looked at Mahuateng. You must know that it was Mahuaquan who said it was okay when this situation started!

But now, something happened, and everyone instantly felt an invisible pressure!

Mahuateng said calmly: "Don't be anxious yet, it's just a lawyer's letter, don't be afraid!"

Mahua Teng has seen the world, and he has also been exposed to affairs in Xiangjiang with his parents. He knows that a lawyer's letter is scary at best, and the other party may not really go to court!

But obviously, Mahuateng was wrong!

Pengcheng’s first infringement case of the year will be heard soon!

The content is that ICQ Company sued Mahuateng and others for allegedly infringing the OICQ program written by Mahuateng and others, and asked Mahuateng and others to stop using this software and return the domain name to ICQ Company!

In an instant, Mahuateng was involved in lawsuits!

When Zhao Feng in Yanjing heard the news, he was not in a hurry. He took the initiative to contact ICQ's company in Daxia and expressed his willingness to support a team of lawyers from the other party to launch lawsuits against Mahua Teng in various provinces across the country!

As for money?

Zhao Feng is never short of money!

In the next half month, Mahuateng was completely mired in lawsuits!

Even Fang Xu was at a loss, but he could only hire a lawyer for Mahua Teng and others to help Penguin Company, which he invested in, overcome this difficulty!

As smart as Fang Xu, he would not have guessed that Zhao Feng secretly told ICQ Company about this matter, and also provided his own team of lawyers to the other party to file a lawsuit with Mahuateng!

For ICQ Company, this is a must-win relationship, and if someone is willing to take the initiative to bear the legal fees, they have no reason not to fight!

Therefore, no matter how Fang Xu contacted them, they were indifferent, and there was no possibility of any private reconciliation!

After doing this, Fang Xu couldn't hold back his temper any longer!

[Made, what’s going on? Why are there so many lawsuits coming, as if it’s free of charge? Which guy is trying to trick me?]

[What should I do now? In the previous life, Mahua Veng must have been able to withstand it. Logically speaking, with my support, there is no reason why he can't resist it. But now I’m throwing money at every lawsuit, and I can’t bear it!】

[This feeling is so unpleasant! No, I have to praise someone to feel better. 】

Immediately, Fang Xu looked at Zhao Feng!

Zhao Feng pretended not to see Fang Xu's eyes, but his heart sank slightly!


Fang Xu is getting more and more arrogant now!

Before he even takes action, this guy wants to beat himself up because his business is not going well?

If you really have a lot of bad money, do you think that you are really the cause of the trouble?

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng decided to contact Da Mao and ask Da Mao to bring someone over to see how much Fang Xu can do!

Class is over.

Zhao Feng hid in the toilet and was about to call Da Mao to shake him off.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng heard a familiar cry in the squatting pit.

Resisting the stench of the latrine, Zhao Feng put his ear to the wall and listened to the conversation of the girl next door.

"Han Wei, why do you have a scar on your arm?"

"I-I'm fine! Woohoo!"

"No, something must be wrong with you, tell me! What's going on with this scar?"

"I'm really fine!"

"No, you have been so close to that Fang Xu recently. Do you think it was because of that Fang Xu?"


"He, he was also careless. He has been in a bad mood recently, and he did it accidentally when we were doing that before!"

"You, tell me about you, what do you want me to say about you? No, I want to settle the score with Fang Xu!"

"No, Xiaomei, don't go looking for him. He is actually very good to me!"

"Very good? Is this called very good? Tell me the truth, do you really like Fang Xu, or did he use some means to coerce you?"

"There is no need to say this. Fang Xu is really outstanding. He has created such a big career at a young age without relying on his family. He is also well-informed and interesting...

"There are many excellent people out there, but that doesn't mean they just like them."

"He is also very kind. When my father was hospitalized, he paid for it. Moreover, he also changed my family from a bungalow to a building. I am really grateful to him!"

"Hey, Han Wei, what do you want me to say about you? Are these things comparable to the grievances you have suffered? Don't you know that Fang Xu also has a very good relationship with a class beauty in the lower grade? ?I heard that he often goes to the karaoke bar with his arms around others, can you tolerate it? "

"Wuwu, Xiaomei, stop talking. I, I am already his, I, I can only follow him. Otherwise, what do you want me to do? Wuwuwu!"

Listen to the cry on the other side.

Zhao Feng held his chin and said thoughtfully: "Hey, I guessed it right. The relationship between class beauty Han Wei and Fang Xu is not a simple admiration, and the fear in Han Wei's eyes is not fake. It's interesting!" "

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng turned off Big Brother and decided not to seek revenge from Da Mao for the time being!

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