I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

128 Become The Receiver Again! (3 Updates)

"Be careful!"

Xu Rui leaned close to Zhao Feng's ear and reminded in a low voice: "His reputation in the circle is not very good!"

"Is it?"

Zhao Feng glanced at Xu Rui in surprise, not expecting that Xu Rui even knew this.

But considering that she is the eldest daughter of a wealthy family and likes to chase stars, it is not difficult to know these things.

So, he nodded, smiled and said to Zhou Xin: "Mr. Zhou, do you want me to invest in your movie?"


"I can invest, but Mr. Zhou must come to our Universal Pictures to make movies. What do you think?"

Zhou Xin shook his head and replied: "This is the first movie made by my own company! I want to make it according to my ideas!"

"That's it!"

When Zhao Feng heard that he was setting up his own business, he knew that he would definitely not be able to poach him, so he simply gave up and said, "Okay, let's just follow the normal procedures."

Zhao Feng immediately lost interest!

After all, if you share the box office of a Hong Kong movie, how can you make money by sharing the box office of a blockbuster movie like "Titanic"?

Now he is very interested in the blockbuster film "Lighthouse Country"17, and is wondering when he will continue to make blockbusters!

Zhou Xin felt that Zhao Feng was interested, but it seemed that when Zhao Feng heard that he just divided the box office, he seemed to have lost much interest. Zhou Xin knew that Zhao Feng had great ambitions!

After Zhou Xin left, Xu said to Zhao Feng: "Do you really want to invest in movies?"

"What's wrong?"


Xu Rui shook his head and reminded Zhao Feng: "Actually, the situation of Zhou Xin's company is not good. If he asks you to invest, you can definitely ask for some high prices. But based on the evaluation of Zhou Xin by people in the circle, this person's professional quality I can’t say anything about it, but I’m very demanding when making movies, and it’s said that I love money very much!”

“It’s normal to love money!”

Zhao Fengdao didn't think this was a bad thing.

He also loves money himself!

"I mean, he is very rich now. If you want him to make a movie for you, it will be difficult."

"It doesn't matter!"

Zhao Feng's mind has begun to change!

He had another idea, that is, he didn't know if Zhou Shan could react now!

If Zhou Xin still can't see the huge potential of the Daxia market now, he only needs to seize this piece, even if he spends 1 billion Xiangjiang coins, it will be worth it!

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng immediately called Jiang Tao and told Jiang Tao: "If a person named Zhou Xin comes to you to invest in his movie, remember not to refuse. You can invest 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and it won't be a problem!"

"Zhou Xin? I understand, is he the famous comedian in Xiangjiang?"


"But, Mr. Zhao, isn't 100 million a bit too much? It's just investment. Even the current annual box office champion has not exceeded 100 million!"

Jiang Tao thinks Zhao Feng has made too much money and wants to spread the money?

Will Xiangjiang's box office exceed 100 million?

Most of them are tens of millions, and those who can reach 50 million are only a minority among the minority, okay?

"Of course, this 100 million is not an investment in movies. I want the franchise rights for all Zhou Xin's movies in the mainland!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Haha, including movies related to Zhou Xin in the past, as well as movies directed or shot by Zhou Xin in the next fifty years, as long as they are released in the mainland, I own the copyright! In addition, the music of the movie, and by extension All inland copyrights for the restaurants, sequels, spin-offs, etc. will belong to me!"

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes and sneered: "If 100 million is not enough, 500 million is fine! Anyway, you just need to take it!"

"Do you want those movies you made before?"

"of course yes!"

"Those have all been released!"

"I want that too!"

“Issuing companies may not be easy to negotiate with!”

"So I gave you a quota of 500 million, I think it's enough!"

"Um, okay, I'll give it a try!"

Jiang Tao really doesn't understand, why does Zhao Feng even want the copyright of the film that has been released?

Moreover, the inland market does not pay attention to copyright at all. Why doesn't Zhao Feng think about how they started their business?

He collects second-hand electronic products, and Zhao Feng once resold audio tapes and audio discs!

"Forget it, let's just call it a good deed!"

Jiang Tao immediately asked people from the company to contact Zhou Xin's company to start discussing investment!

Zhou Xin had originally made up his mind that even if an ambitious person like Zhao Feng invested 10 million, he would not give up 50% of the box office!

But unexpectedly, Jiang Tao's words made Zhou Xin extremely surprised!

"Only 10% of the box office? But the ownership of the mainland movie theaters belongs to Ling Yun? And in the future, if I star in, direct, or even participate in the movies, all the operating rights and profits of the mainland will be given to Ling Yun?"

Zhou Xin thought about it for a moment, but when he saw Jiang Tao's move was 20 million, he was very excited!

You know, even if this "Comedy Web" movie can get 50 million box office when it is released, in fact, he can get up to 60% of it, which is pretty good!

But once Zhao Feng makes a move, it’s 20 million, and it doesn’t even count the box office!

As for the inland market?

Although there has been some improvement in the past two years, he feels that his market is still in Xiangjiang. The inland is too poor and the box office will not be much!

"no problem!"

Zhou Xin agreed after thinking for a moment and said to Jiang Tao: "But the premise is that you must invest in every movie!"

"Don't worry, for every movie you star in from now on, we will judge the investment amount based on the script!"

"Okay then, when will the contract be signed?"

"Today I will let the lawyer draw up the contract, and tomorrow I will go to your company to sign the contract!"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the company at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Zhou Xin hung up the phone and stretched out comfortably!

He felt that he was very lucky and picked up 20 million for no reason.

Recalling how he first met Zhao Feng, Zhou Xin smiled and shook his head: "He is indeed a young master from a rich family. He doesn't use money as a favor at all!"

Zhou Xin also despised Zhao Feng's behavior of spreading money everywhere!

Because his family has been poor since he was a child, and he has earned every penny he has today through his own strength!

Therefore, when it comes to spending money, he doesn't like Zhao Feng's behavior of randomly throwing money away!

On the contrary, Xu Rui, after hearing Zhao Feng's request, pondered for a moment and immediately guessed what Zhao Feng was thinking!

"You think the internal market will be the main force in the future, so you plan ahead?"

"She is indeed a young lady from a wealthy family. She hit the nail on the head!"

Zhao Feng did not hide his thoughts because he believed that many people would think so. Otherwise, why would Li Jiacheng and the others go to the inland to engage in real estate?

"But, are you confident that Zhou Xin can enjoy life as well as King Liu Tianwang and others in the interior?"

"Haha, that's what's missing!"

Zhao Feng raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "In my opinion, he can definitely eat it!"

"But if you can't eat it, all your money will be wasted! Those people may be happy for you to pick up the movies that are already released!"

"I can't help it. Who told me to be a 'good person' and always take other people's orders?"

Zhao Feng looked 'sad'!.

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