I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

113 Victory Or Defeat Depends On Will! (5 Updates)

Zhang Chaoyang discovered that Zhao Feng seemed to be very interested in the Internet!

This is also what he likes to see!

Because he thinks the Internet is the future!

Of course he would be happy to have such an investor!

"Is Wang Zhi moving?"

Zhao Feng recalled Fang Xu's words and knew that this guy was no worse than Zhang Chaoyang. His Xinglang had at least ushered in the era of various mailboxes!

"How about investing a little bit?"

Zhao Feng thought for a while and said to Zhang Chaoyang: "Invite this person over to meet you another day. If he is a good person, I will vote for him!"


Zhang Chaoyang patted his thigh and immediately went to contact someone.

At this time, Liu Qiandong also actively contacted Zhao Feng. He knew that Zhao Feng had bought six shops in Xiaguan Village and wanted to rent these shops in one go!

Hearing Liu Qiandong's words, Zhao Feng was surprised and asked: "I said, Old Liu, before you started a business, I could give it to you for free. But now you..."

"I see!"

Liu Qiandong took out his own accounts and said to Zhao Feng: "I'm going to set up a company to buy optical discs and recorders, and I'm going to call it 17 Jingdong Multimedia!"

"Oh, what then?"

"Of course, how about you and I each holding 50% of the shares here?"

"Yes, yes, but are you sure you want to get the CD?"

"Hey, people's copyright awareness is getting stronger now, and many people don't like to buy pirated CDs. I think more people will want to buy genuine CDs in the future!"

"All right!"

Zhao Feng nodded and agreed to invest in six of his stores. Liu Qiandong gave Zhao Feng 55% of the shares!

And Zhao Feng also agrees that if the company continues to grow and reaches a scale of tens of millions, Zhao Feng will continue to invest another 20 million in it as follow-up financing!

In this way, Liu Qiandong is in full swing!

Even for the next round of financing, he will make Jingdong bigger and stronger!

When he was in Yanjing, Zhao Feng was not idle. When he had nothing to do, he asked New Oriental to arrange teachers to come and give him one-on-one lessons!

At the same time, I saw that all the teachers were very talented and occasionally learned from others.

Such as computers, the Internet, guitar, music theory, etc. Anyway, Zhao Feng does not seek to be proficient, but only seeks to understand something. If you can apply it, you will be good!

Just as Zhao Feng got up and prepared to go back to his hometown for the New Year.


Mr. Zhu is here!

"It's still the same. It seems like you don't come here often! You don't have anyone to keep things in order!"

A familiar voice woke up Zhao Feng who was practicing guitar.

"Mr. Zhu? Why are you here?"

"Haha, if I don't come, you won't take the initiative to come to me!"

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu, let's see what you said."

Zhao Feng put down the guitar in his hand, moved a chair for Mr. Zhu, and asked: "Do you want to do it inside? Or do you want to do it in the yard?"

"Come in the yard and get some air!"

"That's fine!"

After Zhao Feng moved the chair, he moved a small table and made tea for Mr. Zhu.

"Mr. Zhu, you are here this time. Do you have any advice?"

"Haha, do you know how to test me?"

"No, I just think you are extraordinary."

"Okay, you will know what you should know, and you don't need to know what you shouldn't know!"

Mr. Zhu picked up the tea cup casually, took a sip of tea, and then put it down again and said: "You are doing great this time. After a trip to Xiangjiang, you suddenly transformed from the little guy with millions in your hands to a net worth of hundreds of millions." Alright?"


Zhao Feng scratched his head. This Mr. Zhu really had great powers. He actually knew that he had made a fortune from the financial crisis!

However, I still miscalculated!

The hundreds of millions that Mr. Zhu mentioned was just the tip of the iceberg for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng has more than one billion lighthouse knives. In addition to the tens of millions of lighthouse knives exchanged for Hong Kong coins and the 300 million lighthouse knives invested in "Titanic", Zhao Feng still holds almost 1.2 billion lighthouse knives in his hands!

This money is the money he plans to buy from Taiji State Enterprises at the bottom!

"I didn't realize that you have unique insights into the financial market, and you can actually take a sip of soup with those international speculators!"

Although Mr. Zhu made few guesses, he still knew where Zhao Feng made the money!

"It's just a fluke!"

"You know it's just a fluke!"

Mr. Zhu glanced at Zhao Feng. He felt that Zhao Feng didn't really think it was a fluke!

Although he was also very surprised as to how Zhao Feng drank this sip of soup. You must know that none of those people left any soup for others. Generally, they were like locusts passing by, without even a blade of grass growing!

People who can drink soup must also have the ability to drink soup!

"You are still taking too many risks. Doing business requires a steady approach. If you rush in like this, be careful of capsizing in the gutter!"

"Understood, didn't I stop doing it later?"

"Well, your judgment is correct. Do you know the current situation in Xiangjiang?"

"Know something."

"Oh? What do you think?"

"With the Quantum Fund as the main body, those people will definitely attack Xiangjiang. I guess after the New Year, they will speed up their attack!"

"Then do you think the four major families and the Xiangjiang gang can stop them?"


Zhao Feng was stunned. This topic made it difficult for him to answer!

Although he knew that Lao Suo and Lao Bi were defeated in the end and conservatively estimated that he might have lost more than 2 billion lighthouse swords, but that was because Dazhi later fully supported the fight with the Xiangjiang officials!

Now do you think you can handle it?

What if Daxia doesn’t devote all its efforts to support the country?

You say you can't bear it?

Obviously Fang Xu, the reborn person, claimed to have resisted, and even cheated that bastard Soros for 2 billion. How can it be considered a victory?

Seeing that Zhao Feng was stunned, he shook his head with a smile and said: "It seems it is too early to ask you 91 such a question!"

"No, I just feel that the final outcome of this matter should not be judged by me."

"Oh why?"

"Any battle requires the fighting will of the parties involved to determine the outcome. Whether these international speculators can succeed depends on how much fighting will the Hong Kong officials have! Shopping malls are like battlefields and financial wars. If they don't even dare to show their swords and don't have the courage to hold on, If you are determined to eat a piece of the opponent's flesh even if you die, then do you still need to guess whether you will win or lose?"

"Okay, okay! You're so good that you don't even dare to draw your sword!"

Mr. Zhu smiled and patted the armrest and said: "I didn't expect you to point out the key point at once! You are right, the outcome of the battle depends on the will of both parties! So what do you think you and I can do?"

"Me? You?"

Zhao Feng was shocked!

This question asks, what can he do?

Of course, take advantage of this moment to make a fortune in the Hong Kong stock market!

As for Mr. Zhu?

Zhao Feng couldn't laugh or cry, how did he know what Mr. Zhu could do?

In desperation, Zhao Feng spread his hands and said: "Of course I will continue to make money. As for you, Mr. Zhu? You have a big picture and a high vision. You should be able to see what will happen to Thailand and the others, right? I don't need to tell you how to do it." ?”

"Good boy!"

After Mr. Zhu took a deep look at Zhao Feng, he stood up and left slowly.

Obviously, Mr. Zhu was also shocked by Zhao Feng's simple way of shutting him down!.

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