I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

102 Card Guide Is Short Of Money? (4 More Updates)

"Young Master Zhao really has a good plan. This time, I, Li Zhaoji, am convinced!"

Without much thought, Li Zhaoji decided to help Zhao Feng eat 100 million Xiangjiang coins, which was regarded as a pledge of honor to turn the war with Zhao Feng into friendship.

After all, the reputation of their Li family is still the most important.

If people know that they can control banks to borrow money at will, it will have a huge impact on the entire industry under Li Zhaoji, especially the financial industry!

There are some things that you know but can’t say!

What happened this time was that we knew there was a problem, but we couldn't make it public!

Under Li Zhaoji's kindness, Zhao Feng and others had a pleasant meal and left in style.

Li Jiajie said to his father dissatisfied: "Father, this kid is too bad. He is robbing our family!"

"Humph, this is my skill!"

Although Li Zhaoji was dissatisfied with Zhao Feng for "297", considering Zhao Feng's background, he did not want to offend him too much.

Then he turned around, looked at Li Jiacheng behind him, and said coldly: "If you hadn't had such a good brother, how could they have hit us on the head?"

"Dad, how can you speak for outsiders?"

"shut up!"

Li Zhaoji glanced at the housekeeper and said, "Bring me the family law!"


"Shut up, student! You'd better tell me all the good things you've done now!"

"Say or not?"

That night, there were screams in the mansion!

And Jiang Tao's family deeply admires Zhao Feng at this moment!

There are not many people that Li Zhaoji can go out to greet in person!

There are only so many in the whole of Xiangjiang!

But those who can blackmail Li Zhao on the head and still succeed are even rarer!

Zhao Feng is absolutely capable of what others cannot do!


This matter did not continue to expand. Ji Zhaoji naturally would not say to everyone that he had been ripped off!

Only Jiang Tao knew that Zhao Feng would go straight back to a law firm after a meal!

The affairs in Xiangjiang have basically come to an end!

Although Zhao Feng knows that Lao Suo will attack Xiangjiang, in the next few months, international speculators led by Soros will test it first.

This is the same as the attack on Thailand. In the first few months, the attack was carried out in batches to test, and when it was almost done, a large-scale attack was launched!

The fact that the second young master of the Li family had his legs broken by his own father also made many people know that Ji Zhaoji had completely reconciled with Zhao Feng.

Therefore, a group of people who had followed Li Jiacheng to deliberately clean up the milk tea shop quickly left the team, and the business of 'Hao Bing's Tea' gradually returned to normal!

This wave comes down.

Zhao Feng was promoted from the first year of high school to the second year of high school and entered the preparatory stage for the college entrance examination!

"Master Zhao, Shuanghui inland is still unstable. When should we go back?"

Although Jiang Tao really wanted to stay in Xiangjiang to spend time with his wife and children, he also understood that he had a lot of burdens on him!

If it weren't for Zhao Feng, he wouldn't be reunited with his family today!

He absolutely does not allow himself to retire and live a happy life just because of his personal feelings!

"Well, we'll go back in two days."

Zhao Feng thought for a while, nodded and replied: "You have done a good job with the food company before. Isn't it almost the Mid-Autumn Festival? Launch a milky custard mooncake' to enhance the brand of our milk tea shop!"

"No problem, I'll do it right away, just call "Hao Bingzhong, how about using cakes?"


Zhao Feng is not very interested in naming!

Just when Jiang Tao followed Zhao Feng's instructions and came up with a product that could break open the heart of mooncakes, suddenly the client from the Lighthouse Country called.


"Hello, is this Mr. Shanfeng?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Jiang Tao glanced at Zhao Feng and asked after getting Zhao Feng's permission.

"That's right. Director Kamei is very satisfied with your song. He has already chosen it as the theme song for the "Titanic" movie and invited the world-famous female singer Dionne to sing it!"

"That's great!"

After seeing Zhao Feng nod, Jiang Tao quickly replied.

"But, Director Kamei wants to meet you!"

"see me?"

Zhao Feng frowned, he just made extra money, is it necessary to meet?

He thinks it's good to keep the mountain mysterious, at least it won't affect his personal life. Besides, he is so rich, why would he care about the identity of a creator?

Especially since he can only hum now, if he is exposed, he must first learn some basic knowledge of music theory and master an instrument to avoid exposing himself!

Soon, Zhao Feng decided not to meet with this guide!

"Forget it, I still have a lot of things to do in Xiangjiang and I don't have that much free time!"

"It's okay, the card guide can book a flight to Xiangjiang!"

"Ahem, just for a song, what about that?"

Zhao Feng felt that his scalp was sweating!

Are all these foreigners so stubborn?

"The main thing is that he also wants to discuss something with you!"

"What's the matter? Do we need to meet to talk?"

"Oh, the guide will discuss the details with you..."

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

Jiang Tao looked at Zhao Feng blankly and asked: "Master Zhao, what should we do next?"

"What should I do? Pick someone up!"

Zhao Feng thought for a while, since the other party wanted to see him for something, he probably came with a request, otherwise he wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to come by plane.

Then I also have the capital to keep the other party secret!

The other party is also an internationally renowned director, so he shouldn't be a big talker just to publicize his true colors!

So, Zhao Feng arranged for Jiang Tao to book a hotel for the card guide.

Three days later, Director Ka arrived in Xiangjiang in person. After arriving at the hotel, he met Zhao Feng in the room!

Seeing Zhao Feng and Jiang Tao, Director Ka immediately stepped forward, held Jiang Tao's hand cordially and said, "Hello, Shanfeng, Nicetomeetyou!"

Jiang Tao smiled awkwardly, pointed to Zhao Feng sitting next to him and said, "It's not me, it's him!"


Director Ka was completely stunned. He looked at Zhao Feng in disbelief, held his head in his hands, and exclaimed: "It's incredible! The mountain peak is actually a child? Oh my God!"

"Stuck guide, let's get to the point!" 4.0

Fortunately, Zhao Feng tried to practice speaking with New Oriental teachers early, so he can communicate with each other in more authentic English!

"You wouldn't fly here from the lighthouse country on the other side of the ocean just for a song, would you?"

"Is such that.

After the initial surprise, the director returned to his normal posture and said very seriously and professionally: "This time our shooting cost has seriously exceeded the budget, and we really can't buy the copyright of this song in one go. In fact, we are very likely to I can’t pay you for even a lighthouse knife!”

"Oh? What do you mean, you don't want to use it anymore?"

"No, no, I like this song very much and have already recorded it. I just want to ask you if you can use the copyright fee from this song as an investment to invest in this movie? Of course, after the movie is released, we can How about we divide the box office according to the money you invested and give it to you as the copyright fee?"

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