"When you came here before, I had some guesses about your identity. Unexpectedly, I guessed it by mistake. You should be the successor of that person, but why do you appear here?"

"Can't you see clearly now? I have been trapped here, how can I have a chance to escape from here."

Hearing these words, the person in front of me asked, and then nodded with a smile, yes, what are I thinking? If it is exactly what I thought. Maybe that won't cause any problems, but at present It seems that it is also a rapid adjustment process. No one will know clearly what they are thinking here.

After all, the decision is made very quickly at the moment, which leads to some experiences that I have predicted.

"How about this? I think you probably know about the previous incident, so we won’t waste time. Speaking of the previous incident, everyone is doing their own thing here. Doesn’t it seem a bit wrong?"

Hearing these words, the person in front of him hesitated. He didn't want to deceive himself and open a way for him here. That was simply impossible.

I was already very vigilant here and kept everyone around me safe. It seems that shielding is not for anything else, but that during the process, I always have to take some precautions.

In fact, I know many situations, but due to different ways of thinking, I have to let go of these so-called Views.

Sometimes I am clear, but not so clear. Now I am working very hard, hoping to make other people understand what I mean.

"How about this, you have seen the previous situation, none of us want to waste time here, so we might as well divide the troops into two groups to handle one route each, which may be much faster than the current process."

Gu Shaoyang did not question his choice, but nodded at her here. In this case, he did not need to waste time.

This process itself is the only chance for him to hesitate here. In fact, sometimes I am also making judgments to see if it is what I think.

But what to do is always so caught off guard. In this case, I will fall into a siege, so I must try to balance everything to the original state before doing so. In that situation.

It can be regarded as solving some troubles for themselves here, but in fact, what will really happen is not something they can solve at all.

Someone here understood these troubles a long time ago and gave a solution A corresponding solution, the person doing these things happens to be the person in front of me.

No one will know where they are going to play this game of chess. After all, they always have to weigh their direction, but sometimes things happen. The beginning is often in these progressive processes.

No one can recognize everyone's intentions, so I also took great pains to understand some of their directions. However, despite these actions, I am still the same as before.

Sometimes greed is not enough, so you have to be sure of victory and be able to maintain everything that happens next. It is impossible to do anything by yourself, so they just give a direction. That will only add endless troubles. If they hadn't pointed a direction for him here, he wouldn't have fallen into the current siege.

As a few people divided into two groups here, he suddenly realized that there was a trouble that he could get rid of now. Others can be dangerous.

So someone needs to be out here. There will be many such things happening. I can't ensure that everyone survives here.

So I have to solve all this before they take action, even though everyone I know the direction of all this, but I am also a little hesitant.

After all, in the area below, there is only Gu Shaoyang, Xun Feng Xiao desk lamp, and the man in black is a survivor. If I want to attack rashly, it is very likely to cause some Trouble.

Especially Xun Fang had to make sure to prevent him from making some actions here. That kid was not a light-hearted person. If he got caught, there would be no room for turning around, so he kept identifying the surroundings. Looking at these situations, hoping to solve all the problems.

However, the terrain here is still in a crisis. From both sides, it is not clear what will be done at this time.

But as long as there is some way now, it will be It is handled through several routes, which is very likely to cause some interference to myself, so in order to ensure all this.

I have also taken great pains, hoping to solve these problems that need to be speculated here, but in fact, this choice is very quick at present. It's already in front of me.

If it is exactly what I thought, then why is no one willing to take the initiative here?

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