After the little princess took Ouyang Zhengxiong ashore, she first left Ouyang Zhengxiong aside, and then circulated the zhenqi in her body to dry her body, which was Lulu, and even the clothes on her body became very dry. Then the little princess sneered at Ouyang Zhengxiong and said to Ouyang Zhengxiong:"How about it? This feeling of being imprisoned is very familiar. It's time for you to taste it again. Are you thinking now? Let me guess what you are thinking. Do you regret letting me be free now? Do you think this princess will be afraid of your three-legged cat skills?"

As the little princess said to Ouyang Zhengxiong, This also made the little princess gradually recall everything in the past few days. The little princess became more and more angry, and the anger accumulated in her heart little by little. She finally couldn't help it anymore, and the little princess screamed While standing, he punched and kicked Ouyang Zhengxiong.

Because Ouyang Zhengxiong's acupoints were tapped by the little princess, he can no longer even block him, let alone fight head-on with the little princess. Now he can use three words to describe Ouyang Zhengxiong, that is, he is a living target, a soft and flexible person. The elastic living target comes to the little princess and discovers the anger in her heart.

The little princess said to Ouyang Zhengxiong,"You scumbag, how dare you treat me like this? I will beat you to death, kick you to death, and I will pull your hair."......"

Now the little princess has completely lost her image as a princess of Chu. She is more like a shrew, and a very violent shrew.

Since Ouyang Zhengxiong's mute point was not sealed by the little princess, all Ouyang Zhengxiong could do was let out bursts of screams. Not long after, Ouyang Zhengxiong's head became extremely swollen. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought it was a pig's head growing on his neck.

"Stop, stop, stop, you little devil, I have been very good to you these days, don’t you know, it can be said that I am extremely kind and righteous, what is going on with you now, you.......Ouch......oops......."

The little princess's anger was almost gone when she didn't hear what Ouyang Zhengxiong said, but after Ouyang Zhengxiong said these words, the little princess became more and more angry. She has been bullied by Ouyang Zhengxiong these days. Everything came to her mind, and the little princess's eyebrows suddenly stood up. Now she didn't look like a fairy at all, she just looked like a ferocious, out-and-out little devil.

The little princess angrily said to Ouyang Zhengxiong:"How dare you mention what happened these days?.......You damn bastard, you are really pissing me off. I am also a royal princess of the Chu Kingdom. You dare to be so unreasonable to me. I will kill you today. I really can’t bear it. I’m so angry. I'm so angry!"

The little princess thought of the guy in front of her, who trampled on her identity as a princess, didn't take herself seriously at all, and reduced her superior princess image to nothing. The little princess was furious all of a sudden. She walked not far away, He picked up the long sword stuck on the ground and walked towards Ouyang Zhengxiong with a murderous look on his face.

Ouyang Zhengxiong's face turned pale all of a sudden. Just after her memory fragments appeared in his mind, he immediately I made a vow to live a good life for everyone, but I didn’t expect that in a blink of an eye I would be shaking hands with the God of Death. Things in this world are really unpredictable. It’s just like the face of God, it can change at any time.

The little princess suddenly smiled. In the eyes of others, this may be a charming smile, but Ouyang Zhengxiong has already seen the little princess thoroughly. This is the little princess's standard smile, a devilish smile. The appearance of Ouyang Zhengxiong meant that Ouyang Zhengxiong was going to be in bad luck.

The little princess wanted to kill Ouyang Zhengxiong directly, but after seeing Hou Yi's bow behind Ouyang Zhengxiong, the little princess still remembered the scene with him in the woods. In the scene where the three princes were fighting, had it not been for Ouyang Zhengxiong's three arrows at the critical moment, the little princess would have been talking to the Lord of Hell by now. It was because of Ouyang Zhengxiong's three arrows that turned the world around that they succeeded. After beating away the third prince, she became the final winner.

The little princess felt that the person in front of her would never be as ordinary as his appearance, because the artifact had the property of recognizing its owner, that is, after the great artifact recognized a person, that person would use It will be very easy to pull up the bowstring, and it will not be as difficult as ordinary people to pull up the bowstring. However, the recognition of the owner of the artifact is not casual. Since ancient times, the people who have been recognized by the artifact are those who have made great achievements. Their It is so powerful that it can even shoot down gods from the sky. The artifact recognized Ouyang Zhengxiong, so the little princess felt that Ouyang Zhengxiong might be like those people before him.

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