The little princess glanced at Ouyang Zhenxiong, and then continued to Ouyang Zhenxiong:"If you take refuge with the third prince, your ending will be nothing more than death. If all my secrets are known to the third prince, what will happen to you?" After he drives out a group of us, he will definitely silence you. If not, do you still dare to make a desperate deal with me? Do I still not know about this little trick in your mind?"

"Forehead.......Ah this.......In this case, you really can't kill me. Think about it, the men who can help you now are seriously injured. If you don't have such a capable assistant like me, you won't be able to fight back when the time comes. After all, I still have some strength. If the fight comes, I can help you."

After the little princess thought for a while, she felt that what Ouyang Zhengxiong said was not completely unreasonable, so she looked at Ouyang Zhenxiong and laughed, and then said calmly to Ouyang Zhengxiong:"Yes, since you have mentioned this For your sake, how can I not let you go? Take this and put this on your back."

After the little princess put the box containing Hou Yi's divine bow into Ouyang Zhenxiong's hands, Ouyang Zhenxiong shouted loudly:"Little princess, what are you doing? You should kill me.""

Ouyang Zhenxiong already knew what the little princess was planning in her heart. The little princess wanted to hand Hou Yi's Divine Bow into Ouyang Zhenxiong's hands, because this could divert the attention of the third prince and his group, and then all their The attack power will all be on Ouyang Zhenxiong, and the little princess can take the opportunity to escape.

"This is what you begged me for, so don't blame me for being cruel, I'll kill you with one shot!"After the little princess finished speaking, she pulled out her sword from her waist.

"don't want.......Come on, why don't I just do what you say?"

Although the night seemed so peaceful, the forest was full of murderous intent. The light and shadow of swords reflected each other in the third prince's tent. They were discussing how to deal with the little princess.

Lin Chong, the third prince's subordinate, said:"I think That old immortal Zhuge Chengfeng must not be nearby. We must have been fooled by this little princess during the day. Your Highness, I think it is better to take action now. If that old immortal Zhuge Chenfeng really comes over by then, , that would really become very troublesome. The third prince held his neck with his hands and fell into deep thought. After thinking, he said

:"Don't be so hasty to take action. Anyway, they have no fighting ability at all now, and we have completely surrounded them. Their every move is under our surveillance. When they relax their vigilance, we will seize the opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop. Yang Chong immediately said:"

Don't do so many tricks. Why does His Highness the Prince value them so much? They are all seriously injured. No matter how powerful that little devil is, he can still be stronger than our His Highness the Prince."! The third prince spoke calmly and said to this subordinate:"I tell you, don't always be so impulsive when doing things. You are so reckless every time you do things. How can I trust you to stand alone in the future?" , what you said is not unreasonable. They were indeed very seriously injured, but even though they were about to die, what you don’t know is that people will struggle desperately when they are dying. The power coming out is not small. What we have to do now is to spend a night to disintegrate their fighting power and reduce their will to fight. Why don't we make good use of this night? You are also someone who has read the Art of War. The way to defeat the enemy is to do everything possible to design favorable conditions for yourself. It seems that the book you have read is not refined enough!"

Yang Chong's head was already sweating a lot. He felt that the third prince's analysis was very reasonable. His Highness's words made Yang Chong admire him very much. He could feel an exposed emotion in the prince's body. Domineering, a sense of oppression emanates from the body

"Yes, your thinking is indeed wrong. Your Highness should think more comprehensively. I still have a lot to learn. I hope Your Highness can teach you more."

The third prince put his hand on his back, walked back and forth in the tent for a few steps, and then said:"If we start taking action then, you can directly take Houyi's Divine Bow back to Banyue Kingdom, regardless of the journey. Whatever happens in the movie, you can't delay at all. Do you understand?"

"What, am I going alone? Your Highness, won't you go with me?

The third prince smiled, and then said to Lin Chong:"Your Highness, how can this be done? I can't leave yet. The mythical beast Qilin is still on the Luofeng Mountains. I also want to see the legendary Qilin beast." , it is said that this unicorn......."

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