The expression on Lin Er's face looked particularly arrogant. Even if he couldn't complete the task, there was absolutely no way he would let Gu Shaoyang complete the task directly.

Looking at the evil smile flashing across the other person's face, Gu Shaoyang finally understood. No wonder the fire phoenix bird suddenly woke up. It seemed that the man had done something inexplicably, right?

Other teammates nearby were also fighting against the Fire Phoenix Bird in front of them, but because they were not familiar with the environment here at all, they felt that their physical strength was almost exhausted.

"Everyone, please hold on. There is already a cliff behind us. If we don't hold on quickly, we will all end up in this magma."

The voice of a teammate came from beside me, and the others who heard this voice felt particularly panicked. Seeing that the fire phoenix bird in front of them was about to attack them, at the critical moment. , at the same time, Gu Shaoyang in front of him threw the egg directly to Lin Er.

Since it happened so suddenly, Lin Er subconsciously reached out and took the fire phoenix bird's egg. When he came back to his senses, When they came, the fire phoenix bird had already rushed towards them.

Lin Er and the people in his team were really panicked when they came. They were just thinking about it. I just came here to join in the fun, but I didn’t expect that nowIt became the key target of this fire phoenix bird.

"Damn it, hurry up and throw away the egg of the fire phoenix in your hand. If you don't throw it away quickly, I guess we will all be thrown into the lava by these fire phoenix birds.."

At this moment, the teammates around them all looked very flustered. When seeing this group of people looking flustered, Gu Shaoyang cheerfully reminded him carefully:

"I advise you to better protect the egg in your hand. If you really throw the egg away, the fire phoenix will think that you are the enemy who killed his child. , I will stay with you for the rest of my life."

Gu Shaoyang just said it casually. He didn't know whether the Fire Phoenix Bird would hold grudges, but the group of people in front of him really took what Gu Shaoyang said into their hearts. Now they are holding their hands None of the Fire Phoenix eggs inside knew what to do next.

If the Fire Phoenix eggs were really thrown out, then the Fire Phoenix eggs would probably It is very likely that they will regard them as enemies, and maybe they will never let them go in this life.

Anyway, their mission here this time is to bring back the egg of the fire phoenix bird. Thinking of this, Lin Er finally made up his mind.

While the group of people in front of him kept fighting with the fire phoenix bird, Gu Shaoyang once again led his team members to sneak into the fire phoenix bird's nest. It was still quiet inside. There were two or three eggs on the ground.

She put one of the eggs into her backpack, and then Gu Shaoyang took her team members and sneaked away again. Before leaving, she looked at the people over there with some pride. Lin Er fighting with the fire phoenix:

"You must protect the egg in your hand well. If you cannot protect the egg well, I guess you will not be able to complete the task at all."

After saying this, Gu Shaoyang slipped away directly. At this moment, they were all very excited, especially when they thought about Lin Er being forced to fight the fire phoenix bird just now, they couldn't help but He kept laughing there:

"Fortunately, we were a little smarter this time. If we were really deceived by that person, we probably wouldn't be able to get out of that damn place this time."

In fact, everyone feels a little lucky in their hearts, because they know that the Fire Phoenix Bird is very powerful, and the current environment is even more unfavorable for them.

If they are not careful, say no The Fire Phoenix Bird will most likely push them into the magma. If they really get into the magma, it's really impossible for even their bones to be left.

At this moment, Gu Shaoyang is leading the way with a smile on his face. , their team was the first team to complete the mission. No one had ever been optimistic about them before, but they did not expect that this time they would be the first to complete the mission.

When they happily took the fire phoenix When the bird's eggs came to the teachers, the teachers couldn't help but praise them:

"Your group can be said to have the fastest time, and you are also very special!"

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